An Apology for Lent

Open Your Bible

Psalm 78:1-7, Habakkuk 2:3, Galatians 4:4-5, Colossians 2:6-17

Editor’s note: The word “apology” is used here not to imply guilt or regret, but rather to communicate a desire to make clear the grounds of a course, belief, or position. In this piece, the the word “apology” is a noun meaning “words offered in explanation.” 


Text: Psalm 78:1-7, Habakkuk 2:3, Galatians 4:4-5, Colossians 2:6-17

The grand narrative of God’s Word through history is more than a tall tale. It is a historical record of real events with real people in real places and in real time. Indeed, as Paul makes plain in his letter to the church at Corinth, if Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection did not actually take place in time and space, then all is lost. We of all people are most to be pitied (1 Corinthians 15:19).

God not only authored the Bible’s true story, He’s its lead actor. Behind the flood, the call of Abraham, the Exodus, the rise of King David, the exile and return of Israel, and every other redemptive act—God is present and the prime mover. On every page of the Bible, God is the hero of the story. As the author and hero of redemption, God calls His people to remember the great things He has done (Deuteronomy 8:1-3).

One of the means God used to stir the mind and imaginations of His people to remembrance was a calendar. From the Day of Atonement to the weekly Sabbath, to the annual feasts and festivals, God calendared salvation history in order to help the prone-to-forgetfulness Israelites relive their redemption each year (Leviticus 23).

Rightfully so, the shadow of the Old Testament calendar faded in the bright light of Christ’s fulfillment (Colossians 2:16-17). Although God issued no new calendar requirement for the New Testament church, He gave His people the freedom to order their days while maintaining the commitment to remember the redemption of Jesus Christ (Romans 15:4-9, Galatians 3:1-4, Romans 6:5-11, 2 Peter 1:3-11).

Not as a biblical requirement but as a discipleship tool, the early church began marking the days by the life and ministry of Jesus (Advent to Ascension) and the life and ministry of His church (Pentecost to Ordinary Time). Many Christians throughout the centuries have kept the practice, finding it a helpful means of remembering and connecting to both the life of Christ and the reality of His church, reaching around the world and across generations.

In that spirit, we invite you to join us for the forty days of Lent, as we read Scripture and prayerfully prepare for the heartbreaking and heart-mending climax of the Christian year—the crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior.

Pastor Nate Shurden is one of the local pastors who serves She Reads Truth & He Reads Truth by providing theological oversight and pastoral counsel. Nate holds a Masters of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. In 2010, he helped plant Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Franklin, TN, where he still serves as the senior pastor. He is married to Christy, and they have four young children.


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183 thoughts on "An Apology for Lent"

  1. Savannah says:

    The Colossians scripture really spoke to me today. As a sinful human, wrapping my head around the love Christ displayed through brutal actions for us to be saved is awe-worthy. Praise God!

  2. Megan says:

    God calls His people to remember the great things He has done (Deuteronomy 8:1-3). This verse really spoke to me. I over the last several years lost my faith and I have struggling in my personal life. I in recent weeks have taken the steps to rediscover my Faith,love and trust in God. This is my first time doing a bible study or really reading scripture of what it worth. I am ready to turn to God and listen and follow the path He had designed for me, as He knows better than I do.

    1. Kaite says:

      The evidence of God’s work in your life gives me chills! It’s a beautiful thing. He will guide you as you encounter His word! Great things are ahead :)

    2. Megan says:

      WOW! How ironic is it that my name is also Megan and I could have written the same comment as you nearly verbatim! I too, have lost my way in my spiritual journey, and the last year of my life has me missing my connection with the Lord and a church family! I’m using this study as my first step working back towards that! I pray the Lord guides you on your journey!

      1. Caro says:

        Wow! I pray for you all! Thanks for your honesty and humility to share your journey. It is my prayer that Jesus will reveal Himself in your lives like never before and this will be the beginning of an amazing journey. Can’t wait to hear the amazing stories you will share! He is faithful! “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13.

    3. Jessica Hayes says:

      I feel the same way, in that over the past year or so I have been on a different path not centered on God, and now I’m getting back on a track focused on Him. Prayers for you ladies and your journeys!

  3. Habakkuk 2:3 For still the vision awaits its appointed time;
    it hastens to the end—it will not lie.
    If it seems slow, wait for it;
    it will surely come; it will not delay.

    That’s a fresh word, that I needed to read – it’s all because of Jesus we have the endurance to have patience…

  4. Jenn says:

    Really loved Colossians today…made a list of all the things Christ has done for me.

    1. Laura Jones says:


  5. Calin says:

    I know their is truth to be learned regardless of gender, but honestly I am not enjoying and learning as much from this series so far. I miss hearing the hearts of women. It’s one of the reasons why I have loved and advocated for this app because it hits home of a woman’s heart, especially to mothers. Great truth here! But I miss the heart and rawness.

    1. Sara says:

      I would agree with you on this!

      1. Cindy Martin says:

        As would I

    2. Jessica says:

      I was thinking the same thing about hearing from the hearts of women, but luckily, one of the women from she reads truth posted in the comments a little later on that that will return again! These first couple days were just their hope to set a foundation for the season of Lent. I was relieved & I’m looking forward to the women’s posts on future days!

  6. Jodi says:

    I liked the Corinthians 2 scripture. All my past present and future debts are cancelled. However, is this before or after I ask for forgiveness?

    1. Emma says:

      Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find! ❤️

  7. Kristin says:

    I appreciated today’s reflection. I know the liturgical calendar, but I’ve never evolved my childhood viewpoint of the calendar and its seasons beyond simply waiting for the Christmas and Easter holidays. I want to be intentional this year about using the calendar to walk through Jesus’s life… To remind myself of not only his birth, death, and resurrection but also his ministry.