The Bible In A Year 167

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 19-21, Luke 8:1-25

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53 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 167"

  1. Emma Green says:

    Amen Noelle :)

  2. Noelle says:

    The parable of the seed sower is one of my favorites! Such an awesome reminder of why we need to turn to the word daily and seek him so we can be seeds that grow in good soil and not on rocks or amongst the thorns.

    1. AmandaH. says:

      Yes!!!! A great reminder

  3. Caroline says:

    Ditto Christina, I need to look up the history on that but definitely a repeat.

    1. Heidi L says:

      Maybe this will help… Chronicles is POST EXILIC – during the time of Judah’s restoration to the land. The author has a different audience. He is writing for the remnant that has returned to Judah after the 70 year exile. Their land was destitute and barren and they needed to know that they were an important continuation of Gods work in Israel and history (His Story).

  4. Christina D. says:

    I’m feeling a little déjà vu with the Old Testament section. I didn’t realize there were multiple accounts of the same information. Does anyone have any insight on this?

    1. Leah Swindon says:

      Christina..I was thinking the same thing!! I thought I just needed another cup of coffee..!

    2. Jennifer says:

      No but I was really confused!

    3. Shannon Roe says:

      Chronicles is just that- a chronicle or telling of the events. Samuel and Kings tend to flesh out the story a little more, while Chronicles reads a little more like a list of events or timeline. Sometimes you get more or less, but when put together you get a lot more detail. I hope that helps!

      1. Gabrielle says:

        Good to know thank you! I definitely felt the déjà vu also!

    4. AmandaH. says:

      Hi Christina! Before I answer, I just want clarity that you are asking why there are multiple accounts of the same information, correct?

  5. Cecalee says:

    I pray that I am a seed on good soil to soak up all of the gospel that Jesus has to offer! I pray to put his word into action more often than I do today.. Amen!

  6. MarmeeCotton says:

    1Chron 21:30 But David could not go before it to enquire of God: for he was afraid because of the sword of the angel of the LORD.
    David enquired; God inspired!

  7. Amy says:

    I love the story of Jesus calming the storm. In that time, the sea represented evil and chaos as did this storm that came out of nowhere. In calming the storm Jesus showed His complete authority over the earth as well as His power over any evil and chaos! Praying that God increases my faith and helps me remember this story when I think the storm in my life is too strong.

  8. Yana says:

    25 “Where is your faith?” he asked……

    At my weak, questioning moments I can hear my Father asking me this. It is kinda like a “V8” moment! DUH! Why am I not giving the concern to God who will carry it for me and manage it according to His will!