The Bible In A Year 30

Open Your Bible

Job 14-16, James 5

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123 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 30"

  1. Leigh Mackenzie says:

    I’m reading Job by singing it to the tune of Hamilton songs in my head.

  2. ed sheeran concert says:

    The Star Trek score is great also, Kirk’s theme is cool, the title theme is beautiful, although I missed the fanfare.

  3. Tolu says:

    In Job 16: 11-14, Job describes with gut-wrenching imagery how he feels attacked by God (“He seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces”). He doesn’t hold any of his feelings back. However, there’s an awesome parallel in James 5:7-11 where we’re told to be patient and steadfast like Job, and where we’re reminded of how purposeful, compassionate, and merciful God is. Even when things really suck, He is good.

  4. Kristen says:

    Job 16: 20 “My intercessor is my friend
    as my eyes pour out tears to God;
    21 on behalf of a man he pleads with God
    as one pleads for a friend.” This is Jesus!

  5. KMill says:

    In the midst of emotions and circumstances that may lead to decay within the soul…Lord help me be encouraged by the honest words of a man who lost what the world knows as everything. Material possessions, relationships, and health. It all seemed a mess. Job longs for something greater. Renewal, refreshment, cleansing, and relationship. The image of the trees and the water running over rocks gives me hope that however I see myself or my situation, there is always something greater. Christ Himself, who puts things in bags and revives things to life again. These words from the Bible are my seeds of hope today.

    1. Laura says:

      There is ALWAYS Hope! He made dry bones live and showed Ezekiel…He is not slow but He sees the bigger picture and just like He waited to give Saul the Damascus road meeting until after all those precious believers had been persecuted, because He saw good purpose in His timing, we can trust that He is able, His perfect timing, His perfect and purposeful plan, and His power of Resurrection!

  6. jamie says:

    Wow wow wow!!!! Thank you, Lord!!!!!!!!

  7. Heather W says:

    First time ever seeing the connection between Job and James. The Word is SO ALIVE ladies!!!!

    1. Blakers says:

      YES! Praise God!!!

      1. Amy says:

        Same! So many good things to take in!

    2. Z says:

      I noticed how they were kind of answering each other as we went along with the reading, but as soon as he mentions Job,
      I was
      Like, “Yes! That makes so much sense now!!!”

  8. Laura says:

    11 As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

    19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
    Praying so hard that He would help me to persevere, and that He would help me love Him enough to be bold in speaking the truth in love, that I would value righteousness and hate sin as He does so that turning a sinner from the error of their way would be more important to me than someone being happy with me, or keeping the peace!