The Bible In A Year 217

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 3-4, Acts 5:1-16

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68 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 217"

  1. Justine Fern says:

    the proverbs are just so FULL! it’s hard for me to take it all in, but I love it’s constant reminder of how good God’s wisdom is. 3:17 says that the path of wisdom is PEACE! how many times have I tried to google something about nutrition, politics, pregnancy, or essential oils and came back from it more confused than before? in my search for worldly wisdom I can often times create chaos, bitterness, or pride in thinking I’m smarter than everyone else, and although it’s nice and good to know about those things, HIS word says that HIS wisdom bring PEACE! I’m convicted today to hold HIS wisdom more dear to my heart than the information of this world.

    1. Christina D. says:

      Friend you are in GOOD COMPANY! Too many times I have fallen down the rabbit hole of looking for earthly wisdom and ended up anxious and convinced I’m doing everything wrong and the world is ending (ha ok maybe not the world ending but you get it). How often, sadly, do I forget that the path of *Godly* wisdom brings peace. Thanks for this reminder Justine!

    2. Hesaved83 says:

      God’s wisdom…yes…Amen and amen!!!

    3. Lexy Lindsey says:

      Oh my! I also do the same!! Thank you for opening my eyes. I research nutrition so much and I notice every time I do, I fail even more than I did before I knew that information.

    4. Lauren Bourgeois says:

      Amen!! So good. I’ve done the same, especially in regards to nutrition/health, and I came up with a little phrase “ask God, not Google” haha it’s catchy and keeps me on track. Google is great, but it’s so important to make sure to seek/rely on God and His understanding first and foremost!

  2. Julia says:

    I’m not quite sure I know what this means. Could someone give me their interpretation? Thanks :) 23 Keep your heart with all vigilance,
    for from it flow the springs of life.

    1. Alexis C. says:

      Hi according to Matthew Henry it means that we should keep our hearts pure and make every effort to allow only goodness to come through and from us.
      We become the “springs of life” if we live in wisdom of His words, take them to heart and then reflect that to others.

      1. Julia says:

        Wow! That makes so much more sense. Definitely a good thing to be doing in our day-to-day lives. Thanks for the help :)

        1. Alexis C. says:

          Thank you for providing the question! :-)

      2. Jessica Shafer says:

        Beautifully said , yes yes yes!!

  3. Nikki says:

    The past two days in proverbs have reminded me how wisdom and knowledge are matters of the HEART- not just our minds. We are to treasure wisdom in our heart and trust the Lord with our whole hearts too–not only our minds in “intellectual assent” as my study bible puts it. And his wisdom is for our good and flourishing. How merciful is He?! ahhhh.

    1. Justine Fern says:

      amazing insight Nikki! thanks for sharing.

  4. Nadine says:

    Proverbs 3:3 has been a favourite verse for years and years. I try to let it rule my interactions and thought processes.

    1. Justine Fern says:

      it’s such a beautiful word picture! I love the idea of writing love and faithfulness on ones heart!

  5. Taylor says:

    Verses 27 and 28 really convicted me. We’re called to give ourselves and not just when it is convenient for us.

  6. Katrina P says:

    Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
    6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths. – this verse reminds me of when I was saved… When I stopped trying to control my life and let God take over

    1. Kelly Hays says:

      Me too Katrina! I just recently re dedicated my life and have to look at this verse often to remind myself that God is in control and it’s not about what my flesh/pride wants anymore!

    2. Alexis C. says:

      So freeing isn’t it! Welcome home.

  7. Bethany says:

    ” Healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones!”
    TurningPoint Church in Lexington, KY is in 21 days of prayers. Give us wisdom God! Help us to not withhold any good for those whom it is due! We seek you! We seek wisdom and insight for your people!

    1. Leah says:

      Praying from here in Louisville for you neighbor!

      1. Bethany says:

        Thank you! Glad to have you close by!

  8. Alexis C. says:

    Proverbs 3—-so much wisdom.

    1. Hesaved83 says:

      Amen! Yes I love Proverbs 3