The Bible In A Year 52

Open Your Bible

Exodus 19-20, Matthew 11

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64 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 52"

  1. Emerson says:

    Sorry. All who haven’t watched it. My sister was just talking to me about a book. Boy am I tired.

  2. Emerson says:

    I just finished watching the movie war room. I recommend it to all that haven’t read it. It is an amazing faith story. read it

  3. JJ Smith says:

    What stood out to me was when I read the 10 commandments I was reminded of how there are people who argue that there wasn’t writing at the time of the Old Testament so none of this could have been written down, but we know that Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s house so he would have learned how to write and he did write because we have the first five books of the Bible, which he penned. It’s another example of how something that seems like a bad idea, having to give your son up to be raised by Pharoah, changes, and the benefits of that experience are used to God’s glory.

    1. Try'ell Gray says:

      Yes!! That was good and the 10 commandments stood out to me too!

    2. Emily says:

      Wow! I’ve never thought of it that way! God can use anything for His glory!

  4. Emerson says:

    Thank you for that Jessee. That was touching.

  5. Jessee says:

    Thank you ladies for your perspectives on these passages. I love seeing what God puts on different peoples hearts and their ability to share that is one of the best parts of this study. I feel so blessed to have a glorious Lord who loves us and wants to be close to us!

  6. Christina D. says:

    Rest for our souls. And in Psalm 23 he “restores” or “refreshes” my soul. This is so completely lovely to me. This isn’t taking a break to zone out or just relax. This is true soul restoration. I want this every day. I NEED this every day. Lord, thank you for the promise that your burden is easy and we can find rest and refreshment for our souls. Even amidst the storms and troubles of this life. You are so good.

    1. Courtney says:


    2. Camille says:

      Amen! Thank you for this.

  7. amycook1939 says:

    Finding rest in Him is one of our greatest gifts.

  8. Allie says:

    20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

    I think this verse still applies to us today. Do not be afraid of what God’s doing. Or why He’s doing it. ❤️

    1. Nikperrr says:

      Yes and amen! Love this. And how amazing that it’s all because God loves us that He gives these commandments. The end goal of all his ways is always for our GOOD. It’s amazing to read through the OT with this in mind–we do not need to fear because His paths are love and faithfulness.