The Bible In A Year 1

Open Your Bible

Genesis 1-3, John 1

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2,657 thoughts on "The Bible In A Year 1"

  1. Janicey Khan says:

    Just started my journey praying it will bring me to a place of knowledge and peace❤️

  2. kate jasper says:

    been following along with my shereadstruth bible i got for christmas! i’m on day 10 in that but i wanted to follow along on here as well!

  3. Chloe Addison says:

    A little bit of a late start but I’m so excited to grow my faith and watch God work in my life this year!

  4. Alexandra Carullo says:

    Starting a bit late but my goal this year is to be one word daily. It’s been hard for me to do so the last couple of years with littles but praying I can do so this year!

  5. Anna Brackett says:

    My goal for the longest time is a to read the Bible in a year. Starting late 1-9-25 but going to try to get caught up.

  6. Lore Jimenez says:

    Starting a few days late as well. But am eager to read the whole bible

  7. Kate Paterson says:

    Praying for guidance throughout this year as I reignite my fire for the Lord! Amen

  8. Bre Donohue says:

    Love seeing the proof of God’s creations. I love to connect science with the Word.

  9. Linda Moore says:

    Getting to understand how this app works. But it is a useful tool. Enjoying it

  10. Mary Reese says:

    Starting a few days late but excited for this challenge!

  11. Lily Zhuo says:

    Starting today 1.3.25! Catching up :)

  12. Ellen Reeder says:

    Grateful for this community and looking forward to growing my faith in 2025!

  13. Hannah Bryan says:

    Lord, I pray you provide me with the strength to continue and put all my faith in You. I pray you guide me and help me stay focused and consistent with this journey. Amen

  14. Heather Quezada says:

    My sister in law and I are starting a group with our husbands, children, and friends. I’m
    Excited to bond over the word

  15. Tadiwanashe Lynn Masuku says:

    I really hope to finish this year with devotion and intentionality

  16. riley johnson says:

    very very excited to start this plan!! i want my relationship to grow with the Lord and i know this is 1 step in the right direction❤️

  17. Felicia Forsyth says:

    Praying for a fresh start, perseverance in reading, and living a life closer to that of Jesus.

  18. Desiree Herring says:

    Praying for Him to reveal himself to me daily along with guidance in my everyday life.

  19. Kasie Allen says:

    Reading this together with a group of ladies with recordings posted to social media! We have a YouTube page “Encouraged Through His Promise”. Feel free to tune in any day!

  20. MacKinzie Jones says:

    Feeling so distant but praying that this will bring me closer this year

  21. Cassie Free says:

    Glad to start my journey with God

  22. Gina Pichinino says:

    I’ve been trying to memorize John 1:29 for a month. It’s hard for me to memorize anything. Maybe 1.1.25 will reveal a way that works for me. Love to all this new year!

  23. Danielle Potter says:

    Praying for consistency and faithfulness

  24. Riley Baik says:

    Last year I felt so distant. I’m going to start anew this year! ✝️❤️

  25. Michelle Heins says:

    God started somewhere on Day 1, and look at his outcome.

  26. Lelia Petsch says:

    I wrote this plan out for the year in my planner. So I might not keep up with it on the app. But in my “She Reads Truth” bible for Genesis 1-3 had me going deeper into John 1:1-5 and in Romans 16:20.
    And for John 1 went deeper into Isaiah 55:10-11 and Hebrews 1:1-4.
    It was always God’s plan for redemption. No one else was qualified then Jesus Christ to be the Lamb of God here on earth. My observation in John 1, John called Jesus Christ the “Lamb of God” twice to get this significance across to the ones that were listening

  27. Schuyler Griffin says:

    Day 1 complete! Looking forward to a more intentional year with Christ and community.

  28. Ana Perez says:

    Day 1 – so refreshed

  29. Torie Frederick says:

    1.1.25- so excited to stay consistent in His word and grow closer to Him this year!

  30. Amber Pilson says:

    #365daysoftruth may our relationship with the lord deepen

  31. Taylor Frederick says:

    day 1! Excited to see how God reveals himself to me this year

  32. Dixie Whitfield says:

    1.1.25 making a change for the new year❤️

  33. Ashley Shaw says:

    This is my 3rd year, my husbands first. He’s doing HRT while I do SRT. Pray God reveals Himself to my husband this year in a new way!

  34. Kamryn Gerecke says:

    Starting today to see where this leads me in my faith

  35. Kristina Gann says:

    Anyone know if we can adjust the start day to today ❤️

  36. Grace George says:

    Did god know the day we first sin that he would send Jesus?

  37. Carrie Cowan says:

    Starting today! Would anyone like to connect and journey through this together?

  38. jade henning says:

    I am so tired of losing the fire of faith and commitment to God!!!!!! I am very late to the game this year, but starting late is better than not starting at all!!! :)

  39. Bruna Alves Pinto says:

    Starting my journey today ❤️ I am lost in chaos, and I have faith that through his word I will find myself in organization again

  40. Ariel Austin says:

    I’m excited to see where God takes me

  41. Jasmine Allen says:

    A little late but I love this ❤️

  42. Sarah Stark says:

    Late to this, but love being here now. ♥️

  43. Savanah Webber says:

    Our God is so good ❤️

  44. Jodi Kelley says:

    I am late but so ready to get back in the Word of God!

  45. Ella Rosa says:

    I’m a little late to the party, but could yall hold me accountable to continue this?

  46. Autumn Harmon says:

    Just started today as well!

  47. Kylie Miller says:

    Definitely started late, but God knows where my heart is

  48. Ada Cruz says:

    I’m starting today too. Please hold me accountable

  49. Justyce Johnson says:

    I started late on this Bible plan but I have the physical she reads truth Bible and has been reading the weekly plan of genesis. Father God I pray that you give us all wisdom , and strength to continue to follow your word in Jesus name I pray Amen

  50. Hailee Cutts says:

    a little late but I am eager to catch up!!

  51. Caroline Black says:

    Love it! So excited to learn more!

  52. Erika Woodfork says:

    Loved this ! I’m behind because I have been sick but Imma get caught up !

  53. Meghan Hall says:

    “In the beginning God…” — what a beautiful reminder that God has been here through it all, his love is everlasting. Absolutely loved this.

  54. Eron Powers says:

    I feel thankful and grateful for the revelation of Jesus through scripture and how he changes my heart and every facet of my life. Life is truly found in him, there is no other way. Thank you Jesus.

  55. Whitney Lemo says:

    Amen and praise our loving Lord!

  56. kinzi dolich says:

    day 1 completed! something stood out to me in Genesis- the imagery of God seeing the shame and fear in adam and eve… how they realized they were naked and sewed together fig tree branches. after the fall of man, after adam and eve did the ONE thing God said not to do, after his creation betrayed Him… what did he do, he corrected them and cursed their sin.. there were consequences… BUT GOD. but God in all of his infinite and unconditional love, grace and mercy, made them clothes which were sturdier and more protective. i cannot get over this! something i’ve overlooked so many times before. God sees us in our mistakes, he sees our sin, and yet He still offers us something better. He still provides for us. He still cares for us while we disobey Him. His love NEVER fails.

  57. Adriana Sciulli says:

    Let’s try this again ❤️

  58. Amanda Allen says:

    What a blessing this was to me today. Prayers for all reading through the Bible this year. Let Gods word be revealed to us all one day at a time

  59. Zoe Maroney says:

    Lord, I pray that this community would find strength and purpose within your word and with this plan. May we all prioritize knowing and loving you more.

  60. Taylor Waters says:

    Day 1 of spending time in the Word ❤️ Praying for renewed faith and relationship with God.

  61. Cheryl Karnes says:

    Lord, thank you for the right to be your child.

  62. LE Hamilton says:

    Open my eyes to your word, Lord. Help me to see what I do not understand, and allow me to grow in your word, day after day. Amen.

  63. Jenny Hett says:

    Lord, thank You for Your steadfast love and endurance. Please help us to continue in this plan with joy and grace. Enter our hearts, guide us, grow us, and shape us to be who You want us to be. Help Your light to shine to others through us. We love You. More and more every day.

  64. Marisa Nunez says:

    Here to bear witness to the Bible myself

  65. Denise Summons says:

    Much different than the Bible app but I am excited to read this with others!

  66. Owethu Mathobela says:

    I’m way too excited to start and so I started today.

  67. Abby Ragland says:

    Finished day 1 <3
    I decided to start today, December 17, since I never actually finish New Year’s resolutions :/

  68. Keanah Lampkin says:

    Ever since I began coming back into my faith, reading the entire Bible has been a huge goal for me. I pray that I receive: hope, structure, wisdom and grace through this plan. I am glad God called me home again.

  69. arianna bonilla diaz says:

    reading the bible fully as been a big goal of mine. This past Sunday I re established faith in the King of Kings, the Son of God. Proud to be a Born Again Christian. I only pray i continue to receive grace, structure, wisdom, and purpose. Lord has been calling me home for a while now, and im done sending him to voicemail! I answered his call right away this time and im happy i did!

  70. Ro Se says:

    That’s amazing Cali! Proud of you! Your Heavenly Father looongs for you to be with Him. Don’t try to bring something special, just bring yourself ❤️

  71. Mia Pena says:

    He see me and you

  72. mya lee says:

    i’ve been wanting to read the entire bible for so long, especially as someone who had not grown up christian. I can’t WAIT!!! I loved day one ❤️

  73. Imogen Perkins says:

    Feeling so much love and light through this.

  74. lillian felix says:

    feeling good! always wanted to read the whole Bible but never knew where to start, can’t wait for this journey !

  75. lillian felix says:

    day 1: feeling good! always wanted to read the whole Bible but never knew where to start, can’t wait for this journey!

  76. Jenna Puckett says:

    Praying for everyone reading, whether it’s for the first time or the hundredth, that Christ reveals something wonderful to you <3

  77. Brianna Rivera says:

    Day 1: I felt his presence. I feel joyful and at peace. There are greater things to come. Hallelujah!!

  78. Jamie Jurajda says:

    First step in the right direction

  79. Ashley Anderson says:

    Asking God to enter his Holy Spirit into my life in a way I can’t fully see or understand. “Because God” is all I keep repeating. He keeps all promises even through the toughest times and even states that the tree of evil will tempt. Praise Jesus for dying on the cross and giving all of us multiple opportunities of grace and forgiveness for our sins! ❤️

  80. Monaye Woodall says:

    Day 1 : I am thrilled to be upon this journey to build my relationship with God. I pray he see that i am trying and help me along the way . Father God i am not perfect no one is . I ask of you to forgive me of my sins and help direct to the path of righteousness. In your son name i pray AMEN !

  81. Heather Loomis says:

    Please God help my to understand your word snd live by it.

  82. Aubrey Webb says:

    Lord reveal to me what you want me to see

  83. alyssa higgins says:

    a powerful movement! to go through and actually read through the scripture and actually understand how the heaven and earth was created is amazing. god is so powerful.

  84. Debbie Davis says:

    Reveal to me Lord what you want me to see.

  85. Shelly Rogers says:

    Lord, give me the discipline to seek you in all that I do and say

  86. Nylia Humphries says:

    Heavenly Father God, I ask that you reveal yourself to me through your word. Help me to understand the Bible and help me to apply your word to my life. Thank you for creating the world and thank you for the disciples in this reading.

  87. Arielle W says:

    I never knew the Bible was this interesting to be honest

  88. Chanelle Jvv says:

    Day 1 for me and it was amazing!!! I haven’t sat and JUST read scripture on its own and wow… I’m doing it more!

  89. Astrid Chauvin says:

    Day one for me! I have never read the Bible in a year where you read the old and new testament together-I love it!

  90. Stephanie Donnelly says:

    Catching up over the long weekend

  91. Amber Sells says:

    Amen I love this too!

  92. Leighanna Damon says:

    I love the way the beginning of John correlated with the opening of genesis. They both connect with the original having begun in the begging then reading as Jesus is the one sent to repair what was damaged.

  93. D Gboko says:

    Day 1!
    I am of God for I am in his image. Glory!

  94. Jada Luckin says:

    Day one down! Thankful for this app and having people reading with me!

  95. Kayla Peters says:

    New year, new me, well better me. Let God lead everyday of my life. I am so excited to start giving all I got to our Lord.

  96. Grace Connallon says:

    I am excited to dive deeper into God’s word!

  97. Khamirah Andfield says:

    Excited to start my journey

  98. Isabella Chock says:

    I’m excited to read the Bible in a year, I “read it in a year” in college but most of that was skimming so I could complete the assignments, I didn’t take anything to heart. Im excited to seek him through his word this year.

  99. Desiree Carty says:

    Day 1; Jesus is the only way.

  100. Mistee Lemaster says:

    I am so excited to read the Bible in a year! I am also working on my prayer life!

  101. tiff unconventionally says:

    “can anything good come from nazareth?”

  102. Kathy Pulzone says:

    I completed the New Testament several times but never could get past Numbers in the Old testament. This is the year tht I will complete the Old testament as well!

  103. haleigh smith says:

    I’m taking notes and trying to really study the Bible. Day 1 was a success!

  104. mkenzie richard says:

    One day at a time. Giving my life to Christ this year!

  105. Sonja Thompson says:

    Glory to God who gives, takes, and loves us through it all.

  106. avery miller says:

    the bible in a year, let’s go!

  107. Wendy Axtell says:

    Just started today! Excited to grow this year!

  108. Valerie Wingate says:

    Blessings and excited to start the year drawing closer to God and being held accountable with you all.

  109. Rachel Grove says:

    Excited to start this new year reading the Bible!

  110. Nafisa A. says:

    1 day at a time.

  111. Erika Hardin says:

    i’m ready to start “The Bible In A Year” . i want to get closer to God.

  112. Emily Phillips says:

    Praying for understanding and to follow through with this! Been wanting to read through the entire Bible for a long time!

  113. Heidi H says:

    So thankful we’re all here together starting this! It always seem like a daunting task to read the Bible in a year, but i stead of placing a bunch of expectations on myself, i really just want to know God more and hear him.

  114. Ellie Gotto says:

    Looking forward to a new-year walking with God, reading His word and for Him to reveal Himself to me! God is good

  115. Alyssa Lane says:

    Praying to finally finish the Bible in a year! I’ve started it so many times and never competed it! ❤️

  116. Kori Phillips says:

    50 Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” – John 1:50

    This one stood out big time – Jesus was like, “You’re impressed by THAT? Just wait bro – that was just the tip of the iceberg.”

  117. Kori Phillips says:

    50 Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” – John 1:50

  118. Jessica Travis says:

    Excited to start!! I’m waiting for God to blow my mind!!

  119. Courtney David says:

    Prayers to be able to finish what I’ve started by the end of 365 days.

  120. Ayla Ehmann says:

    I’ve had my She Reads Truth Bible for a while now but I just found out about the app. Super excited and thankful to be able to study out the Bible with other Women of God!! Looking forward to this year and all that it brings :)

  121. Taisa Skovorodko says:

    That’s been me for the last several years! Praying this will be the year we both persevere and finish strong!

  122. Taisa Skovorodko says:

    Excited to have a group to read with to help keep me accountable each day!

  123. Hannah Howe says:

    Y’all I don’t know how many times I have started reading the Bible in a year and NEVER finished! This year I truly want to finally get past Genesis lol so happy I found this app!

  124. Jen Wilson says:

    I’ve tried a reading plan before on a different app but I am really looking forward to this one and to the group chats!

  125. Ashley Height says:

    Happy to start a new year- prayers that I will be committed to the Word and keep a Heavenly focus. From SC ❤️

  126. Hannah Carmichael says:

    Looking forward to a year in the Word

  127. Bethany Johnson says:

    Excited to start this year with all of you! Hoping to keep my focus where it needs to be!

  128. Sydney King says:

    I’m very excited to start this year off right by growing in the Lord❤️

  129. Lyla Meserve says:

    Hopefully this year I can stick with this plan. Happy New Year everyone! I’m from Kansas

  130. Samantha Richards says:

    Happy new year – excited to spend this year focused on the Word! ❤️

  131. isabelle sorensen says:

    i’ve been wanting to do this for a while but wanted to start right at the beginning of the year! asking Him for strength to keep it going and strengthen my relationship with God

  132. Kristyn Skinner says:

    Excited to start this New Year right by reading His word everyday! This is something I have been struggling with in my walk.

  133. Kaitlyn Frazier says:

    Happy New Year, everyone! I’m excited to start this journey. We get to start fresh with 12 new chapters and 365 new chances. All with The One and Only! ♥️

  134. Amy Snider says:

    In the beginning. Everything else is set right with those 3 words.

  135. Jillian Heemstra says:

    Excited to start the year off right!

  136. Tori Young says:

    I’ve been looking for a plan like this. I’m looking to strengthen my faith and walk with The Lord ❤️

  137. Tori Young says:

    I’ve been looking for a plan like this. I’m looking to strength

  138. Angelica Holland says:

    starting the year off right!

  139. Hannah Johnson says:

    So excited for this new journey!!

  140. isa b says:

    HNY working on reading the Bible consistently this year

  141. Alexandra Brust says:

    Where is everyone joining from?? I’m in Michigan!

  142. Alexandra Brust says:

    Happy New Year! I am so excited to start this plan and read through the whole Bible this year! Truthfully I’ve done this before but never finished /: hopefully 2023 will be the year I’ll stick with it!
    I’m curious where you all are from that are starting this plan today?? I’m in Michigan!

  143. Alexandra Brust says:

    Happy New Year! I am so excited to start this plan and read through the whole Bible this year! Truthfully I’ve done this before but never finished /: hopefully 2023 will be the year I’ll stick with it!

  144. Kimberly Roper says:

    What a great beginning to the year!

  145. Katelyn Sherman says:

    Starting my bible reading plan the first day of 2023! Praying everyone’s year is filled with blessing and growth!! Happy New Year!!

  146. Brenda Powell says:

    In the beginning God created the heavens and

  147. Claire Wolfe says:

    Excited to take this venture into the word from start to finish for the first time ever. Happy New year everyone x

  148. Holly Kindness says:

    What a great way to start 2023…in God’s Word

  149. Michaela Wellek says:

    Excited fir this New Year to delve into God’sword deeper!

  150. Whitney Appleton says:

    Excited to see what God has in store for me in the next year. Digging deeper in his word is my first goal for the year ❤️

  151. Jordan Ayres says:

    Not Christian but open minded and wanting to learn! ✅ Really felt moved by Eden

  152. Alyta Frizsell says:

    Great devotional! Glad to be in God’s word.

  153. Christy Nelson says:

    Every time I read these verses I gain new knowledge of God’s character.

  154. Chardinai Muhammad says:

    Thank you God for your word!

  155. Alisha Mullings says:


    The Youversion app has an audio option and many translations of the Bible

  156. liesel retzlafff says:

    I use another bible app to listen to it!

  157. mandolyn crotts says:

    I’m new here, is there a way to get the audio version of the scripture each day too?

  158. Evangelina Navarrete says:

    God had a plan from the start, and in that plan, He had us in mind.

  159. Rebecca Friesen says:

    Powerful statement….. I have to come to actually hate the term “Christian”. So many negative things have come out of Christianity. Instead, when people ask if I’m a “Christian” or “religious” I reply “I’m in a relationship with Jesus”. It is no longer about religion for me but rather a relationship. Excited to be reading the entire bible and see the deeper truths.

  160. Maddie Cash says:

    praying i never lose sight of all of the beauty around me

  161. Ashley Slaybaugh says:

    “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” -Genesis 1:27

  162. Chloe Lane says:

    Starting today. I’ve spent my entire life calling myself a “Christian”. Until recently I’m realizing that hasn’t meant much more than just a title. I’m excited to dive into His word, learn apologetics, and both honor my husband and disciple my children the way I was intended to do so.

  163. Sara Dis says:

    I love how God looks for us and trusts us even before we realize we need to look for Him or trust in Him. He is always ready with open arms to take us in and point out His goodness and truth

  164. Amanda Moore says:

    I pray that as I start this journey through the Bible that God will keep me hungry for his word each day.

  165. Casey Weaver says:

    God has made a beautiful creation and given us so much.

  166. Christina Howard says:

    Just starting today. A little behind and have some catching up to do. I was raised Christian from day one. But now I’m at the point in my life where I have questions. I’m hoping some of the bible studies on here will help answer my questions. It says in the bible that God made us inquisitive and he does not want blind followers. I look forward to easing my soul as I study

  167. Emma Wolford says:

    Praying the Lord will grow me in my understanding of who Jesus is!

  168. Leila-Joy Garrett says:

    I love how God always finds a way to speak to me through his word even in the times where I least expect it! I too believe he is a “come and see” type of God because that is exactly where he has me now! I trust that he will lead me in the right direction while me being strong and faithful enough to trust that he has everything already handled and prepared for me! I love the repetition of “come and see” like stop asking me all these questions and come and find out lol what a mighty God we serve

  169. Abby Jo Emmitt says:

    I trust that He is a “Come and See” kind of God. I trust that He is a “I saw you, before you saw me” kind of God.
    I trust that He won’t let me stay here, that He will call me out. He is calling me out.

    I trust Him. I will follow Him.

  170. Abby Jo Emmitt says:

    I trust that He is a “Come and See” kind of God. I trust that He is a “I saw you, before you saw me” kind of God.
    I trust that He won’t let me stay here, that He will call me out. He is calling me out.

  171. Abby Jo Emmitt says:

    I trust that He is a “Come and See” kind of God. I trust that He is a “I saw you, before you saw me” kind of God.

  172. Trinity Lindley says:

    I desire to be closer to God, to hear what He asks of me, and obey without hesitation. I pray He molds my heart, mind, and soul into that which He wants me to be; and gives me the words needed to share His love with others and disciple to those who do not yet believe in Him.

  173. Skylar Martin says:

    i will live for him, i’m so thankful for him.

  174. Skylar Martin says:

    Today i’m dedicating myself to god, i will live for him. i will pray for him. i will learn with him. he loves me.

  175. Sheila Busingye says:

    9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.
    11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.
    12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
    13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. – John 1:9-13

  176. Elisabeth Cox says:

    A few days into January so I have some days to make up but it’s been several years since I’ve read the Bible all the way through. Let’s do this!

  177. Maria Lourenco says:

    With all my heart ❤️

  178. Megan ClarkHughes says:

    Glad to be starting g this

  179. Jessica Lugan says:

    Finally started! Day 1 done

  180. Kinlee Pruitt says:

    You will see much greater things than this! What a God!!

  181. Erika Woodfork says:

    So excited for my journey reading the Bible !

  182. Isabelle DeVries says:

    Nathanael’s exchange with Jesus is so much more powerful to me after watching The Chosen. I’m thankful for that show just because of how it’s made it easier for me to relate and view the people in the Bible as real people not just names or characters.

  183. Isabelle DeVries says:

    I always forget that the Tree of Life was also in the center of Eden. It seems like it often gets left out of the discussion. God told Adam and Eve they could eat from the Tree of Life and yet they chose the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because they wanted to be in control. What a parallel to the choice we have every day to trust God and His will of everlasting life or our to follow our own desire to be in control and lean on our limited understanding which ultimately leads to destruction. Also how even in His exile of Adam and Eve, He is gracious! He makes them better clothes and also protects them from eating the Tree of Life. Which, if they’d eaten if after gaining knowledge of good and evil, they would have been cursed to eternal life on earth- How miserable would that be?!

  184. Isabelle DeVries says:

    Same! I was surprised to see that we weren’t just staying in Genesis. But I am excited by it! The thought of reading the Bible from cover to cover is overwhelming and honestly sometimes sounds boring when you think of some of the genealogies and historical chronicles you have to get through. So I’m excited to see they break it up in smaller chunks!

  185. Mary Cornett says:

    I have never read the entire bible all the way through and I am so excited to start this. From todays reading I feel like when the serpent deceived Eve and the fall of man happened, It really just opened my eyes. I know the most everyone knows that sin came into the world because of this, but when you are christian and you go through the daily battle of sin these verses sink way more deeper. We are constantly deceived by thsi world that we are living in, but it is up to us to turn our eyes to God and listen to what He says and not what the things of this world says.

  186. Kaylee Brown says:

    I’ve never completely read the Bible and this already has such a refreshing type of teaching and approach that I feel isn’t overwhelming for me

  187. Gina Farrington says:

    I totally forgot that before the fall everyone and every animal were to be vegetarians! And that there wasn’t even rain until the flood!

  188. Alydia Marangoni says:

    Sometimes I forget that God walked alongside Adam and Eve in his perfect world as he had intended before they sinned.

  189. Samantha Nieto says:

    What can we learn about ourselves from Eve?

  190. Kayla Middlemist says:

    I love that God knew what they had done, yet asked Adam. He wanted them to confess. God already knew and he still asked. So crazy. That’s how he is with us. He sees everything, yet still asks us to repent.

    I also love how it says they heard God walking in the garden. How crazy is that?!

  191. Kayla Middlemist says:

    I love that God knew what they had done, yet asked Adam. He wanted them to confess. God already knew and he still asked. So crazy. That’s how he is with us. He sees everything, yet still asks us to repent.

  192. Payton Fye says:

    Sometimes I read the verse that says anyone ever wonder

  193. Erynn Moore says:

    I’m not calling you out I promise. But this is from personal experience: are there any areas of your life that you are not giving over to God? Continuity of sin? The reason I ask is because the times I’ve doubted my faith or what’s in the Word, I’m usually struggling with sin. My grandpa used to say “the Bible will keep you from sin and sin will keep you from the Bible.” Also, it’s a tough read but when ready, check out Romans 1:18-32. It explains how the world has always been suppressing the truth about who the true Creator is. ask God to search your heart. I had sins I didn’t even know were affecting me. I was watching shows on Netflix that didn’t honor him, even though my other Christian friends were. I had self-loathing thoughts. I have found true joy in praying “god help me in my unbelief.” He will be there for you. He will show up in ways unimaginable. Look at The corresponding New Testament portion when Jesus is telling Nathanael “if you think it was so great that I could see you under that tree, just wait!” Lindsey just wait! Hold to your faith and you will see him! ♥️

  194. Erynn Moore says:

    I’m not calling you out I promise.

  195. Bri Tieperman says:

    My favorite verse for today:

    23 Then the man said,

    “This at last is bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
    she shall be called Woman,
    because she was taken out of Man.” – Genesis 2:23

    We were created by the the one true creator!

  196. Bri Tieperman says:

    My forties verse for today:

    23 Then the man said,

    “This at last is bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
    she shall be called Woman,
    because she was taken out of Man.” – Genesis 2:23

  197. Bri Tieperman says:

    My forties verse for today: 23 Then the man said,

    “This at last is bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
    she shall be called Woman,
    because she was taken out of Man.” – Genesis 2:23

  198. Xorica Patrick says:

    John 1
    14And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

  199. Lindsey Jarrous says:

    I’ll look into this, thanks!

  200. Clara T says:

    It is definitely not something we can prove but we can believe in our faith, like the three wise men who found Jesus in the manger and worshipped Him in faith.  Could they prove that the baby Jesus is God?  Of course not, but they knew from their astrological studies and confirmed in the Jewish scriptures that the baby Jesus was someone extraordinary whom they called the Infant King of the Jews. I’ve recently just started my journey back to God. The journey is long & tough & many times I doubt His words & my faith too. But hang in there, open your heart & mind & just have faith!

  201. Varshini Talari says:

    Gen 3:19 For you are DUST, to DUST you shall return

  202. Hannah Marshall says:

    ❤️ God is so good!

  203. Kasey Summers says:

    Praying for you right now! Keep reading! Keep seeking to understand it and that God would open your heart to see it! It is true I promise. Praying for your heart right now!

  204. Kasey Summers says:

    Grace upon grace! Praying we would walk in our Belovedness! That is our identity and rest!❤️

  205. Christine Kelly says:

    My favorite verse from today: So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27

    Such a wonderful God we have that created us from his perfection! May we be able to follow his path to Heaven!

  206. Christine Kelly says:

    My favorite verse from today: So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27

  207. Emily Crosby says:

    50 Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” – John 1:50

  208. Whitney Roper says:

    I think you have to “purchase” it even though it is listed as free. When I went back to the main page of the plan and tapped free, it then added it to My Plans and unlocked the other days. Hope that helps!

  209. Malina Galati says:

    I can’t access it either!

  210. Courtney Moore says:

    I wonder if maybe the story is meant to fantastical. I am of the mind that the events in the creation story are not meant to be literal but to paint a beautiful picture of God the creator. The truth of a creator that we cannot see is something that our human minds struggle to comprehend, so it had to be revealed in a way that we could understand and imagine

  211. Amanda Wooten says:

    Random question… I started this today, one day late. I can’t seem to access day 2. Anyone know?

  212. Bree Alvarado says:

    My favorite verse today 16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. – John 1:16

  213. Sonya Wilson says:

    Happy new year! Looking forward to increasing Hope in 2022!

  214. Valerie Dalman says:

    I have been recently having these same feelings. Like I’m just reading a fantasy book and often find myself questioning if it really happened. But as I continue to look towards God and seek him I begin to wonder if I interpret it this way because it’s easier for me to understand what the Bible is saying. I also know that the devil is very sneaky and knows how to trick my mind into thinking these things so I try to cling on to my Lord and Savior for his guidance through his stories and works.

  215. Meghan Amerson says:

    5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – John 1:5

    One of my favorites from today!

  216. Rachel Jones says:

    actually strengthens my faith! So glad we have the opportunity to seek and determine what is truth in an unchanging book.

  217. Rachel Jones says:

    The story of creation is pretty amazing and that God has both shared it with us and preserved this account for thousands of years

  218. Janae Gibson says:

    This is going to be my year of work. I’m sure to understand more.

  219. Scotlyn McDowell says:

    Hey! I don’t know if this would help but I listened to a podcast by the Bible Project about ancient cosmology and Genesis 1 and it talks about how the Bible was written in that specific cultural climate & how the language used would have made a lot of sense for them. It’s poetic in a way and that helped me a ton! You should definitely check it out!

  220. Sky Dsane says:

    I think it’s good right and healthy to think that. I think in some way, we will struggle with some sort of unbelief our whole lives. Wether that’s unbelief that I am loved and accepted. Or unbelief that God is actually good. Unbelief and questioning is part of the journey. I try to think of what the writer of Genesis is trying to tell us. Talking serpents sounds like fantasy land, but what’s really happening is satan at work… the plays of the enemy. When I read this, I have so many questions like…how does the naming of Woman work in the original language? Works well in English but what about Hebrew? I’m assuming it works well with that as well. And what language did Adam and Eve speak? Why on earth are there talking animals? But I try to remind myself… what is the author trying to tell us. Hope that helps. ❤️ you’re not alone.

  221. Lindsey Jarrous says:

    I’m going to be honest here.. after reading day 1 I’m left questioning my faith. It sounds like such a made up fantasy movie. I go through phases of questioning the Bible and I guess here I am again. Anyone else? What am I missing?

  222. Carissa Besonen says:

    Best way to kick of the new year!

  223. Katie Dougan says:

    Happy New Year! I’m excited to start this plan and learn more about God’s word. This section of reading reminded me that our God is good and he is full of grace.

  224. Sarai Romero says:

    Loved seeing Creator God in Genesis create light and see the word in John becoming flesh to redeem the sin. What a beautiful story.

  225. Michia Jenkins says:

    Happy New Year!! Let’s all draw nearer to Him and know Him deeper!

  226. Wendy Burns says:

    Happy New year! No better way to get the year started!

  227. Emily Ling says:

    Happy New Year! Thankful to be joining you throughout this year! (And also a little nervous about doing this – praying that God helps me complete this!)

  228. Amy Grice says:

    The spirit of God was hovering over the waters. That’s sticking out to me. I haven’t read through the Bible or even much of it since 2019. Hoping to stay consistent this year along with my husband

  229. katie hopkins says:

    would love to have someone keep me accountable this year while reading through the Bible, message me on insta @katiejhopkins and I’ll help you do the same!

  230. Marilyn Jones says:

    Happy New Year to each and everyone of my sisters on here. I’ve tried before to read the Bible in a year, but have failed. I really hope to complete it this year.

  231. Amanda Rohling says:

    Very pumped to (hopefully ha) read through the Bible this year. In the same boat, ladies!

  232. Julia Anne Thompson says:

    Happy New Year! I’m so excited to take this journey with y’all and see how God uses

  233. Amber Moran says:

    Love that we have the opportunity of the new year to get into the word. I have always wanted to read through the entire Bible, and I am so excited about this plan!

  234. Mary Wheeler says:

    My New Years resolution is to read my bible more! Glad you are all here too!!

  235. Hannah Saji says:

    Happy New Years everyone! Excited to do this with you all!
    Even though I’ve read this portion before, I was reminded of our God, full of grace and truth. He’s a God of order but loves us as His children even when we make mistakes.
    He’s been there since the beginning. He’s infinite.
    Our Creator. Maker. Father. Friend.

  236. Nancy Taylor says:

    Ready to complete this longtime goal! Pressing on!

  237. Marlissa Newton says:

    Happy New Year. Excited to take this journey with y’all

  238. Mackayla Gubbrud says:

    Happy new year! Praying this study blesses each of us and grows us closer in relation to our triune God! ❤️

  239. Paola Saavedra says:

    Happy new year. Let’s stick to this awesome resolution

  240. Haley Welch says:

    Exited to start fresh this year

  241. Brianna Pieretti says:

    Excited to read through the Bible!

  242. Bailee Igo says:

    Happy New Year!! So thankful for this community. I’ve set a goal

  243. Anneca Raines says:

    One of my goals this year is to read the Bible in it’s entirety! This plan is perfect! Here’s to 2022✨

  244. Jessica Nelson says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I pray a wonderful year for all of you!

  245. Peyton Solesbee says:

    happy new year everyone ❤️

  246. Shana Bollmer says:

    Happy New Year! I’m excited to begin the year with daily reading of the Bible.

  247. Stephanie Daniels says:

    Two big take aways:
    The light has overcome the darkness (John 1:5). If I am living in darkness (i.e. fear, anxiety, worry), then it is because I am not choosing the goodness of Jesus. I am keeping him hidden. I need to draw close to the light.

    When Jesus calls his disciples, they go. They know Jesus is the messiah and they stop everything to follow him. If I could be like them. If I could turn off the TV, if I could put down my busyness and take up the cross the change in my life and the life of others is bound to change!

  248. Stephanie Daniels says:

    Two big take aways:
    The light has overcome the darkness (John 1:5). If I am living in darkness (i.e. fear, anxiety, worry), then it is because I am not choosing the goodness of Jesus. I am keeping him hidden. I need to draw close to the light.

  249. Mackenzie Jenkins says:

    Happy New year I’m excited to start this study !

  250. Fiona Ganchenko says:

    Day 1 is complete! I’m proud of us all for getting our hearts ready!

