
Open Your Bible

Exodus 31:1-11, Exodus 35:1-35, 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 11, 2 Peter 1:3

In the past, I’ve made an idol out of calling. There were countless times when I cried out to God, asking Him to “make it clear” what it is He wanted me to do with this life. While it’s true that I really did want to know how to spend my days and focus my attention, what I really wanted was certainty. I thought if God could just point me in the generally right direction, I could start hustling to make something of myself. What I wanted was the assurance I wouldn’t fail. I wanted control.

But God doesn’t offer us the assurance of this kind of control. He does, however, promise His faithful love and His promise to be present with His people (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). Our God is not the means to an end—He’s the beginning, the end, and everything in between (Revelation 22:13). And so calling isn’t so much a sure destination but an invitation into deeper relationship with our Creator God.

One of the ways God has invited me to experience Him is through the gifts He’s given me. When I read about Bezalel in Exodus 31, I see God’s same commitment to be present through both calling and gifting.

The LORD also spoke to Moses: “Look, I have appointed by name Bezalel son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. I have filled him with God’s Spirit,
with wisdom, understanding, and ability in every craft to design artistic works”
(Exodus 31:1–5, emphasis mine).

Bezalel was an artisan with a BIG call on his life: to lead in the creation of the tabernacle, where God would take up residence with His people. Still, God didn’t leave Bezalel to fend for himself in the face of such an enormous undertaking. He sent Himself—His Spirit.

The Hebrew word Ruach is translated as “God’s Spirit,” and here it refers to God’s personal presence and power coming forth to empower God’s people to do the specific tasks He’s called us to do. The Creator of the universe (Genesis 1:1) called Bezalel to create something God surely could’ve made on His own—no doubt perfectly and far more efficiently. Instead, He gifted and called a man like Bezalel. Why?

Because our God is relational, revealing His glory through creation and those who bear His image (Genesis 1:26–28). He doesn’t need us or the work of our hands, but He wants us and He invites us to share in His work. By His Spirit He gives us gifts to do that work (1 Corinthians 12:4–7). It’s a precedent He set in the garden. God is about bringing eternity here to earth now, creating space for Him to dwell—to tabernacle—with His people. For those who call Jesus Christ Lord, that meeting place is now within us, by His Spirit (2 Corinthians 6:16).

Whatever the call, He’s already given us everything we need to accomplish it (1 Peter 1:3). The gifts He gives us are a vehicle through which we can know Him better, go on mission with Him to accomplish His will, bring Him glory, and care for His creation and people. Apart from Him, our gifts are useless, our calling aimless (John 15:5). But in His presence is complete and utter joy (Psalm 16:11) as we partner with Him in the restoration of His creation.

Kara Gause is a content editor for She Reads Truth, happily residing with her family in Nashville, Tennessee.

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33 thoughts on "Bezalel"

  1. Churchmouse says:

    Mari, our older daughter went to a local community college for her first two years (which were mainly required general liberal arts studies – her required classes for an education degree really kicked in the third and fourth years). It was much less expensive. She then transferred all her credits to a university nearby and received her degree and, later, her Masters. She’s a reading specialist. She was fortunate in that our community college has a great relationship with several universities and they are a wonderful feeder to them. Something to consider!

  2. Rebekah Curfman says:

    @Sarah D. – been there. :) You’re comments caught me because I’ve spent years just like the writer seeking vision in my mind, but ultimately it came down to certainty and learning how to live in freedom with God’s presence being my comfort in uncertainty. I encourage you Sarah, to release the pressure to know “exactly” what you can/should do. God has used so many steps in my journey to take me where he’s going. He never reveals the whole path at once but beckons us to take one step of obedience at a time with trust and dependence on him. This is how our faith grows as we take risks, placing our hope in what God will use it all for, regardless if we make a “mistake” or experience failure. This world is full of people attempting what they think might work. Take courage to follow the Lord and use the gifts you’re confident in and to stretch the skills that will take time to develop. He is WITH YOU through it all. Blessings, Rebekah

  3. Sarah D. says:

    Man I needed this!! Been praying this summer during my internship that God would show me where he wants me, in a career where I can serve him with the passions he’s placed in me. It’s just been hard to find specifically what I can do. I’m a Zoo &Wildlife Biology Major, and I’ve been passionate about animals since I was young. I decided not to be a bet since I’m not passionate (or booksmart) enough to get through all that school. I love the ocean and marine life, I just don’t know exactly what I can do. It’s hard because people ask me what I want to do with my major, and I have an idea (something with conservation), but not exactly sure. But loved this devotional today…reminded that like Bezalel and all God’s children, He has a plan. He has a purpose. Praying that His will be done! ❤️

  4. Terri says:

    Any idea why the word “all” or “every” is in the translation for Exodus 31:3 Ann Exodus 31:5? It is not in the original text.

  5. Mari V says:

    Now regarding today’s devotion (what I get from it this morning) is and it brings me back to (my life verse) Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

  6. Mari V says:

    Good morning sisters. This is so off the subject. But it’s in my heart right now. Late last night my son found out how much he will owe by the end of his college years. It’s a lot! He is discouraged. He even stated sadly that he might not go. I want him to be able to go to college and enjoy it. He’s been wanting to go to college and graduate. This has been his dream for a long time. I know he won’t be be the only student to have college debt, Please pray for him as he makes decisions. My heart aches for him. I love my boys so much.

  7. Sarah says:

    Thank you for the reminder that we can truly do nothing apart from Christ and that He has equipped us with everything we need in Him! I was very encouraged by both yesterday and today’s reading, as I’m getting ready to go on a mission trip to Guatemala. Did you mean 2 Peter 1:3? If not, it definitely applies to today’s devotion. Thanks again for the encouragement!

  8. Allison B says:

    What a word to my heart! I am a wife to a stroke survivor, young mom to 3 (one with special needs), musician, and teacher and it feels like I’ve got so many plates spinning I couldn’t possibly be using my gifts the way God wants me to. I’ve asking for a calling, and for him to use me. What if I’m doing exactly what God wants me to do right here, right now, just as I am? Praise God for this reading today. It really spoke to my weary heart.