The Bible In A Year 103

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 10-12, Mark 9:30-50

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76 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 103"

  1. Tarnz says:

    Duet:11 – 10 The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden. 11 But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. 12 It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.

    This just stuck out to me today… When they were in their place of captivity and slavery they were bound to a law of works… [as slaves are].
    Human effort and toil is your lot, you work the land, you figure out how to bring sustenance and sustainability to your life/situation but you will always remain a slave regardless. Like a life of separation from our Heavenly Father demands from us. BUT… Where God is taking them (taking us) is a place of beauty, grace, rest, promise of so much greater than u or we have ever perceived because it is God himself who tills, waters, refreshes the land and causes it to flourish, he prepared it for them (for us) in advance. We didn’t earn or deserve it by our own efforts, it was our loving God who promised, provided and will sustain it… In exchange for our wholehearted love and faithful trust in him, his goodness.
    Grace laid out before them [us].
    Simply beautiful.

    1. Jamie Chapman says:

      Hadn’t thought of it in connection to heaven awesome

  2. Savannah says:

    The part in deuteronomy about tying God’s commands to your hands made me think of my purity ring, and how it’s a visual reminder of God’s commands and my resolve to keep them. Also what is the meaning of “circumcise your hearts” in 10:16?

    1. MarmeeCotton says:

      Cut away the darkness– circumcise your heart

    2. Nadine B says:

      My understanding: Get rid of the fleshly, sensual things im your heart

  3. Antimony says:

    Deuteronomy 10:12 “Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require from you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul”. To love God and do what He says. It seems so simple. Until you try to do it. Then it seems so incredibly hard, even impossible. The harder I try, the faster I fail.

    1. Bea says:

      That’s because we can’t do it on our own. It is only through the Lord that we have any hope of honoring him with our lives!

  4. Yohana says:

    Wow I’m just reading your comments and I’m lost with words. It’s so encouraging and beautiful to have and know there are mothers like you all out there wanting their kids and family to know Christ. Continue to have faith in God and keep on bringing forth your prayers for the God you all serve and are praying to is mighty to save. Wish you all the best and may God reach out to your families unexpected I’m sure “he will not let them go until he has done what he have promised them” Genesis 28:15

    1. Jessica Shafer says:

      Yes :) !!

  5. “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, (‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭11‬:‭18-20‬ NLT)

    This is my desire: To every day show my daughter who Christ is and teach her His word. She’s 3, so I have to keep that in perspective, but I pray she’ll come to know Him early & never stray!!

    1. Caroline says:

      Love this! My daughter is 1 but I have the same goal. Such a great reminder!

    2. Sara says:

      Yes yes yes!!! That is one of my daily prayers! If I never accomplish another thing in my life, that’s fine, as long as I bring up my children to know, love, follow, and live for Him.

    3. Debbie says:

      I agree! And yet it doesn’t always work out. My 18 year old is so lost right now, it completely breaks my heart! Just keep modeling Jesus and showing your kids your complete love, gratitude and need for Him. I think I must have messed this up somewhere! I can’t help but feel like I deserve blame for this. Sorry for rambling. Please pray for him to come back! He used to love the Lord.

      1. Pam Blum says:

        Debbie, you can’t blame yourself for this. I understand that, as a mom, you feel responsible for your son, but you don’t know his heart and its motives. Only God can see that. It’s not up to us to save people, that’s God’s job. We plant the seeds and God takes care of the rest. Keep praying and modeling Christ for him, and we will all pray that God changes his heart and brings your son back to Himself.

        1. Debbie says:

          Thank you Pam, I agree. I won’t ever stop praying.

        2. Yes, I agree with Pam! God gave you your time to plant seed. It’s up to your son to receive and act on it. The parable of the sower says, the the farmer throws out the seed. That’s it. It’s not up to us to make them get it. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job. Don’t beat yourself up. His word does not return void!!