  251. Erin Ballard says:

    New Year of accomplishing new goals.

  252. Emily Dunsing says:

    Happy New Year! What a great way to start the new year then reading and learning the word of God!

  253. Elizabeth Heydary says:

    Happy New Year! I haven’t attempted to read through the entire Bible in over 10 years but I’m excited to commit this year.

  254. Joanna Rizkala says:

    Happy New Year!! I love how these chapters talk about new beginnings; perfect for the new year!

  255. Patricia Vandenberg says:

    Happy New Year! I’m excited to read the entire Bible this year. I can’t read it fast enough!

  256. mel b says:

    Happy New Year!! I’m giving myself another try of reading the Bible in a year. God is good. Through the readings today you see how good He is. How perfect He is. How trustworthy He is. God’s creation is perfect!

  257. Jessica Hall says:

    I’m excited to commit to this study this year and have grace for myself when I don’t do it perfectly m

  258. Melissa Lee says:

    Here is to a New Year and growing in my relationship with God♥️

  259. Meghan Tuck says:

    Happy New Year! Thankful for a God that sees us and knows us.

  260. Jerryn Pettigrew says:

    Pushing myself to start the new year in God’s Word, and continue throughout the year to strengthen my relationship with Him.

  261. Liz Elkinton says:

    Glad I found this app and reading plan to help me dig deeper into God’s word this year. Blessings to everyone.

  262. Dontyonna Oats says:

    Happy New Year everyone. A few things I notified today was in Genesis when God said “us” He was referring to the trinity. God the Father, The son , & the Holy Spirit. I never noticed the us part before so that was interesting. Also it was confirmed in John.

  263. Sidney Killingsworth says:

    A Very Happy New Year!! I am so looking forward to this journey over the coming year!!

  264. Meg DeJarnett says:

    Gods creation was planned to his perfection.
    God I choose to eat from the tree of life only. Keep my heart pure and my eyes in you

  265. Meg DeJarnett says:

    Gods creation was planned to his perfection.

  266. Holly Cavender says:

    Happy new year everybody! So excited to walk through the Bible this year!

  267. Rachel Gibson says:

    Thankful to start this New Year in Truth! Grateful that God’s Word is always alive and new, even though you’ve read the passage many times.

  268. Lisa Oliphant says:

    Creation is so beautiful and I love how it depicts the magnitude of the universe and then God takes time to focus even on the smallest details of our lives just the same as he was there for Adam and Eve.

  269. Samantha Hollingsworth says:

    grateful to start the new year in the word

  270. Amy Soaki says:

    Grateful for God’s word, an to be able to freely read and learn about our loving Saviour.

  271. Julie Mann says:

    What’s not to love about creation. I love that God puts so much importance on rest; something we find hard to do these days. God created night before day therefore our day should actually start when the sun goes down not when the sun comes up. Thoughts to ponder…. Bless you all.

  272. Kim Pavlovich says:

    John’s unique Christmas continuing the creation story leading into the disciples following Jesus. I can see myself in this story jumping in as a disciple following Jesus.

  273. Elizabeth Cole says:

    Me and my daughters are reading, so here are some thoughts. “God took his time creating” “The word of God was God and is God and The word was Jesus I flesh.”

  274. Elizabeth Cole says:

    Me and my daughters are reading, so here are some thoughts. “God took his time creating”

  275. Aliyah Tangeman says:

    i’m so excited to start this plan and get to know god even more

  276. Aliyah Tangeman says:

    should i start this plan?

  277. Ruth Dmonte says:

    So many questions and it’s just Day 1!

  278. Miranda Heck says:


  279. deanna jones says:

    Thank you Lord for creating everything perfectly for your design and glory

  280. Samantha Johnson says:


  281. Samantha Johnson says:


  282. Laureen Steinwand says:


  283. grace adams says:


  284. Mikayla Penic says:


  285. ellisa bowden says:

    so sweet!

  286. Lauren Rea says:


  287. Julie Baker says:

    I love these passages. They remind me of His great plan.

  288. Emily Beckman says:


  289. Anastasia Art says:


  290. Becca Nicholas says:


  291. Elizabeth Bensch says:

    I love the pairing of Genesis and John

  292. Kat Calhoun says:

    Read Genesis with fresh eyes and I love how there will always be something to learn no matter how many times you’ve studied a book of the Bible.

  293. Hannah Sivage says:


  294. Jessica Cherryholmes says:


  295. Sarah Whitsed says:

    Love the pairing of Gen 1-3 with John 1

  296. Sheila Coulibaly says:


  297. Burgundy Jones says:

    Just started this plan. I love how Genesis was paired with John. In the beginning ❤️

  298. Eliza Barnes says:

    I love this plan

  299. Summer Abbott says:

    Love this

  300. Janice Gibson says:

    Is anyone else having issues with this app? I’ve been reading on this app for a few years now and a couple of days ago it would not let me go back to where I left off at. I do the Bible in a year plan every year, I’ve been doing this for about 20 years, not all on this app but one of my churches pastors, his wife told me about this app and I tried it and never switched back to the other one. Now I can’t get back to where I was and I feel lost not being able to read as I’m used to doing. I know that I can always read the Bible from the physical Bible but I’m hooked on reading it on line. Can anyone please help me? Thank y’all in advance, and Be Blessed

  301. Raygan Morris says:

    Thank you God. ❤️

  302. Naomi Riedel says:

    Love the creation story

  303. T Alberto says:

    John 1:50 “… do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” How awesome!!

  304. Misha Bernard says:

    Glory to God

  305. Amy Phillips says:

    I can’t wait to see what the Lord has done and will do.

  306. Catherine Gamez says:


  307. Megan Hummel says:

    I am ready to learn and connect more through the Word and prayer

  308. Vickie Smith says:

  309. Aleesa Eason says:

    God has made the heavens and the earth, just like he made me and you. It is so important to know all that God did during the first seven days. He also sent down the light of the world, Jesus!

  310. Javi San Martin says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would grow is doing this plan in biblical truth and understanding. Lord, I pray that you would help us know you more clearly and deeper. I pray Father that we would grow in our relationship with you. Holy spirit refine us and help us be godly women. Help us see you’re character while we dive into your word. I pray these things in the wonderful name of your Son Jesus, Amen.

  311. Nozomi Hunter says:

    may i fall more deeply in love with your word Lord

  312. Jennifer Kain says:

    Thank you Lord

  313. Angelique Armijo says:

    I pray you reveal yourself through Your Word, and give me the wisdom to understand Lord. Speak to us in ways in which we can share Your Word with others and apply it to our lives forever!

  314. Stephanie Gredell says:


  315. Lisa Spears says:


  316. Mckayla Butcher says:


  317. Helen Sewart says:

    I love how this app bunches together different parts of the Bible.

  318. Kelly Moss says:


  319. carolina oviedo says:

    amen <3

  320. Brooke Lovelace says:

    Prayer: your word in Lent; gratitude; abundance in your will; your will and word always. Amen

  321. Kelsey Lowther says:

    Amen. So excited to start this Bible reading journey ❤️

  322. Donna Carter says:

    I want to read and study the Bible more in 2021. I know that God will speak to me through his word.

  323. Reagan Harrold says:


  324. Hilarit Bidó says:


  325. Claire McKoy says:

    Great start to this journey. :)

  326. Luray Metzler says:


  327. Clia Falla says:

    I love the combo used to illustrate the beginnings.

  328. Nicole Portis says:

    Enjoying She Reads help of navigating thru the Bible

  329. Sherin Ann Thomas says:

    I want to follow the Lord and be more devoted to him. 2021 is a year that I want to be different. I have been away from the Lord for too long and I want to be back with him.

  330. Kathryn Padgett says:


  331. Kayla Nelson says:

    My goal for this year is to spend more time reading the Bible and thought reading the Bible in a year would be a great way to do that! On day 1 today ☺️

  332. Katie Croce says:

    Great start to the day!

  333. April Miller says:

    Great morning wake up!

  334. Marlize Hattingh says:


  335. Tessa Keeton says:

    Great 1st day

  336. Tessa Keeton says:
  337. Kristan Morgan says:

    Needing to catch up. Praying for diligence.

  338. Breanna Richardson says:


  339. Cathy DeVeyra says:


  340. Imani Hall says:

    Great first reading for the new year! Praying to continue this to get a better understanding and closer to God ❤️

  341. Jayleigh Amstutz says:
  342. Alyssa Vollnogle says:

    Day One too!

  343. Angelique Yates says:

    This is my day one and I’m glad to be in His Word.

  344. Carolina Bufford says:

    Mine too! Let’s get this together

  345. Oceanna King says:


  346. Jos ByHisGrace says:

    Day 1… the word God clothed Adam and Eve Himself really struck me. He clothed them instead of they clothed themselves or each other…. reminds me how God clothed us with Jesus’ righteousness! Thank you Jesus

  347. Heather Wein says:


  348. Brenda Nevarez says:


  349. Renee Oystrick says:

    Today is my day 1 :)

  350. Ami Richardson says:


  351. Robin WilsonMoffett says:

    My daughter told me about it so I looked it up and started. Not sure there is a feature that allows you to send an invite.

  352. Vickie Dinneen says:

    Happy to be reading with so many of you!

  353. Sara Jellsey says:


  354. Brooke Bartimus says:

    6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

    Praying through this that the Holy Spirit gives me wisdom to understand and boldness to be a witness like John.

  355. Madie Sims says:

    Me too. We got this!!

  356. Jada Glenn says:

    Praying I can finish this plan and that God will reveal his plan for my life

  357. Caroline Goode says:

    “…You will see greater things than these.” (John 1:50b)
    What Hope there is in Jesus!

  358. Lyn Blount says:

    John 1… Jesus calls Simon Peter… he gives him the name Cephas.. which means rock. In Matthew 16:18…we see Jesus refer to him again as Cephas, the rock on which the church will be built … all after Peter denied him three times. God knows we are going to booger up … Peter denied Him— yet he was forgiven because of Jesus – his life and death and resurrection… this is what the church is built on— freedom, redemption, deep love from the Father. Salvation comes through Jesus – are we leading others to this gift of life? Be intentional, praying for opportunities and boldness in love – that is what I hear today for the Lord – 1/6/2021.

  359. Marla Enhelder says:

    I have never read the Bible before. Am feeling a calling to grow closer to God! I am hopeful this will be a step in the right direction.

  360. Rylie DeWeese says:

    Stuck on John 1:51 tonight. Jesus has used miracles to display His power & glory since the beginning of time. How often are we receivers of His miracles and we don’t even realize it? So thankful for a God that performs miracles and provides for His children.

  361. Alyssa Dominguez says:

    I can relate to you! So glad I saw this comment! I’ve been questioning everything lately and hit a new low during New Years, it was my wake up call to really dive deep into the Bible and discover my new faith (my whole family has been atheist since my grandmas passing)

  362. Christine Forrest says:

    I just started today. This is my third attempt to follow a plan that goes the whole year. I’ve never started in January though. I’m praying I can stick with it. Grow a relationship with God I can’t do life very well without HIM. Become a better/wiser mother for my children and find peace and balance in my life. I feel strange posting this but I feel like it will help me stay accountable in my goal. I’m so grateful for this plan and this community.

  363. Sabrina Zamora says:

    The story of The Beginning is so beautiful and simple! I wish I had started this sooner. It’s been too long since I’ve dived into my faith and reading scripture.

  364. Briana Wall says:

    In John 1:40-45 I was blown away by how Jesus first found Andrew, then Andrew went to find his brother Peter. After that Jesus found Philip, then Philip went to find Nathanael. This just proves that went Christ finds us, that miraculous encounter should drive us to bring others to Him! ❤️

  365. Lindsey Bradley says:

    Love this! So grateful for this plan being free and for this app in general!

  366. Jill Sharpe says:

    it amazes me every time i read this how God looked at this world and put us here. He made us, and the stars and the sun, and everything was important to him. He doesn’t let us go unnoticed, He calls for us and plans for us

  367. Stacy BariloneSooter says:

    I love how both Genesis and John start with “In the Beginning…” the story of creation and Jesus coming to dwell among His creation

  368. Lauren Lindsay says:

    When I was little and in Missionettes (Wednesday night church), we had to read through the Bible in order to “graduate with honors”. Now that I am 27, I feel like I am reading the Bible for the first time all over again. This is wonderful!

  369. Christian Forde says:

    I just started today. Good luck! We can do it ❤️

  370. Elizabeth Hampton says:

    I love that Nathanael was blown away by the fact that Jesus recognized him from when he saw him sitting under the tree and Jesus was like, “You think that’s impressive?? Just wait and see.”

  371. Rachael Griswold says:

    Is there a way to share the plan with someone else and do it together?

  372. Meagan Wilson says:

    I’ve started this plan late too but will catch up!! Good luck to you guys sticking with the plan all year!! I been hard for me before too but I’m hoping this will be the year I have enough determination to complete it. ❤️

  373. Kristy Stenson says:


  374. Melanie Bennett says:


  375. Holly Rhoads says:


  376. Cristi Franklin says:

    I’m starting late, but hope to catch up today!

  377. Isheika Green says:

    Praying this is the year I hold onto consistency and discipline to finish this plan

  378. Christina Taylor says:

    I started late as well. I’m praying for Consistency, Guidance, and Wisdom for 2021.

  379. Katelyn Pletcher says:

    Starting a few days late, but could not be more excited to follow. ❤️

  380. Rebecca Adeyemo says:

    I’ve started this plan slightly late but I can tell from completing this first plan that’s it’s going to be an amazing and wonderful journey towards knowing God even better

  381. Sylvia Chester says:
  382. Michelle Farrand says:


  383. Robin Deming says:


  384. Lindsey Miller says:

    I am excited for this plan!

  385. Ashley Gamble says:

    My husband and I as well! Prayers to you guys!

  386. Lindsay Mccurley says:

    love this plan!

  387. Jo Anne Salado says:

  388. Regina Smalls says:

    Wow thank you for this ! Solidifies that we will be met where we are always!

  389. Regina Smalls says:

    I’m excited to dig into the Bible as an adult I remember learning these stories as a child and I’ve ever really revisited them . There’s no better time than now and so far the Bible has the greatest stories so fascinating to start from the beginning.

  390. Lisa Stoyak says:

    Same! This is the first time my husband and I are doing this together! I am praying our obedience will be life changing! Keeping you in my prayers!

  391. Hannah Brown says:

    May this year be the year i fill my home with Gods word

  392. Alison Sanders says:


  393. Kate Ann says:

    This is great!

  394. skylar martin says:

    I am determined to become closer with god this year!

  395. Kalista Rigelsky says:

    My husband started Bible in a year last January and he accomplished it! On the other hand I didn’t even make it to February! I definitely love Jesus and read my Bible lots but for some reason I couldn’t commit to this because I was lazy! Sooooo I watched him finish it and now I’m determined to do it this year!

  396. Amanda Christie says:

    Praying that I will not fall to the distractions as I have in the past and that I can become consistent in spending time in the Word every single day!!

  397. Stacy Smith says:

    Praying to grow in faith and devotion this year.

  398. Victoria Castro says:

    Excited to “come and see” as I follow and spend time with Jesus today.

  399. Victoria Castro says:

    Excited to live today in faith as the disciples. To follow Christ, to come and see.

  400. abby grace stevens says:


  401. Caitlin Bromberger says:

    I have a few questions and I’m hoping you ladies can point me in the right direction: where did the cunningness of the servant come from? We’re not all things in the Garden of Eden supposed to be perfect?

  402. Kendra Coulter says:

    Praying to stay consistent and read the whole Bible for the first time ❤

  403. Mary Layton says:

    Congratulations, Heather. I am so happy that you get to do this. I did grow up in the church, but I only began really studying as an adult. When you hear that the Bible is a “living” word, it is true. God keeps revealing Himself to us just in the way He knows we need each day.

  404. Ella Clews says:

    You and me both ❤️

  405. Heather Fringer says:

    I am super excited to start this plan and hope to grow more in my faith! I never grew up in the church so I am trying my hardest to understand!

  406. Eleanor Pierson says:

    What a wonderful connection between the promise of Jesus in Genesis 3 and the presence of Jesus in John 1. I’m always amazed to find that those that God chooses to reveal Himself to, see Jesus for who He is with one look, one word, one touch.

  407. Kylee Hatfield says:

    Excited to read the Bible in a year

  408. Katie Bogenschutz says:

    Me too!

  409. Kourtney Peters says:

    Praying to stay consistent and see this plan through ♥️

  410. Savannah Whitworth says:

    She may be referring to the Bible plan each book has laid out in the beginning. Those plans do not match the Bible in one year, if you follow that it would take longer than one year :)

  411. Charlene Betancourt says:


  412. Becky Renshaw says:

    Thanks Brittany!

  413. Brittany Simmons says:

    That was @Tiffany Hoffman

  414. Brittany Simmons says:

    Hi there!! The Bible in 365 days plan goes through both the New and Old testaments at the same time, so you’ll read from both of them each day. The reading plan goes from the beginning of each testament through the end. It was confusing to me the first year I did it, too!

  415. Kelsey Gallo says:

    @Tiffany Hoffman
    Feel free to email me if you need some help – [email protected]

    In what ways is it not matching up? Perhaps you have a different translation selected? Some additional Bible apps that are helpful resources: YouVersion Bible, BLB (Blue Letter Bible), Logos Bible

  416. Kelsey Gallo says:

    In what way is it not matching up? Some additional Bible apps that are helpful references to me: You Version Bible Ap, Logos Bible Ap, BLB (Blue Letter Bible) Ap

  417. Julie Anne Joyner says:

    Can’t wait for this journey!

  418. Tiffany Hoffman says:

    Not* match up?

  419. Tiffany Hoffman says:

    Is anyone else she reads truth Bible matching up with what’s in the app? This is my first time reading the Bible and I’m so confused…

  420. Lacy Smith says:

    I started this plan in 2020 but then stopped. Picking back up again this year and journaling through this reading plan in a journaling Bible that I plan to give to my son when he graduates high school. Engaging the scriptures as I pray these truths over my son’s life. I’m anticipating the Lord revealing himself in new ways this year and look forward to the journey!

  421. Kristin Rancourt says:

    You’ve got this!

  422. Kristin Rancourt says:

    Very excited to start this plan ❤️ and be intentional in 2021 with my time in His word and presence.

  423. Jennifer Wilton says:

    Looking forward to diving into the word again! I have tried the read through other years and always
    seem to halt at points. Trying again!

  424. Laurie Watje says:

    It had been a goal of mine to read through the Bible in one year and each New Year I begin the process but have not accomplished this goal yet, praying that 2021 is the year I am able to accomplish this!!!

  425. Terry Williams says:

    I want to know Christ and is love for me

  426. Riley Russell says:

    I really needed to grow my faith, I have always gone to church but this will be my first time reading the whole bible. Happy new year and I’m excited to go through it with all of you!

  427. Josie Swigert says:

    I’m going to try to read through the Bible in 2021.

  428. Janice Milley says:

    Excited to be reading through the Bible!

  429. Erika Lynn says:

    Beginning this reading plan for 2021!

  430. Fila Vasquez Avelar says:

    Beginning this year with my plan. I am very excited! 2020 was definitely a year filled with many trials but HE saw us through it all!!! To god be the glory! ❤️

  431. Lauren Cicenas says:

    Praying for everyone & that they may stick with this new journey!! Sooo excited!!!!

  432. Rachel Nagy says:

    I love how in Gen 1, it talks about God separating the light and darkness twice. First on the first day and again on the fourth when he creates the sun, moon, and stars. And I thought, why talk about it twice? The answer I felt lead to was that one separation was physical and one was spiritual. The very first thing God did in his work of creation was to separate spiritual light and darkness, good and evil.

    Then, in John 1, we are reminded that Jesus was the light of men, and that he was there in the beginning. He created the division. And the dark has been trying to fight that division for a long time and had never been able to prevail.

    Such a good reminder after how dark this last year has seemed.

  433. Michelle Ichimura says:

    John 1:5 is a great verse to sum up 2020. Through this pandemic God’s light shines brighter. And the darkness will not overcome the light!!!!

  434. Tayla Lupton says:


  435. Beth Young says:

    It’s a few chapters of OT, one of NT (usually) and Psalms on Saturday. I really enjoyed the format last year (so much so I’m doing it again!); I found that reading old and new side-by-side helped my understanding of both of them.
    I hope you have a sweet time in the word this year, Becky!

  436. Madeline Jensen says:

    I started this last year but never finished. Excited to start again

  437. Melanie Henderson says:

    I am eager to learn about God our Father and his son our Savior Jesus Christ

  438. Courtney McGuire says:

    Happy New Year! So happy to be in the Word of God every day with each of you ladies!

  439. mekenna schmidt says:

    Excited to learn more as I read!!

  440. Kelly Coreas says:

    What a great way to end the first day of the year.

  441. Janae Harris says:

    I needed to start the year with God and this is a perfect way to do it

  442. McKayla Hatfield says:

    Happy New Year! Grateful to start out on in the word.

  443. Jessica Trimble says:

    Happy New Year, ladies! Here’s to storing His Word in our hearts, one day at a time.

  444. Katie Podlaski says:

    Happy New Year! Excited to finally commit to spending time every day in God’s word! 1/365 done✔️

  445. Anna Huffstutler says:

    Happy New Year! Excited to go on this journey with all of you.

  446. Caitlin Hood says:

    Excited I decided to try this. Praying I will stay consistent and continue to grow closer to Him.

  447. Rebecca Draper says:

    A influential pastor of mine died yesterday. He was the one who taught me the importance of a daily time with God and encouraged me to read the Bible in one year when I was a kid. Finally going to do it to celebrate his life. Please pray comfort and peace for his family and friends… especially his wife of 53 years.

  448. Brielle Lynn says:

    Excited to finally read the Bible all the away through

  449. Victoria Brown says:


  450. Teresa Young says:

    Excited to grow as I read through the Bible

  451. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    Praying for all us as we get started

  452. Halle Frodge says:

    so excited to grow with my Lord this year and push myself to be a better me

  453. Alice Rutter says:

    Excited to begin reading the scriptures. Praying for all those starting too!

  454. Susan Dexter says:

    I have started a read through the Bible in a year journey before but never finished. I want 2021 to be the year I finish!

  455. payton cordura says:

    Eager to be in the discipline of intentionality, and grateful for this community of encouragement :)

  456. Hannah Welch says:

    Happy New Year!

  457. Regine Demison says:

    Day one complete. I’m nervous as I’ve never read the entire bible before. Feeling empowered.

  458. Rebecca Aguilar says:

    ❤️364 days to go!

  459. Corrie Storer says:

    Day 1 done! I am beyond excited for this year, diving deep and really building my relationship with God! ❤️

  460. Becky Renshaw says:


  461. Becky Fowler says:

    Finished day 1, but it’s odd to me it doesn’t go in order. I was a little confused when reading the Old Testament then it switched to John the Baptist speaking about Jesus.

  462. Natalie Conley says:

    Day 1 in the books! Very excited to be doing this!

  463. Molly Ardle says:

    Cannot wait to grow further with God this year.

  464. Kelly Johnson says:

    Excited for this journey!

  465. Kelly Johnson says:

    Thank you!

  466. Katie Bemis says:

    Happy New Year! Excited for this journey!

  467. Evelyn Reis says:

    Day 1 ✨

  468. Britt Clark says:

    Remember, God can turn evil, hard, disappointing, and hurtful things to GOOD!

  469. alon high says:

    First Day! Doing this with my mom

  470. Nicole Sunkel says:

    Excited for this journal daily plan for the year.

  471. Marissa Kucera says:

    Day 1 is complete.

  472. Ariel Cuellar says:

    Great first selections!

  473. Lindsey Kennedy says:

    I researched a little further the part about Nathanael and the fig tree and found such comfort in the fact that Jesus saw Nathanael in his secret place where he went to seek the Lord. I included the article and encourage you guys to read it!

  474. Nikita Presley says:

    Excited to study and become closer to God!

  475. Danielle Carter says:

    Excited for this journey! This will be my first time reading the Bible all the way through! ❤️ I can’t wait to see what God speaks to me this year.

  476. Sarah Kuglin says:


  477. Reah Coo says:

    Looking forward to this daily Bible journey. I have never read the whole Bible through so I do this with great expectation. Day 1 done ✔️

  478. Shovorne Adams says:

    Day 1 done happy new year xx

  479. Hallie Anderson says:

    happy new year! I feel so blessed to be going along this journey with such amazing girls!

  480. Molly A says:


  481. Lainie Long says:

    Excited for this journey !!

  482. Caitlin Sterling says:

    Excited for this year! Happy New Year everyone!

  483. Grace Lasarsky says:

    Even in rest, he is working!

  484. Jennifer Sorensen says:

    Day 1 ❤️

  485. Sarah Jonah says:


  486. Amanda Burke says:

    What a great way to start off our new year. I challenge myself and others to stick to this and read the Bible daily. I hope that I can stay disciplined to myself.

  487. Jennifer Guico says:

    Happy New Year! Praying to grow deeper in faith and knowledge of Scripture this year!

  488. Darby Todd says:

    John 1:16 “For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” Hoping to grow in wisdom and truth this year alongside you all!

  489. Jemaine Naidoo says:

    Day 1 ✔️

  490. Gabrielle Koslofski says:

    I’ll be praying that this resolution blesses you along the way!

  491. Kallie Leblanc says:

    day 1

  492. Amanda Carney says:

    Amen! 1 of 365 taken in!

  493. Tee Bryant says:

    Day 1 complete!

  494. Lisa Horsley says:

    Day 1 ✅

  495. Priscilla Matthews says:

    I’ve always wanted to read the entire Bible. This is one New Years resolution I am going to stick to ☺️

  496. Reagan Watkins says:

    Day 1 ✔️ favorite verses today:
    Gen. 1:27 “God created mankind in his own image…”
    Gen. 2:3 “God blessed the seventh day…”
    John 1:50 “…You will see greater things than that.”

  497. Tiffany Owens says:

    Day 1! I had no idea there was a chat! This is great!

  498. Jodi Tarlton says:

    Best way to start a new year! Day 1 complete!!

  499. Olivia Valle says:

    I’ve done my first day!! Happy New Year everyone and good luck!! We can get through this plan!

  500. Kerri Witten says:

    Day 1 ✔️

  501. Rebecca Rascol says:

    Happy New year!! So excited to get in the Word daily, and grow with Jesus! ❤️

  502. Katelyn Lehman says:

    I really need this. I need God and his word and am so excited to spend time with him daily!

  503. Katie Walters says:

    I would love to find a group of women for a bi weekly zoom discussion if anyone Is interested

  504. Katie Walters says:

    I started this last year and didn’t finish so my goal is to finish!! Day 1 is complete

  505. Melinda Luevanos says:

    Day 1 complete! Ready to grow in the Word this year.

  506. Marsha Ames says:

    I’m excited to start. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it. ♥️

  507. Andrea Mohan says:

    Happy New Year! Nothing better then starting the year off reading God’s word!

  508. Ruth McIlveen says:

    Me too!! I am so delighted to have discovered this app as it makes it so much easier etc. We can do it!

  509. Megan Cali says:

    Happy New Year! Excited to start this journey of the living word with you all.

  510. Espie Malvarez says:

    Happy New Year day one done

  511. Liz Whitson says:

    Happy New Year! 2021

  512. Jessica West says:

    Day one done♥️

  513. Jamie Dickson says:

    I am really hoping and praying that I will be able to stick to reading the entire Bible this year. I’ve tried so many times and always fail. This is the year!!

  514. Anita Sanchez says:

    Never read the entire bible before. Excited for this!

  515. Susan Simerly says:

    This will be my second year of reading the entire bible. Those of you starting out, you can do it! Spending time in the word daily has made such a positive impact on my life. Sure there were times I got a day(s) behind, just buckle up and catch up. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it! ❤️

  516. Zoe McCleery says:

    Happy 2021

  517. Haley Steffan says:

    happy new year!

  518. Melanie Bott says:

    Thank you for this ♥️

  519. Jackie Brock says:

    This verse jumped out at me this morning. Praying that we all see greater things in 2021.

  520. Jayme Nichols says:

    I noticed how similar Adam and Eves responses to God after eating the fruit are to my own, my kids, and my husbands when confronted with sin.

  521. Isabel Orozco says:

    The same happened to me! I began so distracted but decided to persevere and stay strong. Happy new year ✨

  522. Ashley Martin says:

    This is the first time I am truly taking time to read and reflect the Bible. Once I began reading this morning, my phone notifications started going off like music. I refused to stop and said “Those can wait”. I completed day 1 strong and ready to face any distractions thrown at me this year. Happy 2021!

  523. Renee Dyson says:

    Day one complete. I am looking forward to daily focus on gods word. Happy New Year.

  524. Krystal Goode says:

    Happy New Year! ✨❤️

  525. Amber Hays says:

    I love that both Genesis and John started with “In the beginning…”

  526. Jess Morrow says:

    Open my eyes and ears Lord

  527. Erin Motley says:

    Happy New Year! I’m so excited to start this journey. There’s nothing better than starting the year and each day that follows with Jesus!

  528. Jenn Squires says:

    I love that goal!! I feel the same – nothing should be more important in my day than Jesus.

  529. Christina Dooley says:

    Happy New Year! Praying for renewed hope and fresh perspective for 2021. The word that struck me in the reading today was “light.” May we all be filled with His light amidst the darkness of the world.

  530. Jamie Dawes says:

    Happy New Year! Cheers to hearts drawing nearer to the Lord ❤️.

  531. Carrie Lisson Winter says:

    Happy New Year! Vowing to finally make it all the way through this year! I want this to be the year, there can be nothing more important in my day than the Word of God!

  532. Katie NicoleRecek says:

    Happy new year! So glad to be on this journey with you all! ❤️

  533. Carrie Lisson Winter says:

    I am vowing to spend time in the Word

  534. Whitney Parrish says:

    “you will see greater things than these”
    Lord, it’s a new year and you are still the same perfect God. We will see greater things this year.

  535. Brianna Starnes says:

    Same here! It took me about an hour between the dogs and my toddler but I got it done. We’ve got this!

  536. Genevieve Marcy says:

    Happy new year everyone! The power of witness

  537. Kristi Reneau says:

    Happy New Year! I am very excited to start this and read the entire Bible this year ❤️

  538. Jordan Mueller says:

    Day 1 Done! Happy New Years ✨

  539. Beth Ayers says:

    Start reading and the distractions begin! With family, dogs and life it is difficult to stay focused! Prayers for all that we will overcome the distractions of life!

  540. Tiffany Coven says:

    Me too! ❤️

  541. Tiffany Coven says:

    Day one done! Xoxo

  542. Emily Burgess says:

    Day one done! Happy New Year to you all!

  543. Lois Shaw says:

    Happy New Year! Let’s do this ladies ♥️

    Love the references to light in Gen 1 and John 1

  544. Debi Edler says:

    The power of God’s word! Through him all things were created and came to be.

  545. Angela Bellard says:

    I am very excited to start this. I have never really took time out to read the Bible or have I ever understood the Bible. I have read scriptures here and there but that is about it.

  546. Lydia Moyer says:


  547. Jen pinyan says:

    I’m so excited to read the Bible fully in a year! I’ve tried many times and never stick. This is the year! Happy New Year!! God’s word is alive and active!!!

  548. Summer LaBonte says:

    Me too

  549. Kaitlyn Reed says:

    We did it! Happy New Year sisters

  550. Susie Rhodes says:

    What stood out to me on day 1 is the power of our God’s words in creation….the “and God said….”

    All He needs to do is speak and the universe is formed!

  551. Sarah Cromer says:

    One of my 2021 goals is to read the Bible cover to cover and improve my understanding of The Word. Day 1 complete.

  552. Yasmin Mendonça says:

    1 ♥️

  553. e sj says:

    Coming back to this Book on the 1st of the year with a curiosity that just won’t let me be. It’s been years since I looked at a bible, or allowed myself to think of Spirit as God or Jesus. These names are hard for me to speak. But there’s always been this nudge pulling me and SRT seems like a good place to start again. Happy new year to you all ✨

  554. Shannon Kovacs says:

    Happy New Year to all!! After the year we have had and the time it has given us all to pause and realize who and what are most important in life, has truly created in me, a stronger FAITH. I want nothing more to come of this year than growing my relationship with GOD! What a wonderful way to wake and start each day! May 2021 be a blessing to you all. XO

  555. Jessi S says:

    I too have never read the Bible, Dianne. I’m looking forward to reading through it this year with this group. So far I like this chronological plan from SRT.

  556. Dianne Pacewicz says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I have been walking with the Lord for many years, but have never read through the whole Bible. I want this year to be different, I want to start every day with the Word of God.

  557. Elisa Wagner says:

    Happy new year! After an absence of a few (many) years, I have come back to Him. Here’s to 2021!

  558. Sara Braganza says:

    This is so helpful! Thank you, I have my notebook and making notes of verses which touched me or challenged me has been helpful.

  559. Kennedy VanHoof says:

    1/1 ❤️

  560. Sarah May says:

    Hi ladies, for those on FB, feel free to join our community (starting our 3rd year!) as we read together. Look for the group “The Bible in a year w/ SRT”. (I’m not affiliated with SRT but we’ve had some good fellowship!). Would love to have you!

  561. Briahna Rodgers says:

    Thank you Lord for creating me in Your image and filling me with Your breath. Lord I feel so loved. Thank you Heavenly Father. Amen!

  562. Kaitlyn Reed says:

    Here’s to 2021, am I right ladies?

  563. Lisa Joynson says:

    I’ve attempted reading the Bible in one year before. I’ve read lots but never seem to stick with the plan and end up jumping around. I think I’ll try the SRT Plan since this is my new Bible.

  564. Lindsay Downing says:

    Day 1 done! I’ve attempted to do the Bible in a year many times and I’m hopeful that this time, with this support group, I will finish. I pray that I remain open to His word and hear what he is telling me.

  565. Selisha Rae Diaz says:

    Day 1 done, I look forward to reading the Bible in a year. My prayers are I could be disciplined and consistent, seeking truth and understanding in everything. Lord, help me and give me the strength. Amen.

