The Angel Comes to Joseph

Open Your Bible

Matthew 1:18-25

Text: Matthew 1:18-25

Do you ever look around at your life and wonder, “How did I get here?”

Maybe you’re in unfamiliar territory—a new city, a new job, a new phase of life.
Maybe you’re in dangerous territory—a valley of uncertainty, or sickness, or doubt.
Maybe you’re up on the mountaintop—looking out at a breathtaking view others would give up their treasures to see—but the air feels so thin up there and the fall would be so far, and some days you’re struggling just to breathe.

Do you ever wish an angel would appear and say those three beautiful words we’ve heard said again and again to the characters in this great Story? Oh, how I do! I want it said out loud, written in the sky, embroidered on a pillow: Amanda, do not fear.

Do not fear, the angel said to Zechariah (Luke 1:13).
Do not fear, the angel said to Mary (Luke 1:30).
Do not fear, the angel said to Joseph (Matthew 1:20).

Later in the Story, after Jesus is crucified and raised from the dead, an angel would say the same to the two Marys who find the empty tomb: Do not be afraid (Matthew 28:5). Jesus Himself even echoed back the words! Do not be afraid (Matthew 28:10).

I’m as hard-headed as the next gal, but something tells me this divine message of courage is not just for them.
When our story takes an unanticipated turn, don’t we, too, need to know our God is near?

“And they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).”
– Matthew 1:23b

The angel revealed to Joseph a brand new chapter of his life story, a chapter that made zero sense on paper. The couple was betrothed—legally “pre-married”— and the fact that she was pregnant would equal shame for them both. It’s as if the angel anticipates Joseph’s (reasonable) objections and he says to Joseph directly, “Don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife.” This is God’s doing. Do not fear. You can trust Him.

Joseph—God bless him—he woke up and did as the angel said! He dared to believe that the word from the Lord was true. Joseph trusted God with his story, even though it looked nothing like he thought it would.

What if we did the same? What if we woke each day, prepared to live in obedience and belief that what The Lord says is true?

He is here, friends. He is our God with us, Emmanuel! Believe this. He is in the midst of our uncertainty and our hope. He is with us on the mountaintop and in the valley. We can trust Him. Do not be afraid.


For an added layer of worship during this sweet season of adoration and expectation, we’ve created a Spotify playlist for Advent 2014! You can find the complete SheReadsTruth | O Come Let Us Adore Him playlist at this link, or listen to today’s track on the player below. Enjoy!


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99 thoughts on "The Angel Comes to Joseph"

  1. Melanie Homan Paris says:

    I’m so amazed by you!!! We were youth group friends in Demopolis and I know the Lord has led me to you!!! I LOVE your witness!!!

  2. Kasey Tuggle says:

    So comforting!! God is always with us!!

  3. Bethany says:

    What IF we actually had the faith of Joseph? To take our crazy days, our hardships, and stressors, and take them as daily gifts from God that he has aligned for our wonderful life? It is a wonderful life!

  4. Katie Bautz says:

    Loved this. “Joseph trusted and obeyed even though his story looked nothing like he thought it would.” Boy does that resonate with me. If I allow God to lead and walk in obedience, what type of incredible story might I get to be a part of?!

  5. E.noel says:

    I love this sweet reminder, exactly cut out for me today. I struggle with anxiety about the future often, and being pregnant now with my second baby, it only increases. I know our Lord has everything In his hands and still I have to pray daily for those fears and struggles to be controlled. Thank you Father for reminding me that I do not need to be afraid because you are with me!

  6. Ashley Evans says:

    Needed this so very much today. amen.

  7. Becca says:

    I’ve been waiting for this message, thank you! I’m in the middle of starting a new job and a whole bunch of other changes and this reminder that God is with us is perfect. Thanks.

  8. Kim J C says:

    This was perfectly timed for me. As a mom of two very young kids and as a believer who struggles with doubt, I find myself struggling with uncertainty as we try to teach the Word and Christ to my kids. “AM I leading them astray? Teaching false hope? Is this all real?” All the questions that creep on my faith are only becoming magnified when leading my kids. I trust that just as Jesus pulled Peter from the sinking doubt in the sea after walking in faith on the water, Christ will do the same for me and see my faith and sanctification to completion.

