Day 288

The Bible In A Year 288

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Jeremiah 3-5, Romans 15:14-33

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23 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 288"

  1. Joanne says:

    Just as the prophets often needed deliverance from enemies and Paul asked for prayer that he would be delivered so too many of our brothers and sisters around the world need deliverance. I am ashamed to say I often do not pray as if I were right there with them. I too have idols to serve such as work quotas and the esteem of colleagues. I need to destroy these oppressive false gods and obey the only true God

  2. SarahMay says:

    4:1-2 challenged me today. In my returning to God, when I realize I’ve sinned or fallen away in some regard, I (myself) have to remove the idols. He doesn’t. It has to be decisive, unwavering commitment to the Lord, in truth, justice, and righteousness. It cannot be from false pretenses or with alternative motives. It is strictly to make Yahweh the Lord of my life, to say that there is no other.

    The picture of physically removing idols is not obvious in our culture, but nonetheless we have things (activities, relationships, alliances, obligations, addictions) that we put before Him, and sometimes we need to do something physical to make a change reminding us who we really say is Lord of our lives. It will look different for each of us! Thinking about this today as the Lord showed me something I’ve been putting too much energy & worry into. It’s mostly in my mind—how do I remove that idol then? Praying for you all today!

    1. AnnieB says:


  3. Chelsea says:

    I’m convicted by Jeremiah to have no other gods. I too often run to food instead of praying. Oh Lord, circumcise my heart and may i be set apart for you! In relationship with God, not “religion”.

    1. Melinda says:

      Amen! Thank you for this. I struggle on the same thing.. running to food for comfort and my heart needs to be aware that it’s comfort and stronghold is Jesus and no other! Thank you sister!

  4. Terri says:

    Jer 3:14. Anyone know why God says He will “take one from a city and two of a family and bring you to Zion”. Instead of all of them?

    1. Suzanne says:

      I think it’s referring to the fact that when the Israelites end up in captivity, only a remnant return, both to God and to Israel.

  5. Justine Fern says:

    I have LOVED reading Romans with you ladies. I’ve never given it my full attention (I’m sure I missed stuff even this time around!). and now tomorrow is our last chapter in Romans and I’m not ready for it to end! I’ll have to revisit after we finish the Bible at the first of the year :)

  6. Katrina says:

    It is our duty to spread the word of God – amen!

  7. Leah S says:

    Rom 15:29 I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.
    May I reach out to people in my life with this as my foundation, my core. If Christ is with us and in us, if we “put on Christ, “(Rom 14:13) then we can pray that the full blessing of Christ is apparent in our actions. Happy Thursday Friends!

  8. Brittany B says:

    God’s power is so unmeasurable, so glad to know the one true King!! I am forever grateful for His endless love!

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