The Bible In A Year 121

Open Your Bible

Joshua 22-24, 1 Corinthians 6

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58 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 121"

  1. Suzanne says:

    I respectfully cannot agree that God “made” anyone gay. that would totally go against everything He says about gender and marriage and relationships. However, I do believe that Satan uses that whole issue, along with many others, to confuse people, to pull them away from following God’s commands, and to keep them from being effective for the kingdom. I will pray for you and your brother to know the right way to handle this.

    1. Cecalee says:

      I agree! Bless you for speaking the gospel!

  2. Amy says:

    Ladies I know this is a controversial topic, but I need some guidance…..I grew up with a younger brother who is gay. I’ve known this about him before he was even old enough to make a choice. I truly believe that God made him this way for many reasons, one of which is to help me become more like Christ. I have never felt more like Jesus than I am when I am loving him and showing him compassion and sacrificing for the love of him the way Jesus did for us. I need guidance for how to deal with the fact that it plainly states “men who have sex with men will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” I am not ok with thinking God who made him this way will send him to hell for it. Can I have some advice or guidance on how to deal with these feelings?

    1. Morgan says:

      I think this is so hard. I truly believe that they are born that way. I pray that you find answers and comfort!

      1. Amy says:

        Thank you Morgan! I’m definitely looking for insight and guidance!

    2. M says:

      Most Christian counselors will agree that most people who struggle with homosexuality were sexually abused as young children. Sexual abuse causes so much confusion, especially for children. Perhaps this is something you could investigate regarding your brother.

      I think it is great that you are showing grace and compassion to your brother. The best thing you could do is point him to the gospel of Jesus.

    3. M says:

      Here is also a very encouraging, gospel centered video about a gay man saved by Jesus..

    4. Ana Lutz says:

      I believe that God created us exactly how were intended to be–including our sexuality. Its awesome to hear how loving you are to your brother. That is a testament to your faith and understanding of the true message of Christ. I believe that God is more gender fluid and understanding of sex than we can understand. We call Him Father and use male pronouns, but God is neither male nor female. And we were made in the imagine and likeness of him. We were made with similar love, compassion and NEED for community. Keep that in mind. I hope that helps sister!

    5. Cecalee says:

      Point your brother to the word of God and continue to love him. His judgement will be with the lord and no one else.

    6. Mary Lucia Gregory says:

      Amy, Jesus himself gave us the New Commandment at the Last Supper, superseding all other laws and commandments: Love one another as I love you. Homosexuality is a physical condition that some people are born with – neither a choice nor the product of childhood abuse or environment. Your brother is God’s beloved child, just the way he is. We are to fight against all our human tendencies that are not loving: greed, selfishness, lying, harming others, etc. But for your brother to love whoever he loves and for all people to love him is exactly in accordance with Jesus’ commandment. The Bible is the Word of God written by human hands, humans who existed in a time, place, and culture and interpreted God’s Word through their own experiences and beliefs. Paul’s comments on slavery, the role of women, and homosexuality are those of a man of his time trying to apply the message he received from God. But just as Jesus’ command to love one another means that it is not ok to enslave another person or to force a woman to submit to any harsh treatment by her husband, that command means that it is not ok to be less than loving and accepting of homosexuals and trust that God also loves them. Your brother, you, and your whole family are in my prayers.

  3. Antimony says:

    J24:31 “Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who survived Joshua, and had known all the deeds of the Lord which He had done for Israel”. The influence of a godly man on an entire generation. They had seen it and knew it to be true. They stayed faithful even after that man died

  4. Reylena says:

    1 Corinthians 6 in the latter verses really stood out to me: my body is a sacred place where He lives, where he resides and reigns. I don’t get another body on earth, therefore I am very convicted to keep his sacred place, my body, pure. This especially stands out more when you read about how valuable and holy the temple was in the OT…in the same manner my body is holy Because Christ and the Holy Spirit live there…

  5. I love that Joshua 24 is basically a reiteration of the Israelites’ testimony. I feel like over the years I’ve felt more and more removed from my earlier days when I first came to know God. I forget to look back and see how far God has brought me. But today I’m remembering the testimony he has given me, the bondage he has released me from, and all the things God has done in my life to bring me to where I am now. Praise God!

  6. Hazel says:

    J24:15- As for me and my household we will serve the Lord. Amen!!

    1. Amanda says:

      I love this so much and I read it right after my mom and I had just spoken about praying for our families and our many blessings. Praise the Lord for He is great in all He does.

  7. Becky says:

    Y”ou know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord you God has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” Our God is so faithful!

  8. Yana says:

    1Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

    Strong reminder to live our lives in a way that is God pleasing since His son died for our sins (“… You were bought at a price”)