The Bible In A Year 56

Open Your Bible

Exodus 25-26, Matthew 13:31-58

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122 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 56"

  1. Bev Brandon says:

    No house had ever existed for God before.
    This tabernacle, a token of the Presence of God.
    Right smack dab next to their tents in the middle of a wilderness. No more will they need to ask if God is with them? And the tabernacle will move with the tents.

  2. Elisha says:

    although I loved reading the details of the tabernacle, the verse that caught my attention today is in the Matthew reading verse 52: He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” I think of the value of both the Old Testament and the New. And now – we can’t continue to teach the same old ways, but we can’t abandon the old ways, either. There is talk at the church where I work about updating the Sunday school space and program. The nay-sayers say, “it was good enough for me, it should be good enough for these kids.” I hope they can find a compromise.

  3. Nikki says:

    41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil… 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

    Oh sisters, this gives my heart such peace and relief. We get to live in the Kingdom of our Father forever, where there will be no sin or causes of evil or anything bad. He is a great gardener and will weed it all out–and we get to shine in the sun with Jesus. Such good news for a very weary world-we see so much evil around and yet we can take heart that He will make all things good and pure and beautiful.

  4. Sara Coppola says:

    Looking at my baby girl, seeing all the tiny little veins, feeling the tiny bones in her spine, and thinking back to just a year ago when she was the size of a poppy seed in my belly…I often think about this and am amazed and thankful for God’s wonders. Reading this passage in Exodus today, I thought, wow God really put some serious detail into this. The words that I’m just skimming over because I can’t actually picture such an amazing creation, well God laid out each of those details for a reason. And it’s the same with us. Every tiny little thing in the creation of the human body has a purpose. And how much more detailed and intricate are we than the ark and tabernacle? How He loves us! Every single day is just more reassurance of how important we are to Him!

    1. Hesaved83 says:

      Sara, your post reminds me of Psalms 139.

    2. Ali says:

      Thank you for saying this! I read your comment as I am nursing my 3 month old son so it really struck a chord with me. I must confess I found the exodus passage to be boring and wondered what it’s purpose was. Thank you for showing me a better way to look at it!!

    3. Beth says:

      This was a wonderful connection!

  5. Cecalee says:

    I am so engrossed in today’s reading! I loved the details of the tabernacle and the book of Matthew in general continues to convict me and blow me away. I pray that the Lord will use me with what I have learned today to be graceful and loving and seek refuge in Him!

  6. Coop says:

    Yay I’ve finally caught up!! I’m so glad this passage is today. How great is it that God put so much detail in the tabernacle. How much greater that he put so much detail into us. Adonai you are so great! You have every detail planned in our lives beyond our wildest dreams.

  7. Antimony says:

    God had them build something beautiful. Not just a candlestick. But a gold candlestick. Not plain. But shaped like almond blossoms. The details were important. And they were beautiful. Designed to be done with quality and skill. Not just quickly thrown together to “get it done”.

    1. Roslyn Wollman says:

      I absolutely love reading your insights every day. :)

    2. Hesaved83 says:

      Antimony, true! Yes almond tree represents life! Almond trees are the only tree to live in the winter so when we’re going through barrenness, drought, weariness, etc…Remember the almond tree (living God) is still there! Amen.

      1. Elisha says:

        I didn’t know that about tha almond tree. thanks!

  8. Leah Swindon says:

    I loved verse: 2 “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.

    May our hearts continue to be prompted to give. So many time we think of the OT as rules about how to live, how much to give, etc. this is a sweet remind that God has always wanted us to give from our hearts.

    1. Moni says:

      Lead, the heart part stood out for me as well! Everything boils down to the heart. The chapter starts with it, then all other detail…

      1. Moni says:

        Sorry Leah, should have double checked my writing….I am sure you would prefer to go by your real name, rather than “Lead”… :)