  566. Shannon Bryan says:

    Hi Holly! Starting this journey as well and I feel like I’m in the same boat as you. I think I am going to start my readings with a prayer asking Him to guide me and understand the readings. So excited! ❤️

  567. Holly Shepstone says:

    thank you so much! this actually helped a lot! i will try that with today’s reading :)

  568. Adrianne Sarah says:

    Can you please help pray for me to understand and hear God’s voice as I’m studying for the next 1 year thanks

  569. Kim Nelson says:

    Hi Holly! I also just started with January 1. my advice when reading and praying through asking God to reveal himself is… do just that. take 2 minutes when you start to pray that God would reveal himself through His word to you, that He would assuage your fears and counter your disbeliefs with scriptural truths. And pray through what’s on your mind! it helps to give your thoughts to the Lord prior to starting reading. And then in reflection, I always like to write down or go back to specific verses that sink into my heart. and then pray over them/thank God for his character revealed in those verses :)

  570. Holly Shepstone says:

    I just started reading the bible and i read Genesis and John (Jan 1 reading). Could anyone help me out with prayer before and after reading Gods word? i’m not exactly sure how to go about it

  571. Ellie McMichael says:

    Starting Day 1 today

  572. Dea Pedley says:

    Day 1 done! Wanted to start today on Christmas and complete in one year as a gift from Him

  573. Meghan E. Garcia says:

    Started on Day one today

  574. Brooke Lakin says:

    Starting a few days early. Just received my new She Reads Truth Bible and couldn’t wait. So thankful for fresh starts. So thankful that for new bibles and new reading plans and being able to have a fresh word from scripture I could almost recite by heart. Praise God his word is active and living!

  575. Nora Crouch says:

    Day one

  576. georgia b says:


  577. Isabel Erikson says:

    I love reading the Bible because it takes me to a place that one day, I will see my Father and waiting for The Holy Spirit

  578. Briana Young says:

    Day 1: 12/2/2020

  579. Lindsey Johnson says:

    Day 1 12-2-20

  580. Lauren Peters says:

    Day 1 12.1.2020

  581. Maggie Shuck says:

    Day 1: 11/30

  582. Renee Barnett says:

    Day 1 nov 23 ❤️

  583. hannah wooten says:

    yayyyy i’m starting today !! so happy for you!

  584. Avery Bowles says:

    day 1 november 17 i am so excited to get to know the lord and his story i am excited especially after reading how earth was made. i have never been a major believer but this has changed my mind and i now understand the saying of “everything happens for a reason”❤️

  585. Annie Li says:

    Day 1

  586. kailyn ross says:

    starting on November 14 !

  587. Ten Alexandre says:

    Praying for you in this new journey! May the Lord speak to you powerfully! Yes, I agree, on today’s society we see the biblical family as anti-feminist, but God did not create this system to mean that we are LESS than a man, but He set it up for success to create order and love in our homes. Love you comment!

  588. Brittany Reimers says:

    Day 1- starting Nov 4th 2020
    I am just starting my journey of learning about God, the Bible. I have never been a religious person but I am ready to put my faith in God.
    What I got from today’s reading is that our God is all powerful and all knowing. He created the universe and the beings that reside within it. He showed his grace and mercy to Adam and Eve even though they disobeyed him.
    It is interesting to read that god wants our husbands to rule over us. In our current society, this is seen as anti-feminist and old school but I am definitely someone who prefers more traditional roles within a relationship. I enjoy that my husband provides for us, protects us and leads us. It makes me want to submit to him and I take great pride in this role.
    My hope moving forward is that I can bring God into my life and my marriage.

  589. Kelli Thomas says:

    @Hannah Bohannan, I always like to explain it like this, submission is not synonymous with oppression. A man is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. He is to love and care for her in a way that makes her WANT to serve him and do so joyfully. But yes, as part of the curse we inherited man is to have rule over woman. This doesn’t mean that he is to be cruel and forceful but that he is to be the final decision maker because obviously Eve wasn’t capable of always making the right decision. Just remember that your husband should lead you in a Christly manner.

  590. Lauren Johnson says:

    Hannah , I know that sounds a little scary and strange especially in our “feminist and anti-gender” society… but God designed and created man and woman with specific gifts and specific roles. And where “lord” seems strange to us … a lord is not only the person “in-charge” over a people but he is responsible for them. He is to care for them in every way-spiritually , mentally , emotionally , physically and be their provider and protector. In turn … the women willingly submits bc she is fulfilled , safe and secure.
    Now we are all human and sinners and definitely don’t fulfill these roles perfectly all the time… but that is where the Holy Spirit comes in and gives us strength, guidance and sanctification.

    I hope this helps and encourages you! We serve a good., good Father.

  591. Liz Kuster says:

    The Message’s translation is a little different—saying that the woman will want to please her husband, but he will lord it over her. Food for thought.

  592. Hannah Bohannan says:

    I wonder what God means in Genesis 2:16 specifically this section of the verse “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” I hope it doesn’t mean how it sound, our husbands being in control. That’s what I got out of it and I hope that’s not the case. Did anyone else get something different? I’d love to hear yalls perspective.

  593. Donna Carlton says:

    Just completed Day 1, today. I have tried to read the entire Bible, many times, but did not finish. My goal is to stick with it!

  594. Rose Markham says:

    I am so excited to start this wonderful journey through the Word of God!

  595. Nyah Stanfield says:

    I want to have a deeper understand of God’s word. It’s really important to know His character and His love through and through. It’s important to know the truth and be prepared with His Word!

  596. Nyah Stanfield says:


  597. Erin Cooper says:


  598. addison koronis says:

    10/16/20 day 1 :))

  599. Alexa Williams says:


  600. Taeya Hackbarth says:

    Day 1 10/14/20

  601. Maddie Rath says:

    day 1. 10/13

  602. Nicole Ongeso says:

    Day 1 I wish I started earlier but am super excited for this journey. 13/10/20

  603. Alessa L says:

    Starting today! :)

  604. Ayana Mitchell says:

    Day 1 on October 11. Super excited to grow closer with God. ❤️

  605. Madison Autwell says:

    excited to start this journey!

  606. Shelby Berte says:

    Day 1 – praise be to God!

  607. Paige Counahan says:

  608. Audrey Bell says:

    October 1 , Day 1 ! Who else is with me ??

  609. Madison Harris says:

    Day 1

  610. Claudia Barbosa says:

    Day 1

  611. Kennedy Zink says:

    I love the positivity and how so many women are coming together with the Lord! I pray for happiness for each one of you guys and I’m so excited to start this plan! 364 days to go! ❤️

  612. Brooke Barrett says:

    Day 1!

  613. Taylor Ingle says:

    day 1!

  614. Lilli Swearingen says:

    Day one✔️

  615. Ashley Chifupi says:

    Day 1 done♥️

  616. Jamie Nystrom says:

    @selena I am sorry you have been struggling with grief and loss. My heart aches with you as I lost my dad 8 years ago and 7 months ago I lost my mom. The Lord is near to you. I am happy you are taking the leap of faith and getting baptized. Proclaim the goodness of our Lord!

  617. Payton Patrick says:

    Day 1 complete! Excited to see where this journey takes me

  618. Kara Foster says:

    1 down and 364 to go. I do not want to look at this as something to check off but growing with the Lord. Super excited!

  619. Andrea Martinez says:

    I just started and I’m nervous of how this will go.

  620. Amber Gables says:

    Day 1 completed

  621. Britni Danec says:


  622. Allison Morris says:

    Day 1!

  623. Gaby Campos says:

    I just started my journey! ❤️❤️

  624. Laura Doody says:

    Done with Day 1! We can do it ladies!

  625. Shannon Opalka says:

    Day 1 done! ❤️

  626. Michelle Farrar says:

  627. Michelle Farrar says:


  628. Kiersten Broadus says:

    Day 1!!

  629. Aubrey McGregor-Moore says:

    So excited for this journey! Day 1 is done ❤️

  630. phamananewyou gora says:

    day 1 done

  631. Taylor Robinson says:

    day 1 down!!

  632. brooklyn saultman says:

    i’m so excited to keep reading and to learn!! ❤️❤️

  633. Maycee Gilmer says:

    day 1✅

  634. madison johnson says:

    day 1!

  635. Winter Carrell says:

    So excited to learn and grow!

  636. Charissa Rau says:

    Day 1 done!

  637. Enaleen Tuplano says:

  638. Jennifer Mary says:

    Day 1. Thank God for his word and such wonderful people. Looking forward to complete reading with you all!❤

  639. Alyssa Molina says:

    Day 1 :)

  640. Grace Wilson says:

    Day 1 for me!:)

  641. Lauren Stafford says:

    Day 1 done! Put this off for way too long.

  642. iyanah smith says:

    day 1 complete!

  643. Anitra Howard says:

    The reading from John was so powerful. Excited to start on this journey!

  644. Callie Kent says:

    Day 1

  645. Jamie Jones says:


  646. Natalie Gouge says:

    Has anyone completed it?

  647. Allissa Rice says:

    I’m just on day 1 but I love passage. Always makes me excited for more.

  648. macy s says:


  649. Natalie Gouge says:

    I am getting it!

  650. Tandalyn Szczurek says:

    From the creation of the world to John announcing him as the son of God…. AWESOME!

  651. Brittany Ondo says:

    Day 1. Powerful ❤️

  652. suzi roberts says:

    i love that one of the tasks originally given to man by God is to “subdue” the Earth. To overcome. We were literally built by God to be resilient and overcome the obstacles of the world. That feels so powerful!

  653. Rachel Prochnow says:


  654. Vinelle Richmond says:

    Day 1!!!!!

  655. Megan Pritchard says:

    Day 1 for me. Excited for what God has in store for me and praying for a heart that is open to it all!

  656. A G says:


  657. Ashton Hoekstra says:


  658. Jane Grisley says:

    Can’t wait to continue!

  659. Katie Tuggle says:


  660. Jora Martin says:

    Day 1 can’t wait to finally read the hole bible

  661. Larkin Elizabeth says:

    Day one! Reflecting on the nature of the Word and God’s loving goodness in the creation we have all around us.

  662. Molly Newland says:

    Day 1

  663. Kaylee Terrell says:

    I feel so very blessed to have the Word guide us and connect us further with our Father. I can’t wait for this journey (:

  664. Abby Smith says:


  665. Alex McKeaney says:

    I have been questioning why God made me. I pray for Him to reveal this and why He loves me.

  666. Emily McDonald says:


  667. Katie Recek says:

    John 1 was really what I needed to read today. Hearing Jesus respond basically “You haven’t seen nothing yet” after Nathanael professed he was the Son of God by merely knowing he was under a fig tree is so much what God is saying in this time of unknown. “You trusted me when life was easy- now wait to see what I have next!” SO GOOD!

  668. EmmaLea Erlandson says:

    Day 1 ❣️

  669. Taylor MarieHayden says:

    Day 1 of my journey begins today. ❤️

  670. Tania Ince says:

    Thank you Jesus❤️

  671. Darlene Blandin says:

    I love you, Father ❤️

  672. Soila Valdez says:

    Day 1

  673. Kayla Thuet says:


  674. Paige Buatt says:


  675. Emily Drage says:

    Day 1 ❤️

  676. Hayley Sims says:


  677. Estefany Valencia says:

    Loved it!!!

  678. Jo Sharman says:


  679. Ligia Sierrs says:


  680. Lauren Mills says:

    So excited to really dig deep into Gods word this year!❤️

  681. Ashley HasbrouckYork says:

    Be still, my heart ❤️

  682. Dixie Edminster says:


  683. haven spoon says:

    excited to start this journey!

  684. Allison Page says:

    Just a reminder that WE are made in God’s image & WE are very good indeed. ♥️

  685. Chelsea Oliver says:

    Day 1!

  686. Kimberly Hesdra says:


  687. Kelsey Parkey says:


  688. Allie Mauney says:

    Trying to find my way back to God through the stress and struggles that have led me stranded

  689. Rachael Tourere says:


  690. Alisha Macas says:

    I’m excited to start this journey!!

  691. Ashlen Lenderman says:


  692. Shelbi Basquez says:


  693. Danielle Ferry says:

    Day one ✔️

  694. Ally Dahm says:

    Hoping God will reveal more of Himself to me on this journey

  695. Amanda Mincheff says:

    I have some catching up to do!

  696. Zara Maddern says:

    I love this ❤️

  697. Rachael Giglio says:

    Glad to see i am not the only one just starting out on this! Excited to continue with you all!

  698. Riny Elizabeth Alex says:

    364 days to go!

  699. Gabrielle Grimes says:

    I’m excited to read more!

  700. Brittany Ransdell says:

    Hoping by reading the Bible it will help me understand it better!!

  701. Amanda Barnabi says:


  702. shiloh jan says:


  703. Kathleen VonFeldt says:


  704. Jenn Robinson says:

    First time reading the Bible, hopefully this can lead me to going to church. I haven’t been to church since I was a little girl

  705. Lisa Christian says:

    Always amazed!

  706. Kathrybe Tenney says:


  707. Beth AkinPowell says:


  708. Vicky Garrison says:


  709. Ally Bausch says:


  710. Rileigh Bounds says:


  711. Nancy Clement says:


  712. Lillie Jasso says:

  713. Sami Stadts says:


  714. Carly Culkin says:


  715. Jordan Gray says:

    + thank you god

  716. Nikki Gonzales says:


  717. Nicole Johnson says:


  718. Amber Allen says:


  719. Denise Cahill says:

    Praying for all the women on this journey together that we may grown closer to God through this next year. May we know His love for us and find clarity in our paths. ✨

  720. Alycia Moore says:


  721. Kyleigh Higdon says:


  722. Christina Harris says:

    2020 bible in a year

  723. Jacquelyn Baker says:

    I love how She Reads Truth is pairing the Creation story with John 1. It gives a deeper perspective of what happened, who was there, why they were there, etc. Jesus’ existence was important in creation and is essential to understanding the originality of God’s creation.

  724. Kinsee Whiteaker says:

    Starting a new year has made me want to get closer with God and just by reading this first page I feel like I am going to grow closer to him.

  725. Reagan Martin says:


  726. Arique Aguilar says:

    I’ve got to catch up. I’m only six days behind. I can commit to ready two session until I’m up to date. I figured I get into enough arguments about the Bible, and I’ve studied pieces of it well, but that there is something powerful for me if I truly take myself and my faith seriously and do the work of study. That’s what I’m about in 2020.

  727. Lauren Bradley says:

    Very excited to have found this. Great way to start 2020!

  728. Anecia Ascalon says:

    Just started today and already enjoying and excited about it! I always get questions after reading the Bible, but a major frustration is the lack of context sometimes. Like, what was Eve’s reaction to a snake talking?? did all animals talk or something?

  729. Grace Cummings says:

    I love how even though Adam and Eve had upset God, it says in Genesis 3:21 that “God made clothing from skins for the man and his wife, and clothed them.” So EVEN though Adam and Eve had greatly messed up, God still took care of them. Even when I mess up, God is still there to clean me all up and care for me.
    Such a good reminder of how much He loves us. ❤️

  730. Amanda Wienke says:


  731. Alexis Brooks says:


  732. Kate Phillips says:

    No matter how many times you read God’s word, you get something different out of it each time. God is so good!!

  733. Lindsay Kelly says:

    I’m already a few days “behind”…but not letting the idea of perfectionism get in my way! Excited for this plan.

  734. Julie Weaver says:

    Reading the bible in entirety for the first time.

  735. Abbie Rocha says:

    Love this

  736. Lynette Dorman says:

    I am starting this plan again too. I tried it 2 years ago and was good until June. I went on vacation and never got back on track when I got home. This year I don’t want anything getting in my way.

  737. Popceanca Mara says:

    So good

  738. Tori Parker says:

    Can’t wait to start this plan!

  739. Q T says:

    Last year I failed to read the whole bible. This year I’m trying again ❤

  740. Gina Babski says:


  741. Baylee Almon says:


  742. Mika Maxwell says:

    Amazing way to start each day! The world seems a little lighter after digging into the word each morning ♥️ Here is to 2020 and walking closer to his word each and every day!

  743. Kendra Schulz says:

    may we be a LIGHT as Jesus shines through us!!

  744. ella vanooteghem says:

    i can’t wait to be able to say i read the whole bible!

  745. Kaylin Skiver says:

    Don’t you love when you read a verse and your mind gets blown bc it’s exactly what you needed to hear.

  746. Evelyn Gomillion says:

    I’m thankful I found this devotional. I have never read the Bible all the way through. Such a great way to learn and stay connected.

    Day 1-

  747. Abigaile Zuck says:

    Genesis 1:3 is something I hope to live into

  748. Cameron Mitts says:

  749. Krista Bohmann says:

    So excited to be even more connected with my savior♥️

  750. Maya Jackson says:

    I prayed that this year be a year of completion and accountability, so finishing the Bible at the end of the year will be a huge spiritual and personal accomplishment.

  751. Leah Pickard says:


  752. Justine Bouwkamp says:

    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Favorite verse from today’s reading! Excited to read thru the Bible for the 1st time with all you ladies!

  753. Frenchi Garcia says:

    This is my first year devoting my life to God and it has been everything emotional and exciting. Thanking God for my life and opening my soul and eyes

  754. Emelia Visser says:

    Would anyone be willing to go through this series together and compare notes and such?

  755. Elizabeth Wade says:

    2020 so excited to finally do this. It’s weird to have been a Christian for almost 18 years and not have taken the time to read through the whole bible. Anyone else feel like this?

  756. Lily Martinez says:

    2020 ❤️

  757. Chantal says:

    I just started this reading plan and loving what God is showing me already!! Looking forward to this year long journey with you all!

  758. Brooke Parker says:

    2020 is here! Let this year be the year that we all grow closer to God through this study and in our daily life, taking the time needed to spend in His word & with Him without rushing through it. ❤️❤️ Praise God for this community!!!!

  759. Cassey Fischer says:

  760. Virginia Vitale says:

    Day 1! Very excited to have others on this same journey.

  761. Kim Anstaett says:

    Happy New Year!! “ 31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”

  762. Rachel Finn says:


  763. Melissa Dufek says:

    I am excited to commit myself to Jesus!!

  764. mary-grace myers says:

    Happy New Year everyone so excited to join you guys on this journey in 2020 ❤️

  765. Felicia Mckelvy says:

    This is my first time on the app, and my first doing a Bible Reading Plan! So excited!

  766. Chrystal Johnson says:

    This is going to be an amazing way to get through the Bible in a year!! I am excited.

  767. Jessica White says:

    My best friend and I set a goal for this year to become more grounded and familiarize ourselves with the word to strengthen our relationship with God. I’m excited to go on this journey of self healing and rediscovery with my best friend ♥️

  768. Carrie Hotek says:

    Day 1 ☺️

  769. Cecilia Valentine says:

    Happy new year, sisters! ❤️

  770. Bailey Glenj says:

    Excited to get through the bible in a year, with daily devotional time . :)

  771. Alyssa Lane says:

    So excited to strengthen my knowledge in the Lord this year. Happy new year and I pray that 2020 is a great year for everyone. :)

  772. Hannah Rhee says:


  773. Sydney Buckley says:


  774. Sarah Paris says:

    Excited to be on this journey with you lovelies in 2020!

  775. Aischa Alexander says:

    Jumping in!!! So excited for this year.

  776. Asia-Bryanne Greenleaf says:

    Day 1. Excited to finally read the Bible in its entirety.

  777. Bethany Charleston says:

    I’ve never read through the Bible completely before, so I’m excited to start the journey this year!

  778. Shelbie Robeck says:

    Praying I can keep the discipline to finish this

  779. Jenna Coker says:

    Let us spend this day, a start of a new year to reflect on the Light & how we are called to be the light in the Darkness because the true light of the world shines through us as vessels. Not by our own accord. How humbling that it only took 3 chapters in of Genesis to have The Fall of Man. As Adam and Eve fell short we fall short daily, but let us live in grace upon grace to strive to live like Him.

  780. Jennifer McAmis says:

    So excited to start this journey! Praying that I stay faithful in completing this plan and strengthening my relationship with a loving God.

  781. Ashlee Sandy says:

    I am so ready to continue my journey of seeking God. I am so excited to start this plan and I am asking God to stay present in my life all 2020! I am letting him lead my way this year and forever!

  782. Haley Casper says:

    Here it goes!!! We can do it ladies!

  783. Kylee Brees says:

    I am praying that 2020 is a year of guidance. As a college student, I need the Lords guidance for me. Fully reading through the Bible I think will keep me disciplined in my faith and stay focused!

  784. Shivonne Green says:

    Starting this again and finishing it this year 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣

  785. Megan Redwine says:

    I’ve never read the Bible in it’s entirety. 2020 I am ready to read God’s word in full. ❤️

  786. Mary Frances Satterwhite says:

    Ok, ready to do this plan. Happy 2020!

  787. Stephanie Zimmer says:

    What a wonderful way to start a new year!

  788. Whitney Kost says:

    Excited to be here, excited to do this, excited to hear the Word of the Lord!

  789. Clarissa Sanchez says:

    Such a blessing to see so many women embark on this journey together. Praying for us that we become the godly women Jesus has called us to be ❤️

  790. Melissa Garbes says:

    Excited to read through the Bible, but also relish in this community! If you haven’t already, please be sure to check out the She Reads Truth podcast…its really a treat!

  791. Andisha Steward says:

    I’m happy to start this reading with everyone and walk in faith ❤️

  792. Marie Rodriguez says:

    Great way to start the year ❤️

  793. Cheyenne Erickson says:

    Does anyone know if additional resources to answer questions about the creation story and either it’s compatibility or incompatibility with evolution? I just want to take a deeper dive and explore questions that I keep ignoring.

  794. Olivia Hatfield says:

    I was once told “Dont try to catch up if you miss a day. Just jump in.” Great advice as it is so easy to get behind, get overwhelmed and quit.” So my encouragement to every one who misses a day is that, don’t play catch up. Jump right in!

  795. Corinne Aldarondo says:

    2019 was a rough on on me mentally. I’ve let my faith weaken and 2020 is all about strengthening my relationship with my faith.

    I am truly excited but also overwhelmed with this journey.

    I’m eager to follow this plan and read the Bible completely and letting the words reflect in my mind, heart, and actions.

  796. Hannah Corrin says:

    I’ve been a young follower of God. This is my best attempt to really spend time in the Bible. I find it very challenging to keep up with the deep meanings and understanding of some versus. Hoping to challenge each other and grow as sisters/ brothers ✨

  797. Ashley GrothmanBess says:

    I’ve started plans like these many times but I want to stick to it this year! We can do this!

  798. Kelly Jernigan says:

    Praying hard that I can stick with this plan for longer than a few weeks & make it a priority. I want to strengthen my relationship with Jesus! ❤️

  799. Rebecca Reynolds says:

    My goal is to finish this year’s reading plan! Eager to see what God will show me through this word!!!

  800. Christine Erin says:

    I have lost my relationship with the Lord and I pray that this helps me bring him back into my life. Praying for you all to have a joyous new year! ❤️

  801. Lexi Beaver says:

    Excited to start this!! Day one completed and I already fill fulfilled by God’s word!

  802. Nikki Newton says:

    Personal goal to finish this plan this year! Can’t wait to see what is in store! ❤️

  803. lily kirby says:

    day one complete! I’m so excited to embark on this reading of gods wisdom

  804. Cassidy Hayes says:

    Praying that the lord will use each and everyone one of us this year!

  805. Heidi AndersonGaler says:

    This is my 2nd attempt at this plan, really excited to make this a priority

  806. Tiffany Reid says:

    Here we go!!!

  807. Chelsea Reichers says:

    Carving out time to read my Bible daily! I excited to do this. I love that the theme in day one is “rest” God rested each day, to see that it was good.

  808. Kara Randall says:

    Looking forward to 2020. Praying that it’s a year marked by wisdom for Gods word. ❤️

  809. Sami Brown says:

    I’m so excited to start this!!!

  810. Sarah Heschl says:

    Personal goal to read thru the entire bible this year. Looking forward to doing it here!

  811. Becca Stidham says:

    I didn’t quite make it through the Bible last year, so I am re-starting the plan. What I am seeing this time through the story of the creation is the theme of rest. “And evening passed and morning came marking the___day” God rested as He was creating. He absolutely could have made everything all at once, but He rested. From the beginning He gave us what we need AND an example of how we should be living and working… from a place of rest.

  812. Catherine Wright says:

    absolutely amazing best way to start off the year !

  813. Amber Kemper says:

    Day one completed! It amazes me that God would willingly put us in this world so that He could lay down the life of His one and only son to save our worthless and sinful souls.

  814. Amber Kemper says:

    Day one done. It is amazing what God did for us. He put us in this world

  815. lucy rodriguez says:

    a new year. a new decade. excited to start it off by reading His good Word !

  816. trinity estes says:

    so excited to do this daily!

  817. Ailsa Yuille says:

    Familiar and comforting scripture to start of this year ❤️

  818. Kristin Sponaugle says:

    I’m so happy to start this next year in God’s Word ❤️ I read through the Bible in 2019 and am so excited to read through it again!

  819. Jennifer Sanders says:

    Although we know we’re made in Gods likeness, it’s so humbling to read it no matter how many times.

  820. Leonie Annor-Owiredu says:

    Happy New Year! I love reading the Bible from the beginning, it’s amazing to marvel at how God threw the whole world together and view the Creation story with a whole new attitude

  821. Kendra Koelsch says:

    My life has changed so much because of discipleship and seeking God for myself. I pray for all of you to experience the discipleship God has planned and purposes for us, this year, like the disciples of Jesus had. I am so encouraged that God, all-knowing and Creator, has designed a way for us to live abundantly. I want to stay focused this year on that. Seeking more of him, developing my prayer life, and worshipping Him everyday.

    Thank you Jesus!

  822. Charley Jackson says:

    Charley here from London UK, trying, again (and again!) to get closer to God through his Word. Praying for us all as we read. Day 1 done!

  823. Sarah Huddleston says:

    What is so amazing is how some of the disciples simply started following Jesus while others were “found” by other disciples and led to Jesus.

    Something else I found interesting was how the serpent said they would be “like God” in knowledge. I think of today and how we take control of things and have selfishness and pride; how we believe ourselves to be better than others based on knowledge or wealth or status or progression of life. Our knowledge, our understanding, our purpose in this life do not come from material, solid, tree-like things that fade. Our knowledge and understanding and purpose comes from God as He intended when He created man and woman. To live together building and caring for His garden. Living in His presence daily; worshiping Him and never losing sight of Him. Never hiding in shame. For He knows all and sees all.

  824. Courtney Davis says:

    From today’s reading, provision is the word that kept coming to mind. God provided for us all before the first man was created-food to eat, water to drink, night so we could sleep, stars to guide and so much more. He provides and makes a way for us long before we enter the picture.

    Excited about this near year and furthering my relationship with the Lord.

  825. Allison Angle says:

    My husband and I are doing this this year! We are so exited to read the whole bible together! Blessings to you all on this journey this year!

  826. Megan Burry says:

    I truly hope to learn more and gain more insight of the power of God throughout this journey with you ladies! ❤️

  827. Stacie Marriott says:

    “In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overpower it.” -Jn 1:4-5 I love how Genesis and John correlate LIGHT. Welcome & Prayers of perseverance to the new friends of She Reads Truth. May the Lord bless your year of reading through the Bible!

  828. Ashlynn Carver says:

    This was so good. It was such a sweet reminder that we are made with worth because of Him❤️

  829. Tenley McHarg says:

    I have never read the whole Bible through cover to cover. Praying for myself and all those in the same boat that 2020 is the year, and that everyone reading this plan will be richly blessed by our commitment to prioritize His word in our lives!

  830. Laurie Willer says:

    I’ve read the Bible through but not for awhile. I believe God uses His word to change us and make us more like Christ. His word is living, active and powerful! I pray He will accomplish His purpose in the lives of all of us that have made this commitment. It will at times be hard and I’m sure many distractions will come, but may God give us His strength to complete this most important and worthwhile endeavor!

  831. Lindsay Bradley says:

    Happy New Year, all! How amazing to share this journey through the Bible with other amazing women! Day one down, 364 to go! Let’s do this!

  832. Jamie MacIntosh says:

    Happy New Year! I am looking forward to reading the Bible this year, and am excited to see that I am in good company!

  833. Theresa McKee says:

    Honestly, I haven’t spent much time in the word lately. I bought the She Reads Truth Bible a year ago and it was still in its box. Making a commitment to make this a priority.

  834. Jennifer Powers says:

    It’s been a few years since I’ve read the Bible through, so I’m looking forward to accomplishing this goal for 2020.

  835. Heather Roberson says:

    Happy New Year! I’ve restarted reading the Bible through again. I’ve read the Bible through many times. Each time I learn something new.

  836. Sarah Schlappi says:

    I’ve read every book in the Bible over the course of my life, but I have never done it through in a year. I am looking forward to starting this next decade off right.

  837. Jani Grace Harris says:

    This year I hope to become closer to God through his word and that I may also strengthen my faith through it.

  838. Stacey Lorraine says:

    I am so excited to take this journey through the Bible. I spent years teaching stories to children and helping them to know Jesus. This year I get to take the time and grow my relationship with him.

  839. Thembiza Amone says:

    Goal for 2020 is to really strengthen my relationship with Christ and hope to complete this journey throughout they year!

  840. Amanda Siciak says:

    Happy New Year! Excited to see what God does in my life through reading the Bible in a Year, each day in His Word this year!

  841. Mary Steinle says:

    I’ve never read the whole Bible. I haven’t even picked up a bible in years. I was once very close to Christ. I pray that my relationship with Him is reignited this year. I pray my passion to live Christ like and to love like Christ comes prevailing out of my mouth, heart, and actions. Happy New Year❤

  842. Hayley Morrow says:

    Happy New Year! I am looking forward to strengthening my relationship with Him in 2020!

  843. Julie Stein says:

    Sitting next to the Sea of Cortez this morning as I read the creation story. God is good.

  844. Kaylan CollinsMitchell says:

    Looking forward to 2020 being a year I intentionally seek God first above all else. Happy New Year everyone!

  845. Jennifer Harink says:

    Happy New Year! Excited to join you all as we dive into God’s Word together!

  846. nicole nowak says:

    can’t wait to strengthen my relationship with Him this year by the help of this study

  847. Chelsea Jordan says:

    Day 1 completed #364 days

  848. Jen High says:

    Praying with everyone that this year we will be steadfast in our commitment to knowing God more intimately and powerfully than ever before. Let us all Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God!

  849. Kirstin Tomlinson says:

    Happy new year everyone! Praying we all gain insight on Gods word this year and grow closer to Him!

  850. Sarah Danielson says:

    beautiful to see everyone who wants to

  851. Kirstin Houghton says:

    So happy to see so many others starting today in here. Have a very blessed new year.

  852. Sherry Berry says:

    I have read the Bible in full many times but each time I get a new revelation . My daughter in law reminded me that I needed to reconnect and I’m so glad she did !!!! I feel so uplifted snd I thank God that she obeyed and brought the message to me

  853. Sadie Porter says:

    Day 1 complete 2020 goal. God is Good !

  854. Patricia JeanHolder says:

    Happy New Year and another new beginning!

  855. Madison Johnson says:

    Happy New Year! I can’t wait to get more connected with God this year!

  856. Nicole Roeher says:

    Starting 2020 with INTENTION; just like everything in the creation story was done with intention. ❤️

  857. Morgan Taylor Matthews says:

    This is my New Years resolution; to get back into my relationship with God

  858. Avery Ishie says:

    this is my goal for this year !!

  859. LeAndria Moffett says:

    Day 1 ✅

  860. Selena Davis says:


  861. Piper Shanks says:

    Everything He has done was out of desire. He did not need to create this world, trees, seas turtles, stars, or even us. He breathed everything into existence out of pure desire. That blows my mind. What a great way to start 2020. Knowing that we are desired by the Creator.

  862. Lacey Bankhead says:

    Just three chapters into the Bible and we already have an overwhelming need for a savior. The Gospel message starts right from the beginning. I’m so thankful for the arrival of Jesus and the redemption He brought.

  863. IJ March Saplagio says:

    First day for the year and I am glad I found this community. Happy new year!

  864. Kalyn Narramore says:

    When God asks Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” He already knew. When He asked, “What have you done?” He already knew. And was ready to offer forgiveness and cloth them. ❤️ God is so good. I am thankful He knows where I am at the start of 2020 and I’m excited to follow Him this year! Day 1 done!

  865. Rebekah Carrington says:

    Happy new year! So grateful for the SRT app and community to grow closer to Jesus and closer as a body of Christ

  866. Amanda Terry says:

    Day 1 ..Stepping out into my goal for the New Year and that is Refocusing on my walk with the Lord. It’s so amazing how God, even in our sin, still comes to our rescue and provides. I am so grateful that He is the God that Sees❤️

  867. Haleigh Dykes says:

    I pray that all of us who have set out to do this plan this year stick to it and finish it.

  868. Donna A says:

    This is my goal for 2020!!

  869. Hannah Payne says:

    Its so beautiful that even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God, he still fulfils their desires. In Genesis 3:7 they want loincloths and clothes them, despite their disobedience.

  870. Cheri Barlow says:

    I want to really know the Lord.

  871. Kaylly Camacho says:

    Day 1

  872. Kaylly Camacho says:

    Day 1❤️

  873. Sayra Mcintosh says:

    This is well over due for me too start read the Bible all the way through this new year .

  874. Nik Dsmimo says:

    I’m hopeful and excited for this journey… it’s very long overdue and I’ve been wanting to get closer to the Lord in all aspects of my life but unsure on how to do it. I’m grateful for this space to do it in with like minded people and just thankful I was led to this app. Thank you! ♥️

  875. Sarah May says:

    Hi Ladies, for those who are joining, there is a Facebook group to get into the readings with a little more community (we’re finishing up December but will be joining you in January soon!). Search for “The Bible In a Year w/ SRT”. We’d love to have you join!

  876. Melisa Thompson says:

  877. Maridalia da Cunha says:

    How wonderfully crafted was Day 1 selection. To start with the amazing creation of an unbelievably good world showing the perfection of its maker. To move on to the display of disobedience and greedy discomfort that led to the fall of men. And to conclude with the graceful news of a solution to hopeless doom. God’s grace never ceases to amaze me!

  878. Ruth Groenhart says:

    I am so happy to start this journey, because I know this is the best thing I can spend my time on.

  879. Sylvana says:

    Oh God! So happy to see many more taking this same challenge, though I have attempted this many times I have never finished, and this is something I know God wants to work in me! Starting TODAY! Many blessings to all in this same journey.

  880. Taylor Claspill says:

    Day 1! Excited to start this journey (a bit early) for 2020.

  881. Griselda Arellano says:

    Our Pastor challenged us tonight to take this journey with him, starting at the beginning of the year. I am starting today. Lord open my mind and my heart and fill it with your spirit.

  882. Caitlyn Farrell says:

    I’ve never read the entire bible and I’m excited to make this part of my morning routine!

  883. Tracey Duffer says:

    Day 1, asking the lord to open my eyes and my heart to him and his word

  884. Brianna Alleyne says:

    Day 1. I am asking the Lord to open my eyes to what he has for me this upcoming year and to open my heart for me to receive it.

  885. Isabell Luneng says:

  886. Paige Musselman says:


  887. Angela Shoemaker says:


  888. Marisa Porras says:

  889. Emily Adkins says:

    Day 1

  890. tatum imburgia says:

    day 1✔️

  891. Abby Arnold says:

    Day 1 done!

