The Bible In A Year 249

Open Your Bible

Psalm 106

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51 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 249"

  1. Danielle says:

    God. Is. Faithful.

  2. Alysa says:

    They forgot God, but God never forgot them.

    1. Tricia Tembreull says:


  3. Jackie vdS says:

    This reading had perfect timing

  4. Leah says:

    Verse 47 “Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to Your Holy Name and glory in Your praise.” Lord, gather us to You and save us from being overcome by the things of this world. Praise be to Him!

  5. Alyssa says:

    I don’t comment here much, but I would love to thank SRT for this app. I have been raised in the Christian church but was always just in attendance, going through the motions. This Bible journey has taken me so much deeper into these things and for that I am grateful. I am very OCD and get very caught up and confused in the readings, details, timelines, etc and find myself researching for a long time after each reading, and each topic leads me down a rabbit hole reading more and more, exploring meaning, reading about prophecies and how they are being fulfilled daily. I am weak in my ability to believe in things, as I am a very skeptical person, and have a hard time thinking about the unknown, but I am doing my best to open my heart and search to be called deeper by my Lord and to have the faith and strength in spirit that you ladies do. I thank God today for this app and for the ability to learn more about my faith, and deepen my connection, to care less about things, the current world, and materialistic callings of our time, and search for the deeper meaning and the faith in what is after this world.

    1. Gabrielle says:

      I’ll be praying for you Alyssa! God will honor that invitation into your heart. :)

      1. Alyssa says:

        Thank your Gabrielle! I appreciate it very much. God bless you

    2. Amelie T says:

      this was very encouraging to me, thank you!

      1. Alyssa says:


    3. Heidi L says:

      Alyssa- I’ve always heard the Christian life is like a marathon, not a 100 yd dash. Keep on keeping on. So glad you are searching the scriptures like the Berean believers in Acts. I believe God reveals more of Himself like the layers of an onion- one layer at a time. With the prophesies in Isaiah there are many fulfillments that it can be confusing but I am so encouraged to read of your hungry heart for truth. God Bless you.

      1. Alyssa says:

        God bless you too Heidi, thank you for your kind words. I love the onion parable. It makes perfect sense :)

      2. Virginia says:

        I love your comment.

  6. Shirl says:

    V13. How easy I forget the works of the Lord And his steadfast love toward me yet I am tossed and turned by my own emotions, circumstances around me, desires of the flesh in this broken world. Lord would you do a work in my heart? Help me be ever more devoted to you in my heart and actions. Amen.

    1. Becky says:

      Shirl, I was going to post almost the same thing this morning. How easy is it to say God has abandoned me when I am struggling or going through a rough time, how easy is it for me to feel I have to fight through on my own…BUT look at the faithfulness of God! Look at all the wonderful things He has done (and continues to do). I know it’s doing my heart a load of good to meditate on that this morning instead of my own shortcomings. Praying that God would take both of our hearts and make them more devoted to Him and focused solely on Him.

    2. Christina D. says:

      Shirl and Becky I am right here with you. This verse leapt off the page to me as a gentle admonishment. Your words affirm my need to pause and remember the Lord’s faithfulness in my life and “…wait for his plan to unfold.” Thank you ladies for your words of wisdom and honesty. Praying with you both.

  7. Katrina P says:

    I always enjoy Psalm Sunday and today was no exception. Today I’m reminded again that no matter the faults we make, as long as we remain focused on His direction and all He has already done for us, we can veer away but always to turn our Faith back to where it matters. Psalm 106:43 Many times he delivered them,
    but they were rebellious in their purposes
    and were brought low through their iniquity.

  8. Meri says:

    Wow. This is exactly what I needed today.