  9. loveHimso says:

    He is in the midst of our uncertainty and our hope…When you think about it most days are uncertain but there are times when this uncertainity turns to fear. But Joseph dared to believe… we keep seeing this phrase this week. Just think of all the things that could happen if we dared to believe. Matthew 17:20 Because of your little faith…as Jesus addressed the disciples when they asked why they couldn't drive out the demons. I think faith doesn't come naturally. Much like a muscle that must be continually worked out. This week I dare to believe the impossibilities in this new phase of life and embrace its uncertainty.

  10. Antimony says:

    “This is God’s doing. Do not fear. You can trust Him”. This is what it all comes down to, isn’t it? Do I trust God? Because, if I truly believe that God is in control – that His hand designs my life and that His heart motivates it – then I must see EVERYTHING that comes into my life as from Him. He has a purpose for it. And when I’m in the middle of a really tough, confusing situation, I don’t have to be anxious and afraid and unsettled. I have to choose to trust God! To REST in Him. To saturate my doubting heart and anxious mind with TRUTH. That is where strength and grace come from. Direct from God!

  11. mjasi253 says:

    I’ve always Ioved (and feel humbled) by the fact that Immanuel means “God with us.” This devotional helped bring that promise into new perspective.

  12. Haley says:

    These past few days of devotionals haven’t really rooted in me, but today’s hit hard. “Do not be afraid” is what I needed to hear. As someone who is anxious by nature, and who has been struggling a bit during this holiday season, this hit the spot. Thank you Jesus!

  13. Jessica says:

    Oh, man, I needed to read this today. This year has been awful in so many ways, and I keep hearing this is a time of preparation, and if this is what preparation looks like, I don’t know that I want to see the finished product.

    But do not be afraid.

    1. Gema Muniz says:

      Amen sister, hold old. God's plan is perfect even when we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  14. Daniela says:

    Been struggling to hold on to what I know is true. Sometimes when the fear takes hold, the true things seem to shimmer and fade. Trusting and Holding on for (to) Dear Life. He is my life.

  15. Gema Muniz says:

    This post has been such a blessing to me today, it even brought tears to my eyes. I'm going through an extremely uncertain time in my life right now, I'm seven months pregnant and I currently found out I will be out of a job shortly after giving birth. My husband as well is going through a job transition and is uncertaint untill how long he has a job for. We are both actively looking for jobs without any success. Sisters don't get me wrong we have been holding on and trusting in God, but fear starts to creep in as the delivery date approaches and we still haven't prepared for the baby and our job situation is still in the air. I ask you today to please pray for me and my husband, pray for us to continue growing in faith and to not grow weary. Sending all my blessings. Thank you SRT.

    1. chrissy says:

      Just said a prayer for you right now Gema! You know what the amazing thing about committing our stories, like Joseph and Mary did, to God? He is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2)! He has not only written our stories already, but He perfects/finishes it. With our God there are NO re-writes because His perfects His first draft. Whatever He is leading us through, however difficult the trial, He will see us through to the very end. Today's reading reminded me how trustworthy and sovereign God is – even when we find ourselves in the midst of what seems like a mistake, it isn't a mistake. It's God stripping us of trust in anything or anyone else but Him to show us that in Him we have everything – He is our sufficiency! Praying for the Spirit to pour peace into your family's life during this time, as well as joy in knowing that God has given us Immanuel. He is with us! You are loved, Gema!

      1. Gema Muniz says:

        Thank you sister, your words are comforting to my heart. God bless… He is sufficient, because he is with us.

    2. Beth Warner says:

      Praying for too Gema. Lord please give them peace so they enjoy the little blessing she is carrying in her tummy. Open doors like only you can to something even better. Xo

      1. Gema Muniz says:

        Thank you for your prayer, God bless you.