  892. Chloë Nutley says:

    We’re doing this!

  893. Bailey Lindeman says:

    Day 1 ✔️ So excited to learn more about God and his crazy love for me.

  894. Angela Sim says:

    God is benevolent provider. Thank you for the abundance we receive every day.

  895. Lacey Olsen says:

    Phew! A little longer than expected but done!

  896. Sandra Boucher-Bessent says:

    Day 1 completed.

  897. Xenia Daopoulou says:

    Day 1 done! ❤️

  898. Ashley Snyder says:

    I’ve wanted to do this for a long time now. Day 1

  899. Cecelia Sevy says:

    Day 1❣

  900. Jordana Spice says:

    Day 1: ✅

  901. Carrie Hotek says:

    Day 1 is done :)

  902. Carrie Hotek says:

    I stopped reading or really having anything to do with Christianity for some time now. I miss feeling like I’m part of something more.. and I’m tired of feeling dead inside.. I am really hoping to find God again. I hope I can connect with others and learn from their journeys..

  903. Caitlin Thagholm says:

    Day One Done. Not sure I understand why it went from Genesis to John.

  904. Destiny Martinez says:

    Glad to have found a community where we can read, reflect, and fellowship. Praying for consistency and smooth reading. ❤️

  905. Marné Enslin says:


  906. Angel Collins says:


  907. Katie Hood says:


  908. Sharon Batamuliza says:

    Day 1

  909. Kaila Williams says:

    day 1❤️

  910. Kaila Williams says:

    Day 1 ❤️

  911. Pamela Torrence says:


  912. Susan Kropp says:

    Too many times I have started reading the Bible and too many times I have stopped. I am excited to have found this amazing community that feels like the perfect place to not only begin reading but to actually finish the Bible! Blessings to all on this journey! May we be there for each other offering encouragement and support along the way.

  913. Susan Kropp says:

    I am so excited to have found this community to share such an amazing journey with. Too many times I have started reading the Bible and too many times I have stopped. This feels like the right place to start and to finish. Yay!

  914. Micah de Putter says:


  915. Tina EvansCook says:

    Day 1 ✅ let the journey begin.

  916. Nicole Joyce says:

    Day 1 ✅
    I need this, and appreciate seeing y’all comments and encouragement!

  917. Robin Noblin says:

    Hey ladies! Really excited to start this journey with y’all!

  918. Brittany Annand says:

    Started yesterday but sooo ready to dive in

  919. Skyla Vaughan says:

    Feeling so wonderfully made after reading today. I cannot wait to start this journey and see the greater things Jesus talked about in the end.

  920. Tori Bissell says:

    Starting day 1 with all of you. I was thinking how in the end Jesus said they would see greater things… what a perfect way to start this journey. We literally will see greater things as we read the rest of the Bible together

  921. Lainee Winter says:

    so excited to continue reading the word of God! #dayone

  922. Hanna McComas says:

    Day 1 ✅

  923. Jodi Easton says:

    Finished day 1 ❤️

  924. Jaclyn Martinez says:

    Day 1 done ❤

  925. Kim Coneo says:

    From the very beginning we see how the trinity worked as one. Just beautiful

  926. Kortney Trinkler says:

    So glad I decided to start this! Day one complete✅

  927. Gracie Amburn says:


  928. Lizzie Nagy says:

    Day 1 on September 18. Love how God knew Nathaniel just by looking at him. How true that He also knows us just by looking at us, and how much better to open our hearts to Jesus and FEEL known.

  929. Callie Mills says:

    ✔️ day 1

  930. Shealee Crosby says:

    Day 1 is done

  931. Katie Sparks says:

  932. Nyheir Daniels says:

    Day 1 done

  933. Kapua Rasmussen says:

    Day 1 DONE! Even though it’s September 5th lol

  934. Aleyah Terry says:

    Day 1!

  935. Alexis Hopkins says:

    Day 1 done! ❤️

  936. Alexandria Rodriguez says:

    Awesome start to day 1! Something I got out of it is that simply by Jesus telling Nathanael that He saw him under the fig tree, Nathanael believed in Jesus and Jesus told him he will see things greater than this, that he will see the heavens opened made me realize something I knew all along but often need reminder of, that with faith in Jesus anything is possible, the heavens can be opened before our eyes and blessings can be poured down, over our life and over our situations we just need faith!

  937. Morgan Leigh says:

    Day one done:)

  938. Leayah Hines says:

    Day 1✅

  939. Leah Nesburg says:

    Day 1!

  940. Nikita McMillon says:


  941. mallory sanborn says:

    :) excited to do this!

  942. Dizzia Losack says:

    Day one over

  943. Brandy Waits says:

    Completed day one.

  944. MacKenzie Morgan says:

    Day 1

  945. Jadelyn Bates says:

    There are a lot of things going on here, but I’m glad I took the time to stop and read it! I know the word is good and true. I have decided to dig deep into it, so I can refer to It when I need compassion, understanding, and help.

  946. Lily Turenne says:

  947. Ashlen Novak says:

    “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. “

  948. Launi Rogers says:

    Day 1 done. I’m thankful for this time. Every time I read, I learn something new, or God shows me something I needed at that time!!

  949. Nadia Agafonov says:

    Day 1 done

  950. Brittany Downs says:

    Day 1, done ❤️ can’t wait to continue to endure this journey to learn about our Savior.

  951. Tristain Parker says:

    Day one complete

  952. Anneliese Peterson says:

    Day one done. I feel like since the Lord can speak light over the whole earth the can speak light into the dark corners of my heart and fill them with his light.

  953. Lina Martinez says:

    Day 1! ❤️ can’t wait to grow in faith and get to know God and Jesus

  954. Alison Shaffer says:

    Day 1 complete!

  955. Sarah Kate Smalley says:

    Day 1!!

  956. Brianna Florian says:

    Read day one yesterday..

  957. Ellie Maclachlan says:

    Day 1 complete

  958. Nichole Sinner says:

    Day 1 completed!!

  959. Rebecca Kilby says:

    Day 1 completed!!!

  960. Lexi Porter says:

    day 1 complete!!

  961. Sienna Watrous says:

    Day 1

  962. Brilee Hagamaker says:

    Day 1!

  963. Allie Como says:

    Day 1!

  964. Dacia Almquist says:

    Day one complete. I feel like I have more understanding of the beginning of creation. I hope I can reflect on the beauty of his talents today.

  965. makayla thomason says:

    Day 1!

  966. Cate Cameron says:


  967. Susie De La Garza says:

    Day 1

  968. Camryn Echternkamp says:

    Day one!

  969. Skyler Wade says:

    Day 1 ✅

  970. Melinda Foster says:

    Yes to Day One! ❤️

  971. Destiny Hariel says:

    Day 1 !!!!

  972. Jenna Hughes says:

    I got through this portion today and from it I got that God not only created a worldly light but a light inside of each of us. Through our happy days our light shines brighter and greater, but through the bad days or the darkness our light is dimmed. Although it fluctuates like this we can always know that the darkness cannot over come the lightness because God is the light and we radiate with him always. That’s the constant battle.

  973. Meredith Holm says:

    Day 1 done!!

  974. Devon Vick says:

    soooo excited :)

  975. Lolita Dolorosa says:

    Can’t believe I am about to slog through this, but I set the challenge for myself. So…here we go, sloggi though this work of fiction.

  976. Mary Ledford says:

    So excited to start this!

  977. Emily Bagott says:

    Just got done with day 1, ready to dig deeper into the Word!

  978. Chelsie Engebretson says:

    Day one complete! I’ve decided to also start with the Genesis plan!!

  979. maryn reed says:

    started on day one today!

  980. Mackenzi Williams says:

    Day 1 : Done:)

  981. Nicole Terrell says:

    Doing this! :)

  982. Rachel Smith says:

    day 1 is done! i am so excited and motivated to do this!

  983. Amy Buck says:

    done w/ day 1, i’m so excited for this!

  984. angel mcneil says:

    God is good! day one complete.

  985. Kileigh Rice says:

    Day one complete! I can’t wait to see where the Lord takes me on this journey through His word, and I pray that everyone that is part of this reading plan will stay consistent and continually follow the will of Jesus!

  986. Hailey Grimes says:

    Day One: Complete!

  987. Madilyn Majors says:

    Day 1: I pray that the lord will give me the strength to see past my doubts and hold firm to my faith and dedication to growth

  988. Alexis Wyatt says:

    Day 1 done

  989. Dana Spillane says:

    Day 1 completed: thank you Lord for this opportunity to know you through your word. Amen

  990. Jen Hepfl says:

    I am new to reading the Bible

  991. Evelyn Yang says:

    day 1❤️

  992. Delani Wahr says:

    Day 1 done

  993. Saydie Dorton says:
  994. Jordyn Bloom says:

    Day one down ❤️

  995. Sarah Crews says:

    Day 1 complete. Determined to grow closer to the Lord by reading his word.

  996. Marissa Fadely says:

    Day 1

  997. Lauren Evans says:

    Day 1 complete: Lord give me the passion and perseverance to continue reading Your word each day

  998. ac b says:


  999. Kaitlin Gordon says:


  1000. Jannette RomanGamble says:


  1001. Alicia Dyer says:

    Day 1 ✔️

  1002. Ashton Loper says:

    Getting baptized tomorrow!

  1003. Kristina Kehler says:

    Re started today after a few month where I got side tracked. One of my current goals is to spend time with God daily.

  1004. Brittany Russ says:

    I jut started day one today! Any one else close to just starting as well?!

  1005. Kayla Williams says:


  1006. Jayden Jankiewicz says:

    I am determines to do this. I need to read the Bible daily.

  1007. Shelby Ermis says:


  1008. Eszter Valter says:


  1009. Achsa Lucksom says:

    Day 1♥️

  1010. Gigi Gilliam says:

    Critical to have a daily walk with God! Day1

  1011. Gigi Gilliam says:

    Determined to be consistent ….had a birthday yesterday and realize how critical it is to have a daily

  1012. Talley Kyle says:

    Praying I can turn this into a healthy habit

  1013. Alyssa Wegleitner says:


  1014. Kathy Whidden says:

    Creator get me to the last day by Your faithfulness!

  1015. Lauren Tarr says:


  1016. Liz Bean says:

    Love this bible reading pairing. Jesus is truly the completeness needed in our lives!

  1017. Chelsea AspenBarto says:


  1018. Brittany Wertz says:


  1019. Brittany Wertz says:

    I love how John acknowledged he was a light for God and people were coming to God through him. Sometimes I think we get too nervous or too caught in false humility to think of ourselves as ones being used by God. We ARE being used by God though. When we are faithful it’s his power through us that leads others to Him, but ultimately we have to put things into action and be a light for Him.

  1020. Amy Hill says:


  1021. Breanna Castille says:

    God created the beauty of this world and Earth and loved it dearly. He specifically spent a whole day on something special. He also wants us to know that because of the fall of man and sin entering the world we will now struggle, but this is to get us to pursue life with him and live according to His will and not our own.

  1022. Tondani Ntsandeni says:

    Day 1❤️

  1023. Inez Lee says:

    God is telling us that if he can create the world in so little time and then take time to rest then we need to do the same thing. No matter how busy we are we need to find time for peace and relaxation and continue spending time in his word. Also we need to believe in him even we don’t see him. Faith is going to take us far.❤️

  1024. Sarah Rogers says:


  1025. Rachel LynnCollins says:

    Day 1 ✅

  1026. Kaylan Boyer says:

    I am starting this in hopes that it will be different than other times I have tried to read the entire Bible before. So happy to be doing this & to even have the opportunity to do so ♥️

  1027. Lizzy Taylor says:


  1028. Jennifer Roberts says:

    I’ve tried so many times and failed to read the whole bible, this time I pray will be different in Jesus name!

  1029. Lauryn Kilchriste says:


  1030. Robyn Sanchez says:

    Day 1 has showed me that its never too late to start. With minimal effort, I can find time for scripture and learning each day

  1031. Taylor Webb says:

    Day 1 complete! Reading how God created the world one day at a time and even took time to rest is very assuring to me. I’m trying to make changes in myself, and just need to take it one day at a time. Separate light from darkness. Bear fruit in my soul. And rest

  1032. Taylor Webb says:

    Day 1 completed. Reading how God did

  1033. Makenzie Mason says:


  1034. Makenzie Mason says:

    God created this world we live in, just for us to reign. He blessed us from the very beginning of time. He sent satan to Hell and created struggle in our lives to give us the choice to pursue God, or allow the enemy to enter our heads. God sent his only son Jesus to bridge heaven and earth. His disciples will one day go to heaven to be with God and the angles.

  1035. Grace 0477147751 says:

    I think this shows god really loves us because you see the way he gives us everything we need to survive and be happy

  1036. Bianca Kelly says:

    God truly loves His creations, specifically us. Even after Adam and Eves actions although He punished them He does not forsake us. He constantly shows Himself and provides the means for us to see God’s light and love.

  1037. Natasha Walson says:

    Day 1 complete! Praying that I can stick with this and grow in my faith.

  1038. Lexie Delgado says:

    Day one complete! I’ve tried reading the Bible in its entirety many times before and failed I’m praying I’m successful this go around.

  1039. katie richardson says:
  1040. Sheila Garcia says:

    Day one complete! I am also new to reading the bible… father I pray you keep my eyes open and heart focused on your word

  1041. Teri WalkerSmith says:

    Day one completed yesterday . I don’t see how to get to day two.

  1042. Jackie Mcmichael says:

    Lord I pray for revelation each day as I read through your Word. Lord I thank you for creation and that God saw that it was good. Lord but I know truly there is only one who is good and that is you. I pray I would be faithful and dedicated to studying and digging into your Word because You are good and your Word is divine and sufficient. Amen.

  1043. Angelina Semak says:

    Day 1 completed!

  1044. Landie Acker-Langley says:

    Father Lord, I pray that you guide me and everyone reading your words. That we may understand. I pray Lord for healing for those that are sick, I pray Lord Father for those that are lost and that they will seek you. Thank you Lord Jesus for all blessings in my life. Help me Lord to love like you and for others to see your love through me. In your heavenly name I pray. Amen!

  1045. Rebecca Griffin says:

    Lord, I pray that you let us have strength to finish the Bible, to be able to focus on you and your love for all things.

  1046. Kaylie Rosa says:

    Day one❤️

  1047. Kasey Tellez says:

    Day 1 ✔️

  1048. Emily Chow says:


  1049. Kelsey Davis says:

    Day one completed! I’m hoping to stay committed to reading and studying the word daily as well as journaling my faith in my physical bible! ❤️

  1050. Zulema Hernandez says:

    hoping to remain committed to these readings ❤️

  1051. Tabitha Houska says:

    day 1 complete – i hope to continue this journey and deepen my faith in the messiah for He is the one and only Lord i need

  1052. Morgyn McCain says:


  1053. Taylor Jones says:

    I have tried over and over again to get through the Bible and I have yet to read it all. I pray that I will seek Him first and put His word first above all else to strengthen my faith and knowledge.

  1054. Lori Karageanes says:

    Day 1 completed. I pray that I will stick with it this time!

  1055. Madison Smith says:


  1056. Tierra Jenkins says:

    Super excited to get more involved with my faith

  1057. Marci Brekke says:


  1058. Haden Brackett says:

    Getting back into my faith. So far loving this daily reading!

  1059. Annie Pollack says:


  1060. Vanessa Rodrigues says:

    Amazing experience! ❤️

  1061. Lauren Kramer says:


  1062. Nicole Chalira says:

    So excited to be on this journey !

  1063. Lori Fite says:


  1064. Precious Frazier says:

    Exited to be here + delve into Gods word

  1065. Shelby Campbell says:

    Excited to be starting a this journey for the next year ❤️ I can’t wait to see how I grow from this experience

  1066. Jessica Shadden says:


  1067. Abbey Pritcher says:


  1068. Melissa Varis says:

    When I prayed for a system to get back into the Word daily, Google helped me with a few suggestions. I looked at a few and found that this seemed to best fit my needs. I am really looking forward to reading. A big thank you to the women who have made this possible. God bless you!

  1069. Ellie Coller says:

    New journey ❤️ so blessed!!

  1070. Samantha Longlett says:

    Day 1 – Complete ♥️

  1071. Rebekah Ramey says:

    Starting today! What a cool app!!! I’m trying hard to better myself right now and just found this. I’ve always wanted to read the whole Bible. This is so convenient and handy! Thank you! I’m so excited!

  1072. Colleen Robertson says:

    Glad to get started!

  1073. Halee Turner says:

    Never read much of the Bible, but looking forward to expanding my faith, and gaining a deeper understanding.

  1074. ellie nath says:

    can’t wait to begin this journey

  1075. Olivia Sheffield says:

    When God created us, we were given free will. This results in an evil and sinful world. The beauty in all of this is that this world and us are only temporary. I believe when we set our eyes on our ultimate destination of spending eternity with Jesus, all of the fears and worries of this world melt away. The joy you have felt on this earth is nothing compared to the joy you will feel when we are in Heaven with our creator. He loves you so much and wants you to draw near to him. I promise, seeking him alone will cover you with peace.

  1076. Michelle Bergstrom says:

    Needed to back in it. I don’t like who i am when I’m not in the word. I want to me the examples to my girls Christ has created me to be.

  1077. Christian Wilson says:

    day one, completely! man, this feels good to get back on my feet in the Word!

  1078. Lindsay Jenkins says:

    Late but I’m here. Never read the bible before, but something drew me to it. We shall see why. Day 1 complete.

  1079. Alicia Hampton says:

    Johns and the disciples positions witnessing the Lord for the first time reminds me of the first time I witnessed His presence.

  1080. Nicole Castro Rodriguez says:


  1081. sasha brandenberger says:

    be grateful for God has given us so much

  1082. Jordan Touchstone says:

    Laurie May im no bible scholar by any means but God allows us free will so sometimes our own actions lead is to bad decisions also God uses difficult times to strengthen, teach, and prepare us for what is coming in our life..hope this helps!

  1083. Emona Jagaselvan says:

    Thank you god!

  1084. Victoria McLeod says:

    Thank you father God for sending your Son to Earth. Glory, glory!

  1085. Audreanna Miserendino says:

    the god that can just decide for there to be a sun, stars, & mountains decided there needed to be one of me and one of you!

  1086. Kaley Andrade says:


  1087. Amaya Thompson says:

    Day 1 made me think about how God can take random people and call them his own and make them love him so easily! It makes me feel amazed that it is the same God today and he is still taking so many people and changing them! We just need to accept it!

  1088. Crysta O’Dea says:

    Day 1!

  1089. Alison Whiteley says:

    Late. But done

  1090. Cherrelle Sanders says:

    Day 1 complete!!

  1091. Katie Lehrbass says:

    Day 1 is completed!!!

  1092. sydney schuler says:

    day 1 complete ♥️

  1093. tatum zingg says:

    The reading shows how God made us in his image, and the importance of John the baptist as he tells the people of Jesus being Christ’s son.

  1094. Nadia Amara says:

    Grateful for what he had done

  1095. Jackie Rey says:

    Excited to be on this journey of exploring the Bible

  1096. Kristin Germanceri says:

    Grateful for God’s Word

  1097. Sarah Johnson says:

    I’ve read this a hundred times but find new insights and questions each time. Like why does God punish Adam and Eve so harshly? And what is the tree of Life? I want to do some more research on these questions

  1098. Jada Cesare says:

    I love this so much I use it as my daily devotions

  1099. Chris Schaffer says:

    Going to do this! God keep me to these words.

  1100. Rosie Ramirez says:

    Finally realized that I need to stop putting this off. So, here’s to starting this journey and praying that I make time to read everyday in order to get closer to Him.

  1101. Jackie G says:

    I’ve also never read the Bible all the way through. Something about it seems so daunting. But it’s so encouraging to see others have felt the same way and are also taking the leap. Happy to be sharing along in your journey! ✨

  1102. Rebekah Peterson says:

    finally buckling down and doing it. God I’m ready for you to reveal yourself to me through your word!

  1103. Paige MacKinnon says:

    I’ve had my Bible for quite some time, but finally just got over my fear & started reading. This is the beginning of my walk in faith. I’ve done a lot of self reflecting the past few months, and I feel as if I was led to this journey. I’m glad I finally got started.

  1104. Jordyn Branham says:

    So grateful for you Jesus! All the praise is yours!

  1105. Emma Teras says:


  1106. Ashley Bernhard says:

    I’ve decided to read the Bible daily to my 3 month old twins! I have never read it myself so this seems like a lovely bonding/educational experience for all of us. I know they don’t understand yet, but they will. Good habits start young! Praying for all you ladies on your journey ❤️

  1107. Covaci Carina says:

    Blessed by God is my soul

  1108. I V says:

    First day done, late but done

  1109. I V says:

    Love this

  1110. Kaitlin Eggers says:

    I’ve felt such a pull on my heart lately that God wants me closer to him! I pray that He opens my eyes and heart to His word. Lord fill my heart and ears with your plan for my life! ❤️

  1111. Natalie Merrill says:

    I’ve always struggled with reading the Bible. It has always felt too cryptic and old and I have no idea what’s happening half the time. I pray that God would show me who He is and deepen my relationship with Him.

  1112. Victoria Hansen says:

    I have felt God calling to me. I pray that God works through me to set aside this time for Him and that I see him through his word.

  1113. Sandy Burson says:

    So happy to begin this journey!

  1114. Meagan Hughes says:

    love this

  1115. Amy Torgersen says:

    Just started. May we all be blessed by our endeavor to read God’s Word this year!

  1116. Lucie Correa says:


  1117. Alexis White says:

    Awesome :)

  1118. Rachel Maggio says:

    I’ve always wanted to read the full bible and I always came up with excuses. I pray God works through me during this time set aside for him.

  1119. Kiersten Hogan says:

    I had a conversation with an agnostic friend and realized I’ve never read the Bible all the way through. It’s time!

  1120. Laura M says:

    Looking forward to the journey, I’ve read verses before but never took to learning or studying the Bible, I recently bought a King James Version so I’ve read quite a lot of that but it generally doesn’t make sense to me so I live in hope that this app can help me to learn the Bible properly and consistently and that I can find God on my journey. Alot of repentance, reading and learning ahead.

  1121. Manuela Ramirez says:

    He is calling unto me and I shall not ignore me

  1122. Angela Nordhues says:

    I love the connection between the beginning of Genesis and John!

  1123. Ayu Mahardhika says:


  1124. Brianne Berkebile says:

    AH I love how in Genesis 1, 2, and 3 we see so much context to apply to marriage! So cool

  1125. Marandia S says:

    I can honestly say I believe in god but I have never read the Bible. Some verses but I’ve never actually read it. Excited to start the journey

  1126. Claire Bryan says:

    Excited to start this! I work in ministry and have been challenged to read the whole book I teach about. Such a great encouragement and excited to grow and dive in for myself as I share the Truth with kids.

  1127. Paulette Fairfax says:

    I just finished my day #1! I am so excited to try this app for the first time. Just trying to see what it is like.

  1128. Lisa Brandt says:

    Annie F Downs recommend checking out this app so I can dig deeper into the word, she was right!!

  1129. Melissa Forero says:

    Just finished! I feel like my soul has been reaching for something & diving into the word is it <3
    Something interesting that I liked in Genesis.. this book is for new beginnings, and this is where our brokenness starts. I feel like sometimes new beginnings go hand in hand with some type of brokenness and it is in his word. Amen

  1130. Linda Trendall says:

    Just finished Day 1!! Thankful and excited to be in His Word

  1131. Holly Matos says:

    Better late than never!

  1132. Marika Morley says:

    Starting late but desperately seeking daily reading, repenting and learning.

  1133. Christian Marin says:


  1134. Jessica Weekes says:

    Just started tonight…definitely late but definitely excited !!

  1135. Judith Lopez says:

    Me too

  1136. Laura Johnson says:

    Started late but excited to learn more about the bible.

  1137. Tanya Barreras says:

    Just started day 1

  1138. Rylee Guerrero says:


  1139. Macy Mihm says:

    Excited to explore the Bible!

  1140. sydney thomas says:

    getting a late start but super excited about this study guide!

  1141. Alicin van der Veen says:

    So amazing. Very excited for this new year!

  1142. Laney Comeaux says:

    Started reading but am late as well

  1143. Miranda Schafer says:

    I’m starting late but excited to get started on this journey of reading through the Bible in a year!

  1144. Leslie WaitsMorrison says:

    I’ve started today!!

  1145. Crystal Dornford says:

    I love that they have grouped these verses together! Creation – Fall – Salvation. God’s perfect plan from the get go. How great is our God! He made the world knowing it would turn its back on him – he had his redemption plan – he had Jesus. He loves us and cares for us so deeply that and wants relationship with us that he started out the journey already having our salvation planned. His love is awe inspiring

  1146. Brandi Blanton says:

    Started my journey today!!

  1147. deevorah sarvananthan says:


  1148. Abbigail Clark says:

    Excited to go on this reading journey – praying for discipline to read everyday!

  1149. Addie Nelson says:

    Starting a new journey today like god did with this creation

  1150. Erin Ledet says:


  1151. Candace Massey says:

    Love It!

  1152. Sonia Salgado says:

    Just started today, hoping to catch up.

  1153. Reina Sikabwe says:

    I love this

  1154. Hannah Aucutt says:

    ready to finally spend some time to actually read the word !

  1155. Alyson SmithBrown says:

    Starting today is better than never starting at all!

  1156. Jess Soul says:

    Just starting this .. hopeful to catch up. I realize I need to be much more obedient in Gods word and my time for him.

  1157. Danielle Donahue says:

    Starting late like many of you but grateful for to see others in community striving to join in and get caught up. Blessed.

  1158. Siyathokoza Mbanjwa says:

    Starting late, but grateful to have started anyway. ✨

  1159. E Hong says:

    reminds me of how it’s all began and makes me Thankful to Him -ellie

  1160. Sharon Ide says:

    To sit and read the first couple chapters of Genesis really brings out the goodness and orderliness and perfection of God’s creating the world, and the stark contrast of the lie told against Him “has God really said?” as well as Adam and Eve’s subsequent distrust and sinful rebellion against God. We start seeing intimately the beauty of God in His creating work, and then see mankind “driven out” of the garden, in desperate need for the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ to come.

  1161. Steph C says:

    “But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” You know … I used to read this and think, “God’s hunting him down to punish him”. Or “God’s rubbing his face in the fact that he sinned”. But I don’t think that was it at all.

    One of my friends shared an excerpt from an advent devotional he was reading. It addressed this question from a totally different angle. This was God inviting Adam to restoration. To forgiveness. To love. Such a difference. God loves us. He sacrificed everything to have a relationship with us. How incredible!

  1162. Ashley Kurth says:

    Starting late with many, but it’s better than nothing! Excited to see how the Lord continues to reveal Himself. I agree that the creation is so intimate, and unbelievably perfect. Thanks be to the Lord for these beautiful, earthly sights and beings we get to live among, created by The Creator.

  1163. Christine Crook says:

    I am starting the “Bible in a year” late but I am trying to get caught up!! I’m so excited to learn more! Reading about creation and God’s creation of humans makes me in awe of how intimate it is. And then reading about Johns humility and how overwhelmed he is when faced with the majesty of Jesus makes me want to have that view of my King!

  1164. Margaretha Penner says:

    I am starting late as well, but as I was reading through January 1st, Genesis 3:21 really stood out to me. It says that God made Adam and Eve clothing before he had them leave. This just really strikes me because even though they messed up big time, God made them clothes. It shows that God is willing to do even the smallest kindnesses if we let him. The verse gives me hope.

  1165. jocelyn rodriguez says:

    starting late. but better late than never. pray for my healing. God bless

  1166. Karla Macoto says:

    Here I begin…finally opening my heart to God’s Word

  1167. Elizabeth Stansbury says:

    Starting off late but so excited to finally read through the whole Bible! I’m hoping this opens me up to God’s love more deeply❤️

  1168. Christine Kurichh says:

    Praise God

  1169. Nicole Dobbs says:

    Starting this plan late, but better late than never. Praying that this plan opens my eyes and heart to see things in a fresh new way. Excited to be on this journey with all of you.

  1170. Jess Lehman says:

    So ready to start this plan!

  1171. Jasmine CrystalMah says:

    I’m late as well but hoping to catch up tomorrow!

  1172. Annie Wymer says:

    Excited to start this plan ❤️ starting a little late, so playing catch up. This will be my third time going through the Bible entirely, can’t wait to see what this brings.

  1173. Debbie Oyetunji says:

    Off to a late start, but I know my end will be better than my beginning, in Jesus name!

  1174. Brandi Johnson says:

    This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! So excited to take on this day with Truth in my heart and on my mind!

  1175. Julianna Matson says:


  1176. Lisa Biggerstaff says:

    Time is never wasted when in God’s word. We can do this, even with a late start.

  1177. Carlie See says:

    Starting the plan today! Excited to be reading through the entire bible for the first time!

  1178. Clarissa Plattenberg says:

    Starting this plan a little late but I’ll catch up with it very soon :) so excited to see what God reveals to me!!

  1179. Kylee Upchurch says:


  1180. Jaime Siple says:

    Haven’t read my Bible in months. Missed it. So excited to have a plan to follow ❤️

  1181. Anna Martinez says:

    When God walked into the garden, Adam and Eve hid. This really hit me… this is what most do including myself. When I engage in sin, my first instinct is to hide from God instead of running to Him. Then He CALLS out to Adam..
    God calls us out of our sin and shame. I’m so stoked to read the Bible all the way through.

  1182. Amanda Siciak says:

    Excited to try this!

  1183. Emma Bouchard says:

    Starting late but I’m so excited!!

  1184. I V says:

    First time trying this

  1185. christine Burkhalter says:

    Excited for the year!

  1186. Erin ElizabethPedersen says:


  1187. Brittany Guthro says:

    I’ve tried this before, but then quit. Time for a new year and new me.

  1188. Desiree AvilesMua says:

    A little late , but beyond blessed to catch up and stay dedicated !

  1189. Alison Werneth says:


  1190. ellie willard says:

    I’m excited to read the whole bible through for the first time

  1191. Megan Cheatham says:

    Trying to catch up & refresh my memory of the Bible.

  1192. Hali Martin says:

    My first time reading through the whole Bible cover to cover! I’m excited to see what I have missed!

  1193. joanna miller says:

    starting a little bit late but jesus is timeless! i can’t wait to read the whole bible and share my journey with my siblings in christ! ✞✼

  1194. Amelia Street says:


  1195. Courtney Snyder says:


  1196. Kimberly Kuntz says:

    Better late than never. Finally getting started. I am excited to see where my faith journey takes me this year.

  1197. Sarah Henderson says:

    “For you are dust and to dust you shall return” this has always stood out to me… In a humbling sort of way. Also, the story of Adam and Eve is so complex, I think about how not only did Eve eat from the tree and gave some to Adam but when God asks what they have done, Adam blames the women, and Eve blames the serpent. It’s not only about the sin but the relationship. Alot of teachings in thi reading but the ones regarding blame and husband and wife always seem to stand out to me.❤️

  1198. Sarah McDaniels says:


  1199. Sherin Hodge says:


  1200. Emily Elliott says:


  1201. taylor vigfusson says:

    been wanting to do this for finally starting! it’s nice to see so many women on here I’d love to connect with you guys!

  1202. AliceAnne Loftus says:

    A week late, but I’m getting started!

  1203. Emm Wedrat says:

    Starting a little late. ☺️

  1204. Jennifer Broom says:

    I’m a few days late joining but excited to get started!

  1205. Kate Safrit says:

    very excited for this!

  1206. Megan Shaw says:

    Excited for what this year will bring as I read through the Bible for the first time!

  1207. Allison Heinekamp says:

    My word for 2019 is LISTEN…cant think of a better place to start.

  1208. Lauren Post says:

    Going to be a good year! ❤️

  1209. Alexandra Cade says:

    So excited

  1210. Mariah Brice says:

    First time reading front to back! Looking to see how I can be a blessing to others in 2019 and growing closer to God!

  1211. Shelby Yerrick says:

    My first time reading through also! I’m listening and reading simultaneously and it’s helping a lot!

  1212. Hayley Maloy says:

    This is the first time I’ve ever tried to read the Bible cover to cover. I pray I don’t quit or slack!

  1213. Kate Fontenoy says:

    I am definitely going to like reading this every morning, can’t wait to wake up and get to read God’s Word!❤️

  1214. Megan Anne Winfree says:

    Excited for this year!

  1215. Gabrielle Tornow says:

    No more excuses. This is the year.

  1216. Christina Casimira says:

    I’m so excited this plan 1. EXISTS, 2. Is FREE and 3. Is attached to this amazing community! Super excited to read the Bible in a year! Here we go!

  1217. Madison Majewski says:

    Super happy to be getting back into learning about my faith, here’s to the year!!

  1218. Catherine McLeese says:

    Day 1 done! Praying for perseverance to see this through.

  1219. Jenn Kramer says:


  1220. Giavanni Burstion says:

    I’m behind but I’m trying to catch up today. I’m hoping this experience deepens my relationship with the Lord

  1221. Abby Koonce says:


  1222. Christina Samper says:

    First time reading the Bible fully through! 2019 is the year ❤️✨

  1223. Raquel Orellana says:

    Let’s get this started ❤️

  1224. Alexis Brown says:

    The word of the year for me is abide. I will obey him and seek him more everyday, starting today.

  1225. Nicole Vyverman says:

    I also just started this plan today and would really love to read through the entire bible! I’ve been a believer going on 6 years now and would really love to be able to finally say I have done that. I’m a new mama and breastfeeding a lot so I think I can make the best of the time I do have and read God’s word rather than spend a zillion hours on Instagram and Facebook. Prayers for me would be incredible!!

  1226. Lourdes Hernandez says:

    Just started and need to catch! I am ready to deepen my relationship with God!

  1227. Misbah Chhotani says:

    I have never read the whole bible all the way through. Hoping I can get through it! Maybe I’ll invite an accountability partner?

  1228. Vanessa Villaran says:

    Jesus was there in the beginning ❤ He is the light!

  1229. Caleshia Calvin says:

    I love that Jesus was revealed through the obedience of his natural cousin. Makes me wonder who will be revealed to us in our lives as we are obedient to God.

  1230. Kimberly Robert says:

    Tough love from God. To his saving grace Jesus Christ.

  1231. Katrina Tozer says:


  1232. Rebekah Driesenga says:


  1233. Miranda Wayman says:


  1234. Alexis Webb says:

    Here’s to hoping for spiritual growth in 2019

  1235. Alyssa Campbell says:

    I’m excited about finally reading the entire bible this year

  1236. Amber Olsen says:

  1237. Lori Brock says:

    2The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
    This verse encouraged me as I walk beside a couple of ladies in need of support in difficult life circumstances. The Spirit is moving over the darkness in their lives.
    May I share God’s Word with them which will cut through their confusion and make sense out of life for them, rather than my own thoughts, opinions, and advice.

