Be Strong in Grace

Open Your Bible

2 Timothy 2:1-13, Romans 6:1-14, 1 Peter 4:1-5

The television dulled the sound of my sniffles. Everyone from school hung out at the homecoming game, but I sat on the couch, at home. A neighbor shared the gospel with me months before and I decided to follow Jesus Christ. But as I scrolled through sitcoms on homecoming night my sophomore year, I considered calling up my old friends and returning to our old habits.

But just the thought of rebellion made me nauseous. And then I realized something that surprised me. It was better to sit on my couch following Jesus, alone, than hanging out with the wrong friends. I had spent years living in rebellion and now, I wanted to live for Christ. 

When Paul told his son in the faith to be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ (2Timothy 2:1), Timothy faced much more suffering than teenage loneliness. He faced persecution, conflicts within the church, and the stressful responsibility of equipping believers. I wonder what his temptations might have looked like when he felt defeated, weary, lonely. Whatever they were, Paul encouraged Timothy to remain strong in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we forget what it means to live under grace rather than the law (Romans 6:1–14). The law burdens us with unrealistic expectations and the unending anxiety of not measuring up. Grace frees us from all of that. But freedom through grace is something we have to stand in, remain in—as we endure whatever suffering we encounter (2Timothy 2:3,11–13). 

So how can we follow Paul’s encouragement and “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2Timothy 2:1)? Paul gave Timothy spiritual instructions through three images that might also help us (2Timothy 2:3–7): a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer.

The soldier demonstrates our need to focus. When we keep focused on the grace of the gospel, we face our temporary suffering with strength because we know the promise we endure for—eternal life (John 17:3). The athlete metaphor is a reminder to live according to the rules of the kingdom. Sometimes when we endure opposition or trials, we are tempted to operate according to our own ideas, rather than the rules of the game. Finally, Paul encourages Timothy with the image of a farmer. Farmers rigorously till soil, plant seeds, water, and pull weeds, all examples of serving diligently.

Following Jesus is not easy—but He is worth it. And our coming reward is sure: we will live and reign with Him (2Timothy 2:11–12).

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62 thoughts on "Be Strong in Grace"

  1. K Swenson says:

    AMANDA NOBLE- I’m SO sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend and all the grief you are having to experience in addition to his loss because of insensitive family members. Praying for blessing, provision, and that God would show you how to grieve well in this season!

  2. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! WOW!!! Today’s scriptures and devotional really pack a lot into them. I don’t know which scripture I got more out of 2 Timothy or Romans then some of what Seana said really has me thinking. So in the middle of July I’m helping a friend with a Christian camp, I’m going to be a nurse/counselor. I noticed on one of my continuing ed websites they had a course about camp nursing. I decided to listen to it. OMG!!! I didn’t know how advanced it has become and now I wonder if I might want to even explore this. Sisters please continue to pray for me as I try to figure out what God has planned for me as my next avenue in life.
    Be blessed and celebrate the grace God, Christ and the Holy Spirit has given us.

  3. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Love this @GRAMSIESUE!

  4. Lexi B says:

    Amanda, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing someone is never easy and sadly death can bring out some of the ugliest things in people. I will pray for strength, courage and peace as you navigate this time. God is on your side and he will protect you.

    Grammiesue, I love hearing Steve updates and I am so glad to hear he is doing well. Praying that those business meetings go well, the owners hearts are softened, ready to recieve the gospel.

    Lynne- continued prayers for you and your husband as he recovers from his surgery.

    I have a prayer request as well: I left my full time job on Friday to fully commit to the business I started. I didn’t realize how much I’d grieve leaving my old job. I was there for 8 years and will miss seeing the people everyday. I woke up a little shell shocked today not having a job to go to…well I do, it’s just me now. A lot of adjustment and change right now.

    Thank you She’s; Happy Monday!

  5. Stephanie Vital says:

    His goodness is so refreshing to our souls. Truly what we need. Be refreshed today friends. He’s got us

  6. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    “No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.” 2 Timothy 2:4 How often do we let ourselves get “entangled” in the things of this world, instead of that which will truly make a difference for the kingdom? I know I am guilty if it! I am enlisted in God’s army – not the worlds — I need to keep focused & remember Who I am fighting for! Praying fo get all your requests have a blessed day!

  7. Shar says:

    2 Timothy 2:13 “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.” So good!

  8. Lehua K. says:

    Praying for all of the requests shared recently. As I read all of your stories and requests, I am reminded of 2 Timothy 2:3-4 which stood out to me today: “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in the concerns of civilian life; he seeks to please the commanding officer.” I am comforted knowing that we never have to suffer alone; Jesus is with us, always. And He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

    Praying for all of you warriorettes in Christ, may you be protected, safe, healthy, emotionally & mentally strong, and courageous this week.