The Bible In A Year 122

Open Your Bible

Judges 1-3, 1 Corinthians 7

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65 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 122"

  1. Antimony says:

    The people sinned. God brought judgment. The people cried out to be rescued! And God delivered them. Over and over again.

  2. Jen Uson says:

    13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him.

    I’m confused with this verse, does it also work on relationships? For example, when you’re in a relationship with an unbeliever?

    1. Lindsey Augeri says:

      Hi Jen, what confuses you about this verse? I don’t believe it applies to a relationship because there is no covenantal commitment you have to that person.

      1. Jen Uson says:

        Thank you!

    2. Amelia says:

      I really don’t think that this applies to relationships… Marriage only. When unmarried there is always the option to leave without breaking covenant. Marriage however is a covenant that should not be broken if it can be helped. Relationships are different. The bible says not to be unequally yoked in marriage. But if one marriage partner becomes a Christian after marriage and the other doesn’t that doesn’t mean they should divorce. As far as all this goes I believe unequally yoked is a warning to not marry an unbeliever. I hope this helps!

      1. Jen Uson says:

        Thank you!

  3. Reylena says:

    While marriage is beautiful I believe Paul is reminding us that this too will pass away. Also I think he is saying that he finds beauty in both singleness and marriage-both will have the opportunity to be devoted to God’s work! I’m entering a new relationship so I’m praying that God will continue to remind me that Christ will always be first in my heart and thoughts!*thankful for these reminders in Gods word!

  4. Jessee says:

    Theodore Roosevelt said ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ and it is so true. In the community surrounding my husband’s job (he is a military pilot) comparison is a very easy trap to fall into. It’s easy to see another couple, family, pilot doing something, or having an opportunity you don’t and you wonder, ‘why don’t we have that, my husband does the same job, makes the same money, and we can’t afford/do that’. I have come to learn that we all look at others in this way and it is so counter productive. If we were meant for those things, we would have them, we need to be joyful with all God has given us, not envious of what he gives others.

    1. Morgan says:

      Thank you it needed to hear this!

  5. Becca says:

    17 Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.

    This verse was so encouraging to me this morning. Often times I struggle with comparison and wanting te life that someone else has, but I forget that God has graciously given me my unique and specific life and I need to be content in the Lords will for my life. He assigned me a specific path. How neat that the God of the universe planned my life individually?!

    1. Pam Blum says:

      That is such a great perspective Becca! I struggle with comparison too and often lose sight of the fact that God has planned out my path and only I can do it. :-)

    2. Christina D. says:

      I didn’t even think about that when I read the verse but thank you. Your words pierced straight through my heart!

  6. Amy says:

    Aww man. We’re in Judges now. You can see right off the bat how the Israelites start to act like the surrounding nations–first with the fact they cut off Adoni-Bezek’s toes and thumbs. God never commanded torture, but torture is what the surrounding nations practiced in war. Then failing to drive these nations out completely, and letting a whole generation grow up without even knowing what God did for them! Judges is going to be a hard book to read but it shows–THIS is what it looks like when God’s people go their own way. I know there are similarities between me and the rebellious Israelites and that’s hard to swallow. Thank you God for your grace! Let this book show us the ways we too have walked away from You and be broken, knowing You will make us more like You!

    1. Leah Swindon says:

      Agreed..well stated!

  7. Shirl says:

    As a single person in her mid 30’s, I struggle with reading these verses. I think it’s telling me not to idolize marriage and devote myself to the Lord. It is better to be single yet I still desire marriage and companionship. Thoughts?

    1. Elizabeth says:

      As a single persons in her mid-late teens, I probably don’t have any real wisdom on this subject whatsoever. But, as I struggle with all my friends and peers having companionship and I am left alone, the Lord has revealed to me that growing my relationship with him is the most important thing first, and having a romantic, and Christ-based, relationship should only come as fruit of that. I pray every day for patience in this area, as it is one that I definitely struggle with myself!

    2. Pam Blum says:

      Paul advocates singleness because obviously you can be completely devoted to God without the distractions of marriage. However, he does say that if you desire marriage you should marry. God calls people to be single and to marriage. I believe if God has given you the desire to be married then you should do it. A Godly husband is a great blessing and you can serve Him together. :-)

    3. Amanda says:

      I feel the same way, being 28. My brother and I discuss this subject quite a bit (with him being married since 21 and me still single) my brother has always told me there are blessings in being either single or married but that Christ would prefer us to be single because there are many responsibilities that distract us from God. I know he’s found scripture where he’s referenced that belief from (I’m sorry I don’t remember)but anyways that’s my two sense.

  8. Lisa says:

    29 What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not;

    What exactly is Paul saying here?

    1. Kristie says:

      35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

      I took away that we should keep our devotion focused on the Lord even when our lives become more complex and complicated with others involved. I don’t know if that is correct Lisa, but I was struggling trying to understand that part too and that verse stuck out to me.

      1. Lisa says:

        Thanks! That did help :)

    2. Pam Blum says:

      This is what my Bible study notes say about vs 29-31: ” Christians already live under the foreshadowing of Christ’s return, when the world in its present form will pass away. For this reason, believers should not treat present realities as having ultimate significance.”
      I’m not sure if this is correct, but my take away from that is that our spouses, as wonderful as they are, should not be more important than God: He still has to be number one in our lives.