  1238. Naomi Plessner says:

    Great to start my journey through the Bible this year!

  1239. Cali Coleman says:

  1240. Cristal Malinofsky says:


  1241. J LizbethRios says:

    I just started and I’m trying to catch up. I’m embarrassed to say but I have never read the full bible but I’m excited to see what God has for me this year!

  1242. Shelby Smith says:

    My husband and I are both reading the Bible in the year. It’s been a great thing to do together every night before bed and before we go to work. We start and end our day with the Lord and in Prayer ❤️

  1243. Robyn Cabrera says:

    I haven’t read through the Bible in more than 6 years. I’m encouraged to do this again in 2019.

  1244. Lexie Gallagher says:
  1245. Ahna Daum says:

    Pray that I grow closer to Holy Spirit through reading His Word!

  1246. Sarah Harker says:


  1247. Amanda Shreve says:

    I got married on NYE and have honestly never felt closer to my church and God. It’s such a different feeling, and I’m not quite sure the feeling is so strong now, but I am definitely looking forward to spiritual growth in 2019 ✝️

  1248. Kelly Christine says:

    So excited to finally work though all of God’s Word!!

  1249. Ashley Kreutzer says:

    I am so excited to start this journey! 2019 will be the year I read the entire Bible to have a closer relationship to the Lord our God ❤️

  1250. Jillian Beasley says:

    John 1:50 >>> in other words – back up bro. you ain’t seen NOTHIN yet.

  1251. Gabie Nicchitta says:

    So happy I started this ❤️

  1252. Madeline Grace says:


  1253. Sav Snow says:


  1254. Vanessa Lopez says:

    I love how Jesus sees us before we are able to see anything ourselves.

  1255. Chelsea Sillar says:

    “16For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”
    This verse summed up our readings today for me. Gods grace was poured out when he made everything, made us, didn’t smite Adam and Eve but allowed them to live, sent Jesus, called His people. Grace upon grace!!

  1256. Kayla Aguinaga says:

    Receive the Lord and believe in his name and by the will of God you will be saved.

  1257. Lauren Powell says:

    I’m hoping that 2019 is a year of faith growing

  1258. Heather DaughteroftheKing says:


  1259. bayli malecki says:

    catching up, already missed the first two days

  1260. Abigail Cate says:

    I started this SRT bible in a year plan a few days ago, not realizing there was an app, so here we go!

    My note was: I love how often both Genesis and John mention the word light. Light is one of the identifying factors of who God is and it is also the first thing that God created- I don’t think that is a coincidence.

  1261. Kendra Watterworth says:

    I’m so excited to read through the bible in a year. I have not done it before. I’m also excited for how His word will transform me.

  1262. Erin Smith says:


  1263. Ashley Brei says:

    I listened to the interesting podcast about fear, and the host shared how snakes are one of the most feared animals. Then they proceeded to try to figure out that it is the snake’s movement that scares them the most, but people really couldn’t explain why exactly they were afraid of snakes. In Genesis 3:14, it says that the serpent is curse above all livestock and that is shall crawl on its belly and eat dust. It is so interesting how that fear of snakes and what the represent play out today. I don’t think snakes are Satan by any means, but it interesting how even so many generations later we still fear snakes and have internalized perhaps the symbol of what they represent

  1264. Ann-Julee Scruggs says:


  1265. Daryn Kate says:

    Always good to be reminded that we are made in his image !!

  1266. Tori Morgan says:

    Wow it’s been a while since I’ve been in the New Testament!! Feels good to start new :)

  1267. Mary Margaret Smith says:

    Good read

  1268. Ashley McCullers says:

    I’ve never been able to accomplish the Bible in a year. I would love to do it this year.

  1269. Stephanie Jensen says:


  1270. McKinley Langford says:

    I’ve always loved the story of Adam and Eve since I was a little girl. I love getting to read it again from a different perspective.

  1271. Payton Hammitt says:

    Ready to see all the works of Christ through the readings plus to truly understand deeply how difficult it was to do the work of God in moments

  1272. Veronica Mims says:

    My journey this year is to get closer to God

  1273. Gina Snow says:

    Praying with all of you for radical change this year. 2018 was probably the hardest year of my life. So many mistakes I made and hurts I suffered. I want the Word to overtake me…I want to drown in Scripture this year. That His Word will carry me through. I haven’t done a plan like this one since I was a teenager. I never successfully completed those plans (always got stuck around Leviticus and Numbers) but I want to this time.

  1274. Paige Gniffke says:


  1275. Caroline Rinehart says:

    I just love that right after we fell, the Lord made for us clothes. He didn’t have to do that. He’s always calling us. He’s always clothing us. Praise God.

  1276. magali campos says:

    This is my first time using this reading plan. I have used others but not with community like this. Super cool. I’m praying that this year I become purified through His word. I have always struggled with purity. Also believing that I let go of my anger. I am 20 years old and have so much to learn from Jesus.

  1277. Mary Day says:

    John 1:50- “You will see greater things than these.” Can’t wait to see what great things God reveals through this journey

  1278. Bethany Montgomery says:

    I’m looking forward to reading the Bible in a year and praying that I will be able to keep up with it.

  1279. Meghan Harms says:


  1280. Kristen Fajardo says:

    I love this app! This will be my third time reading the Bible in a year through this plan. I’m so excited to begin again. Each year I’ve picked a new translation to help me get a more thorough look at the message behind the verses. I know God will grant me wisdom as I read and I pray that’s what He’ll do for all of you ladies. Praise Him!

  1281. P Butler says:

    Yikes, I’m praying that also.

  1282. V Butler says:

    Yikes, I know I’m praying for that also.

  1283. Bri Koval says:

    I’ve always wanted to read the Bible cover to cover and 2019 is my year!

  1284. Angel Jaramillo says:

    So excited to read the Bible in a year! Ready to see what God has in store.

  1285. Diarra Ford says:

    Blessed to be able to start fresh and leave last year behind. I have tried many times to read the Bible in a year and I pray this is the year I am victorious! I am looking forward to growing closer to Him as I read the Word of God!

  1286. Adri Montero says:

    ❤️ Starting a journey to strengthen my relationship with God. Best way to gain knowledge about him and his love, also, to feel his love for us on a daily basis, see Him in everything that surrounds us.

  1287. Lauren Shealy says:

    Praise God for this reminder for His beautiful creation and also our Savior

  1288. Madison Kroeze says:

    Hoping I can finally finish a bible in a year challenge & grow in my knowledge

  1289. Sophie Parker says:

    Wonderful reminder of the creation of the world and how humbled John was

  1290. Victoria Robles says:

    My sister gave me she reads truth bible for Christmas I was so excited. I’m so excited to learn about God & to grow closer to him

  1291. Brandy Honeyman says:

    First time to read the Bible in it’s entirety. I am excited to for this journey.

  1292. Patrycia Haymon says:

    The only thing I want this year is to grow in my faith and understanding of my Lord and Savior

  1293. Shelby Hinshaw says:

    A much needed part of everyday life.

  1294. Kylee Manley says:

    We see the trinity right here in the first chapter of genesis!!

  1295. Miranda Beal says:

    Although I have attempted to do it before, I’ve never read the entire Bible. I’m looking forward to what God has to teach me in 2019!

  1296. Carrie M says:

    Reading the Word is powerful. I am excited to read it all. I have tried a few times. My word for this year is Renewal. I am allowing God’s grace to overflow out of my heart. But first I need to be filled!

  1297. Linda Dowling says:

    Starting a heart journey.

  1298. Alicia Martin says:

    The last time I read the Bible through in one year was at least 5 years ago and I remember it changing my world that year. I want to regain that same closeness with God this year!

  1299. Rachel EAristorenas says:


  1300. Kylie Jones says:


  1301. Benie Emmanuelle says:

    I’m a pastor’s child, 17yo but my relationship with God went from daily to every 2months but I’m sure this plan will help me to redevelop the daily habit I lost!!

  1302. Elise Schmidt says:

    Day 1 starts off with a bang! A beautiful synopsis of the redemptive story of the Bible.

  1303. Daeshia Gordon says:

    I’ve been in church all my life and have never read the Bible in its entirety so I’m excited to do this ! I’ve always made excuses to not read my bible but 2019 is the year of no excuses so here we go !

  1304. Kati Snyder says:

    Excited to do this plan! I have always wanted to, but always find an excuse not to. This year, I want to grow closer to God, and to do that, I need to dive and be committed to reading His word!

  1305. Bailey Waller says:

    This will be the year that I read the entire Bible. I am ready to grow closer to God.

  1306. Mary Jo says:

    Just finished day 1 of the reading. I’m excited to read the Bible all the way through and to grow in my faith. Today was such a good reminder of Christ’s love for us.

  1307. Caroline Young says:

    I learned son much from this reading even though I’ve heard these stories a million times!! I hope you guys have a great 2019 and renew your faith with God and learn new things everyday.

  1308. Hannah Pierce says:

    I’m 17 and I am trying to get back in to God’s word. To get back on the right path. And to follow gods way. And not the way of the flesh.

  1309. Sophia Gunsauls says:

    I’m sure over the years I’ve probably heard the whole bible, but never read it myself continuously! It’s always a few days here then a month goes by then I try again. This is my year!! God teach us through your word and strengthen our relationships with you throughout this study

  1310. Makayla Briggs says:

    Hey ladies! I started this plan in hopes of growing my relationship with God. Hopefully we will all stick to it!

  1311. Ava Grace says:

    I’m so excited to begin this plan. I hope that 2019 can be a year for all of us to learn as much as we can about God and help us to follow his word.

  1312. Lauren Pennington says:

    I feel privileged and honored to have this app and plan laid out with such easy access. Cheers to nurturing spiritual health this year with all of you.

  1313. Isabell Butler says:

    I’m finally seeing all of the connections. This is so well done and I praise God for it!!

  1314. Samantha Fennell says:

    When I was a little girl, I grew up going to church but as I became older, other things became more important to me. I am now 25 and realize nothing is more important and I NEED Him everyday. This will be the year that I read the entire bible and learn as much as possible. I want to be closer to God in every aspect of my life.

  1315. Alicia Rush says:

    I’m so excited to begin the Bible In A Year!!

  1316. savannah marie says:

    i’m really looking forward to starting this plan && asking God what it is He wants me to receive from His Word. i read day 1 this morning, and although i’ve read genesis && john before, i’ve seen things from a different perspective today than i did previously. i’m very thankful that God gives us minds like that, i pray that all of you will be open to what God wants you to learn as well (:

  1317. Franki Arnold says:

    I grew up in the faith, but some years of hardship in my younger years pushed me away. Last year I found myself longing for God and His Word in my life again, and I completed the Bible in a Year plan for the first time. I was speaking to my grandmother (who is a priest) a few weeks ago about how my life has changed since coming back to Christ and she said “With God in our lives, we have hope.” It’s true – my life has changed so much throughout the last year, and it’s full of hope. I am so glad to be doing this plan again, and I pray that you ladies also find hope through His Word. ❤️

  1318. Rachelle Gilyana says:

    This is the year

  1319. Ashley Etheridge says:

    Love seeing all of scripture go together in a way only God could have woven it together.

  1320. Ashley Carroll says:

    I’ve started this once or twice, but have yet to make it past a month! I’m encouraged by all these posts and people everywhere trying to start the year off fresh! Weather this year or years past! Let’s do this together & bring praise to the Lord! :)

  1321. Samantha Kipfinger says:

    I am hoping to finally complete a bible in a year plan, and I am really liking this one so far!

  1322. Zyon Davis says:

    I always pushed away religion, because it’s what I grew up with. I seek God’s word now, and I’m happy to have found the Bible In A Year. I have faith that I will start on the right path and end on a higher path.

  1323. Amy Houlihan says:

    2018 – intentionally focused on the word. Received a SRT bible for my birthday in December and I’m so excited to make my way through this plan. Day 1 completed one day late but we won’t let that discourage me – God is greater!

  1324. Holly Tenneriello says:

    Trying again to read the Bible in a year! I’ve never succeeded in it, but this year will be different!

  1325. Kate Beil says:

    I love how inJohn 1 that says that anyone who knows and believes in Jesus becomes a child of God. What an incredible blessing! After reading about how powerful God is in Genesis 1, it’s an incredible thought that we are his heirs. My identity needs to be in Christ today.

  1326. Maddie Baker says:

    I had a rough 2018, and I’m looking to rely on God more heavily from the very beginning of this new year. Looking forward to reading about God’s character and steadfast love with you sisters

  1327. Aneesa Marquez says:

    im in high school so i face many day-to-day trails and tribulations but my goal this year is to follow through with this plan and hope it finish it just as strong if not stronger than im starting it !! super excited to see how i can apply all of this to my life and where it takes me !

  1328. Alicia García says:

    She reads Truth to know Jesus! Lord come near us! Holy Spirit help us when we fail and reveal yourself to us!

  1329. Aubrey Schwietert says:

    I’m doing this again after doing it a few years ago, but I wish there was a way to clear all your previously checked days so I can start over! Anyone know how to do that?

  1330. Amanda Iglesias says:

    Woo! First time attempting to read the Bible in a year!

  1331. Karina L says:

    Done with day one. Excited to be on this journey of strengthening my faith and being closer to God this year!

  1332. Melanie Soriano says:

    Awww there’s a comment section! This is my first time using this app and I’ve been waiting for the new year to use it so I can do this Bible In A Year. I’m so excited that on days where I feel less motivated to read that I know I can read some of your lovely comments to inspire me to continue on. Let’s do this beautiful journey together!

  1333. Joy Ganzel says:

    I finished this plan yesterday and I’m going for round two. The fruit I saw last year from reading the WHOLE bible was tremendous and encouraging. Looking forward to what happens this year and how God is going to speak to me! Even if you miss some days make them up when you can. Don’t stop! It’s worth it! HE is worth it!

  1334. Elizabeth Hummel says:

    I’m a busy mom of a 3 year old, 20 month old and a 2 month old. My life has been hectic and busy. My resolution is to get back to reading my bible and strengthening my relationship with God.

  1335. Lucy Rinehart says:

    Let’s go girls!!

  1336. Christina Acosta says:

    So excited to be participating in this plan!!!

  1337. Madeleine Sedillos says:

    I received the she reads truth bible for Christmas!! I’m already loving the timelines and devotionals within the book of genesis and John. Thank you for creating such a lovely reading plan

  1338. Kelsea Merchant says:

    Praying to remain dedicated to reading this year!

  1339. Meg DeJarnett says:


  1340. Folake Odumade says:

    I’m so glad I finished Day 1. I pray all of us that started today can remain diligent to complete it on 12/31/19 together.

  1341. Sarah Paris says:

    Day 1 DONE!

  1342. Brooklyn Milne says:

    Excited to start on this journey, reading the whole bible this year!

  1343. Megan Parlanti Belcher says:

    I am so encouraged by this community and excited to read all of God’s word this year.

  1344. Sarah Bittle says:

    Cheers to a new year and new beginnings! Looking forward to seeing where God leads me this year and what He does through me. Hoping this plan will help me stay on track & be consistent!

  1345. Chrisha Mae Magsambol says:

    I’m done with Day 1. Hopefully I can read it all until the end of this year!

  1346. Leah Eddy says:

    Encouraged by this community of women dedicated to spending their days reading God’s Word!

  1347. Shivonne Green says:

    I have never been able to stick to reading the Bible I am so glad that this plan makes it easier!

  1348. Shakira Barnes says:

    Day 1 done! So excited to read through the Bible this year!

  1349. Kylee Greseth says:

    Hahaha I love this !

  1350. Jada Johnson says:

    Excited and praying I can come back to this reading every single day with a open heart ❤️

  1351. Erica Stockton says:

    I’m so excited to embark on this journey of digging deep into God’s word and drawing closer to Him!

  1352. Emily Olmedo says:

    hopefully this is one plan i can stick with! ready for a blessed 2019 full of grace and mercy and jesus!

  1353. Kelsea Hadrick says:

    Day 1 done!!

  1354. sarah kate williams says:

    excited for this! praying that I can keep up with it every single day and that God would reveal so much to me this year!

  1355. Diandria King says:

    I’m so ready to follow god and be consistent with him through 2019! My heart is open and ready for you Jesus ❤️

  1356. Courtney Winegar says:

    I’ve never stuck with reading the Bible thru on my own. So happy to be in a group of women who all have the same goals! Day 1 done!

  1357. Chasidy Ramey says:

    Very excited to start this journey.

  1358. Taylor Wynne says:

    Excited to start this plan and see how God leads me in 2019!

  1359. KC A says:

    I hope that I can remain dedicated this year and allow God’s word to inspire me every day of 2019!

  1360. Courtney Gullion says:

    I’m so excited for this wonderful adventure I am about embark on with the Lord.

  1361. Lauren Wright says:

    Loved reading Genesis today and finally understanding the beginning of creation. It is a story I have heard many times, but to actually read it was amazing!

  1362. Justine Huffer says:

    Love this plan, and I want to be saturated in God’s Word. I desire His truth to wash over me! May 2019 be a year of GOD’S FAVOR AND LIGHT ⭐️

  1363. Mazie Booth says:

    This is a great way to be in the word daily!! I’m so excited for this.

  1364. Kristen Salinas says:

    love this!

  1365. Kristen Salinas says:

    i’m so friggin excited for this!!

  1366. Christina Kippler says:

    We’ve got this!! I will continue to pray that we can all focus on the readings, grow in our faith, and learn lots of new things from the Lord each day! Happy New Year!!

  1367. Sarah Knickerbocker says:

    Glad to see so many others making this plan a part of their new year, and hoping we may all encourage each other to see it all the way through. Looking forward to day two!

  1368. Gracie Gresham says:

    I’m so excited to begin reading through the Bible with all of you!

  1369. Hannah Atwood says:

    Happy new year! I’ve started the Bible in a year many times. This is the year I’m not quitting!

  1370. carly potvin says:

    so excited to read Gods word everyday!

  1371. Lori B says:

    John 1 talks about beginning – how fitting to read it New Years Day!

  1372. Jordan Hull says:

    this is gonna be very tough for me, but i’m very excited for God to instill consistency and dependency on Him and His word this year.

  1373. Magen Davis says:

    Excited for this!

  1374. Jules Twining says:

    I already like 2019 and really want to see what God has in store for me

  1375. Kelsie Collins says:

    Praying for a God filled year starting with making quiet time and devotion a priority

  1376. Katie Suslik says:

    Reading through the Bible in one year has been something I’ve considered year after year and finally I feel at a place where I am ready. I hope this will allow me to refocus my energy every day back on God and his word and allow me to grow in my faith.

  1377. Jodie Batchelor says:

    Excited to walk this faith journey with you all this year! ❤️

  1378. Lindsay Vaquera says:

    My goal is to be disciplined to seek God every day to gain a better understanding of the truths that he so clearly speaks to us. Looking forward to growing so much in this new year.

  1379. Jana Hammer says:

    So excited for 2019! The year i hope to consult faith over fear. And a bible read through is a step in the right direction

  1380. Heather Roberson says:

    My latest attempt to read the Bible through in a year. I wasn’t planning on it, but it’ll end up being done now. I skipped last year. The year before I read it through twice. Let’s see what lessons come out of it this time.

  1381. riley pfyffer says:

    This is my first time reading the bible and i am very excited!!! My main goal this year is to read every day.

  1382. sarah o'neill says:

    Cheers to 2019! May god use this year to reveal to his glory and splendor to all who seek it and may his everlasting light help grow our faith.

  1383. Nicole Diliberto says:

    Excited to start this! ❤️❤️

  1384. Danielle Wingler says:

    I’m ready to work on and achieve this 2019 goal!

  1385. Makua Nnam says:

    happy new year! let’s walk in faith together. God bless y’all ❤️

  1386. Rebecca Bruder says:

    Happy new year, and may 2019 be a blessed year to you all

  1387. Fitsum says:

    Happy New Year! My first time to attempt to read the bible in a year. I would love to be part of the chat group.

  1388. Julia Rodgers says:

    Happy New Year, many blessings to everyone! I pray so deeply and thoughtfully that we as women can rejoice together in the word of the Lord throughout this year, that we all can grow and learn from one another, and of course be reminded of His love that fills all of us so completely and gracefully ❤️

  1389. Kristin ReedHathaway says:

    I have drifted so far over the last couple of years. This is one step that I am taking and trusting that God will reveal Himself as I seek Him. Praying that I see and hear Him this year.

  1390. Lesley Lima says:

    Happy new year every one! First timer at attempting to read the Bible in a full year! I’m so excited on what god has in store for me! I’m growing in faith and I feel motivated to learn, god and his word has brought me peace in my life and I pray for consistency and blessings! I would be interested in creating another chat group to chat about the meaning of the word if anyone was interested! ❤️

  1391. Ruth Gerber says:

    This is my first attempt at reading the Bible all the way through. Feeling encouraged by all the other ladies seeking to do the same! ❤️

  1392. Whitney PaigeTyler says:

    I am excited to challenge myself to read the Bible this year!

  1393. Lynsey Goodno says:

    This is my first time reading the Bible fully (all the way through). I am hoping that in spending time in the word, I will learn, hear Him, and fall in love with our Creator.

  1394. Krista Caldwell says:

    Praying for consistency and dedication to His word this year. So excited there are so many women on here seeking His truth together. What were some of y’all’s key takeaways today?

  1395. Emily Morris says:

    So excited to be in the Word daily this year!

  1396. Kelly Settlage says:

    I pray we can all reach our goals for the Lord this year!

  1397. Kayla Larue says:

    Wahoo! So excited for this and praying for insight and a heart that hears & listens to the words given!

  1398. Jessica Tate says:

    So encouraging to see so many women of God! Looking forward to a year submerged in his truths ♥️

  1399. Mackenzie Baker says:

    So excited to keep up with this this year , I hope to learn and grow in my faith❤️

  1400. Janine Mineo says:

    Have been wanting to do this and never completed.
    May 2019 bring us closer to Him.

  1401. Jessica Stepp says:

    Looking forward to learning more about God’s word so I can start to teach my two sons the love and grace of Jesus Christ!

  1402. Kristin Beck says:

    Hoping I can stay on track this year…I haven’t made it a year yet.

  1403. Vanessa Lynn says:

    I have never read the Bible all the way through in a year, even though it’s often a new years resolution of mine. I pray this year will be different and I can be consistent and grow every day.

  1404. Ana Jimenez says:

    Excited to start this new year reading the Bible!

  1405. Elizabeth Feltner says:


  1406. Abby Green says:

    I am excited and challenged to read my way through the Bible over the next year.

  1407. Amy Grice says:

    Hoping to keep up with this and be intentional about reading and not just marking it off a to do list

  1408. Alex Cavinee says:

    I am so excited to begin growing closer with God and dedicating time to spend with him and his Word. I am looking so forward to making progress in my this year

  1409. Hayley Archer says:

    My prayer is to develop a love and desire for God’s word as I read through the Bible for the first time this year. I’m excited to have finished day one and I’m thankful that Jesus came to be the light of the World!

  1410. Priti DSILVA says:

    So excited to start this year with reading the bible in its entirety. God bless you all.

  1411. Tammy Hayes says:

    Today begins my second consecutive year of reading through the Bible! My favorite daily routine! ❤️

  1412. Linzy Griffin says:

    So happy to be here, reading and learning within this community!

  1413. Christy Marie says:

    Happy New Year! So excited to start this journey!

  1414. Sandy Chastain says:

    Hoping that this will provide me with a bit of motivation this year.

  1415. Kate Martens says:

    what a good way to start off the year!!❤️❤️

  1416. Geraldine Parker says:

    May 2019 be more fruitful in our walk with the Lord….

  1417. Haley Haas says:

    Excited to be joining you all in this goal! I’ve never read the Bible in its entirety and look forward to knowing God because of it. I’m taking a month of social media to refocus on who God says I am, not the world!

  1418. Lauren Drochner says:

    Looking forward to reading each day! It’s been hard over the years committing, whether I have been lazy, busy or scared. I know my trust in The Lord and asking him for guidance will lead me deeper in the Lord and my faith. Happy New Year.

  1419. mikayla jackson says:

    this is so inspiring! happy new year!

  1420. Lauren Hutchison says:

    Mother daughter duo doing this together!! What awesome truth to be constantly reminded of.

  1421. Michelle Clendenen-Shaw says:

    Happy New Year, thank you for the coming year and this community if women.

  1422. Dailey Rollinson says:

    So excited for this walk with The Lord ❤️

  1423. Kimberly Harper says:


  1424. Mallie Griffin says:

    Happy New Year!!!

  1425. Emma Ayer says:

    Hapoy New Year! I’m looking forward to studying the Bible with all of you this year and growing in faith.

  1426. Sophie McIntosh says:

    Amazing! 100% recommend!

  1427. Jadyn J says:

    Happy New Year!!!!!

  1428. Natasha Rodriguez says:

    Happy new year!!

  1429. Amber Bostelman says:

    How encouraging to see so many other women of Faith. ♥️

  1430. May Alcorn says:

    So excited to read and study The Word this year and see how scripture goes together so beautifully from Genesis to Revelation ! I have never read all the way through so hope it is encouraging doing it with other women! Using both the app and my Bible.

  1431. madelyn brooks says:

    so excited!

  1432. Colleen Jacobson says:

    I am so excited to be able to be growing in my relationship with the Lord this year through committed reading in fellowship with you all. This act of obedience is so powerful, and just like the enemy doesn’t want for us, he wants us to distance our relationship and rely on self sufficiency, yet here we are committing to a daily act of love for God and for who we are created to be. Praying for all of you!

  1433. Lauren Alleva says:

    Putting the important things first in the New Year! So excited to dive into the Word with you ladies this year.

  1434. Katie Evans says:

    I read the New Testament last year and I still thirst for more! I am so excited to read the entire bible this year and see all the Gad has in store for me through this reading! Happy New Year!!

  1435. Keri Wilson says:

    I’m looking forward to focusing on Jesus every day through this plan!

  1436. Dana Stephens says:

    I found The Bible In A Year about 3 months ago and so excited to finally begin. Happy to be on this journey through the Word of the Lord. HNY and can’t wait to see all that is revealed over the next 365 days.

  1437. Sarah Blase says:


  1438. Angela Holmes says:

    Starting the year off right!

  1439. Jessica Dunn says:

    Day 1 complete! Thankful to know I have sisters to keep me accountable throughout this journey ✨ Praying for hearts to be opened & new ways to grow! Yay!

  1440. Cassie Haskins says:

    Happy New Year!! Looking forward to reading and growing closer to the Lord and stronger in my faith! ❤️

  1441. Lydia AbigailSawyer says:

    Does anyone know if this plan is specifically chronological?

  1442. Amanda Garrison says:

    Happy New Year Everyone! Encouraged to experience Him and His new mercies together this year!

  1443. Amanda Garrison says:

    Happy New Year Everyone! I’m excited to read through His Word with Everyone and reflect on his new mercies together. Praise be to our Great Lord and Savior!

  1444. Chelsey Faker says:

    I love that there are so many women making the same commitment to get in the word daily and grow in their relationship with the Lord. Fellowship and community is so important. I believe that God is going to meet each and every one of us this year and is going to work in mighty and powerful ways. Let this year be about Him and not us. Let us seek Him and His kingdom first, no matter how crazy it may be. Let us be guided by the Holy Spirit, choosing to pick up our cross daily. Things are going to get hard, “in this world you will have tribulation. But take heart, for I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Praying for you ladies as we start this wonderful journey together.

  1445. Damla Uzgur says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I am so excited to start this plan!

  1446. Cindy Dufresne says:

    Happy New year! I pray that God becomes One in my life.

  1447. Denise Tidwell says:

    Happy to be starting this journey- praying that I will be faithful to continue throughout the entire year! My word for the year is Growth. I want to grow spiritually to be closer to Him. I know I can do this be reading the Bible daily.

  1448. Tara Burke says:

    Yes amen. Perfect way to start the year. Day one beginning with, well, day one. In the beginning. ♥️ Thank you

  1449. Haley Hamner says:

    Ready to be renewed and recharged by God’s truth in 2019. Excited to be on this journey with all of you ladies!!! Here’s to living to know God and to make him known!

  1450. Tara Lindee says:

    This is my first time attempting to read the Bible and I want to understand what I can. I just finished day 1 and understood Genesis but not John fully. I’m excited to read further and see what I can understand and learn. Grateful to not be alone!

  1451. Brook Taylor Stewart says:

    Happy new year! Looking forward to reading the Bible in its entirely and deepening my faith this year.

  1452. melaina bramlett says:

    finished day one and i’m ready to continue to read through the Bible. i’ve already been enlightened to some new things in the Word!

  1453. Ashley Weigand says:

    Happy New Year! I am excited to start this journey of reading the whole bible in 2019!

  1454. Rachael Hebblethwaite says:

    It is fitting to read these two stories of new beginnings on the first day of a new year.

  1455. Mary WenningEller says:

    Happy New Year!

  1456. Christi Kramer says:

    Day 1- I’ve never read the whole Bible- though I’ve been a Christian since I was 8 (39 now). I’m excited about this. This year is about personal growth, and simplifying life. Happy New Year!

  1457. Nicole Hill says:

    God established life with everything needed to sustain it, and set up Authority to maintain it. What a sweet reminder for us to walk in obedience even if we don’t understand why…God sees the whole picture while we only see the fruit in front of us! He is so good!

  1458. Karen Tan says:

    It is always refreshing to read the Scripture. Found new details that I haven’t noticed before every time I read it again. God is amazing. Hope checking in to this will spur me to be consistent in reading it.

  1459. Melany Duff says:

    Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for everyone and myself. Great start!

  1460. Marisa Mapes says:

    Happy New Year!! I am so excited to dive into the word through 2019! In 2018 I really got off my routine of spending time ONE ON ONE with God- and this year I’m really trying to focus on that!

  1461. Robin Moore says:

    Day one completed. Looking forward to being faithful to reading the Bible through.

  1462. Anastasia Honny says:

    Happy New year everyone
    I pray that in this year we women and young ladies will be rooted in the word of God and may the Lord strengthen us✨

  1463. Christina Robledo says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I’m excited to dedicate my self to reading the whole Bible for 2019. For the knowledge and to keep the relationship.

  1464. Jessica Cheesman says:

    I’m excited to be reading through the entire Bible! Already on day 1 things are jumping out that I’ve previously skipped over. Speak to us through your Word, Lord!

  1465. Ashley Coffin says:

    Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. – Genisis 2:7

    I love reflecting on this verse. To think God Himself breathed HIS OWN BREATH into Adam is so beautiful. Each morning when we wake up myself, husband, and 4 kids pray together and we say thank you Jesus for waking us up and giving us fresh breath in our Lung’s for a new day to serve you. ❤️❤️

  1466. Sarah Orr says:

    I am excited to start this journey throughout the Bible! I pray I can stick with it and gain more understanding of God’s word and how to live a life as a better Christian!

  1467. Elizabeth Zehm says:

    Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to a fresh start this year!

  1468. Sami Salmi says:

    I’m really trying to strengthen my relationship with God, and having the first reading he about his light and him forming relationships with others made me feel hopeful for my own journey. Can’t wait to keep reading and growing ❤️

  1469. kayley munkers says:

    always so humbling to read about creation! really puts into perspective how powerful our God truly is!

  1470. Shelly Hahn says:

    I am thankful that God is my truth and will continue to work in my relationship with Him.

  1471. Mandy Florence says:

    In my family we pick one word for the year. My word this year is grow. I want to grow spiritually and my relationship with God. I’ve never read the whole Bible so I’m excited about this!

  1472. Ashley Adkins says:

    The part that stood out to me was at the end of John 1 when Jesus says to Nathanael, “Do you believe because I told you I saw you under a fig tree? You will se greater things than this.” Nathanael was satisfied with the tip of the iceberg , the most basic thing, when Jesus had so much more to offer him. In 2019, I want to seek all Jesus has to offer, not just the tip of the iceberg

  1473. Carrie Forrester says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I am giving up Facebook for January at least to see how it affects my life and I decided I will replace it by doing this. I hope to keep it up and read through the entire Bible and grow closer to Jesus! I’ve never read the whole bibles so I am excited!

  1474. Laura MarshRider says:

    Day One of being less lazy with my body and my faith begun. Excited for a fresher outlook on life, with God in the forefront!

  1475. Tara Anderson says:

    I am making a promise to myself daily to read through this plan. I am working on keeping promises to myself in this new year.

  1476. Emma Sherrow says:

    I’ve never read through the entire bible and that is one of my goals for 2019. I pray that God will more fully reveal himself to me in this new year and what better way could you possibly start the new year than spending quality time with your Creator? So excited to reach deeper into my relationship with Jesus this year and to get to know his word better.

  1477. Kelly Cummins says:

    Day one handled! I am so excited to embark on this journey with my sisters in Christ! Let’s do this!

  1478. Skylain Clarke says:

    I pick a work each year to try to live by and challenge myself. This year I chose Discipline. I’m hoping it will challenge me to be better at reading the word and praying daily. I have a hard time slowing down and making time for God. I realllly pray this year I can make a change in my life that will create better habits and grow my relationship with God! I pray I am among the few that will start this reading plan and stick with it!

  1479. Amy Beth says:

    Happy New Year everyone! Starting the new year off right! Looking forward to going on this journey with you all this year. How can we be praying for you today?

  1480. Brooke Cousino says:

    Day one complete! Excited to do this plan. My first time to really attempt bible in one year..

  1481. Kari Kirl says:

    I want to be consistent and I’m excited to do so!

  1482. Nicole TBrocato says:

    Day 1 done! Can’t wait to grow in faith with all of you!

  1483. Emily T says:

    Love seeing everyone else doing this plan too!

  1484. Emily Best says:

    I love the pairing of the creation account and John 1! Jesus was there in the beginning and is the solution to the sin problem.

  1485. Kerri Clark says:

    We can do this ladies!!

  1486. Emily Bargen says:

    New beginnings, fresh start! I’m excited about this plan.

  1487. Lisa Barnhill says:

    This is my first time attempting this. Day 1 completed!

  1488. Marilyn McDonald says:

    I have read through the Bible in a year using another plan, but I love the devotions and helpful notes found in the “She Reads Truth” Bible. Looking forward to a new experience of God’s Word this year…”come and see!”

  1489. Stacey ShortBrown says:

    Intentional is the word for 2019!! Lord I pray that everyday I will grow closer to you with my intentional time with you!

  1490. Gracie Bonham says:

    So exited to jump into Gods Word!

