Approach Truth Confidently

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 9:11-14, 2 Corinthians 12:9, John 1:12-13, Romans 8:1-2

Today, via your imagination, I’d like to bring you to my house for a little Williams family game time. Now, brace yourself: board games around here are an event. They are serious business and insanely silly, all at once. You better come to the table—or floor, or grass, or treehouse—with your game face on because you never know what version of game time you’re going to get.

My favorite (slash least favorite) part of game time is what I’ll refer to as “The Rule Situation.” Sometimes The Rule Situation is pretty straight-forward—we read the rules of the game, we follow the rules of the game. Other times, it’s a tad more complicated. This is especially true when one of our four children decides to make his or her own rules for the rest of us gamers to follow.

We grownups like to think we have a better understanding of how rules work since we live in the real world and all. Only official rules count. You can’t make up random rules and expect folks to follow. (Well, you can, but your made-up rules don’t change what is true.)

But isn’t that how we sometimes approach the Bible? We’re given the inspired and sufficient Word of God, and we are invited to read it by and with the Author Himself. Yet instead of running to accept the invitation, we trip over our own made-up rules, citing all the reasons we think we don’t deserve to go.

If you are a follower of Jesus—someone who has repented and trusts Jesus Christ as her Savior—here is a sampling of who you are according to God’s Word:

I am a child of God (John 1:12).
I am clothed with the righteousness of Jesus (Isaiah 61:10).
I am free (Galatians 5:1).
I am not condemned (Romans 8:1).
I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).
I am loved (Ephesians 5:2).

Now, think of some of the false rules you make up for yourself as qualifications for approaching God’s Word. Here are two of mine:

I must always have the desire to open my Bible.
I need to understand everything I read in Scripture.

When I add made-up qualifications for Bible-reading to the truths God has spoken, I end up with a distorted, false gospel—a gospel of works, not grace. I am not loved because of how many pages of the Bible I’ve read or because of how much of it I understand. I am loved because Jesus, in His mercy, loves me. 

Read Hebrews 4:14–16. What adjective does the author of Hebrews use to describe the way in which we should approach God?

Friends, Jesus not only knows our weakness, He understands it. His perfection is both the justification and the mandate for our boldness before God’s throne. May we, as daughters and sons of the King, approach the Bible with confidence today—not because of who we are, but because of who we are in Him.

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663 thoughts on "Approach Truth Confidently"

  1. Rebecca Schindler says:

    Really never thought of it that in the light of “making up my own rules”. But I 100% do. I have a 9 month daughter I want to show how to praise and love God, so I’m starting by example. Stop making my own rules, prayer and scripture are just that. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5 min or an hour ♥️

  2. Ashlyn Thompson says:

    I know for me, I felt like if I didn’t have time to spend at least an hour in God’s word, and do it every day, then I shouldn’t even try. Maybe instead I should approach this spiritual food the same way I have to approach physical food sometimes: something is better than nothing.

  3. Rilie Beltz says:

    Didn’t know I needed this til I read it

  4. Pam Cain says:

    Love the analogy of “made up rules” in life/games to help us realize we do the same thing with God.

  5. Emily Gentry says:

    I need to keep reminding myself of this— my all or nothing mindset is harmful and needs constant undoing

  6. Alexandra Eddingfield says:

    I honestly would never though that we could have “positive conditions” for reading the Bible. Really eye opening!

  7. Gigi Goolsby says:

    Day 2 Devotional was one of those things that I didn’t know that I needed to hear until I had heard it. I am so grateful, Thank you <3

  8. Beth Powell says:

    I am EXACTLY this way! I feel like if I’m not reading and studying for an hour or more, then it really doesn’t count. I’m working on that… He speaks to me even when I’m NOT studying, so why am I limiting (in my mind) His ability to speak through his word any other time! I’m amazed by my own ignorance in this particular area.