The Bible In A Year 63

Open Your Bible

Exodus 39-40, Matthew 19

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79 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 63"

  1. Kari says:

    I feel like they talk about the details of the tabernacle more than once, and God is not one to waste His breath, so it must be very significant. Is there a deeper meaning we are to infer from the details of each piece of the tabernacle?

  2. Katie says:

    If you are looking for deeper insights on the tabernacle, Jen Wilkin has a free podcast online. Just google Jen Wilkin exodus podcast. It’s definitely helped me understand the deeper symbolism and meaning behind the various things used in the tabernacle.

    1. Kaylin says:

      Thank you

  3. Sarah says:


  4. Sarah says:

    Lord please continue to mend my marriage. Adulterous is a real thing and though I forgive my husband, there is a ways to go in relationship health.

    1. Ann says:

      Praying for you and your marriage right now Sarah!

    2. Wendy Lynn says:

      Praying for you, Sarah.

  5. Sophie Clendenin says:

    This is so true! I’ve seen it in my own life. People who have everything, money to be specific, have such a hard time giving to others where people with little will give it all away.

  6. Rhonda says:

    29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

    God calls us to be radical for him. Even to the point of leaving family to help for his sake?

    1. Justine says:

      God wants us to stand strong in our faith, even if you were born into a non Christian family. If your family is against your faith, and you stand firm, God will be proud of you. Sometimes it means turning from your family, in some severe cases, but our relationship with God is more important. I think that’s what Jesus meant – because it shows where we place Him in our priorities.

    2. Ashley Renee says:

      Yes, I think that is exactly what he is saying. That’s the cost of missions. If we really took the Gospel to the unreached places in the world, we would be able to finally complete the great commission, and Jesus would return. He said, “Go into all the world.” We all have a role to play into that. Some of us will go to other countries and some of us will radically give financially so that others may go. But we all must participate with our whole selves!

  7. Cecylia says:

    30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

    This verse gives me such hope. Not for myself really but for others who have remained steadfast & unwavering in their faith despite many hardships. The real reward is coming!

  8. Avion Jenkins says:

    Being a teen, it’s hard to just leave the materialistic things behind sometimes. But other times, I realize that I don’t need those things to make me happy and when I come across moments like this, I’m happy and filled with joy! I may not get what I “want” now, but God will bless me with something even better later on.

    1. Gwen Houck says:

      Good for you, Avion! Still trying to learn this lesson but it’s a good one