  1491. Gracie Bonham says:


  1492. Kenya Brooks says:

    I am going be committed to reading my bible in a year. Thanking God everyday for his grace.

  1493. Rachel Brown says:

    This is the year I am going to read the Bible in its entirety! I have tried before but am committed to it more fully. Thank you, Lord, for always giving us fresh starts.

  1494. Alissa Moffat says:

    For from HIS fullness we have all received, grace upon grace
    John 1:16

  1495. Jessica Sanders says:

    Happy New Year! I’m excited to complete this challenge for myself! I’m praying for a fresh start this year!

  1496. Tiffany Stanley says:

  1497. Adalynn Durant says:

    I’ve attempted to finish this plan for two times now. Hopefully that this time I will get throug

  1498. Adalynn Durant says:

    I’be attempted to finish this plan for

  1499. Ty Varn says:

    So happy to be starting the one year bible plan. I’ve attempted to finish it in prior years but I’m determined this year to finish. Consistency is my word for 2019. Happy New Year!

  1500. Lynne Callender says:


  1501. Kenna Fishel says:


  1502. Larissa Lowe says:

    Happy new year 2019, day one done of SRT

  1503. Ashley Alfano says:

    Happy New Year! I started back in November and have really loved this App! I look forward to getting to know you ladies and the Lord better!

  1504. Mandi LaGrange says:

    2019, my year of persistence!

  1505. Amy B says:

    I just posted, but have no idea where it went. Here is attempt two.
    Happy New Year! I started SRT back in June, and am excited to continue with others starting now. Most posts are from years ago. I hope there is a way to get notifications when people respond to your posts. I have not been.
    I had have heard that until the flood there had not been rain, but I didn’t know on what scripture that was based. I had not noticed (or at least I had not remembered noticing) where in today’s reading in Gen. 2: 5-6 it talked about how it had not rained and that a mist came up to water the ground. Interesting.

  1506. Kayla McDermitt says:

    So excited to Read Truth this year! I have been trying to decide about my word for 2019. As I was reading this morning, it came to me that my word is, Content. Excited to see what else will say to me as I carve out a time with Him each day!

  1507. Amy B says:

    Happy New Year! I started SRT back in June, and am excited to continue with others starting now. Most posts are from years ago. I hope there is a way to get notifications when people respond to your posts. I have not been.
    I had have heard that until the flood there had not been rain, but I didn’t know on what scripture that was based. I had not noticed (or at least I had not remembered noticing) where in today’s reading in Gen. 2:5-6 it talked about how it had not rained but a mist came up to water the earth. Interesting.

  1508. Rebecca Olson says:

    What a great way to begin my first morning in 2019! I’m looking forward to my relationship growing stronger daily with Jesus!

  1509. Dianne Pacewicz says:

    Day 1 down! A perfect way to start the New Year.

  1510. Shalyn JoyKlim says:

    Great plan!

  1511. Lily Davidson says:

    Hoping to be in His truth all year

  1512. Lavonne Goundar says:

    A great way to start the year! Thank you for this plan.

  1513. Abby Claibourn says:

    I hope this plan will keep me rooted in God’s Word all year long.

  1514. Dylene DÉSIR says:


  1515. Mandy Ward says:

    Excited to fully allow God into my heart and reveal His wisdom through all scripture this year.

  1516. Ashley Foong says:

    The last couple of years for my relationship with God has been either God showing me his glory, and then showing me patience. As in pulling back and breaking down all the boxes I’ve tried to put him in. What would my relationship with God be without loud praise and lights or a cool catchy sermon. This year Gods placed in my heart that I really need to understand the practical side of my faith. I need to be more grounded in the word. Knowing exactly what I’m believing in, or at least reinforce what I’m believing in. I hope by the end of the year I’ll gain more insight to our relationship! Cheers x

  1517. Elena Buchatskaya says:


  1518. Lea Mendez says:

    I’m starting this a couple days early for 2019. So excited to see what god is going to stir in my heart the next 365 days!

  1519. Mea Anthony says:

    Excited for this plan !

  1520. haley van ness says:

    so excited for this plan! my word for 2019 is “pray.” my hope is that through this study and KNOWING God’s word, I can use his word to develop my prayer life.

  1521. Alyssa VanDyke says:

    I always question my faith and whether or not this amazing “story” could be true. Then I sit and I think about it and I realize that God created everything for us. He provided us with everything we needed to survive. It amazes me that we have a God who gave to us so willingly. It amazes me that he created us even though he knew someday his son would die for us.

  1522. Valerie Welch says:

    I’m hoping to read through the Bible this year and gain understanding.

  1523. Maura Easter says:

    I’ve spent so long away from my faith, it is time for me to reclaim it. This plan is perfect for me right now!

  1524. Kayla Holton says:

    So excited for this reading plan. Praying that it will strengthen my faith even more and give me a better understanding! I cannot wait to see what God does with my heart through this journey

  1525. Hannah Hummer says:


  1526. Brianna Munoz says:


  1527. Sophia Aiello says:


  1528. Kimberly Gerlach says:

    I am so excited to see how much God has in store for me! I have just recently refound my faith and I am ready to learn!

  1529. Julie Compton says:


  1530. Taylor Watkins says:

    Jesus is Lord ❤️

  1531. Inah Manipon says:

  1532. Katie NicoleRecek says:


  1533. Brooke Hume says:

    So blessed to have had this recommended to me! I can not wait to see what God has in store for me during this plan!

  1534. Sendie says:

    Although I haven’t been practicing my faith in a long time, I have recently decided that I want to feel closer to God again. It has been a goal of mine to read the entire bible but it has felt like an overwhelming task. I’m no thankful I found SRT and this plan to guide me.

  1535. Eyesan oyomi says:

    why was the tree of knowledge of good and evil made if God didnt want anybody to eat out of it ?

  1536. Megan says:

    Excited to start reading through the Bible. Genesis 1-3 is the creation story and the introduction of sin into our world. John 1 reminds us that Jesus was there at creation, He has always been, and is the Word made flesh. It details Jesus baptism and John the Baptist preachings. It also describes Jesus meeting and calling his disciples.

  1537. Ginny says:

    I’m 66 yrs old and although I’ve read much of the Bible throughout my life and never doubted that God is God and Jesus his son is my Redeemer, I have never read the Bible front to back. Looking forward to this commitment. Every time I read a scripture the Spirit reveals something new to me. It’s never dull!

  1538. Kelly says:

    Starting this plan late but I am so excited to get through the Bible a year from today. Encouraged to hear about creation and amazed always that we are created in God’s image — to reflect Him to the world.

  1539. I have never had doubts about Gods plan for us & that one day I will be with Jesus in safe arms, but reading the Bible daily has made my relationship with my saviors so much stronger! I’m 21 years old & in college so it can be very easy to get discouraged & to get my faith tested with stress & hardships, but reminding myself that I am worthy of His sacrifices & that He loves me more than I’ll ever imagine, this has pushed me to live a God centered life every day! Every decision I make is centered around Him & this app has helped remind me of how amazing that feeling is! Love these daily reads & I pray that more people make time for Him as well!

  1540. Jan says:

    I was thrilled to find this reading plan when I made the decision mid-March to let nothing stop me from reading through the entire Bible this year. My desire was to read it in in 5 weeks with concentrated time of 2-3 hours per day, but it took me 2 & 1/2 months to read it in its entirety, which I am still very happy about. I had tried other reading plans over the years and always got bogged down and discouraged, never completing them. I thank God for giving me the desire, time and self discipline to read His Word from beginning to end this year. He opened up my mind and heart to help me understand what I was reading and used it in amazing ways to increase my love for Him and my faith in Him. He is so good!

  1541. Chesley says:

    I was also using the Bible in a year plan and was making headway for the first time in awhile. PLEASE make the free plan available again.

    Grace and peace, Chesley.

  1542. Amanda says:

    I’m frustrated! I am using the app and the read the Bible in a year plan is gone! HELP!!!!

  1543. Maria says:

    I am a bit confused on the sequence of events of creation. Were the birds of the sky and beasts of the field created before Adam or after , when God gave Adam the command to name them?

  1544. Mari Maynard says:

    Sorry. I’m new here. Is there a way to Highlight scripture with this app?

  1545. Kylie says:

    I had a friend reach out to me yesterday that I hadn’t spoke with in a long time. We stopped being friends about a year ago because we had very different outlooks on life choices. She reached out to me yesterday feeling very lost and sad and alone after a recent breakup. My best advice to her was to look to Jesus and I felt so poorly equipped to help her. Starting this plan today to be a better disciple of Christ and strengthen my relationship with him and hopefully others!

  1546. Jenn Burdock says:

    I received my SRT Bible as a gift after a loss…and I’ve been so very lost. It sat on my dresser unopened for 2 months. I don’t know why I didn’t put it away. I just continued to dust around it.

    Last week, I came across a post that my dear sister-in-law put up on Instagram. I could feel her excitement at receiving her SRT Bible. She has always been a woman, mother, and friend to admire. Her post spoke to me and I finally opened my precious gift. Through her kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion she inspires me.

    I’m so thankful for her and feeling a little less “lost”. I started reading according to this plan, but started out with January 1st instead of April 22nd. Just one day down and I’m filled with hope.

  1547. Madeleine says:

    Loving my new she reads truth bible! This plan is a great way to start.

  1548. Callie says:

    Reading the Bible for the first time. Trying to make room for religion in my heart.

  1549. Jasmine says:

    I just got back from a church camp and the experience has inspired me to start reading the bible again. I love that I can follow a plan :)

  1550. Elyse Abersold says:

    Starting on Easter, reading the Bible to 7 month old

  1551. Key Bennett says:

    Starting this journey. Very excited to learn

  1552. Holly says:

    I’m a bit nervous, but starting this today!

  1553. Katelyn says:

    This is really cool!

  1554. Michelle Webster says:

    I just download app today! I love it!! Excited for this journey

  1555. Ali Sparkman says:

    Why is the book of John being mixed with Genesis?

  1556. Berenice says:

    I’m so happy I found this app! Beyond excited to start this !:)

  1557. Just now starting! So excited to begin this journey❤

  1558. Araceli Flores says:

    I just started I’m super late !!!! I feel so bad but hey better late than never right

  1559. Sarah K says:

    Starting this plan, in hopes that it will finally be the season of life for me to get through the WHOLE bible, which I’ve attempted but haven’t done quite yet ❤

  1560. sandy says:

    i love this app im really trying to get closer to God ❤️

  1561. Kate says:

    This looks like a really helpful reading plan!c

  1562. Chrissy says:

    I just got recommended this app and I think I’m going to start using jt more I have been struggling with finding myself with GOD and this might help

  1563. Brooke says:

    Love this reading plan – just started today as well.
    The order of events of the fall seems to ring true in my everyday struggle with sin.
    -the enemy plants questions/doubts of God/God’s words
    -lack of knowledge of God’s nature/word leads to misunderstanding of truth
    -the enemy twists my misunderstanding, making doubt and disobedience more attractive
    -choosing to sin, sometimes bringing others with me
    -immediately followed by shame,guilt,hiding
    -God seeks truth
    -God delivers consequences and justice
    -God provides for us even through justice

  1564. Bridgette Lowerre says:

    Hey guys, just starting now so for any of y’all who are starting! Awesome! We are on the journey together. Anything stick out to you on day one? I think it’s awesome God breathed life and made a soul. A good reminder of how fragile we are. That everything is made through and by Him. What about in John? What stuck out to you there?

  1565. Kelly-Anne Billington says:

    Only just started reading the bible and this is a great way to start as well as have a community around you

  1566. Keyada says:

    Very inspirational for my everyday life!!! A great way to allow Me to have a closer relationship with God . Love this !!!!

  1567. Amy says:

    Thank you! :)

  1568. Taren says:

    I’ve wanted to read the Bible in a year for a while now… this is great!

  1569. Morgan Segalla says:

    I’m very excited to start this year long journey and stick to it! I am determined to read the Bible in its entirety, and to write notes in my own personal notebook.

  1570. CJ says:

    I was excited to start reading this. I finished JOHN yesterday. I’m looking toward to this time to spend in the word.

  1571. Athena says:

    I’ve had this app for about a year now and I’ve never been able to stick to it.
    But I’m determined this New Year!
    I will get closer to my God through is word!

  1572. Jennifer says:

    I am so excited and thankful the Lord brought this app across my path! Looking forward to growing more deeper in the Word this year!

  1573. Summer7 says:

    7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    What an amazing visual & reminded of how we became to BE!!!!! This passage softens my heart towards mankind because each one of us indirectly have the breath of life in us from God. God breathed into Adam in order that he may live. WOW. God is powerful.

  1574. Rochelle says:

    I’m a little behind. I just found this app yesterday. But I already know Genesis so I may read and paraphrase so I can catch up. But I’m so excited to read the Binle through in a year.

  1575. Lorinda says:

    Just getting started! Very excited

  1576. Kay says:

    So excited to read the word of god

  1577. JoyJ says:

    I am a little behind too

  1578. Montana says:

    Just starting now! So excited!

  1579. Nikki says:

    Just started. I’m a little behind but I’ll catch up.

  1580. Emily says:

    I’m hoping next year I will be able to say that I accomplished this. And that I can do this everyday!

  1581. Alley says:

    I have to say this is app is giving me more drive to read my bible. I find it really easy to follow and I’m learning so much.

  1582. Joann says:

    A little late starting, but I’m sticking to it. One day at a time! So glad I found this App!

  1583. Emma says:

    These comments are so beautiful and meaningful! I am grateful to God that I found this app! Whoever made this was an angel

  1584. Kristi says:

    Started now as well! This will be my first time through the whole bible so I’m hoping to stick with this plan and not revert back to my popcorn style readings- here there and every which way.

  1585. Candi says:

    I just started too. I just found out about this and it’s so hard for me to keep up reading my bible and I’ve always wanted to lol

  1586. Krystal says:

    I started just now! Sad that I’m late but better late than never ❤

  1587. Isabella says:

    Starting on the 14th hopefully I can stay committed

  1588. Elise Hicks says:

    I couldn’t be happier to be reading this and starting this great plan! So blessed and thankful for his amazing word.

  1589. Rai Tremble says:

    Such a wonderful read. The message bible opens up my understanding more so than any other translation. I too just started.

  1590. Christine says:

    I’m starting late as well! January 12 is day 1 for me! I see I am in good company!

  1591. Ashley says:

    Loved the juxtaposition of these chapters. Starting Jan. 12th as well, but working hard to sticking with it! A verse that really stuck out to me was John 1:12: “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Excited for this plan!

  1592. brightgirl says:

    Late getting started (Jan 12) but happy to be here. Hoping to get caught up, but if I don’t finish until Jan 12 2018, so be it! Love reading the opening of Genesis alongside John 1. The whole Bible really is about Jesus from beginning to end!

  1593. Taryn says:

    So excited to be started on this journey of reading the Bible. ❤️ Can’t wait to work on my relationship with God and grow closer to Him. ❤️

  1594. Tatum says:

    Really want to get into this! I want to start really trying to push myself in my faith and be connected with God more :)

  1595. Cay babyyy says:

    That was awesome it’s so cool to see how God works in the Old Testament in comparison to Jesus in the. Ew Testament and how he’s saying to Nathaniel like man you just wait and see what I can really do!!!!

  1596. Haleigh says:

    I hope I’m not starting too late! I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say as each day goes by!!!

  1597. Allison says:

    I have learned a lot I did not know from this passage. There is much more to the creation story than I realized. Eye opening!

  1598. Nari Kim says:

    The first thing God did was create light in darkness before creating anything else. Then John represents the similar textual language as Genesis to show that Jesus is God, He is THE light. Interesting :)

  1599. Gabriella says:

    I meant I agree

  1600. Gabriella says:

    I’m agree

  1601. MccKay says:

    I really want to dive in and stick to it :)

  1602. Erin says:


  1603. Chloe Stenberg says:

    Sorry it posted twice.

  1604. Chloe Stenberg says:

    I’m so so happy I have found this app! I am so exited to read and explore Gods word. Anyone agree?

  1605. Valerie Garcia says:

    I’ve had reminders to read my bible everyday for the past year, I am just now starting! Thank God!

  1606. Symone says:

    22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” does anyone know the meaning behind the word “us”

  1607. Flávia says:

    Starting today so far loving it

  1608. Kayla says:

    starting today

  1609. Anne Elise Williams says:

    starting today!! cant wait

  1610. Roxane says:

    started today i’m really happy i’m doing this

  1611. Bethany says:

    Just started and I’m loving it

  1612. Haley says:

    Starting today ☺️

  1613. Lauren says:

    Starting today , I’m excited for this journey

  1614. Jamie says:

    Starting today!

  1615. Starting today as well. Got some catching up to do. We can do it.

  1616. Alexia says:

    I’m starting today!!

  1617. Rachel Linch says:

    I’m also starting today, sisters!!! Just got back from Passion 2017 in Atlanta & am so excited to pursue the Word with intentionality this year.

  1618. Kaitlyn says:

    Me as well Heather!

  1619. Heather says:

    Just starting this. Been feeling very empty lately & realized I hadn’t been studying the Bible at all. Let’s do this ladies ❤️

  1620. Brittany says:

    I like seeing how John had to followers but once John introduced them to the son of God Jesus they started following Him . Such a beautiful picture

  1621. Patrice says:

    6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

    Why is Eve always blamed when Adam was with her and could’ve spoken up to the serpent?

  1622. Debianliz Ocasio Rodríguez says:

    So excited for this new adventure ❤❤

  1623. Lilly Price says:

    So excited to finally read through the Bible!!

  1624. Litzy Hernández says:


  1625. Melissa says:

    This is the first I’ve done this, a bible study like this, and just with other women. Im doing this one and Ruth. Ruth and Esther have always fascinated me being one of the few women in the bible to have their own stories.

  1626. Tessa says:

    I’m already blown away by God’s command of words. Reading Genesis and John side by side gives so much insight. As I was reading Genesis, I thought, “how interesting that God is the first to speak words to form the earth and create distinction among his creation. He sets the stage for Adam, who later names the animals; but he understands what boundaries he’s working with, because God used words to create those boundaries first. So then I reason: God speaks the origin of words.

    Then I read John, and he claims Jesus is the Word that proceeded from God! It brings the power of words to a whole new level. Words are not just sounds we utter to communicate, but use to create boundaries, give value to beings and creatures around us through naming, and recognize that Jesus is the Origin of Speech. Words exist, because He exists. We exist, because the Word exists.

    This means so much to me as an aspiring writer. I love that the Lord gave us words and, more importantly, The Word.

  1627. kaymarie says:

    i am a freshmen in college and tried to do it alone my first semester but it was proven to me that i will forever need GOD in my life! i am going on this journey to read the Bible all of 2017 to truly understand His Word for myself. i am super excited to keep reading.

  1628. Nicole Vaughn says:

    Very excited to get started today! I will be reading all three days throughout the day today and getting caught up for tomorrow! ❤️❤️❤️

  1629. Theresa Robertson says:

    I have not read the Bible through since high school. Excited to do this with you ladies!.

  1630. Natalie Moore says:

    Please pray for my dedication in continuing this plan. Reading everyday is a struggle for me and I love the support through this app!

  1631. Elise says:

    My roommates and I all started this plan today! So excited to have an amazing group of woman reading along with us! Go 2017!

  1632. Brenda says:

    I am a senior in high school who, in a few months, will embark on a new journey. I hope that the word of God will provide guidance and comfort through this process. Blessings to you all!

  1633. Ashley says:

    So is John 1 basically saying how John was sent from God to spread his word and make people believers of God? The ending of John 1 confuses me a little. Also, is it saying that John was the first person God sent to spread his word? Just trying to get a clear understanding

  1634. Jordyn says:

    I love that this is a app it brings me so much joy to know that so many of you like this and are enjoying it I started this 2 years ago and befor I was so sad and felt down all the time after being on this app for a while it just brought joy to my heart

  1635. Theresa says:

    I’m so happy you’re all here! I started last year after I followed a lent plan and missed the daily readings. Some days the readings bring clarity, other days I feel confused. It’s totally normal. Keep pressing in, the more I read, the more it all comes together!! Praying for you all on this journey. I’m so thankful for this app and plan! I’m so thankful you’re all here!

  1636. Hannah Lamberger says:

    Hi I am a drag man in high school and was wondering why the best version of the Bible is to get the best understanding of it is?

  1637. Carrie says:

    Day 1 done! Turning 40 this year and I’ve always wanted to read the the entire Bible! Let’s do this! Lord I want your word fresh I my heart and my mind!

  1638. Catti says:

    Hi ladies! Last month I feared to enter this year dont know why. i feel now more than ever i need my faith and relationship with God needs to be strong.

  1639. Alyah Rose says:

    I am 16 and would like to grow a healthy relationship with my boyfriend so we have both decided to make god the center of our relationship. May the lord reside with you all.

  1640. Deja says:

    I’m a freshman in college and this is my first time attempting to read the entire bible! I feel like this year I really want to take action in developing a relationship with God not just saying it . I really like this plan so far ! I have always believed in him, but never fully understood the meanings of the Bible, hopefully and praying this will change 2017! Pray for you please thank you .

  1641. Samantha says:

    Hi ladies! I’m so happy to be reading through the Bible with you all and I am very excited to dig into this daily reading and make this a solid life long habit. I’m already loving the way the readings take us between old and New Testament. It’s helping me build those connections and a deeper understanding of the Word. Exciting times. Happy new year to all!

  1642. Jordan says:

    I’ve been out of the word for awhile now, I’m very excited to see where this leads me.

  1643. Ashley West says:

    Serpent? Could that possibly be the devil? I’m reading from Genesis 3:4

  1644. Kalanineiko Zacharias says:

    Can someone explain John 1 to me more? I am kind of confused.

  1645. Amy says:

    I love how God’s love is shown in casting Adam and Eve out of the garden. Since He is a holy God who cannot be in the presence of sin, He knew that if they ate of the tree of life and lived forever, humankind would be eternally separated from its Creator, and the Creator from His creation. He loved us so much He already had a plan of hope to save us and protect us ❤

  1646. Cortne says:

    I love the verse about rest on the seventh day. It shows immediate applicability from the very beginning and something that all people should pay more attention to in this age of hustle and non-stop consumption.

  1647. Courtney Kopinski says:

    Just started today! Little late but so excited !

  1648. Leticia Alderete says:

    Same here, I just started today so Iam reading two days but Iam very excited to read with all of you guys. I truly believed God will do great things in our lives. Amen

  1649. Emily says:

    I was so tired and sick yesterday I forgot I’m glad that we’re able to catch up

  1650. Leigh says:

    Starting a day late but so excited. I need the accountability of a group. I’ve read through the Bible a few times on my own. I can’t wait to walk through God’s word with y’all!

  1651. Bryn Lamppa says:

    Hi my name is Bryn and I was hopping that you guys could pray for me. I really want this year to be all about our Lord and Savior I just hope I keep my commitment of reading the whole bible threw 2017! Thank you!!!!!

  1652. Kelly Teeter says:

    Is the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil 2 different trees?

  1653. Rozena J says:


  1654. Heather Miller says:

    I’ve never full read the whole bible in it’s entirely word. I have referenced it and taken what has been taught in church and read what we learned. I’ve used she reads truth bible studies to get the word. Our pastor set forth a challenge to read either all the new testaments or the whole bible. I am taking the challenge to read the whole bible in a year.

  1655. Stephanie says:

    I’m here to make a daily habit of reading the Bible and of seeking Him first. I don’t think I’ve ever read the whole Bible so I thought this would be a good thing to do.

  1656. Anna Marie Yu says:

    I just graduated from a Baptist university and it is required to take two Christian classes. When I took the Christian scriptures class my freshmen year, that was the first time I have ever opened a bible and read the word of God.

    I’ve been going to church for over a year and a half and I want to have a stronger relationship with God. I believe that actually reading the Bible for myself will help me build upon that relationship. Prayers will be appreciated as I embark on this journey.

  1657. Shay says:

    I was looking for a mobile devotional app to start the new year off with. So exited to have found She Reads Truth!! :)

  1658. kelly says:

    trying to get through high school keeping him as my #1! love this community:)

  1659. amber says:

    i am making some big decisions this year, and need God to help me through it and lead me where He wants me to be! with reading the Bible everyday i am hoping He helps me through and leads me where i need to go.

  1660. Sidney says:

    Praying that I will stick to this plan this year and finish it out. It has been a goal of mine to read the whole bible for quite a while now. I really want to stick with this!!!

  1661. i’m beginning this with hope that it changes me. i am struggling in my faith. i need to be held accountable

  1662. Sarah says:

    I’m ready to do this for 2017!

  1663. Gracie says:

    My New Years resolution is to read the whole Bible this year and to become closer to God !

  1664. Sarah Jo says:

    Resolved this year to learn what a good relationship looks like by Jesus’ example, because the others in my life have been less than stellar. Such a great way to start – the God of beauty and provision, who undoes our mistakes at His own cost!

  1665. Danielle Bandy says:

    I have just come out of a relationship and found out that he has been cheating and lying to me for 11 months, I cannot let go of my rage towards him and I go back to school with him in 2 days. This man has deeply hurt me and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Any advice for giving this up to God?

  1666. Lindsay says:

    12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

    When we accept the authority and holiness of Jesus Christ, we are considered children of God. Not born of human lineage, but literally born of God. What a great family & kingdom to be a part of!! This verse stood out to me today because my father has never really been involved in my life, and realizing a have a whole new family and a Heavenly Father that truly loves me really rocks.

  1667. Mary Olubogun says:

    Hi! I have never talked in the comments before but I decided to today. I am looking forward to learning more about God and getting deeper in his word. I have been having a difficult time idolizing/dwelling on guys, my appearance, etc. I have learned that setting your focus back on God and having him as the middle of main focus makes everything else revolve around him; because he promises that he is faithful and we should seek him(Mathew 7:7)! Please keep me in your prayers this week, I’m going back to school were it can be much more tempting to fall into the enemy’s traps. I hope everyone has a happy new year :)

  1668. Megan, NC says:

    Something that stood out to me was in Genesis one. Before God created man, he created everything else. It’s a reminder that God provides for our needs. It’s also a humbling reminder that we’re not the most important thing.

  1669. Corey says:

    I’m looking forward to this and really hope I can make it a priority and stay with it. I’m expecting baby #2 in February, so I’m hoping to go ahead and get a little ahead now so that as I miss a day or two here or there (especially with a newborn) I won’t get discouraged that I’m falling behind. Looking forward to discussion with you ladies and keeping each other motivated this year!

  1670. Bev Brandon says:

    “What are you seeking?” asked Jesus. John 1:38. He knew. Do I want Him more this new year than I desperately want things to work out in my life—to be a better year than the past one. Do I want Him more? The One Who hovers over all my darkness turning it into Light. So grateful to walk with y’all and find Him on the pages He breathed.

  1671. Maya says:

    John 1:50 “You will see greater things than this”

    I am beyond blessed to know a God who has no limits to his greatness and never ending love. He has no limits to all the blessings he has given me and will give me. I am so elated to know there are greater things that God has in store for me if I keep trusting and believing in him

  1672. Brielle says:

    My prayer to God:
    Dear Heavenly Father, help me stay accountable with reading your word every day this year. Please open my eyes to all the wonderful things in the scripture, please help me keep a steady interest in reading what You are saying. Please bless everyone here reading your word and speak to us what we need to know. Thank you Lord for giving this word to us and thank you for this app on my phone to help me be closer with you. I love you God.

  1673. Carrie Morrison says:

    Prayers that this year I will remain steadfast in reading everyday!

  1674. Maribel says:

    How can I print this plan out?

  1675. Tolu says:

    Hopefully, this’ll be the year when I can actually follow through til the end!

  1676. Amber says:

    Happy New Year, SRT ladies! I began this journey in July of last year and got way behind in December because we were moving but my goal for 2017 is to stick with this and continue to strengthen my faith in God. May god bless you all!

  1677. Cindy says:

    As another year rolls in, and I’m finally committing to stick to this Bible plan haha, I thought I’d share my prayers for the year – that God’s will be done this year; that He works through me to be a light in whatever situation and circumstance I end up in, and that through His strength I can grow to be more like Him. I pray the same for all of you, God bless, make God the priority this year!

  1678. shelby says:

    I’m only 17 and i’ve always wanted to start the “Bible in a Year” reading. I love that I can understand a lot better through this app. I’m on a journey to become closer to Christ. say prayers for me, and God Bless you all!

  1679. Nicky says:

    Excited to be on this journey. I just thought I’d contribute something here now so I feel a part of the community, and accountable.
    God, keep us motivated and disciplined enough to read the what you have to say to us every day (and with excitement!)

  1680. Kaitlyn says:

    I started today,and it is easy to get discouraged. Just remember girls that this is gods word, and every day you read it , you will find something new that he may want you to share. This is partly about us, but it is also about reading more into what god has for you, and showing him that you are ready for what’s to come.

  1681. Amanda says:

    My small group had a discussion on that verse and it is said to mean “desiring to rule over our husbands.” In other words, we try to be in control and take over men”s God given role. God intended for two equals to have designated jobs, and we must fight the desire to control over our husbands and instead give them the chance to lead with authority out of respect.

  1682. Lexi says:

    And is it read the first three chapters of genesis or the first three verses

  1683. Lexi says:

    How do you read the verse of John all I can find is genesis

  1684. Leah says:

    Based on verse 16, do you think part of the curse on women is the constant desire to want to be married?

  1685. Jessica says:

    I love the parallel between Genesis 1 and John 1. Jesus, Immanuel, coming to redeem. Such a good reminder as a start to a new year! Praying for perseverance for all of us to soak in the Scriptures this year, that we may “let the word of Christ dwell in us richly” and that it would change us profoundly! ❤️

  1686. Jessica Wilkinson says:

    I have been trying to read through the Bible,I never seem to get more than a couple days in and get discouraged. I’m trying out this app hoping it can remind and motivate me. pray for me! I really want to do this!

  1687. Adriana says:

    Is following this plan a good way to start if I haven’t read the full bible before? Or is there something I should start with first? I’m trying to learn and understand :)

  1688. Becca says:

    Does anyone know of an app for men that is similar to this?

  1689. Emily says:

    I downloaded this but where does it go? I can’t find it to read it?

  1690. Liz Sperling says:

    It goes to show that God truly wants to use us in wonderful ways and that he has big plans for us even though we may not see them now! Don’t lose sight of God for he will guide you through!

  1691. Alexa says:

    Does it charge you?

  1692. Caylee says:

    Is this a free thing ?

  1693. Reagan says:

    This says that God will create great things through you and he will use you

  1694. lesa says:

    “Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heaven an the earth.”

    “John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

    these two starting points were well placed in the same reading,

  1695. Ashley says:

    I Just started reading today! A little bit behind (6-7 months or so. Oh well) I’m really hoping this will bring me closer to godd

  1696. Meagan Shuffield says:

    I like how Genesis and John both start with “in the beginning” it proved the fact that the Bible is all connected as one story. In Genesis 3 we see the first prophecy about Jesus when God is cursing the serpent in the garden. He says in Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.” The “offspring” is Jesus and the bruising of the head and heel are addressing the end defeat of evil when Jesus throws Satan into the lake of fire at the end of time. The best verse from John 1 is verse 14 which says “and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” God has a plan for our lives and is seeking to bring us salvation. Jesus was brought to teach us and to save us. How great is our God?

  1697. Helen says:

    Unconditional love

  1698. Morgan says:

    Grace and truth

  1699. Tara says:

    I like that even though God was angry at Adam and Eve for disobeying him, he made them garments. Such a selfless act of love.

  1700. taylor walters says:

    should I start from January or now?

  1701. Leticia says:

    I’m so happy that I have found this app! I think it’s great for us (women) to read and get closer to the word of our God! Let us be fruitful in the name of Jesus!!

  1702. Ashley says:

    Happy Sabbath Day everyone!!!!

  1703. Charlotte Murphy says:

    I love reading this, it makes me feel wanted just because I am me, not for the way I am.

  1704. Charlotte Murphy says:

    I consider myself to be a Christian and a Buddhist

  1705. Kayla Perez says:

    I’m just starting now too! Looks like we have a bit more reading to do ;) I’m super excited!

  1706. Jessica says:

    I’m starting SO LATE! But I am excited that this will bring me back to my relationship with God and strengthen it the way it should be. I am going through a trying time in the next few years ahead and I know this will help me. I’m so glad to have a group of supporting women to go through this with! :)

  1707. Hannah says:

    Yayyyy!! Let’s do this:)

  1708. Mel says:

    I’m new and excited!

  1709. Hannah says:

    Even though I’m starting a little late, this is awesome!

  1710. Tanya Baker says:

    Getting started two months into the year. Exc. Excited to

  1711. Shannon Wray says:

    I’m fasting social media, and my friend said that whenever my fingers go over my Facebook or Instagram icon, to go to my bible instead! So glad she told me that! Soexcited to get started!

  1712. Glorious Maina says:

    Let’s go

  1713. Sarah says:

    I just saw the app today, so exited to catch up!!!

  1714. Erin says:

    I tried to do something like this on my own and I couldn’t. I am so excited to catch up!

  1715. Gabbie Ward says:

    I know it started very late but I just got this app

  1716. Amanda says:

    I just found this app today – can’t wait to catch up!

  1717. Tiffany says:

    out.* (accidentally posted it before I was finished, oops). Anyways! God is so good.

  1718. Tiffany says:

    I just started reading today, I’ll catch up. This really spoke to me in a time of need as I was sitting here, crying, wondering where my life was taking me. Then of course I read his words ‘let there by light’ and I just cried it all

  1719. Olga says:

    I’ve started today and so have to catchcatch up. Genesis 1&2 really spoke to me. God made sure that He prepared eth. Made it comfortable for Man before he made man. Makes me know that before he made me, he had already made eth that i need in this life available to me. It shows how much he cares for us, and that all our needs are supplied!

  1720. Abbey says:

    I’m also starting a month late. Someone just told me about the app ✋

  1721. Rachael says:

    I like this one too. :) feeling excited to starr

  1722. Satin Smith says:

    im start late but i’ll pray that i’ll catch up

  1723. Bree says:

    I’m starting a month late

  1724. FeliciaK says:

    I’m starting late but I had started another plan that was too much for me at the time because of my busy babies. I like this one so far and I’ll be playing catch up!

  1725. Abby Andrews says:

    I’m starting this year plan a few weeks late but these passages are a great way to start!!

  1726. Priscilla says:

    47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
    These verse stood out to me the most. How beautiful it is that God sees us!! Even when we are just sitting, He’s still watching over us and thinking of us. It’s just so incredible to think that the creator of the universe is thinking about ME right now!

