The Bible In A Year 44

Open Your Bible

Exodus 1-3, Matthew 5:27-48

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97 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 44"

  1. Heather W says:

    44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.

    So that you may be sons ….. We need to love and pray for those who persecute us because that’s what God does with mankind…. So we can be like our Father. It’s not just a command that’s a good idea. It’s to imitate God!

  2. SusieAmb says:

    I’m just notice how Moses’s story beginning parallels with Joseph.

    Joseph came into the Egyptian palace as second in command to the pharaoh
    Moses came into the Egyptian palace as son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

    With Moses, God is beginning a second rescue of the Israelites in Egypt; first he used Joseph to rescue them from famine, and now he is going to use Moses to rescue them from slavery.

  3. Rachel says:

    So much wisdom in the Bible I love it!!!! I pray that God will help me to applie His wisdom to my life

  4. Krystle says:

    This verse really stuck out to me, I love it! 25 God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.

    1. KK says:

      Me too!! “And God knew” implies so much. That He allowed them to be prosperous under Joseph, to endure suffering during the time of Moses, and to experience future shalom through Christ! So neat.

  5. Lauren Bourgeois says:

    I’m so thankful for these passages, and all the thought// revelation they prompt!
    What stuck out to me the most today was in Matthew, where Jesus talks about plucking your own eye out if it causes you to sin, or to cut off your hand if it’s leading you astray. It puts the body in such a humble perspective…so often we get caught up in our physical realm. What we should eat, how often we exercise, sickness, beauty, blemish, what have you…and I just love how He puts the body in it’s place. It’s not of our first priority.
    May our Spirit always be strong regardless of our physical state (like Job). And may we honor Him by honoring our bodies and treating them well to praise His name!!

  6. Marlaena says:

    As I am training to be a midwife, it speaks strongly to be that the midwives feared God. I am in a small class but I know many of the student midwives are pro choice and this saddens me. I pray that I can take a stand like the midwives in today’s passage and do well in God’s eyes.

    Also, so cool that wet nurses were found back in Moses’ time! Breastfeeding is such an intimate thing and how blessed was Moses mom for still being able to breastfeed him.

  7. Girls that are unwanted today are tossed aside, killed, neglected, used, abused. It’s no different here. Pharaoh makes the ignorant mistake of assuming the Hebrew woman could do his empire no harm, and so he ignores them, saying “let them live.” Surely he thought, “what ever could these little girls do to me?” And so his only focus was to tragically eliminate the boys.
    But in this same passage you see women overthrowing his rule, the midwives doing their work diligently as to God, and in the next passage, Miriam bravely approaching the princess about the care of her brother Moses, making her a vital link in the success of God’s good plan for Israel’s release. Indeed God uses Pharaoh’s own daughter the raise the boy that would one day bring him to ruin. Mighty woman. God has never ignored them or failed to include them in his plans. He knows our worth. He doesn’t discredit us but equips us. How kind he is!

    1. Kylee says:

      I LOVE THIS!! Women have ALWAYS been used in God’s plan — makes me want to zero in and recognize how we’re being used today.

  8. Jamie says:

    I love the boldness of the women in Exodus 1&2! What an inspiration! First the midwives refusing orders from Pharaoh, then Moses’ sister’s bravery, and Pharaoh’s own daughter’s compassion. These will always be two of my favorite chapters :-)