    3. Jamie says:

      Praying for you! God makes sense of what we can’t and he works all things for the good of those who love Him. You will be okay. Xo

      1. Gema Muniz says:


    4. Emma Wiltshire says:

      Praying for you sweet Gema. Keep your eyes on Jesus as you walk on water in faith. He promises to provide for His children! Hold tight to His promises and when fear creeps in say out loud, “My God will provide! I trust you Jesus!”
      I’m asking that The Lord will exceed your expectations for a job for both you and your husband so that He may be exalted.

      1. Gema Muniz says:

        Amen! I love this "My God will provide! I trust you Jesus!

    5. Paula S. says:

      Prayed for you this morning. Understand your stress and fear…husband lost his job and we have one kid in college (and another ready to enter). God is faithful and he will see us through. Remember, faith is the evidence of things not seen…like job prospects. It's hard business, this walk of faith. But it's what we are must do, you and I, right now…putting one fearful foot in front of the other, even when it seems there is no solid ground to stand on. Think what a joyful tale there will be to tell your dear child of God's provision! He is faithful, he is good, and he loves us beyond our comprehension. I will pray for peace for you…and jobs. Please pray the same for us!

  16. Jess says:

    After been recently diagnosed with an anxiety disorder this is what I need to hear over and over. DO NOT BE AFRAID. I thought I would share a verse in the Psalms that has comforted me through many an anxious episode. “The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me. Your love oh Lord endures forever. Do not abandon the works of your hands!”

    1. Haley says:

      I have anxiety as well and this one resonated so well. My favorite go to verse is Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Praying for you Jess!

  17. Meg says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I am in a place of uncertainty, doubt, and struggles right now and am trying my hardest “not to fear” and to trust in His plan. What a reminder that all of God’s Angels went through this very same thing & trusted Him.

  18. Shemeva says:

    Once read in a book that “fear is the opposite of faith”. Fear is from Satan…Faith is from God. This simple realization helps me push through the fear (Satan’s attacks) and cling to my Faith (the loving arms of my Saviour). :) So grateful that fear can be overcome through faith. Thank you to all the lovely ladies in response to my earlier comment. It’s very heart warming to know that I have sisters in Christ across the oceans (I’m in Australia) praying for my beautiful but very scared sister in law (who does not know Christ) as she battles for her life on this earth. Bless you all. x

  19. Amanda says:

    This post was especially meaningful to me. I am in stages of uncertainty and going through great changes in my life. Each day I’m trying hard to put my trust in Him and not fear. My whole life has been one of fearing outcomes that never happen-I just worry about them. I’m learning each day to pray harder and trust deeper.
    Thanks for the great devotional today. Just what I needed

  20. Rach says:

    This makes so much sense. Don’t think I’ve ever thought of the fact that the implication of Christmas itself is DO NOT FEAR. Christmas-the biggest holiday of the year. Jesus-the most important thing for everyone. Do not fear. Do not fear. So simple and so obviously true, but so difficult to do. Jesus, work this out in our lives. Help us believer where we do not.

  21. jenadams87 says:

    I love the faith of Mary and Joseph. I'm just not sure that I could have done it with the limited information they had.

    1. Rach says:

      Of course you couldn’t have. I couldn’t have either. It would be Jesus working through me! As we look to Jesus, we fall more in faith with Him every day. We can do nothing on our own, not even believe. But in His grace, He gives us faith. (“The faith we have received” Romans 1)

  22. Leah says:

    "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." -2 Timothy 1:7

    Also, the words "do not fear" are mentioned in the Word 365 times, implying that we have no reason to fear even just one day of the year. Live fearless and bold everyday with a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.

  23. Darz4Him says:

    Thank you for sharing Paula. He is with us always, whether we can acknowledge or feel it or not, but praise Him that He reveals Himself in just the right way at just the right time in each situation. Fear not! God with us – Emmanuel!! Praise Him and let Him inhabit our Praises!! Blessings and comfort to all!

  24. Paula S. says:

    …oops…as I said…new at this..didn't get all my post in. Here's the rest!

