An Angel Visits Joseph

Open Your Bible

Matthew 1:18-25, Isaiah 11:1-9

Section 3: The Light Dawns

As I consider Joseph’s role in the Christmas story, I’m inspired by how quickly he responded to the Lord. Sure, he got an angelic visitation, but the angel’s words were fairly clinical. As Joseph hit his REM cycle, the angel told him to marry Mary because the baby in her belly was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Then he left before the Q&A, passing over some pretty major details. 

“She will give birth to a son,” the angel said. “Name him Jesus.” But wait! Aren’t there other questions to answer? “What does a Holy Spirit conceived child look like?” “When will He be born?” “Why me, Lord?” 

The angel dropped the most perplexing statement of all, “You are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). This is the gospel. The Savior of the world was well on His way. But Joseph couldn’t have fully understood what the angel meant. He couldn’t have fathomed what would be required for Jesus to save us from the sin that sentences us each to death. Still, Scripture tells us “when Joseph woke up, he did as the Lord’s angel had commanded him” (v.24).  All he had was a handful of facts. There must have been dozens of details he couldn’t figure out. Yet God said it, and he would do it. 

I don’t reckon his faith was forged in a single night. That kind of trust doesn’t typically develop in an instant. Scripture doesn’t tell us, but I suspect Joseph had learned to respond to faith in the humdrum of everyday life. When the angel of the Lord appeared with a few unbelievable details, Joseph was already prepared to obey. 

The Christmas story is filled with the stories of those who trusted and obeyed. From a young virgin, to a field of shepherds, to a caravan of wise men, to a young man engaged to the Savior’s momma. I’m confident they all had more questions than answers. They also responded in faith rather than being controlled by fear. 

We won’t be called to marry Jesus’s mother. Our assignment is not to name and raise the Savior of the world. But we all have to mind the gap—the gap between the facts we have been given and responding in faith. As we open our eyes each morning, may the matter be settled in our hearts: we will choose to trust the Lord. 

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70 thoughts on "An Angel Visits Joseph"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    The devotional today was such a great reminder of what it looks like to follow after Jesus with faith. Faith in his plans, without having all the answers. I love to figure things out and try to get the answers to all of my questions. I pray that I would learn to trust in Jesus, without having all of the answers.

  2. Catherine Woodberry says:

    Yes! Love the reminder that we train through our lives to obey, and trust. ❤️

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I felt angels around me when we were leaving once Tanner passed away.

  4. Kelly Broughton says:

    ‘Mind the gap.’ Ha! Clever.
    May we all choose to trust thru the gap to the glory and praise of God.

  5. Dorothy says:

    I WILL choose to TRUST the LORD NOW and ALWAYS. There is no other. HE is and ALWAYS will be there for me NO MATTER WHAT. I know I can rely on Him in good times and in bad times.
    Sisters be blessed and know the Lord is TRUSTWORTHY.

  6. Victoria E says:

    Melanie ! Praise God we prayed so much for you. Angie, thank you for the recommendations! I am so touched that you read and remembered my comment. Martha Hix I have been praying for you especially this week leading up to Christmas I am sorry to hear that your trip is cancelled but I pray that God will meet you and give you peace where you are. Sarah D I pray you find counseling, no work is worth putting stress on your body. My last job was so bad bc of my manager I firmly believe it contributed to my drinking way more than I should and to my ovaries basically shutting down. Thankfully God delivered me from that situation and helped me to start to deal with my anxiety and become healthy. Last Christmas my mom gave me a picture that says “let your faith be bigger than your fear” and I looked at it everyday while going through IVF. I had some fear, it wasn’t gone, but the faith was bigger than my fear then, praise God.

  7. Lexi B says:

    I love this- her faith was such that she said yes. May that be the way I live my life. Prayers to all of you that have needs <3

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    December 22! This month has flown by, and I have loved the Advent study! Thank you Angie or who said the song Christmas Hallelujah, I had forgotten it, and love the video that shows it all! Look it up on youtube to see it! I am such a music person to pray and worship while singing! I love Mary Did You Know by the Childrens Choir and a few more! Also all the songs of the Chosen Christmas special/ which also portrays Mary and Josephs story so well! Highly recommend it since it is on youtube now and facebook, or the app.
    I have prayer request for my nephew Collin, which flat out states he doesn’t believe in the “whole God thing” that he thinks it just makes people feel better. I pray that Jesus does something powerful in his life to pull him back to the faith he grew up with. It is hard to know how to approach. Except I did say when he says he doesn’t believe in all the “religions,” that I am non-denominational and believe in only the truth of the bible. Please let us pray over all our young people that are just lost in worldly views. My niece also needs prayers (Savanah) that is doing drugs and working in men’s clubs, she is only 19. I just feel for my sister (whom I am with this week and these kids) I love them all so much. Anniston and the baby are well!

    Prayers for all you in need. Martha, I hope you can bask in the glory and joy of Jesus this Christmas to give you comfort in your solitude. Tracy continued prayers for you, I am so happy you feel at peace, there is something amazing about knowing our loved ones are with our Lord in heaven where there is no more pain, sickness, fear, or sadness. Sarah, thanks for being honest in your struggle, we are praying for you.

    There is a new “unfolding” podcast about stories of angels that I look forward to hearing as I drive home 9 hours tomorrow by myself! Also the new podcast this week from SRT! Prayers for a safe drive going home!