The Bible In A Year 213

Open Your Bible

Song of Songs 4:1-16, Song of Songs 5:1-16, Acts 3

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117 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 213"

  1. RoseBergamot says:

    Praying for you! Absolutely! I was just hearing a sermon this past weekend where the pastor spoke about how our thought life impacts our feelings and behavior so I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you like no one else can. He loves you and he wants you to know you are loved. You are going to be well. What ever thought patterns led you here just know that they aren’t truth. You are precious and valuable to him.

  2. C says:

    Hello ladies! Love this group. If it’s ok, I need to confess a sin. I have struggled with an eating disorder for a number of years and know that Christ alone can free me. I do not desire to sin any longer but I need His power to transform my life. Please pray for me if you will. Thank you.

    1. Krystle says:

      Praying!! ❤️

    2. Angelica says:


    3. Christina says:

      Praying for you! With His strength, you can beat this!

    4. Absolutely praying for you! Jesus can and will set you free from this stronghold!

    5. Nicole says:

      I will pray for you everyday. I am in the same situation and have been dealing with bulimia since I was a sophomore in high school, I understand your pain. You are in my prayers, C

    6. Lauren says:

      C, I’m a week behind in this devotional, and am just now seeing this. Of course I will be praying! How are you doing this week since you’ve confessed? Have you told anyone close to you that can help you walk through this?

    7. Ramona4 says:

      You’re not alone in that area

    8. Faith says:

      Praying for you! Remember that God says in His word that we must eat in a way that honors Him. Keep that at heart and allow him to guide and heal you. His power is everlasting and WILL heal you in the name of Jesus!!!

    9. Maria says:


  3. Karen says:

    The lame man was immediately healed. Sometimes I forget to see the “immediate” in my life. I see all the other things that are “wrong.” And I forget that God can use me as an instrument of healing! But my favorite part? God meets us and this man where we are. I don’t have to be “perfect” to experience Him or to come to Him.

    And then Song of Solomon! My interpretation changes with my relationships. I understand it a little more every time I read it. When my husband is gone for work, I totally understand the “sick with love” bits.

  4. Sarah says:

    It’s amazing that Song of Solomon came from a man who had 1000 wives. This was confusing to me so I did a little research and it’s seems that in his depiction of marriage he knew what God intended. However he defied what he clearly knew was Gods intent for his married life and chose to have many brides which was his undoing. The many brides turned his heart towards other Gods.

    1. Kylee says:

      Thank you for looking into this, it confused me too! Anyone know why he keeps referencing his bride as his sister? Seems weird & a little creepy!

      1. Nicole says:

        A year late to the party here, but I wonder if he meant as a sister in Christ? We are all brothers and sisters in His name, yes? Just my thoughts on it, I also thought it was a little creepy!

      2. Stephanie says:

        A little late, but I have been told she isn’t an actual sister to him. It is like how in their day they would call a good friend brother or when one of the kings asked another king for help and would refer to himself as the other king’s son.

  5. Hannah Scifres says:

    Praise God for all

  6. Jessi says:

    All glory goes to Jesus! He is powerful within boundaries that deny him!

  7. Daniella says:

    Hello, I am new to this app. Very lovely people here, I see. I am struggling to sleep at 4am and I just wanted to get into the presence of God. His word is living water.

    1. C says:

      Amen. Keep reading, I promise you’ll enjoy it.

  8. Daniella says:

    Hello, I am new to this app. Very lovely people here, I see. I am struggling to sleep at 4am and I just wanted to get into the presence of God. His word is living water.