The Bible In A Year 61

Open Your Bible

Exodus 34-35, Matthew 17

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129 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 61"

  1. Hanna says:

    20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
    This is one of my favorite verses from Matthew! We are all on this journey to find or better our relationship with God and it is important to remember that even on the days where our faith may be feeling low, God is with us and with Him, anything is possible. Keep reading and supporting each other ladies!

  2. nora saxman says:

    i LOVED matthew 17:17 “rise, and have no fear”

  3. Madison Balint says:

    I’m trying to have faith the size of a mustard seed. I want my face to shine like Moses’s. I want that kind of relationship with god. Please pray for me to help me get there..

  4. Amber says:

    Loved the reading today of the light! God is always a light for us!

  5. Rachel says:

    Earlier posts from past years mentioned the sabbath, Saturday vs Sunday, etc. I agree with the points they made about how this isn’t really talked about much now. I think society has almost started looking down on those who rest and/or take vacations, etc. it’s all about working more and more, all the time, building ourselves up. But the bible stresses multiple times the importance of a day of rest. God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh. I think it’s important to keep that, though I admit I often don’t. As far as what day the sabbath is recognized on, I wonder if it matters, as long as there are six days of work and one day of rest? Any other thoughts or insights on this?

    1. Elle says:

      Hi Rachel, isn’t it wonderful that our Creator calls us to rest? He knows our human abilities and knows how we need to step away from every day stressors and distractions and focus on him and rest in his promises. Then we are ready to face those other six days because we are centered back on Christ. It’s really a beautiful plan he made for us! After reading through the Bible and finding no reference to Jesus changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, I decided that the day does matter to me. So I am a Sabbath keeper. I believe with the New Covenant, the Old Law of Moses was fulfilled, but not obliterated because they are obviously good guidelines for Christians to live by and Jesus held them in high esteem during his time on earth. I think the Sabbath rest offered to us (and modeled by God during Creation) is a blessing. We can either take the blessing by setting aside time from normal life and resting in Him (I think this looks differently for everyone) or we can decide not to take a day of rest and miss out on the Sabbath blessing. For me, I notice that the Saturdays where I am distracted or overly busy and don’t rest and turn to God, I am weary and weak for the rest of the week. However, the Sabbaths that I spend with Him and my family reconnect me and refresh me. I pray that you do some seeking for yourself in the Bible to determine what Sabbath rest could look like in your life.

    2. Heidi says:

      Priscilla Shirer has a fantastic small study on Sabbath rest called “Breathe” Totally worth the read!

  6. Justine says:

    Oh how I want my face to shine like Moses’!!

  7. Kylie Holt says:

    Praying for my marriage as I feel alone right now in my walk.

    1. Heather W says:

      Then I am praying for you Kylie! You are NOT alone!

    2. Heather W says:

      I just reread – are you feeling alone as the only believer in your marriage? I will pray for you and your spouse both!

    3. Laura Jane says:

      Keeping you in my prayers Kylie- keep being a good witness!!

  8. Clara says:

    6 The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness…”