    Jesus lived this life and he gets us. He got Lazarus's sisters' when they were faced with the worst that could happen. What was it they cried? "You weren't with us, Lord; had you been, you could have saved us from all this misery!" That's me, right there. Yep. But he did come in his own timing and he revealed his utter empathy with our plight…and more than that, he revealed his great power over our fear and despair. DO NOT BE AFRAID, for (Matt.28:20) lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Emmaneul, right? How heartening is that? For us, it is very good to know that we are not alone, especially when life is most frightening. We can dare to hope. Thank you for bringing me to this not-so-ho-hum-after-all Christmas passage.

    Now let's see if I have the courage to post…

    1. Dianne says:

      Heavenly Father, Thank You so much that Jesus is our Emmanuel – God with us! Thank you that He is with Paula and her husband. Thank You that You are not surprised by the current circumstances in their lives. I pray for comfort, for peace that passes understanding, and for grace and mercy for Paula and her husband. May they press into You, knowing that You alone are faithful and trustworthy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

      1. valerie says:


  25. Paula S. says:

    This is my first blog comment, ever! But today's devotional was so pertinent that I just have to take the dive. I must begin by admitting that I was bummed when the SRT devotionals turned to Christmas passages. More "For unto us"-es. Heavy sigh. But, of course, it's in the stories we know best that God's message is most profound, if we have those big Dumbo floppies to hear. And for me those ears are sharpest when I am in the scariest chapter in my own story, . Which is right about now. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, just weeks after my husband (sole bread winner) lost the job that was suppose to carry us through the kid's college years and get us set for retirement. We never knew fear until now. __Thinking on this passage, I am struck again by how cushy an age this must be, when one can tootle through the decades without daily fear, real substantive worry. Throughout the history of mankind, fear was part of everyday existence: scarcity of food, lawlessness and oppression, deadly pestilence, ignorance and superstition. Our wealthy, advanced society here in the good ol' US of A has protected most of us ( though not all, most truly and painfully, not all) from this kind of terror. And yet it comes for us all in the end, in one form or another, and forces upon us empathy with people everywhere and in all times who have suffered from it's debilitating weight. And this is what God has always known about us humans: we are cowering creatures crushed by overwhelming forces. So he sent his son to be "God With Us" and change all that fear into hope, even, in some rare case, courage. __Jesus lived this life and he gets us. He got Lazarus's sisters' when they were faced with the worst that could happen. What was it they cried? "You weren't with us, Lord

  26. Emily Kate says:

    Just exactly what I needed today. I love how personal God is.

  27. Melody says:

    Fear is my nemesis. It's caused me so much anxiety in my life-particularly my fear of failure and my fear that something is bound to go wrong when everything is going right. I worked with a women's group at my church focusing on strongholds and learned how to repent of my fear and walk away from it. In those moments when I'm most afraid, I call out my fear, repent (because fear is not from God), and remind myself that God is with me. May all of us have the courage to be obedient in the face of fear, to take those fearful thoughts to Christ, and to have faith that God is with us.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      Amen sister!! I pray that with you.:)

  28. Lauren says:

    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

  29. Jenn Wilson says:

    So needed this today. Going through some changes in my life and the first thing I said is “I am afraid.” What a great reminder that I can trust God even when things don’t make sense and that he is with me in whatever I am going through.

  30. brit_ladner says:

    this devotional blessed me beyond measure. I’m so thankful for Mary and Joseph’s obedience and faith. what an awesome legacy to leave!! I hope that I leave behind a similar story in my footprints.

  31. Brittany Gilbert says:

    Wow today was just what I needed. My life is an very unexpected place! I’m 25, just got married, and now have 4 step children ranging from 10-19!! It’s such an unknown territory and it’s scary sometimes! I love being reminded that He has plans. DO NOT FEAR

    1. brit_ladner says:

      Praying for you sister. I’ve been a step mommy for 10 years now. it’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it!

      1. Brittany Gilbert says:

        Thank you so much! It’s hard to find other step moms :) I’ll be keeping you in my prayers too!

