Day 13

The Bible In A Year 13

from the The Bible In A Year reading plan

Genesis 27-28, John 11

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224 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 13"

  1. Eryn Tschupp says:

    Something cool too is that Lazarus was also risen within 3 days being laid in the tomb

  2. Adriana Sciulli says:

    I loved reading about how “human” Jesus was in John 11. He was angry and He wept, even though He already knew that Lazarus was not truly dead. Jesus cares deeply about us and our pain and is always there for us!

    1. Jade Parisi says:

      i made a note about that too! i love reading about how deeply he cares for us as well

  3. Nancy Bisson says:

    15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” – Genesis 28:15

  4. Taylor Cobb says:

    I love that Martha knew that all she needed to do was ask Jesus to receive his mercy for her brother.

  5. Jada Luckin says:

    “Take off your grave cloths” COME ON, let’s take off our grave cloths and live with Jesus!

  6. Kori Phillips says:

    Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were counted among Jesus’ friends. “Jesus wept.” He wept for his friend Lazarus. I never realized they were friends – just though Lazarus was his next miracle on the list. As an adult, it is fun to read about His personal relationships when He walked the earth. Just so cool

  7. Victoria Flores says:

    “I am the resurrection and the life”

    Jesus wept.
    We see His divinity and His humanity!

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