      2. Yana says:

        Hi Debbie, Pam is right. My adult children were raised Christian, baptized and confirmed, but they have strayed. One is very lost and my grandchildren have no knowledge other than what I share. They do have incorrect knowledge, and that scares me. But I pray for them every day, and have for years. Every once in awhile I see hope, a tiny flicker. God is working in their souls and hearts. I have hope. I trust.

        1. Debbie says:

          Thank you Yana. I agree God is working behind the scenes and we MUST trust. We have no other choice. I will pray for your family too!

          1. Yana says:

            Thank you!

      3. Taylor says:

        I agree with Pam, you can’t blame yourself. I was simultaneously reading John this morning and in the beginning it talks about John being a messenger of the gospel and how he makes it clear that he is nothing compared to the Lord. I think sometimes we put the burden on ourselves to change people, but it’s not us that changes their hearts, we are merely messengers. I really do encourage you to trust God and keep praying, he does miracles. I’ve been praying for my dad about ten years and this last Sunday he gave his life to Christ and I already see a huge change and passion in him I never saw before. It certainly didn’t happen in my timing, but don’t give up. It’s not up to us to know the whens and whys but to have an unwavering faith! :)

        1. Debbie says:

          That’s awesome about your dad, Taylor! Thanks for the encouragement!

      4. Gabrielle says:

        Debbie I’ll be praying for you! I am a 21 yr old college student who was not raised in a Christian home, learning Christian things. My parents are wonderful and supportive and soo soo loving. But I did not know God directly. In highschool I was partying and doing a lot of other things that I wish I didn’t. BUT God. God is so powerful, he can redeem so fully. I started talking to God through listening to a Christian music station. The songs just hit something in me. God can change us with something so small. I’ll be praying that your son has an open heart and that some part of him is seeking something greater. I’ll pray for your strength and perseverance as well!

        1. Debbie says:

          Thanks so much for your perspective Gabrielle. I appreciate you taking the time to comment – all of you!! Thanks so much for the prayers too!

      5. Heather says:

        As someone who has “strayed away” from the Lord myself, I know this can be challenging. In my heart, I knew it was wrong, but I was so young and I prioritized things differently. I was also super afraid to ask questions and develop this relationship with the Lord that I’m so happy with now! It just took me a while to realize what was most important. God created this path for me. It was meant to be this way… Maybe it’s a similar situation. As difficult as it seems. Trust in the big guy. He’ll help you through. Sending prayers to you and your family.

    4. Erin says:

      Love this verse, so encouraging!

  6. Shirl says:

    12 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? These verses are a great reminder. And although I strive for these things I know I can falter. Jesus has been the perfect sacrifice that I did not deserve so that we can be right with God. PRaise the Lord!

    1. Ashle Potter says:

      Wrote those down to pray over my kids! How full their lives would be if they lived those out!

  7. Becky says:

    To love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him and to hold fast to Him… A great way for me to check my relationship with the Lord. Am I living Him? Am I walking in obedience? Am I holding fast to Him? I’m convicted about the fact that many times I’m not holding fast to Him. Im holding fast to my own comforts and desires. So many of my days are full of hard work with the desire of “downtime” at the end of the day. Relaxing is definitely needed for every person, but I struggle to hold fast to that desire as the goal of every day rather than holding fast to the Lord.

    1. Katie says:


    2. Kristy says:

      I so understand and struggle with the same thing. I too feel like I “need” downtime but often spend too much of my time on downtime and not enough on finding time to be with God.

      1. Janna says:

        Why can’t down time be with God? Spend time resting in him. “Come unto me all those who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”.

  8. Tatiana says:

    Hi all, I struggled to understand this verse in Matthew also: if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off… My evil eyes are constantly causing me to sin and so do my hands! Please pray that I use my hands to help ad love and my eyes to see love

    1. Lauren says:

      Hi Tatiana, sorry this is late. I think it means that we should cut out bad things in our lives that distract us from loving and serving God. I hope that helps a little! You don’t have to cut off your actual hands don’t worry!