  32. Leah McGinnis says:

    Exactly what I needed. Thank you Lord for Your impeccable timing!

  33. Chelsea Alessandra says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying this series. today’s message and devotional was beyond perfect for me. Im in a new city, with a new job, and because of the move I have lost clients. This hit home and has really helped me.

  34. Allison says:

    My family has been going thru so much lately where I just want to give up and walk away but it seems like every time I read the Bible or a devotion the message is “Be Still”. I’ve been questioning that and wondering if that is God’s message to me and I’ve been afraid I wasn’t hearing His message. Now my message today tells me “Do not be afraid”!!! This goes to show that God is working!! Please pray for my family… I’m dealing with a controlling alcoholic husband and 3 teenagers, a business and home that are struggling due to the alcohol. I’m beyond my breaking point and my faith is very low but I know that all that I have left is all the faith it takes. I need help in prayer that Gods will be done in my family, every time I say I cannot take anymore He shows me I can when harder times happen. Please pray for peace, comfort and grace in my family. Thank you SRT for bringing Gods message to so many…

    1. Erin says:

      Praying right along with you today, Allison.

    2. Candacejo says:

      I am praying for you and your family today too Allison!! God is able when we are not!! ♥

    3. Missy says:

      Praying for your family Allison. Praying the the Light of Jesus would break through strongholds and sin and change your family for His Glory. Do not Fear!!!

    4. brit_ladner says:

      Praying for you. don’t ever stop praying. Stay strong. my husband just overcame a 15 year addiction. the bondage can be broken. there is hope!

    5. Heather says:

      Matthew 11:28 says Come to me all who weary and burdened and I will give you rest. I think as mothers and wives we take the burden on ourselves and shoulder it to protect our family which leads to being weary. Rest in Him…he knows how it works out and loves you all more than anyone. When we are weak He is strong in us…don't fear and know He can do all things…even take care of an alcoholic husband:)

      Dear Lord, I lift up Allison and her family to you today. You know how broken her heart is over what her family is going through. Help her to rest in You today…give her a peace without understanding. I pray that they have a peaceful Christmas and that she feels overwhelmed by your love. Please give her the gift of a sign Lord to know you are working in their trial. In Christ's name…amen.

    6. Kimberly says:

      I'm praying for you right now Allison and wishing I could hug you tight while you cry (if you need to) or shout Hallelujah (if you want to), and then take a deep breath. And breathe in the strength, comfort, peace, and grace of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is with you! Your sisters in Christ are praying for you!

    7. Beth Warner says:

      Praying that The Lord will wrap you up tight with his loving arms sweetheart. That he will touch your husband and give him the desire to stop drinking. It can happen, I’ve seen it happen with my brother. Like one of the previous lessons said “our prayers matter”, keep praying, God Is Hearing them! Dear Lord please give Allison peace and continued strength through this trial. Work your glory through it. Xo

    8. jenadams87 says:

      Covering you in prayer today, Allison!

  35. ErinTX says:

    “Do not be afraid” is something I wish the Lord would breathe into me every day. I’ve experienced anxiety for many years and my current job has increased my anxieties and stress level. It’s almost debilitating where I really have to spend time in prayer all morning to muster up the strength and energy to deal with my difficult boss. I feel as if God is pushing me towards a complete career change and telling me to trust Him and not fear as I pursue that new path.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      Dear Lord ,
      Please let Erin see the open doors and closed doors clearly, let her know in heart fully to know which path to take. God Bless you sweetie,xo

      1. ErinTX says:

        Amen, thank you Beth!

