and so-and-so and so-and-so and YOU

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 3, John 9, Acts 3, Ephesians 4:16

Text: Nehemiah 3:1-32, John 9:1-41, Acts 3:1-26, Ephesians 4:16

This is the good part. Don’t glaze over it. If you’ve spent any length of time in the Old Testament, you know that sometimes there are just chunks of names and names and names. You can skip today’s passage, you can skim for baby names for your pregnant friend, or you can read between the lines and do a little life application.

Every great and powerful move of God, from the rebuilding of walls to the planting of churches to the leading of a children’s Bible study, comes down to a section like this. The people have to get up, stop talking and vision casting, and start putting beams down. They have to walk over to their neighbor’s house. They have to move to that city where they know God is calling them. Download the adoptive parent packet. Write the email. Buy the snacks. Do the work.

And it isn’t always beautiful or glamorous or filled with spiritual fervor and fluffy feelings, but it is so very, very good and necessary to get the wall built. Ephesians 4:16 reminds us that every joint in this body of Christ is equipped for the work it must do, and doing it properly makes the body grow.

Can I tell you a little secret about one of these builders that may shed some light for us? Did you notice Shallum, in verse 15? He’s just one of the dozens listed, but he repaired the wall of the Pool of Shelah. No biggie, right? Well, it is actually a huge deal. It’s one man, sacrificing his time and effort to rebuild his community because of the larger vision at stake. But there’s more to the story there.

In John 9, they’re calling this pool “Siloam,” but don’t be confused – it’s the very same one. This time, we’re there hundreds of years later with Jesus – as He heals a blind man, declaring His divinity in miracle form. Then in Acts 3, in the very same place, Peter heals a man who has never walked. THIS is an important place, right?

Could it be that the section of the wall God has given you is important for your sanctification and His Glory today, but that He might also have an eternal plan for the work you’re doing? What if your simple job is the setting for miraculous, Kingdom-size work for generations to come? I’m willing to bet, in one way or another, it absolutely is.

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95 thoughts on "and so-and-so and so-and-so and YOU"

  1. Heather says:

    Wow! I love the verse 15 and the powerful message that goes with it! And Yes our God is a god who repairs and rebuilds!

  2. Nancy says:

    I loved how as you read through chapter 3 you see the words repair and rebuild so frequently. Reminds me how when each individual is doing their part to rebuild and repair, it can all work together to RESTORE. Makes me think of our generations of people who are hurting, if we all do our part to repair and rebuild God can use us as a community to restore <3 loved this chapter!!!

  3. Jess says:

    Such a great reminder of how great God is in the midst of our doubt and fear! That’s when He works in us most!

  4. Alice Swearingen says:

    Thank you! Great perspective for staying at my calling…. Even when it seems this work is not that important. “It’s not always what we do, but how much LOVE we put into it.” –Mother Teresa

  5. Olivia Murphy says:

    So encouraging! Thank you!

  6. Christine Lawson says:

    This spoke directly to me today!!!!

    1. So happy to hear that God is speaking to you through these words, Christine! We love having you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  7. Kate says:

    How do you know us so well? I was, in fact, scanning for baby names for my best friend who is expecting this March. Thank you for calling me out and snapping me back to the real intent if this passage. I’m looking forward to discussing this tonight in my small group in Montgomery, AL!

    1. Hi, Kate! We are so glad you\’re here! Thanks for joining us!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  8. Mrs.Walton says:

    Wow, the pool of Siloam! This is just another amazing way to prove to us today that we never know what works we are doing now will effect the future. What am I doing in my life that will effect the future? I’m not building walls or healing the lame, I’m a mere stay-at-home mother. Who knows maybe I’m setting a Godly example for my girls to follow. Moms first thing she did every morning was pray and read her bible, maybe my girls will grow and follow the same practices. I hope so.