  1727. Arianna Hill-Battey says:

    I have always had difficulty continuing to read passages and have them make sense to me with the wording. I really loved the discussion on the creation or men and women which probably resonates with me because I am recently married. I took a lot of grace from the reading. I felt there was pure truth and selflessness here.

  1728. Caralee says:

    My daughter suffers from depression. When I read the account of God saying “let there be light” it brought tears to my eyes and just. Prayed that he would say that over my little girl Asa she is in that dark place today. I’m praying the same for any sisters here suffering depression. In both the daytime and nighttime God has ordained light. HE is the light.

  1729. Beth says:

    Starting a bit late – loved this John passage and am excited to see what is next

  1730. Melissabee says:

    God is so big, my brain can’t wrap around the questions that rise like ” why did He make good and evil” but one thing I know. I must experience Him. I must know Him. He formed me and when He breathes into my life- it is the breath hat gives me life. The journey of knowing Him

  1731. Jen Barich says:

    Is there a devotional that is written with this to read? Or not?

  1732. Erika says:

    8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.

    We need to be on fire for God and show His love to the world. Sometimes we get caught in the trap of basking in our own light. Where the gifts and talents God has given are taken as something we earned on our own. When in reality all the credit and the glory goes to God. We are sent to be God’s witnesses. And in everything we do, the World should see God’s finger prints.

  1733. Divine says:

    Can someone please help me.. I tried emailing support and no response… I cant seem to purchase any plans. Saying”this item is for an app that was purchased by a different apple id. To buy this item with this apple idylu must first purchase the app… ” i have the same id –& nothing.. Greatly appreciate any direction!:)

  1734. Divine says:

    Can someone please help me.. I tried emailing support and no response… I cant seem to purchase any plans. Saying”this item is for an app that was purchased by a different apple id. To buy this item with this apple idwith this apple ide

  1735. Divine says:

    Can someone please help me.. I tried emailing support and no response… I cant seem to purchase any plans. Saying”this item is for an app that was purchased by a different apple id. To buy this item
    Amd mo

  1736. kelseyyy says:

    “And let there be light”

  1737. Brittainy Shirley says:

    26 John answered them, “I baptize with water, but among you stands one you do not know, 27 even he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy
    So amazing! to untie.”

  1738. Denton says:

    To me it is so interesting the poetry of Genesis. Literally chronicling our very creation. And then to see a glimpse of their fall and destruction coupled with John and the introduction of the Messiah. Our one true God and savior to rescue us from the depths of our sin! The story of the Bible is hope and love. There is no greater love than that of the Lord and there is no greater thing than to place our hope in our Savior. God is good through it all. Mighty and just in power.

  1739. Hana says:

    I love where Jesus tells Nathaniel that even greater things will be revealed!

  1740. Shana says:

    Awesome reading (:

  1741. Kaylin White says:

    I’m making a journal for each day and I don’t know what I should write for each entry…I’m not creative ): any ideas?

  1742. Megan says:

    How awesome is our God?!

  1743. Carla West says:

    I’d forgotten how beautiful the story of creation is! I know that many artists have drawn inspiration from the bible, but I hope to make some of be simple sketches I have created into some kind of painting or pottery. God is so creative and kind. I think back to the first time I read Genesis, and how CRUEL I thought God was being to banish Adam and Eve. Now I see His kindness.

  1744. Lisa says:

    To AnneMarie, I think God is not stating a command here but a consequence to our turning away from the relationship that He designed. I believe He is stating the struggle that is going to happen between man and woman instead of the harmony and complement that we were to be to each other. In His Word, we see so many times where women were pivotal in the story and the faithful one to God. I believe, in His grace, He wants us to see the design that he intended.

  1745. AnneMarie says:

    I read this reading on time, but I am still stuck on Gen 3:16 so I’ve come back in hopes that some latecomers could provide some insight. In today’s feminist movement world, it’s hard for me to juggle the belief that women are equal to men while being provided a verse that states husbands shall rule over their wives. Is this a struggle we must work to overcome like the other struggles presented after Adam and Eve’s sin or a way of life we must follow in order to be in compliance with God’s will (should we really submit fully to our husbands)?

  1746. Jennifer Villegas says:

    I’m curious as to what man God was forming in chapter 1

    27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

    28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth ….

    And then God forms Adam in Chapter. Was God forming an image (in his mind?) of a man first and then actually formed the first man in chapter 2.

    Have read Genesis before and love picking up on new things.

    I also loved and found interesting the words of “these are the generations of the heavens” Gen 2:4

  1747. LCollz says:

    I just keep going back and re-reading “and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters” (Gen 1:2). I just love that imagery. Catching up and so thankful to be a part of this plan this year! My Pastor is challenging us to commit to one spiritual discipline and mine is getting in the Word daily. I’m also a work-from-home mom of two young kids so I can relate to the ladies above feeling like there’s always something else to “do.” This year, I’m committing to nourishing my soul so that I can be a better wife, mom, friend and employee.

  1748. Jennifer says:

    Roxanne, I am totally where you are and I appreciate your perspective. I didn’t fully catch that part but was swept up in the love and perseverance of John for Jesus. I want my faith to be that strong and patient!

  1749. Joy joy says:

    I’m reading the Bible in a year in the Message version. Switch it up since I’m the type that tends to not pay attention if I feel I already know what I’m reading. Since I’ve read the bible in a year before and have studied the bible for many years, I’m trying something new. I hope to have a fresh experience with God’s Word!

  1750. Roxanne says:

    I’m a little late to this party – just getting started but will catch up. My NKJV says He ENDED his work (2:2) – which to me shows intention. I find that as a busy wife and mother who works outside the home, my work never seems to stop, and I can’t find enough time for God. I’m trying to be intentional about ending my work.

  1751. Tammy says:

    I was so struck by Gods words of blessing to man and to all the living things – how amazing to be blessed by God!

  1752. Mackenzie says:

    I loved the message

  1753. Elizabeth says:

    When you go through the process of putting in you Apple ID and stuff to get the free plan. Is it really free? And if so why does it ask for all that

  1754. Laura says:

    How can I find my bookshelf

  1755. Rebecca says:

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

  1756. Ashlee says:

    John 1:16 stood out to me… It says that “from his FULLNESS we have all received grace upon grace”… It’s not from a portion of God, or from what He has left over… Or how our parents have to divide their time up among their children… God gives us grace from His fullness, from ALL of Himself… Everyone of us gets God’s fullest ALL the time… Amazing…

  1757. Rachel Lynn says:

    Loved this! Gets me interested in reading the whole bible!

  1758. Megan says:

    Long but cool and interesting start!! Looking forward to reading the whole Bible for the first time!

  1759. Rosie says:

    I am so excited

  1760. Why does the plan jump around? It seems confusing to me to jump from book to book instead of reading chronologically?

  1761. FloraB. says:

    I’m so excited to start reading the bible!

  1762. Vanezza says:

    Hi how can I switch the translation?

  1763. Katelyn Esther says:

    Excited to learn more about God with reading the whole bible! I know it will be hard since I have never read it all before, but God is Faithful!! (Senior in HS)

  1764. Linda says:

    At the very bottom there is a tap to complete.

  1765. Katelynn says:

    How do u make when ur done with that day

  1766. Jamie Hicks says:

    Does anyone know how to find out what version you’re reading?

  1767. Sarah Eagleston says:

    Regarding Genesis 3:16, our church discussed that verse a couple years ago. I think “desire” is one of those words that was difficult to translate to English because there is really English word for what the passage was describing. That’s probably why your NLT tried to make it more descriptive in saying “desire to control your husband,” as I believe that is really the true meaning. Or as close as we can come to it. And this is where the battle of the sexes begins. That is how explains this passage. They might have some insight on the other passage as well.

  1768. Celine says:

    I have a question: it’s about genesis 3:16 and 3:22. So, two separate questions. 1. In 3:16 there are two different ways of translating the end of it which really make a big difference in my eyes. For example, my NLT JesusCenteredBible reads: “and you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” Whereas most other translations, for instance ESV reads: “your desire shall be for your husband…” Big difference here, I’m really interested to see if anyone has thoughts on this?
    2. 3:22 God says if the humans eat from the tree of life they will live forever and then God banishes Adam and Eve from the garden and guards the tree of life. The way the text puts it, or at least the way I read it was that God seemed worried about humans gaining eternal life so he hides it, or is it that because they sinned (ate from tree of knowledge of good and evil) they can no longer have eternal life? I’m pretty sure I’m just missing something obvious here. Sorry this text might be hard to read, on my phone and it’s hard to review. Thank you!

  1769. Mary says:

    John 1:4 – in Him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness ….
    Jesus is life & light. When darkness overcomes me, I need more of Jesus to overcome the darkness! Looking to be filled with light of Jesus in 2016!

  1770. Sonia says:

    The word “seed” is jumping out more than ever as I read this time. Jesus is both the Creator of the seeds mentioned and also He Is the Seed of the offspring of the woman. How great is our God!

  1771. Perfect first read of the year! Has me really evaluating how I speak to God. He’s a very simple man. He spoke to me and told me to pray in a different way. To not ask but speak. Just as He did with the first days of building Earth. He spoke and it was done. And that if we believe it He will do it, He will. He already had His eye on us anyway just like He did in John 50 with Nathanael.

  1772. Jahziel Pantoja says:

    This year at school is all about Seeking Thee.. As I read the first three chapters of Genesis I am just in awe of how amazing God is and all the beauty He has created.

  1773. Hassan says:

    Love it

  1774. Savannah says:

    Excited to start anew in 2016 even as I finish up where I left off in 2015. As a sophomore in high school I’m often distracted by my school, violin, and social life, so I’m praying for focus and perseverance to finish the plan this year. I hope you ladies have a blessed year and I pray that we all continue to grow in Him as we go through this journey together!

  1775. Jet says:

    This is not the first time I will be attempting to read the Bible in a year but I definitely think that being a part of the SRT community will give me a little bit more motivation when times get tough. As I look forward to starting my second semester in college, I ask for prayer for spiritual, physical and mental health and for God to open my eyes and my heart to the wonderful support group SRT has to offer. Blessings to all of you!

  1776. Stephanie says:

    The first three chapters of Genesis remind me how important it is to look at the context of the whole bible, and not just individual verses.

  1777. Sara Jane M. says:

    I’ve read most of the Bible throughout my life, but I have never read it fully in a year. I know the Lord has been pressing on my heart to do it. Hears to a faith filled 2016!

  1778. Gracie Tingle says:

    As I finish off my senior year of highschool and dive into my freshman year of college, I want to be rooted in his word! Thank you SRT for making this plan. ❤️

  1779. Jamie says:

    Staring 2016 off right by doing my first full reading of the bible…a little bit every night before bed. Very excited for this new journey. Happy New Year ladies!

  1780. SarahGrace says:

    I downloaded SRT a couple weeks ago and have been looking forward to starting the Bible in a Year goal on Jan 1. This won’t be my first time reading the whole Bible, but hopefully I’ll be reading more prayerfully this year. That’s the goal, anyway! :)

  1781. Tenesha929 says:

    God is all in my goals & plans for 2016! I know that greater is coming!

  1782. Kirsti Pellegrini says:

    The creation story is one of my favorites. I also love how the Lord makes clothes for Adam and Eve- that is such a sweet thing to do after they had sinned. Reminds me that God still actively loves us in our sin.
    Excited to approach the bible differently this year- reading a story instead of dissecting every sentence like an investigator. This change of perspective is freedom for me.

  1783. Blair W says:

    Even at midnight on Jan 1st, I’m so thankful for His word! Thank you srt for helping set a fresh start to another year with Him!

  1784. Nicole Williams says:

    Starting the year off right! Praying for consistency. Happy New Year, ladies!!

  1785. Elly Brown says:

    So excited to be sharing with all of you wonderful ladies! Great things in store for us in 2016! God is good!!

  1786. Jasmine says:

    Glad to begin this journey with the Lord. I pray to be consistent and remain on His path.

  1787. tiar136 says:

    I pray that today may serve as a new beginning, that the scripture of the beginning may incite a commitment to the Word and Jesus in myself and all who share in this journey. May we turn to God as we struggle to begin, journey, and begin again (for finishing the whole Bible will not be the end but the beginning of a greater understanding of our Lord). God bless you in 2016 and beyond!

  1788. Trenae says:

    Great first day. I am happy that they started with Genesis than tied it with the coming of Jesus. I am excited to see what else follows !!!!

  1789. Kayla Petty says:

    It’s so interesting to read Genesis 3:21. God made leather clothes for Adam and Eve after they had sinned against Him and were in shame because of their nakedness. If you think about it: what is leather made from? Animal skin! God performed the first sacrificial act (which priests and Jews and all His people will continue for generations) in order to both literally and figuratively “cover” the sins of human beings. What a gracious and ferociously loving God that we have!!

  1790. Sophia says:

    Same here. My goal is to follow through with this plan to the fullest!

  1791. Judith says:

    I’m excited to do a srt study at the same time as other women.

  1792. Janelle says:

    Starting off 2016 in the Word! Praying to continue all year!

  1793. elizabeth grace says:

    my New Years resolution this year was to read the entire Bible. i’m excited because this will be the first time for me to do this, i have done other studies but not the whole bible. have a great 2016

  1794. Lauren says:

    Thankful for the word of God! I have slacked a lot in 2015 and I am realizing how dependent I am on the Lord. May I grow in faith this year!

  1795. Ginnyb9464 says:

    My grandmother read through the entire Bible every year for as long as I can remember. I lost her a year and a half ago. I hope to carry on her legacy. She will be with me each day! Thank you for making this map for my journey.

  1796. Serena Zhu says:

    Recently been rebuked on how little I actually read the Word- this is the year I devote time daily to reading God’s Word.

  1797. zoe says:

    whew! God is the best way to start off 2016. i can’t wait to see what this year holds on my journey with God.

  1798. Abby Laine says:

    Excited to begin and hopefully end this year with this study. Praying that I will be consistent in reading this daily.

  1799. Paige Spain says:

    Excited and encouraged to be starting 2016 on this journey with all of you!

  1800. Kayla F. says:

    Awesome first ready of the new year.

  1801. Daphne says:

    Super excited!!!! Gonna really try this!!!

  1802. Lindseymae says:

    Beautiful is The Lord and His Word!

  1803. Wendy Lynn says:

    Looking forward to this journey over the next year!

  1804. MindyB says:

    I’m listening to the readings on an audio bible app. And as I listen, my eyes begin to fill and my heart is fed. I’m so glad to have these helps to keep me in the word. I need it!

  1805. Bridgette says:

    Praying that I am able to complete this, this year. I know it’s not an easy task, but it’s one I so truly want to see through!

  1806. Katy says:

    Yes!! Me three. I’ve tried so many times to do this on my own and always Peter out around exodus.

  1807. Brenda says:

    14 The Word became flesh 
    and took up residence among us.
    We observed His glory,
    the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
    full of grace and truth.
    My heart is full from celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus. He is full of GRACE AND TRUTH and that HE has taken up residency among us!! GLORY!!

  1808. Natalie Keoshian says:

    I am looking forward to sticking to this plan and am so encouraged by the several hundred other women who have commented. I pray my heart would long for Jesus each day and that I would treasure His Word more highly than the things of this world!

  1809. Heather W says:

    I can’t even get past genesis 1:3!! It’s mind boggling – how did God know to name and choose light to create? And land and animals and everything else?? He created it and liked it…. What made him choose that to create?? He already knew… Or heaven already existed and he used ideas from there….

  1810. Tisha says:

    Every year I say I want to read the bible and have yet to succeed. This is the year I am going to do it and become closer with my lord and savior.

  1811. Amelia says:

    I’m currently pregnant with my second baby and I want to be prepared to show my family Gods way. Looking forward to accomplishing this goal of reading the entire bible I’ve had for years!

  1812. Marie.Henderson says:

    From years of attending Sunday School I have felt grounded in God’s Word. However as an adult, I feel that I’ve just continued to rely on that childish knowledge. I pray God will give me a hunger and thirst for His Word that will have me rising early to spend time with Him and a deep love for the scripture that will sustain me through my life.

  1813. Emerson says:

    Same! I want to know so desperately about Gods love so I can share it with others. I will admit, I am only 11 but I understand the bible so I find know problem in starting my journey with the Lord early! So excited!!!

  1814. Mary says:

    Beyond excited to embark upon this journey. To read the Bible in its entirety is going to be so wonderful and I cannot wait. God bless, everyone!

  1815. Liz says:

    Finally doing what I should have been doing for the last 5 years….. Laying down my foundation in Gods word…. I wish I had listened all those years ago because my life would be vastly different if I had.

  1816. Kayla says:

    I am going through a very difficult time in my marriage. I am trying to keep the hope and dive into the word. It seems my life always takes a downward spiral when I distance myself from Christ, so I’m excited to be on this journey to becoming the woman he wants me to be. I pray the Lord opens my eyes and transforms me into his image.

  1817. emma says:

    I’m looking forward to this journey, in hopes that it will be a comfort in the difficult days to come, a reassurance in my days of doubts, and a huge accomplishment by 2017! :)

  1818. jamie says:

    I have always wanted to read the Bible in entirety. I am so excited about this journey and growing closer to Jesus.

  1819. Excited to read the WHOLE bible in 2016! Such a great way to start the new year-

  1820. Kristin says:

    So excited to read the bible this year! Looking forward to a great transformation!

  1821. Mauri Grace says:

    I’ve never been able to read the Bible in its entirety. Reading is so hard for me because I am very slow and it takes a while to comprehend. My prayer is that this year the Lord will overtake my mindset on reading and give me a fresh love for his Word. Would you pray this over me? May you have a blessed 2016! Happy New Year!

  1822. Keighly says:

    So very excited to become closer with Jesus! I’m looking forward to my readings tomorrow:)

  1823. Abby says:

    What a great way to start the new year!

  1824. April Davis says:

    Excited to read the bible every day with this app! New Years resolution: to learn more about Jesus!

  1825. Marilee says:

    So excited to start the new year with the Lord and all of you wonderful ladies. Let’s read with an eager and expectant heart this year!

  1826. Jackie says:

    Genesis 1:26-28 (MSG)
    God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature…
    God created human beings;
    he created them godlike,
    Reflecting God’s nature.
    He created them male and female.
    God blessed them…”

    It’s incredible to think that when we look at one another we are actually looking at the image of God. Yes, we’ve fallen short and we are not as “magnificent” as God had originally intended for us to be, but we still are reflections of his goodness.

    For such a long time I’ve struggled with getting along with my sister-in-law, much less seeing her as a person “made in God’s image,” so here’s to praying more fervently that God softens my heart and allows me to see her as a fellow sister in Christ. Happy 2016 everyone.

  1827. Kendyll says:

    22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” He said US. It’s so cool to see the Trinity already in motion from the very beginning. Happy New Year!

  1828. Kristin says:

    I love in Genesis 3:21 that even after Adam and Eve have sinned He still cares and provides for them. “And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.” Even when we sin, when I sin, God doesn’t abandon me, He does still care and love me. Yes, there are consequences to our actions, but that doesn’t mean God stops loving and caring for us.

  1829. Michelle says:

    One of my favorite things about today’s reading, was in John 1. This always gets me, the Greek origin of “the Word” in John 1:1 is Logos – a title for Jesus as the communicator and the revealer of God the Father. And then in verse 14, where it talks about how He took up residence with us, the literal translation is “tabernacled” all the way back from Exodus 40:34-38. The Glory of the Lord is within Christ, and He reveals that glory of the Father to us. Ugh. Yes.

  1830. Olivia says:

    Trying once again to read the Bible in a year… I tried last year and failed during february

  1831. ragamuffin says:

    open the eyes of my heart Lord to the grace and truth of your word on this new day and new year! thank you for new mercies every morning. great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me. we bring blessing and honor and glory forever to our God.

  1832. Nina_M says:

    “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”
    I’ve been struggling with my self-esteem for a while now and it’s so encouraging to know that God looks at me (and the rest of His creation) and says: “Behold, it’s very good.”
    I wish you all a blessed new year!

  1833. Darby Stevens says:

    I haven’t been this excited to start something new for a very long time! Ready to receive grace in the new year.

  1834. Dezi says:

    New year, New Spiritual Journey with My Lord and Savior.

  1835. Molly says:

    I am exited to start this plan but I am kind of confused with John one ether I just was not focused or its just has confusing wording, if someone could review John one with me that would be great

  1836. Kara Lawler says:

    Tried starting this last year, and it didn’t stick! This year however will be different because God brought me so far in 2015. Happy New Year! 2016 will be so wonderful!

  1837. ashley says:

    excited to begin the year with this plan!

  1838. Natasha says:

    Happy New Year! What a way to start it off right! So happy to have found this plan!

  1839. Alexa says:

    I am so excited to begin a new year with God! I am proud to say that after years of back sliding I am going forward 100% I praise God for showing me the way back to his grace!

  1840. Mary says:

    Not happy with this app since December 31 shuts it down. Disappointed

  1841. Deb R says:

    Excited to learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ in 2016. Yearning for a closer walk with Him!!

  1842. Rachel says:

    Ready and eager to do this in 2016!

  1843. Kathryn says:

    Excited to start a New Year with God!!

  1844. Katherine says:

    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it…” Praise the Lord. Such an encouraging way to begin this new year!

  1845. ladensmore says:

    John 1:16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

    Looking forward to 2016 and diving deeper into his word!!

  1846. Paisley Myers says:

    I’m excited to start a New Year in the Word!

  1847. Maegan Brooks says:

    I’m so excited to start this year long plan and truly diving deeper into the word of God! Hope everyone has a blessed day!

  1848. Mea says:

    Looking forward to this

  1849. Sonia says:

    Starting off this 2016 by committing to read the bible in a year, hopefully I stick to it and finish. First time here & excited to be able to have it at the tips of my fingers. Happy new year everyone, may God bless you always!

  1850. Amanda Roelofs says:

    Looking forward to diving into Gods word in 2016! There’s nothing I can think of that will better bring grace, hope and love into my daily life! I pray that all of us embarking on this journey with God this year have open hearts for what He is going to show us through his Word! Happy New Year everyone!

  1851. Courtney says:

    Happy New Year everyone! I’m excited to read the Bible with you all! Does anyone know if we can persuade the app developers to give us interpretations and reflections after each reading? Much like in the other plans.

  1852. Angela says:

    Oops its the App for my Android.

  1853. Angela says:

    Does anyone know how to delete a plan? I want to restart this plan again.

  1854. Corinne says:

    A new year, a new attempt to read the entire bible. I really hope to stick to it this time. Having this on my phone really gives me no excuse!!

  1855. Shing-Wai says:

    So excited for this year and praying for strength and discipline for every She who’s following along! That we may not be discouraged by whatever trials and distractions come our way and that our hearts would come to rest and grow in His word purely from a desire to know our Savior even more in an even sweeter way. Much love to you all! Xox

  1856. Sarah says:

    In the beginning…when God created the world and everything in it and when He sent Jesus, our Redeemer…both beginnings reveal that God’s intentions toward us, His beloved creation, have always been the same–grace upon grace, according to John. What a beautiful thought…God’s intentions toward you and me have ALWAYS been to magnify His glory and to lavish His love on us for our good!!

  1857. Felicia says:

    Excited to start the year breathing in the voice of our sweet Jesus!

  1858. Heather says:

    So glad to see others doing this as well! May being in His Word this year bring about a difference in our lives we never knew could be! Peace and Joy to you ladies!

  1859. Lyle says:

    “In the beginning, God created…” “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” I love the parallel way that Genesis and John begin…in the beginning. I love fresh starts and new days and second chances. God made each of us with a definite beginning. This world had a clear beginning, a perfect start. Even though the perfection did not last, God still worked. He still created it all through Jesus–“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). Praying that 2016, this new start, would be filled and flooded with the light of Jesus in my life. Sin and brokenness are everywhere. But as several of you have pointed out, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” So excited to read through the Bible this year and allow my mind to be transformed and renewed. Thankful for a new beginning!

  1860. Julie says:

    John 1:16 “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”
    Oh, to live in the fullness of his grace! To be mindful of his grace, and to keep my eyes fixed upon him. He is so good!

  1861. Stacey says:

    Beginning my journey through the Word for 2016! Praying for a new freshness from Him! So great to know that light always overcomes darkness!!

  1862. Allison says:

    Praying this app helps me stick with my plan of reading the Bible entirely. I’ve tried in the past but wasn’t successful. God bless and Happy New Year!

  1863. Carly says:

    I’m trying to be consistent in my relationship with God and reading the Bible this year- please pray that I can accomplish this. Today’s passages were beautiful.

  1864. Catherine Gomez says:

    Before darkness there was light. And it was always meant to be separated.

  1865. Anna says:

    Reading about Creation gives me chills every time. Thank you Lord for your grace.

  1866. Suzi says:

    ‘He also made the Stars’: how beautiful!! The writer of Genesis puts the awesome power of the Creator God into 5 words. Lad

  1867. Deanne says:

    As someone who has only read a few parts of the Bible, I hope this makes it easier to read and enjoy.
    Let’s hope I can keep up with it.

  1868. I’m trying to get back into bible reading for this new year. please keep me in your prayers for willingness to keep this up. thank you

  1869. Arden says:

    I was so stuck by these chapters. They occurred to me as the never have before; they seemed so much richer to me, full of meaning and beauty. ‘Ancient and forever’ is the phrase that keeps coming to my mind. I so dearly love the Word, and its inexhaustible quality. I feel that each time I read it I have fresh eyes, and I catch new truths. I am learning to love Scripture, and the fact that I can take hold of the truth that God has given to us. These chapters felt like they were living and breathing! Praise God!

  1870. Ann says:

    What a wonderful reminder of how the world was created and fell, as well as the story of how God’s grace and mercy provided a way to salvation. Even from the very beginning!

  1871. Caitlyn says:

    This was a perfect way to start off 2016.

  1872. Kayla says:

    I really enjoyed reading about John

  1873. Bridget says:

    I was at a weekend and the speaker used an analogy of the garden being like six flags. God gave us everything, the rides, the food, and anything else we could ever imagine, except he wouldn’t allow us to go into the “staff area”. I think this is a great analogy because it really highlights the vastness of God’s gifts to us. He gave us perfection with no shame but he also gave us a choice. After all, there can’t be true and deep love without there being a choice!

  1874. Meg says:

    Hello ! I am a young woman trying to strengthen my bond with the lord and I would like to study the bible! Will someone please explain John 1 to me? I’m getting confused and I need help! Thanks

  1875. Morgan says:

    That is a great way of thinking about it Sari! You know, thinking about it that way defies homosexuality in many ways. I don’t want to freak anyone out by bringing that up, but it’s true!

  1876. Jesse Spaulding says:

    I don’t understand why God assigns roles to females and males… Does he really mean it? I’m confused

  1877. Susan says:

    I have just started reading today and I am hoping to grow closer to God myself so that I may become more confident in myself. I worry all the time and am always afraid of not being good enough. I know the only way I can help myself is to become closer to God. I also hope to grow spiritually with my husband and as a couple.

  1878. Grace Noelle says:

    Hi everyone, I’m really excited to start this plan and grow in my faith! I downloaded this plan but I’m not sure where I’ll find it tomorrow as under “plan” it just says to sample the first day and to download.

  1879. Christin Franklin says:

    I’ve been wanting to get more into the word and a friend suggested this app to me! Tonight is my first night, please pray for me! I’ve been struggling lately and I want to get my heart right with God again, seeing all these positive comments gives me hope about this app!

  1880. Amanda says:

    I’m new and just starting this reading plan. I had some questions after the first reading. Why does God not want us to have knowledge? Did he want to prevent us from suffering? Or did he not want us to be on his level?

  1881. Rachel Marie says:

    This may sound silly but I’m confused- in Genesis 1:27 it says that God created mankind. Then in Gensis 2:7, it describes God forming man again. What was the first mention of mankind talking about? It mentions male and female. Any insight is appreciated! :)

  1882. Miranda says:

    I just started this plan today. I am excited being as I have been looking for a plan to study for a while now.

  1883. Chareena says:

    Just starting the 365 day plan today! I finally received my study bible in the mail yesterday and am so excited :) this is going to be a great journey <3

  1884. Kayla says:

    Also- I don’t think I’ve ever realized that God changed our roles as men and women the moment sin entered the world… I thought to myself why then would he make husbands rule over their wives? And it dawned on me… Because Adam did not lead Eve properly- he knew they shouldn’t eat of the forbidden fruit yet he fell into it because of her persuasion. God knew that was not His design therefore He commanded us wives to honor our husbands as our leaders. I get something new out of genesis 1-3 each time I read it!

  1885. Kayla says:

    Wow! The book of John is definitely one of my favorites. The only book written specifically as an evangelical tool for unbelievers! My favorite part of this study was when John says in the first verses that his purpose for being on earth was so that all might believe in the Messiah… That is the thesis of his book and the essence of our faith as Christians. Belief. I feel so free knowing that simply believing in Him has put me in right standing with God and that position can never be changed for all of eternity.

  1886. Beth says:

    I too am starting this plan today… I was never very big in the church or have any religious background, however I have been feeling a pull lately. Something is reaching out, something I have been missing… Something I need. Very excited to take this step.

  1887. Gabriela says:

    Started this plan today. I grew up in church and I’ve always loved it, I’ve always loved the word of God. But lately I’ve been having a hard time believing in the Bible. The first thought that came to my mind as I started reading Genesis was: “Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!” The only thing I want is to hear God’s voice and let people see Him through my life. I’m pressing on till I see His face.

  1888. Just starting today after having downloaded the app for about of month. I’ve been praying and opening my heart up to the Lord. I am ready to accept God’s love, and read and live by his words!

  1889. Julie says:

    Just starting today! I grew up in the church reading the bible but drifted away in and after college. My fiancé and I have just started going to church together and we have made it our goal to read the bible out loud to each other one day at a time. Looking forward to it!

  1890. Amy says:

    I’m just starting this too

  1891. Ivy says:

    I’m just now starting this plan and I am so excited to see what is in store!

  1892. Margaret says:

    Any suggestions on how to stay focused and successful in your daily reading

  1893. Cierra says:

    I as well will pray for all of you who are struggling, just remember though, you can’t do it on your own. You need the Lords strength. Only with him will you succeed.

  1894. Ashley says:

    I just found this app. I have been struggling with anxiety and doubt. I want to build my faith again and be strong in the Lord and not live for earthly things!

  1895. Brittney says:

    I’ve been meaning to attempt to rediscover my faith. This is my first step in that hopeful process. Pray that I can find a connection again with God.

  1896. Cali says:

    I’ve been having a tough past few days and I was drawn to this. Just joined and started at January. Excited about my journey through Christ!

  1897. Nicole Gray says:

    Just joined and started with the January readings. Looking forward to diving into the Word and sticking to reading it’s entirety. :)

  1898. Molly Beth says:

    Just joined and I’m beyond excited

  1899. Shannel says:

    I just joined also and just started in January to the beginning of the bible

  1900. Tanya says:

    Just joined

  1901. Daria says:

    I just joined. I was confused first where should i start. I just go back to January right?

  1902. Kira Miller says:

    Love this app! :)

  1903. Ashley says:

    I’m ready to accept God’s love. ❤️

  1904. Adudt says:

    Staring this up today- I’ve had many unsuccessful attempts at going all the way through the Bible. Pray that this isn’t one of them. Looking forward to moving along this with you all.

  1905. Jessica Watt says:

    Just starting the beginning of this plan! I’m so excited to read this Book through! I always go back to the same books when I dive in to the Bible, so I’m looking forward to discovering the others! God bless us & keep us accountable!

  1906. Liz Walket says:

    Just started today and did day 1 when I took off and researched the 12 tribes. It was good to learn history.

  1907. Abigail says:

    Just started this plan and super excited to dive into God’s word!!

  1908. Kate says:

    I too just begun! Excited for us all to start this journey.

  1909. McKenzie says:

    Just starting, pray for my understanding & that I find a stronger connection to God through this journey

  1910. Sarah says:

    I’m just starting this reading plan. I know that it doesn’t matter when I start this, and I am hoping to learn more about God and what he has planned for me. And I really just want to be closer to Him. The hard part will be staying on track and reading every day, but I know with Gods help I can do anything:)
    Blessings to all the ladies here reading this with me!

  1911. Janine says:

    Just starting this today… Been searching for a good bible study, I’m behind as most of you are in Aprils readings… I’m sharing this with my husband who has no knowledge or experience and BOY does he have a lot of questions LOL. I’m hoping it will help him find his way and deepen our relationship!

  1912. Rog347 says:

    Finally updated iPhone software so I could get the year plan. Starting mid April with the January 1st reading but oh well

  1913. Amanda Panda 19 says:

    I’ve never really gone to church. A few times here and there. But never enough. My mom thinks I am so in tune with all this stuff but I really have no idea and kinda want to try and understand why people feel so strongly towards God and such

  1914. Rachel says:

    I love it how in genesis 2:22 the woman was taken from the Side of the man, not taken from his foot to be below him or from his head to be above him, but from his side to be an equal with him.

  1915. Bailey Hunt says:

    Just started reading today. I can’t wait to strengthen my relationship with God back to what it used to be. I love my life and having the Lord in it makes it that much better. I may have a lot of questions but hopefully reading the Bible everyday will help open me up to see that God is the number one most important thing.

  1916. virginia french says:

    wait God said let there be light and there was, but this was before he made the sun and moon… I am confused?

  1917. I just started today, but hopefully I can catch up a little bit. I can’t wait to learn more and truly understand some of the scripture more than I do now

  1918. Jocelyne Le Blanc says:

    I feel embarrassed that I don’t really know much about the bible. Sure I’ve heard the stories and listen to the sermons in church but I’ve never really read it through on my own. I have a lot of trouble with faith and trusting God so I’m hoping reading his word will help me to improve on that

  1919. Jennifer JG says:

    I just started yesterday so I’m a bit behind. I was sitting in church Sunday and just felt I needed to get closer to God and learn more, I think this will be the perfect way to do just that. :)

  1920. Aleah J says:

    This is exactly what I need. I’m just starting tonight. My relationship with Christ has been rocky the past 6 months due to family health issues. I’m really trying to strengthen my faith and hopefully this app is my rescuer.

  1921. alyssa kolls says:

    just started tonight, I needed something to better my relationship with god so far I think it will be just what I need:)

  1922. Gabbie says:

    Starting late, but better late than never! This is a fantastic app!

  1923. Kelsey says:

    My best friend and I (7th grade) are reading together! This is a great app and so easy to use and it’s just great! Thank you! :)

  1924. Belinda says:

    Just started! Thank you for this wonderful app! X

  1925. Elyssa Wallace says:

    I love the fact that I’m reading this and the lent session. It’s great how God works cause I’m going through many situations at this time that require reminders about how others, such as Job, continuously prayed and praised without ceasing. It’s a wonderful reminder

  1926. Jesseline says:

    I love watching this story unfold. so excited to read from start to finish!