  36. Beverly says:

    Unemployment has to be one of the most trying, challenging, fearful seasons I have experienced… twice now. Pride. Guilt. Shame. Uncertainty. What's next? What do I want? Why have I turned down opportunities? Why have I accepted others and been disappointed? Where are you God? Can I trust you? Can I trust myself? Do you hear my cries for direction, for discernment? Not feeling good enough. Strong enough. Courageous enough. Why me? Why now? Why is this part of my path? How did I get here? Where am I going?
    God is near. Fear not. Take heart. Have courage. These Truths are God's promises for me. I know this yet they are often difficult to believe. I try to focus on the present, the healing – and less on the solution, the answer – asking, "God, what are you teaching me? What are you showing me in this season?" I feel no closer to knowing, but I do know that His timing is perfect. And His will for my life often looks very different and a million times better than I could ever imagine.
    Choosing faith over my fear of never finding meaningful work again. Trusting that one day this will make sense, come together, work out for good. And in the meantime, leaning into Him and these great biblical stories of faith and courage and hope.

    1. Beth Warner says:

      Praying for continued strength as you grow your faith Beverly. Lord please give her peace through all this as you guide her through this path. Xo

  37. Carrie says:

    So beautiful and enriching. Blessings to you Amanda. Well done!

  38. Believing Him when He says that I do not have to be afraid is so hard, but he proves Himself every time. My friend said something so simple to me one day, and still does when I start to get scared again: Trust God, because He is trust-worthy.

  39. Lauren Taylor says:

    “Joseph trusted God with His story, even though it looked like nothing he thought it would.” This is definitely where I have ended up after working through issues of guilt and shame brought on by my poor choices over 10 years ago. Nothing surprises God. He is our Redeemer and He is eager to use our stories to help others if we are not afraid to be vulnerable! Praise the Lord. He is so kind to us!

  40. Emily says:

    Like several others, today’s devotion reminded me of one of my favorite verses that I’ve memorized and “keep in my back pocket:” “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

    1. Lindsay says:

      Love this!

  41. Brittany says:

    Today’s reading reminded me of one of my favourite verses, Joshua 1:9 – “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” :) xo

    1. brit_ladner says:

      Beautiful. thank you for sharing!

  42. joanne says:

    Oh, Lord, help me to step out in faith like Joseph did. To trust and not fear. Powerful and important reminder. Thank you, Amanda!

  43. Ashley says:

    Nothing like a ton of tears to go with my coffee this morning! This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this!!!

  44. Candacejo says:

    I am the Queen of Chickens!! Always been afraid and always been ashamed that I WAS afraid! I seriously think I was born this way, lol.

    But God. So rich in mercy has taught me so much about giving Him my fears. I agree it is much harder to do than to speak it out, and it took me years to actually do it, but once I realized where my fear comes from it took on an entirely new perspective.

    Fear is NOT from God! Satan loves to keep us upset, anxious, fearful, doubting and just plain worked up all of the time. That is one of his specialties and I realized that when I listened to him, things got worse and my fears magnified. But when I began to speak the WORD and tell the enemy to get behind me, to no longer believe his LIES then I could focus on the One who was GREATER!!

    The Word of God is powerful and I didn't use it enough. Now when fear comes knocking at the door I just speak to it, in Jesus' name, and darkness cannot overpower the Light!

    Praying for each of you today that struggle with fear that God will wrap you in His arms and you will feel the comfort that only comes from the Holy Spirit and be overwhelmed with the love of God. Greater is He that is in YOU than he that is in the world!

    Much love to you dear sisters…♥… Haven't given you a hymn for a while but know you will enjoy the story behind "Do you hear what I hear?"

    1. Dianne says:

      Beautiful, Candace Jo!

  45. Beckey says:

    This year my one word has been “Fearless” and the Lord has used it to show me so much about myself and my fears. How fear is its own for of doubt and disbelief. How I have allowed my fears to rule me and guide my life rather than following His plans for me. And constantly reminding me:

    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


    1. Kate says:

      At the beginning of this year, I kept feeling like God was giving me the words "BE BRAVE" and that has been the theme of my year too! It was sobering to realize how often and how much I allowed fear to guide my decisions – even without realizing it. It has been almost comical to watch all the ways God has been teaching me courage – trips to Alaska and to Utah with my husband in which we climbed some very scary mountains (faced my fear of high ledges), we've been living in a new city (facing my fear of loneliness), and, the capstone of my fearlessness…we unexpectedly got pregnant and are due December 29th (facing lots and lots of fears that I don't know how to be a mom, I can't control anything, and lots of worries about whether the baby is developing how it should). It is FREEING and BEAUTIFUL to walk in the confidence God gives us rather than fearfully crawling through life gripped by anxiety.

