The Bible In A Year 51

Open Your Bible

Exodus 16-18, Matthew 10

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133 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 51"

  1. Hannah J says:

    I go to a Christian school and that type of pressure isn’t presented to me. But I’ve heard of Christian students standing up for God and you’re one of them. Keep on going. I pray that it doesn’t get hard for you at school and that you stay strong.

  2. Blu Jones says:

    Yesterday at school some of my peers were talking about drinking and drugs and things of that sort. And they all turned to me and said what about you. Knowing my past I was honest and said that I used to do those things but I feel a greater need in being a good kid. And one boy asked me why and so I replied because of God. Around my peers my vision is often blurred in following Christ. But I’m trying really hard because my heart for the love of God is great.

    1. Marlaena says:

      Can’t say I have gone through the same thing but way to go for standing up for your faith! Keep it up! Your reward will be great in Heaven!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Jamie – We all fall short. Don’t be embarrassed, just ask for forgiveness and move forward. We are covered in Grace.

  4. Caroline says:

    I find it interesting that if disciples were persecuted or not received in one town then they were to move on to the next. Should we do this today too? Especially with persecution in America becoming more and more abundant.

    1. Jamie Snyder says:

      I think in a sense yes we aren’t supposed to force people to believe in Christ. I also don’t think flee here means run away from adversity. I think he’s telling them to leave when the Truth isn’t welcome. And I think they were in a bit of a time crunch he needed the news to spread far and wide before His death. In today’s world I think we are to go about with this sense of urgency and not stall over barren ground but make haste to fertile ground to hungry people.

    2. Jamie Snyder says:

      This passage in Matthew is just a solid reminder that I truly haven’t taken my cross and followed Chris. I was saved at a young age and I got off somewhere. I have been hoping that by really studying I might feed and hunger for what God calls me to do. And so far I have devoured the Genesis study and this guide but I know I’m not finished and I have a long road ahead of me. I just hope and pray that I can be changed and become fearless and willing. I’m just so not there at this very moment and it embarrasses me and devastates me. After everything I’m still complacent “prone to wander”.

      1. Jennifer says:

        Jamie – We all fall short. Don’t be embarrassed, just ask for forgiveness and move forward. We are covered in Grace.

  5. Bev Brandon says:

    Moni, the “rest” touched something in me too. “Why do you put the Lord to the test?” Ex 17:2. Even looking for bread when you should be resting. This is about finding our Rest n God. And the generation of Israelites isn’t finding it in the wilderness. Too enchanted with what they think they must have. Oh God! Give us a deeper Rest than we know today.

    1. Moni says:

      Amen Bev! Great point! And “resting in God” is definitely key… I will be adding this to my faith vocabulary, that is reminding myself daily to ~continually~ rest in God!!

  6. Moni says:

    There are so many points to ponder on, but not to lose sight of one interesting point, I want to focus on the “day of rest”. Why is this so important to God that with everything happening, He actually takes His time to bring this up?

    I grew up in a family that did try to “rest” on Sunday’s. My mom never did laundry on this day, my dad never cut the grass (or send one of their six kids to do it either). We ate as a family, rested mid-day, and went to church in the morning & at night. The morning & church at night were a bit overkill but the memories of the things my parents “did not do” on that day have been ingrained in me.

    As I got older, married, and have had to work on Sunday’s, I have had many struggles feeling so guilty working on that day. Until I read the verse “let no one judge you, not even according to the Sabbath”… But, as I pondered more, I came to the conclusion that God set a day of rest for us, because it is good for me to do it! Whatever day I choose as the 7th day of rest, is my choice, but if I rest one day a week from my standard week chores, well, I can get refreshed, I can concentrate on God, and start another week better…

    I have realized that what God has asked us to pay attention to, are not to be a burden, but rather protection… I think this can be applied to many areas He asks us to pay attention to. I loved the reminder in this passage, that is to pay attention to these little details. They must matter if God takes His time mentioning it…

  7. Beverly says:

    In reading Exodus 14:14 in full context, I saw more clearly God’s plan. Not only are the people told by Moses not to be afraid that their God would fight for them if they’d just be still. BUT God asks them why they are crying out, just move (!) He tells them.
    Because not only are we to wait on God, but we are to keep moving forward trusting that He’s got it! All of it is in His control. Grateful to have a mighty God who fights for me but also encourages me to keep going, moving forward.

  8. Antimony says:

    Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows”.He cares. So many people! But not one is too little for His notice. For His care. He cares.