  1927. Abalderrama says:

    Starting this as my Lenten journey! I’ve never read through the entire bible. I’m so excited to see what God has in store for me!

  1928. Emily says:

    Better late than never. So excited to be a part of this community.

  1929. Sarah Spangler says:

    I wish I wasn’t so curious and thought so deep about everything & I wish I didn’t question the his ways so much but I can’t control it, it’d really be nice to have someone help me with all my questions

  1930. Sarah Spangler says:

    I’m trying to gain faith in God. But it’s hard to know he’s there. I wish I could here him, or feel him. But I won’t give up! Also it mentions nothing about him creating all the galaxies and other planets. & I feel like it doesn’t because they weren’t aware of the other planets back then… So that kind of a set back….

  1931. Ktbelle89 says:

    Late starter here – going to try to catch up to be with the whole group!!

  1932. Taisa says:

    I’m another late starter to the yearly plan! Excited to have a group to read with to help keep me on track!

  1933. Valerie says:

    Somehow I missed the start of this plan. Pray that I can catch up without feeling overwhelmed! I want to read along with everyone else!

  1934. Maryann says:

    I love this app!!! I am also doing the Lent study. God is good!!

  1935. Hailey Casillas says:

    My path to worship has started. ❤

  1936. Monica Marie says:

    I was on another plan it just seem to scattered . Glad I found this!! :)

  1937. A.S.H. }i{ says:

    So excited too. I started today as well! Love this app too.

  1938. Ginger says:

    Tried bible in 2 month plan-got a little crazy! Lol this looks more manageable. Love this app

  1939. Rachel says:

    So excited! I started today but I’m ready where Yall are in feb and playing catch up. It’s awesome to have this tool

  1940. Donna says:

    I’m just starting but I’m excited to be part of it. I’m needing to start the day with the word but my head wanders off so I’m praying that this keeps me focused and YES Marlee, God is amazing!

  1941. Marlee says:

    It just makes me smile knowing that God made all of this out of His love for us. Just reading how he created everything and how all that we know came to be is amazing. Thank you Lord Almighty.

  1942. Savannah says:

    Starting late but starting nonetheless! I recently came back to truly studying God and being in a close relationship with Him and it has turned my life around. Can’t wait to learn more!

  1943. Jessi green says:

    Thank you for this app

  1944. Emily D. says:

    50 Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” 51 He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man.”

    I love these verses! It’s awesome how these men decided to follow Jesus with little to no knowledge that He was truly who He claimed to be..and the hope Jesus provides is perfectly personified in that last statement..He truly is great! Can’t wait to dive further into this study

  1945. Ashlee says:

    Thank you for putting this together. I am looking forward to my year long journey in the word and growing because of it!!

  1946. Brene says:

    So excited about this app ! To learn and become a better christian!

  1947. Katie says:

    I’m so excited to dive into the word this way. I stray away so much and forget that I can be fed through the word of Christ. So excited for me to complete this!

  1948. Alex Norton says:

    I love Jesus’ sense of humor when says “you believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree…”
    Also, there are so many things even in Genesis 1 that I feel like I’ve never read before even though I’ve heard the story so many times! Really shows that you have to read it for yourself.

  1949. Stephanie says:

    I feel like I’ve strayed from my Christian path and I’m in a hard place in life right now so I thought I’d try and get back in touch with God and start our journey again and I hope reading these everyday really build that relationship. I just need to let everything go and trust in the lord to guide me.

  1950. Stacy says:

    Barely starting today. Honestly it is a bit overwhelming. But I think with a few days I’ll get used to doing this on a daily basis (:

  1951. DevenRenee says:

    Somebody once told me that they didn’t think there was a ocean in Heaven because the bible refers to the ocean as death many times. But I just saw Genesis 1:10… What do you think?

  1952. Hope says:

    There is so much to learn from genesis. There’s a book called decoding Eden by Hal Ballew that is incredible. This study is great to be a part of

  1953. Abby says:

    I’m on day 1 and I’m planning on getting to do this everyday!

  1954. Emma Niles says:

    In the beginning god created heaven and the earth genesis 1

  1955. Hello everyone! I started a little late, but I’m so thankful I stumbled upon this wonderful app.

  1956. Laura Pineda says:

    Girl there is a big debate among scholars about the narrative of the Bible in concern about this things in genesis like a serpent talking?, really?… There’s a lot of voices out there trying to make sense of this but I’ll tell you that if you believe in a man that lived on earth 2000 years ago and raised up from death don’t worry much about this. Be prayerful about what you read and ask the only one who has an answer what is here for you. The Bible is truly tangled but when the Spirit of God talks to you through it you’ll know it’s true.
    And about the skin… Sounds like the first sacrifice don’t you think? Blood was shed to dress up (cover the nudity of) the first couple. Blood run to cover sin.

  1957. Laura Pineda says:

    Things I’ve never noticed:
    • So, there was two trees: Knowledge tree and Life tree & for some reason it’s not mentioned when Eve is talking to the serpent… But than is recalled when God decides to take the shameful couple out of the garden… Interesting
    • For some reason Eve pay with pain and Adam with work. Aren’t we make free in Christ?! Why it keeps hurting in childbirth? Why we want a man so badly? #sheeptalking
    • Genesis 1 tells the whole story than in chapter 2 we come back to see on detail why Eve and in 3 how we mess up things.
    • From the very moment God curse womanhood He also prophesied a promise of salvation: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” ‭Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬
    • We come back to the narrative of creation in John 1 talking about the word -logos- and wow the meaning of that single word is amazing.
    • John didn’t know his cousin was the Messiah until the Spirit of God revealed to him.
    • Andrew was searching for truth the whole time… He was already with John. What a cool guy.

  1958. Sarah says:

    Excited to join you ladies

  1959. Gina Vafai says:

    Starting this out a little late but so excited about it!

  1960. alyssaclarisse says:

    I am so thankful for this app! Praise God for doing big things!

  1961. Asheekakes says:


  1962. Jessica says:

    So excited to learn so much about our mighty God. I have always wanted to read the bible and get a better understanding about who we are praising. I am so happy that this app exists. A beginning to a new start in my life :)

  1963. Ellie says:

    Hi Keora,
    You know, as humans we have a lot of questions & we want to know everything, we want to see the puzzle as a whole not as little pieces. However, I feel like the Lord shows us little pieces of his puzzle throughout the Bible. In the beginning he mentions a serpent right? Well only later in the Bible we learn that serpent is the enemy, the fallen angel.
    Many times I also wonder, why did God put that tree there, why did Eve eat the apple? I’m confident God knew it would all happen & He allowed it. He wanted to give us a choice to love him, to serve Him.
    Oh, and the clothes they found were just leaves & natures dressings :)
    Hope some of this helps. So happy you’re excited to read.. Get ready! If you pay close attention & pray over your mind to understand, God will open up wonders to you.

  1964. Keora Do says:

    I just started today! So a few questions…. If God had made the world on the beginning why isn’t there more details to this story?? I just want to know more… Like how did it happen? I want to be able to visualize this. And the serpent, he never mentioned him at first. How did he come about? Who is he talking to when he’s creating the world? So curious. So many questions. But I’m also assuming that they’ll be answered once I finish reading this. And why didn’t God just not out the tree there…. Gosh eve. Cursing us to have pain during labor! I read this and I’m thinking wow it could have all been prevented!!!!!!! Yikes. Crazy to think about. Oh and where did he get the skin to clothe them with? I really wish it was more detailed so I can better understand..

  1965. Katie B says:

    I can’t wait to see what change this study will bring to my life! I want a deeper desire for The Word!

  1966. Mandy C says:

    A little late but getting started today!

  1967. Stephanie says:

    I’ve been longing for this!!

  1968. Alicia says:

    Started today!

  1969. Shakeira says:

    A friend informed me about this app and I’m so excited to start today!

  1970. Bethany says:

    I cannot wait to spend more time in God’s word. I’ve been unmotivated lately to read and I think this community might be just what God wants to use to get my tush in gear :)

  1971. Cassidy says:

    Starting today! :)
    Really excited to read through the Bible with all of YOU! What a blessing to have a beautiful community of women to communicate with as I start my second year teaching and doing missionary work in Paraguay.
    Blessings to all of you!! :)

  1972. Mrs Barker says:

    I’ve never done “bible in a year” I am looking forward to seeing all the blessings I will receive out of Gods words.

  1973. Brittney says:

    Excited to start the bible in a year

  1974. Morgan says:

    Looks like I’m not the only one late to the party. I’m so excited to start this.

  1975. Crystal Cain says:

    A friend recommended this app for me and I’m starting this bible in a year today. I’m excited!! :)

  1976. Kim says:

    Starting today too!

  1977. Julia Reyes says:

    Starting today!

  1978. Cailey Wieler says:

    Also starting today! What a beautiful idea :)

  1979. Molly says:

    Starting today, and I am so excited! I love this plan and I have felt personally called to read the Bible completely this year, as I have never done so before. I’m so excited to learn more and allow God to speak and reveal truth to me, through His holy Scripture.

  1980. Autumn Haley says:

    Starting today as well. I’m so excited to see what God has in store for me.

  1981. Josette Fleming says:

    Today is day 1 for me. When did God create man & woman? See Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7 and 2:31&22.

  1982. Anne says:

    Gaining all the knowledge of good and evil is seemingly attractive, yet it cost us real life. Makes me think a ton of how satan is in our lives. He doesn’t always appear as the devil on our shoulder, peer pressuring and persuading. He appears in the worst way, dressed to look like a healthy desire. A major struggle for me is taking a second to stop and question my desires and check that the motivation is true, satisfying life with Christ. I’m confident that beginning this reading will keep christ on the forefront of my mind, so glad to know that some of my sisters in Christ are taking that same step of faith.

  1983. Alexa says:

    Also starting today :) excited for this journey!!

  1984. Natalie says:

    I just started today too :)

  1985. Nadja says:

    I just started today as well!!

  1986. Holley Whitman says:

    Glad I am not the only one starting a little late ;) just finished day 1.

  1987. Kimberly Nicole says:

    I’m new. So I’m kind of behind.

  1988. Mrs. Melero says:

    Does anyone know how to highlight? I’m new!

  1989. Rachelle says:

    Always awed when I read chapter 3. That is the point they needed a savior. Innocent blood was shed to cover them. A beautiful picture of Jesus right from the beginning…also, the harsh reality that the wages of sin is death. God provided, God provides.

  1990. Jess says:

    Yes! I noticed something similar; our sins cause us to hide from God. I am so thankful that He has given us the opportunity to come back to Him!

  1991. Emily says:

    Notice how God did not condemn Adam and Eve for their sin, instead he condemned the Satan! Amazing reminder of the love he has for us!

  1992. Samantha Leigh says:

    The Word of God is so beautiful and brings such peace. I prayer to grow a new hunger for God and His love story as I read through the Bible with you awesome sisters in faith.

  1993. Maddi says:

    It’s amazing that God had His perfect plan in place since the beginning of the world! He knew that Adam and Eve were going to sin, and that He would have to come to save us wretched sinners! Praise the Lord he also has a plan for each of our lives too! :)

  1994. Ashlyn Burris says:

    Amen! Powerful and amazing the love the Father has for each of us and even when we fail he continues to love us no matter the situation!

  1995. Cynthia Vences says:

    Amen!! 50 Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” 51 He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man.”

  1996. Shablesw says:

    I love this !!! And God – so merciful – even in his punishment to Adam and Eve – He clothed them, rather than sending them out to fend for themselves. Powerful.

  1997. Ashley Davidson says:

    Love this love Him!

  1998. I find this very helpful in my life daily. God is always there for me and has never let me down .

  1999. Courtney says:

    I find this passage really helpful when someone who doesn’t believe in God asks me how I can believe in something I can’t see I tell them that I see God in everything I look at. God shows me that he is truly with me all day everyday.

  2000. Annie says:

    How cool is it that even in Genesis 2-3, when the first sin was committed, God still called Adam and Eve back to him? His love didn’t change for them, just as it doesn’t change for us today, many years later! What an amazing God!

  2001. Dghopkins says:

    Excited to be doing this with everybody hopefully I will stay focused.

  2002. Kelsey Williams says:

    Which bible version is easier to understand?

  2003. Shonce Hayden says:

    This is awesome. I will definitely be getting back into my reading and learning each and every day

  2004. Austyn Leigh says:

    Hey everyone! I’m just getting back into my faith after a family tragedy and I was wondering if you had any tips for me!

  2005. Sophie says:

    Love all these passages. I love in particular the passage about God giving the sun and the moon and the stars into the sky to separate the light from the dark, which is the same reason he gave Jesus to us broken people. Really reassuring during such a stressful period of life!

  2006. Sable says:

    Hello all! College girl who is not new to spirituality but relatively new to the faith (3 years ago I was saved!) I am loving this study and learning so much! I have a question about John 1… why was it not okay that John was baptising people in Bethany? And also, why does Jesus change Simon’s name to Peter? What significance does this name hold? Thank you!

  2007. Bev Brandon says:

    My God hovers — like a momma over a baby bird—over my own darkness. There will be Light this year. Gen 1:2. What do I want? Jn 1:48. Answering that one all year. Him who holds me. May we all find Him.

  2008. Gloria Mendoza says:

    Even thought it’s pretty late , I thank the Lord for putting it in my heart to seek Him and in tonight’s read He reminded me of many truths that I had forgotten.

  2009. Being in college and having a very taxing major makes it difficult to have a constant community! But the Lord yearns for us and will find us even on an app! glad to have found this!

  2010. JESSI GAUVIN says:

    I love how personal Jesus is; to have specifically noticed Nathanael at the fig tree, something that meant enough to him to instantaneously convince him follow Jesus.

  2011. Aosborn says:

    I love the picture of God “gathering” the waters, of him making boundaries for the sea….. That is a big God now.

  2012. Natasha says:

    Glad to be starting this journey with all of you !

  2013. Brandilynn says:

    I just found out about this study and I am so thrilled to be reading the Bible in 365 days it’s definitely a challenge but I cannot wait to grow closer to God and his word:)

  2014. Jody says:

    I have a question, I am just reading the bible for the first time, and was wondering if this follows the bible exactly. I see that each day we are reading some parts of genesis and then some parts of John. The sequence doesn’t seem correct…is the app just making it this way or does the bible really go from genesis to John…back and fourth. I went from reading about how earth was created, to Cain and Abel, and now noah…didn’t know if that was supposed to be like that…jumping around to different stories so quickly. Thanks for any help you can give! :)

  2015. Val B. says:

    Is there a way to edit or delete posts?

  2016. Danielle says:

    Wow! This is exciting… With this app I might actually get through the whole bible! I’ve tried many times… But this is such an organised way to do it… It totally agrees with my OCD… Praying I can make it all the way through this year!

  2017. renee says:

    this is my first she reads truth study, the bible, the whole bible! I am so excited for this to happen! I have been praying and asking God to allow me to live humbly in his word and what that actually means. I then saw a friend posted info about this app and here I am! I pray that I have the will power through god to stay with this plan!

  2018. Angela says:

    I am so thankful for my salvation. Up until recently, I struggled with if I was truly saved. So I talked to my husband and he told me I needed to be more humble, and let go of the pride that was keeping me from asking God for reassurance. I poured my heart out to God in prayer that night, and I now know for sure I will go to Heaven. I am so thankful for a forgiving God, and pray that I will stick to this plan and draw closer to Him. One day I will see Him face to face, and my 6 yr old son who has passed on a yr & a half ago. I look forward to that day. Praise God that day is coming! <3

  2019. Kim says:

    Such a loving and forgiving God we serve !!!

  2020. Hilary says:

    The one thing I pray God’s help in, that through his power – because I am very weak- I will stay with this plan! I pray for the will power and self control to go to His word and truth daily, Matthew 6:34 says, ” Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.”
    Lord, may I seek you earnestly every day! T
    May the word become flesh! Thank you She Reads Truth!

  2021. Rachel says:

    I find it so heartbreakingly beautiful before Adam and Eve are banished from the garden, God clothes them.
    He covers their nakedness.
    He covers their sin.
    Midst His righteous anger, He is compassionate towards His beloved.

  2022. Amanda G says:

    I love this app I prayed to the Lord a week before the new year that I wanted more of him, that I wanted to learn and worship him more and to open my whole heart to him. And I asked him to give me courage and direction, and the next day a woman in bible study told me about this plan that was happening and right then I knew The Lord was with me and was giving me what I needed. Thank you She Reads Truth

  2023. Ariel says:

    This will be my first time reading through the entire Bible! Is there a possibility of an English Standard Version being added to the app?

  2024. Ellaphone says:

    Question! What’s the rationale behind the organization of this year-long reading? I notice that we jump to Job and Galatians next and back to exodus and matthew later. I’m sure there’s a great reason, can someone enlighten me? Thanks!

  2025. Amanda says:

    Excited to read the bible this year for the first time. Thanks to my friend Kim for sharing this app.

  2026. Susan says:

    Love this new Bible plan!! Never have posted not sure if there’s a way to edit or delete comment above? Thank you “She reads truth” for giving us such an awesome way to read the Word.

  2027. Kara says:

    I’m so excited to read the whole Bible with this plan!! I’ve been wanting to do this and I’m thinking this app will finally make it easy enough that I have no excuse.

  2028. Vicki Gelberg says:

    Awesome new way to read!

  2029. Lauren says:

    So excited for this bible reading plan! This will be my first time reading the bible all the way through and I am so thankful for this encouraging community to help me through it!

  2030. Ariel says:

    This is the best app for bible study I have seen! Excited to read through!

  2031. Beverly says:

    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” What an unshakeable hope we have through Christ?! Praying this plan would draw me closer to God’s heart – aligning my heart with His – so that I may be a brilliant light.

  2032. Jasmine Morgan says:

    I’m really loving this plan!

  2033. Kimberley says:

    16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. This was my favorite part of today’s reading. I will ponder on this for quite a while. God is so good.

  2034. Marcella says:

    I am so grateful to be starting this Bible reading plan. Somehow it feels so encouraging to read the Bible in community!

  2035. Melissa says:

    Here goes! I’ve always started to read through the Bible but I never seem to keep with it. I’m thankful for a pretty app & encouraging ladies along the way!

  2036. I started reading through the bible again a month or two ago! Excited to jump in with you ladies for some accountability and encouragement. ❤️

  2037. Kelli says:

    So excited to find this app and community. I’ve never read through the Bible in a year. I’m going to try and stick with it and do it this year!!!

  2038. Becky says:

    I have wanted to do a bible in a year plan and I know they are out there but doing it with a group of ladies is exciting!!!!!

  2039. Tyler says:

    I pray that I can stick with this through the entire year! In excited.

  2040. Jennifer says:

    Started the John devotion first and am starting this one now. I am so glad to do this in a community!

  2041. Mattie says:

    I’m so glad I found a great app like this one! Cannot wait to finish the entire Bible this year!

  2042. Brittiney says:

    Very excited to read the bible in it’s entirety. Being able to do so and share among a community of those on this journey as well.

  2043. Lauren says:

    I’m so happy to be here! A little late to the program, but ready to catch up and begin this amazing journey! This app is so easy to access so that I can read anywhere! :)

  2044. Margaret says:

    I have never read the bible all the way through so I am excited. What I found interesting was the being give veggies to eat but we rule the animals and veggies are for animals. Does that mean vegetarian? I could do that, but we hunt and I like venison. Not to be too legalistic, but I found it interesting.

    I also found it interesting that God asked Adam, who blamed it on Eve who blamed it on the servant. Do you think the outcome would be different if they accepted responsibility for their actions?

  2045. Stephanie says:

    Just jumping on board with the study, have some catching up to do. How I’ve needed people to learn from and discuss with. Looking forward to it ladies

  2046. Jena says:

    There is something so comforting about reading these comments and all the questions, knowing that I am not the only one who has these thoughts. Furthermore, reading the responses to the to show how Godly satisfying they are truly is a testament to how God moves through in so many ways.

  2047. Stephanie says:

    16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.” I love this….

  2048. Jen says:

    What are your thoughts on verse 16 of chapter 3 where it says “Your desire will be for your husband and he shall rule over you”? Never understood that before.

  2049. Olivia says:

    I love how they write what Jesus says in red so it is better seen. I think that comes in handy.

  2050. Malia Isenhart says:

    Question about Gen 3-4: are there two trees they weren’t supposed to eat from? The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life right? What do these represent in the light of the Gospel? Why did Satan pick the first as the temptation for Eve?

  2051. Nicole says:

    I’m excited to jump in to this.. I have never read the bible all the way through before!!

  2052. coco plum says:

    I love Genesis chapter 3 because it shows how we often add more to God’s law than what is required. The serpent asks the woman if God really told them not to eat from ANY tree. God instructed them to my eat from only one tree. God never told the women that she couldn’t touch the tree, only that she couldn’t eat from it. Yet, she tells the serpent that God instructs them not even to touch it. This gives the serpent a foothold to undermine God’s true law and in doing this the woman is deceived. Chapter 3 is such a powerful and tragic reminder that if we don’t listen and store His law and Word in our hearts and know it we too will be deceived!!

  2053. Arlyne VanHook says:

    Love everything about this app and what you all are doing! It’s incredible! When I wake up in the mornings I’m excited and can’t wait to study!

  2054. Nisa says:

    I’ve only read bits and pieces of the Genesis and grew up having it told as a Bible story in Sunday school but to read and get an understanding for myself was amazing!

  2055. MrDay says:

    Hey everyone! I know this app is geared primarily towards women, but my wife and I use the app, and we thought it would be fun to go through this new Bible in a Year plan while having the ability to comment on each reading with such an awesome community of believers. I would love to share my input, and we both look forward to other daily readings!

  2056. I think Genesis also reveals that the sin Adam and Eve committed began with comprise in their minds. Yes, they were tempted but they also had a choice to make. I believe that it a reflection of today. We compromise in our minds to sin. We know it’s wrong but take a moment to think of the pros and cons of making that decision. We don’t always take a moment to think about sinning, sometimes it’s impulsive. But sinning becomes impulsive because we took the time in the past to think about that sin and have decided that grace abounds and there aren’t any immediate consequences to this particular sin.
    Overall, both Genesis and John display the beauty of God’s grace and His compassion towards mankind. I’m overwhelmed and so grateful. It makes me love him more. Can’t wait to continue reading She Reads Truth!

  2057. Shan J says:

    I’m a beginner as well- I would

  2058. Ambriehl says:

    Hello to all! Im trying to build a better relationship with god and mirror him but have only one friend on this journey with me. Is anyone looking for someone to discuss the bible/life issues with?

  2059. Ashley says:

    Thank you Jesus for your living and breathing word!!!

  2060. Doing this year of the bible with a new friend and sister in Christ and couldn’t be more excited about it!! Gods timing is perfect!!

  2061. Kasey says:

    Just heard of this app today. What a blessing. I’m going to try to catch up. I want so badly to know and grasp a better understanding of the word.

  2062. Crystal says:

    Jesus be the center of this journey through your Word. Keep us strongly committed to your Word and faithful in prayer. Help us breathe only to bring you glory. Thank you for your sacrifice for us.

  2063. Maemom says:

    Very excited to start this journey. I hope to learn much and find deeper faith through that knowledge.

  2064. Samantha says:

    The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
    I love this reassurance from vs 5 of John that reminds us that no matter how scary, confusing and bleak the darkness is, it cannot overcome the Light (Jesus).

  2065. Ashley says:

    I wonder if I am welcome here? I have made the decision to read the bible for my own enrichment, but I would love to have a group by my side. I will not lie and say that I am saved, I am lost and confused and only trying to find my way. I think the bible has so much to offer. Anyway, I am so excited to begin! You ladies have already brought so many new insights and ideas in just the past hour. The next 364 days will hopefully be just as intriguing!

  2066. Bobbi says:

    Thought: the first sin was an act of disobedience, but also gave man the ability to discern good and evil… Now that means a loss of innocence but also a means of choosing good…? Providence?

  2067. Leah says:

    John is a beautiful book! So great to read it in comparison with the Old Testament.

  2068. Claire says:

    So amazing! Thank you Lord! ❤️

  2069. Brianna says:

    John 1:5 – We are moonlight. Just as the moonlight is a reflection of the sun’s light – so are we a reflection of the Son’s light to the earth. Stay close to your roots as God’s daughter so that you may soak in his living light.

  2070. Brooke Douglas says:

    Love it

  2071. Deirdre says:

    My first time reading through and I have the warm fuzzies. Thank you God and sisters for sharing this.

  2072. tinacoronado says:

    “He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” I love this! So powerful and it brings me to tears.

  2073. Halley says:

    I’ve read Genesis many times, but this time I specifically realized something. If no one was there but God in the beginning, how was the story recounted? Does anyone know who wrote the book of Genesis and this account of God’s creation of the world? I’m not doubting it’s truth, it’s just something I’ve never learned before.

  2074. Jo says:

    Finally got the app updated! Thrilled to be joining in this community!

  2075. Mrs. Taylor says:

    Happy to get started on this journey with you.

  2076. Larahana says:


  2077. Breanne says:

    Is anyone aware of the time frame of John the Baptist and Jesus and how far ahead he was? I was a bit lost when the gospel of john said that John the Baptist came to pave the way and didn’t recognize Jesus but he was standing among them. Wasn’t sure if that meant that he was figuratively there as in he is the Word in which everything is made. Or if he was actually there and JB actually didn’t recognize him. Maybe I’m just tired and missing something! I guess that’s what this comment section is for!

  2078. Genesis 3:9-11 is an amazing expression of God’s character. God allows us to choose sin. He will not blatantly condemn us so that we are shamed, but instead, knowing we are intelligent by his design, ask us if we did what he already knows we did, so that we may confess and he may forgive. God wants us to accept his love. He will not strike us down with the sins we have committed, but instead find us in our hiding place and gently ask us what we have done. We need to see these opportunities and instead of taking the cloak of shame satan has thrown at us, answer God and allow him to heal us in his love.

  2079. Aubrey says:

    I love Genesis 1:26 because it says “Let US make mandkind…” It’s so powerful and its a simple reminder that the trinity was there at the beginning of time.

  2080. Emmagreen says:

    I never noticed what it really meant what it says your husband will rule over you. Makes me think in a perfect sinless world the wife and husband would rule their family equally? And the husband wouldn’t be the head. Anyway really interesting and even though I’m super tired as I read this the lord revealed so much newness and refreshed my soul :) he is so good!

  2081. Rachel says:

    I love how Jesus saw him under the fig tree. What a sweet reminder, that He sees me even now – that He saw me through every moment of my day- that I have not left His sight. It’s so simple and yet so profound, and I forget so often.

  2082. Jennifer says:

    I love Gods language of description and specific details to our lives. He is so intentional

  2083. Miranda Olin says:

    So excited for this devotion and the chance to connect with other sisters in Christ.
    Can you imagine being there during creation? Just blows my mind. And to think how John felt when he first saw Jesus after he had prophesied about Him. I also love all the points that you ladies have brought to my attention.

  2084. Amanda says:

    Yes love it

  2085. Roxanne says:

    I wonder why God didn’t have men have one less rib than women. What an awesome reference of proof that would have been.

  2086. Vanessa says:

    So great! Love this!

  2087. Alison says:

    I am so thankful to have this plan and I am now making it a MUST to read at least 30 minutes daily.

  2088. Lourdes Steininger says:

    I have read Genesis 1:1-3 many times before and it still gets me every time! God created the heavens and the earth…the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
    I love how He can reveal new things to me daily; in different situations or my different needs.

  2089. Erilyne says:

    Am catching up as I just discovered SRT via Facebook. As a new Mom, I need both the spiritual and community aspects that this study brings and am excited to join the journey. I enjoy and appreciate plans that combine Old and New Testaments in daily readings.

  2090. Brittany C. says:

    So happy and excited for this study! I really want to grow deeper and deeper into relationship with Christ and this will help with getting into the word daily! Excited to walk alongside my sisters in Christ, as we keep each other accountable!

  2091. Amy says:

    …I’m new to SRT but already so thankful to have this study mapped out for the year ahead!

  2092. mjasi253 says:

    So happy I was able to update my app so it started at the beginning of the plan! Excited to go on this journey with you all. :)

  2093. babyfishmouthmama says:

    I’ve read these passages so many times before but they never get old. Praise be to God that his Word is always relevant and reveals new truths. I love that Jesus basically says “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” How often do I doubt His power!

    I’m new to SPT but very excited to be apart of this plan!

  2094. Briana says:

    Hello! New to SRT. Just wanted to say that I am excited to be apart of this group and learn more :-)

  2095. Claire says:

    I’m a new Christian, I’m still discovering the bible and this is the perfect study for me. I’m very excited to be part of this!

  2096. I have strived to read the bible from cover to cover, but always seemed to get sidetracked. This will be so easy to keep up with. Technology has truly come a long way!

  2097. Anna says:

    I have attempted bible-in-a-year plans before and they never stuck (were not relatable, difficult to follow, etc) but as an already avid reader of SRT, I’m SO excited to go through this with women that love Jesus all over the globe! :)

  2098. Malanda says:

    I really love how interactive this all is. I started doing a 365 bible reading on you version but will start following along here thanks to the community aspect here. :)

  2099. Brittany Aird says:

    I am very excited to learn the word, the truth and and grow in my relationship with God. Thanks ladies for doing this together!

  2100. Lo says:

    I’m excited to start this journey with you amazing women!

  2101. Samantha says:

    I’ve always wondered what life would be like if Adam and Eve wouldn’t have sinned. That’s crazy to think about that life would be good and just. There would be no sadness, suffering, death. Imagine living in that world? It’d be better than your wildest dreams. One day we will get to experience it and I cannot wait!

  2102. Jennifer says:

    I have to note that when I flipped to the first page of John in my ESV Study Bible, the page number was 2015. I had to look at the surrounding pages to be sure that was right. It seemed like a wink from God that I am where I should be on the first day of the year 2015! I was having doubts about the challenge of reading the Bible in a year – but now I know I have got to stay the course!

  2103. Delight Of My Heart says:

    God has protected the tree Of life after the fall because Of His love for mankind. If they eat the fruit Of life after they have sinned, in my opinion, they will live forever as sinners.

  2104. Lakeisha says:

    So excited, the iPad version works YAY!!!!

  2105. Genesis 3:22: And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil…” Who is the “us” other than God?

    I’m struggling through this with a billion questions in my head…I tried to talk to my husband, whose father was a minister, who basically answered me with an accusation that I have questions because I don’t have faith sufficient to just believe. I ask questions because I want to understand and know more. When I read/study the bible, I use all kinds of resources because I want to know/understand the context – who wrote it? Who were they talking to? What was happening in the world at that time? – does that mean I’m actually an unbeliever?

  2106. Carrie says:

    Sin has always existed. God gave man free will. He wants us to come to him, we will be saved from our sin by his grace and because his son gave all for us

  2107. Ambrowright says:

    I wonder why God did not want man to eat from the two trees. After the incident with the tree of knowledge, he went to great lengths to ensure man did not also eat from the tree of life and live forever(gen 3:22). Why did he not want man to live forever? Why did he not want man to have his wisdom?

  2108. Shannon says:

    I don’t understand how sin entered the snake. God made the snake, and then the snake tempted Eve. Following that line of logic it would appear that God created the downfall of mankind by creating the means of their temptation. I’m not trying to be disrespectful or sacrilegious, I’m just trying to understand.

  2109. Jill says:

    If there was light on the first day of creation but the sun was created on the 4th day, what is that light on the first day?

  2110. Cassandra says:

    While reading john 1 where each disciple went and told another friend about the messiah, I can’t help but think of that were me who would I run to tell first. They were obviously full of excitement and wanted to share with the first friend they knew it would impact and who would believe them. How amazing this must have been!

  2111. Christa says:

    So glad to be doing this!

  2112. Tissosweet says:

    Thank you for the motivation to read the Bible in a year. I have done it before but life often gets so busy that it can become an excuse to only read a little everyday. I am excited to be doing this with yall.

  2113. Julie says:

    So glad that we can experience this!

  2114. Carrie says:

    Oh, to have had the experience of walking with God in the garden!!

  2115. KatSmith1026 says:

    How cool that both Genesis & John both start with “In the beginning …” ??? It’s beautiful to me the way that Scripture connects itself together.

  2116. Kristina says:


  2117. Katie Pyle says:

    I always think that wow…God gave us this chance with Adam and Eve and since they sinned, we like messed it up and Israel NEEDED a savior! They weren’t have a great life at all and we’re praying that someone would come for them. Oh come oh come Emmanuel they cried!!

  2118. Monique says:

    I have never noticed until now that it seems that even after Adam and Eve sinned, God still had compassion for them and clothed them so that they would not feel ashamed.

  2119. Katherine B says:

    Dear soul,
    Are you fighting your way back to Scripture? Are you weary and despondent?

    John 1:46 “Can anything good come out of Nazareth? ” Nathanael asked him.

    “Come and see,” Philip answered.

    COME AND SEE! Hear the Spirit’s voice! Pray He will draw you close…and see! Behold! This Jesus! He will never disappoint!

  2120. Kerri says:

    I have read Genesis time and time again but never have actually read it until now. Seeing how God interacts with man in the garden, walking in the late of the day not going in after then first thing in the morning, calling them to come to him, so true to his nature from the beginning, patient and just.

  2121. Kayla Rioux says:

    Loving reading Genesis again because every time I do I find something new that stands out to me.
    In chapter 3 verse 11 God asks, “Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?”
    The thing that stood out to me today is a little weird. I was babysitting a three-year-old today and the boy wrote on his bedroom door with a sharpie. I pulled him aside and asked him, “Did you write on the door? Are we supposed to write on the door?” When I read this verse today I pictured God pulling aside Adam and Eve and asking him about their sin in the same way and tone I talked to the boy. We learned earlier that we were made in the image of God, and I always find it encouraging when I find more ways that I am like Him without even trying. This is also a great reminder to me that we are all God’s children no matter how much older we physically get.

  2122. Janirca says:

    John 1:50 “You will see greater things than that”. Sometimes we conform and are happy with the blessings that we have obtained the levels that we have reached . . . There are so many more blessings and so many more levels ahead! We have to keep pushing and pressing to get there.

  2123. Roberta Barcelos says:

    So happy we have this! What a blessing.

  2124. Antimony says:

    In Genesis 2 God gave Adam & Eve commands to protect them. Especially when He made them leave the garden. They had sinned. The world was cursed. If they had eaten from the tree, they would have lived forever in a cursed world! How horrible! It was God’s mercy to set limits. Also, love that redemption is promised in the same chapter that sin enters the world

  2125. Lindsaylou says:

    I love how John begins sounding like a fairytale of sorts that we would have read when we were younger! The story of grace is a fairytale! Pouring out grace upon grace.