  46. Kelly_Smith says:

    Sometimes God asks us to do things that we wouldn't ordinarily do. Like marry a young girl who is pregnant. Or carry the Holy Child. He offers encouragement to trust Him in the "fear not." I get wrapped up in details and all the reasons something cannot work. It takes effort on my part to stop the negative self-talk and hear God tell me, "fear not, child!" I can have confidence that, where He has called me to go, He has already prepared the way.

    1. Sara says:

      Kelly thank you for sharing that. I've been weighing a heart tug that was completely unexpected. I keep trying to pull a Moses and give Him every excuse. Today's message on not fearing was right at the root of it all.

    2. Beverly says:

      Your comment reminded me of this verse:
      The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. {Deut 31:8}
      Thank you for sharing with honesty and encouragement, Kelly. I can completely relate.

  47. Shemeva says:

    Needed to be reminded of this after finding out just last night that my beautiful young sister-in-law has aggressive breast cancer. She is not a Christian and my heart is aching and I fear for her. But this has reminded me that I myself do not need to fear, and I can pray and trust her to God…His will be done, everything for His glory right? It’s still so much easier to read and say those words ‘Do not fear…’ though, than actually live them out. Lord give us strength to trust our lives – and fears – to you. You alone can remove the fear from our lives. Help us daily to turn our fear into faith.

    1. Sheryl says:

      Praying for your sister-in-law and your entire family as you begin this journey. Hold tight to “do not fear” – God will provide amazing strength to do that. Psalm 5: 1-3 and Psalm 4:8 are passages that I held tightly as we walked through the valley of cancer in our family. Blessings to you!

      1. Shemeva says:

        Thank you.

    2. Kelly_Smith says:

      Father, I lift up Shemeva's sister-in-law. I ask that you bring healing to her body and her soul. Give her the time she needs to give her heart to you. Open her eyes to see the truth that you love her. May your Spirit rest beside her, offering comfort in the Life you give. Touch her with your healing hands, removing this cancer from her body. Fill Shemeva with the encouragement and Gospel to share with her at just the right times, in just the right ways. All of this for your glory and because of your Son, Jesus. Amen!

      1. Shemeva says:

        Thank you Kelly.

    3. Beckey says:

      Praying for your sister in law

    4. stinav96 says:

      Praying for her salvation and healing, for comfort and peace for your entire family, and for loving boldness for you, Shemeva!

    5. Cindy says:

      I'm praying for you and your sister in law. I love your courage and the faith I can tell you have.
      God bless you, he's got this!
      Love, your sister in Christ

      1. Shemeva says:

        ‘He’s got this’. So Love that. Thanks Cindy.

    6. Beth Warner says:

      Oh sweetheart, I’m going through this battle myself. And boy oh boy, has God used it in wonderful ways! I pray that he will use this in your sis-in-laws life to open her heart to Him. I pray for peace for your family as you all go through it. Dear Lord, let this be the way she opens her heart you. Thank you Jesus! Xo

      1. Shemeva says:

        Thanks Beth…praying the same. And for you too! x S.

  48. Carole Price says:

    A lovely message today. Likewise really enjoying this series. Having had anxiety problems all of my life ‘Do not fear’ is something I have to remind myself constantly of. Thankfully with a deepening trust in The Lord I am learning to let go and put total trust in Him. How lucky are we. Thank you Father for this huge privilege. Thank you for being the provider of everything for us.

    1. Angie says:

      I, too, tend to suffer from anxiety. Fear not!

  49. Sarah M says:

    Love that this message of courage is left for us! In advent, we need courage from our Lord to share and rejoice in the glory his entrance into the world!

  50. Anna says:

    Just an editor's note, Matthew 1:30 does not exist… love this series though!!

    1. anna says:

      I think it means Matthew 1:20?