The Bible In A Year 21

Open Your Bible

Genesis 43-45, John 18

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157 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 21"

  1. Sara Fiscus says:

    Day 21

  2. Sarah Knickerbocker says:

    Ifs incredible that men can go through so much, seemingly unforgivable acts, yet God brings them back together. Joseph brings his family back together to a place they may thrive, because God has brought him understanding to his tribulation and purpose to his life.

  3. Kayla Larue says:

    So I wonder if it happened like this with jesus asking who they were looking for or if it happened how it was stated before with Judas coming up to kiss jesus..

    1. Donna Valenzuela says:

      Mathew 26:49-50 states the kiss as well as Luke 22:48

      1. Chelsey Faker says:

        It’s both. John just leaves that part out. It didn’t happen one way or the other. These are all just their accounts of the story. Just like if 5 friends witnessed something and shared about it, their stories wouldn’t be the exact same. Some details stick out more to others. And others find some details just not important to share.

    2. Kelley Paul says:

      The different writers of the gospels focus on different things. Just because one uses details like the kiss and one doesn’t does not mean that what they share is all that happened. It’s the same as if you and I both observe an event, we will both notice different things and focus on those when we tell others of what we saw. To me it’s just another example of how good God is to give us an account from four different perspectives on some stories so that we can get a more full picture of Him and of Jesus.

  4. Gracie Bonham says:


  5. Katie Steever says:

    I can’t imagine being Joseph and the mixed emotions of seeing his brothers and father again after so many years. He is so gracious to them when the temptation of revenge must have been so strong. He did not go running to his father and say “my brothers sold me into slavery” but instead gave them food and shelter from the famine. It is so easy to play the blame game, to run and shout your side of the story, to hold onto anger and revenge. I pray that I can be more like Joseph and see God’s hand in my life. To trust him and let go of anger and resentment.

  6. Madeline Grace says:


  7. Amy Houlihan says:

    Both these sections of scripture had me wanting more! I accidentally kept reading in Genesis ❤️❤️

    1. Ginnie Wade says:

      Me to

      1. Mea Anthony says:

        Same here !

  8. Brittany says:

    I need to live more like Joseph. Seeing that God intends everything for good, even when others intend evil.