An Altar of Witness

Open Your Bible

Joshua 22:1-34, Psalm 7:8-10, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

After the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh helped the rest of Israel conquer Canaan, Joshua released them to return to their homes across the Jordan. As he sent them off, he blessed them and charged them to maintain their allegiance to God, saying, “Love the LORD your God, walk in all his ways, keep his commands, be loyal to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul” (Joshua 22:5).

The conversation was between Joshua and those three tribes, but his words are also for us today. As the people of God, He calls us to love Him wholeheartedly and walk in His ways. We pattern our thoughts and actions after His very thoughts and actions expressed in His Word. It’s a lifetime of continuous transformation, as we rely on the power of the Spirit to shape and reorient our values and behaviors to look more and more like Jesus. He gets our full allegiance.

Being loyal to God includes being committed to taking a stand for righteousness, even when it challenges our relationships. Sometimes we do this in quieter ways, and other times we take a more vocal stand—like Israel did when they learned the three tribes had built an altar at the border (Joshua 22:9–12).

Israel’s history included many instances of infidelity and rebellion against God. However, Joshua 22 shows us an Israel whose priority was walking in God’s ways, even to the point of being willing to fight their own countrymen. Here was the generation seeing God’s promises fulfilled, and they were determined to be faithful to Him as He had been to them. This is a lesson for us today: Do we desire God’s holiness and presence to the point of boldly standing against anyone or anything that would threaten our allegiance to Him?

It was also a lesson to seek understanding before taking action. Thankfully, the altar was not a sign of rebellion but a show of solidarity. The Eastern tribes built it to ensure unity and permanently mark their inclusion as the people of God (Joshua 22:24). It was a memorial of remembrance and a visual declaration that the Lord was their God and would always be their God. The action of the three tribes is a model for us. Although we no longer use altars, we can still incorporate rhythms of remembrance into our spiritual practices. What could these periods of reflection look like for us? 

When we set aside time to remember God’s faithfulness and the many ways He has worked in our lives, we come away with a renewed sense of wonder for who He is, as well as a deeper awareness of His presence. This awareness fosters joy and a confidence that He will be with us throughout every season of life. This can intensify our commitment to love God without reservation, serving Him with all of our heart and soul (Joshua 22:5). 

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59 thoughts on "An Altar of Witness"

  1. Terany Garnett says:

    Really helpful to know that God is with us and He has put the down payment for us to live eternity with Him by blessing us w the Holy Spirit. It’s a good reminder to alway look back from where I was to know God is always there for me.

  2. CeeGee says:

    TAYLOR, you will remain in my prayers as you yield to God’s plan for this current situation. My heart goes out to you since our son is dealing with a job situation that is not encouraging. Praying also that you find the strength (it’s already there) to overcome that sin problem you have mentioned. Hang in there, sister. Witnessing your love for God and faithfulness in following Him gives me HOPE for our future generations.

  3. Maura says:

    Praying for you and your parents Linda. God’s provision for all you and all they are needing. Healing for your Dad. Jesus makes a way where it seems impossible and His love knows no bounds. Thank you Tameshia Williams. Your insight was a blessing today. I love that the Israelites go to fight what they perceive to be a righteous fight and end up being witnesses to the declaration of this altar that the 3 tribes had allegiance and would worship the faithful God of Israel. I need to slow down and see what God is doing even when it is difficult and my natural tendency is to react. For in those moments the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus grace, joy and forgiveness and I get to see that which is unseen and witness how God is moving. Lord give me eyes to see ears to hear and a heart consumed with you! Welcome Crysta. Tina He moves mountains! I wrote a letter to a judge years and years ago for a loved one. I did not see the results of it, but sent it with prayer. It did not change what my loved one had to do. But, it helped my heart to know that I had done what God called me to. He is faithful and His love never fails! His Joy to this day to all of you!

  4. CeeGee says:

    “Being loyal to God includes being committed to taking a stand for righteousness, even when it challenges our relationships. Sometimes we do this in quieter ways, and other times we take a more vocal stand—like Israel did when they learned the three tribes had built an altar at the border (Joshua 22:9–12).” Both sides stood for righteousness and didn’t waiver even under harsh accusations toward the one group. What a lesson for our world today! Blessings all! TINA, your testimony was a perfect picture for this teaching … Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Brenda Langdon says:

    Tina it reminds me of proverbs 21:1. The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord.; he turns it wherever he will. This has been a special verse for me since I was in vet school in the early 70’s. Originally I memorized it in the KJ.

  6. Taylor says:

    What really stood out to me in today’s devotion was the righteousness of God. I feel God is enacting His righteousness in my own life and quite honestly it hurts, but I know it’s for my good. I’ve been in a relationship with a non-believer for a few months now – pretty much the entirety of my clinical rotation in Philadelphia. I’ve shared on this site before how I had a really abusive relationship with a believer when I was younger and that has more or less scared me away from dating Christians ever since. God let me go my own way, but now He’s made it evidently clear it’s time to walk away. However, for weeks I’ve been dragging my feet not wanting to end this relationship because of my own sinful tendencies.

    And here comes His righteousness… I just got the job offer for an OT position in Delaware. I haven’t heard back from a single other employer of all the places I applied in and around the Philly area where my boyfriend lives. He and I have both discussed that neither of us want a long distance relationship (even though it’s only an hour drive from my parents house in Delaware to Philly). I feel like this is God putting His foot down, and I know it’s for my good. I know He will work ALL things out for me, but this is still a hard season. I feel guilty for not acting in obedience. Obedience has been SUCH a huge and convicting theme in this Lent series. I am falling short, and out of God’s love for me He’s taking care of this situation for me. That still doesn’t make it less painful. This feels like the hard parts of sanctification. God wants my WHOLE heart and this relationship is definitely a “Canaanite” in my life – if you will. Please pray for me. I don’t feel at peace about any aspect of this situation. I’ve prayed for His will to be done in my life and I feel like here it is – but I still whine and say “but why God?” I’m thankful for this community who will pray alongside me and who understand and empathize with this season of life. Thank you for reading and for a space to vent/process/cry out.

    1. Connie Beers says:

      Praying for you

  7. Angie says:

    Linda – I am praying for your dad as he recovers from his stroke and for you as you carry so much of the weight for your parents presently. Certainly in normal times the church would come along side to ease some of the burden but, our present times have messed with that. May you have the wisdom, strength and guidance you need as well as the provision. May our Creator and Healer work in your father’s body and your mom’s mind. Carry them in this time LORD God and draw them close to You.

    Heidi – loved your posts yesterday; vulnerable, real, inspiring – thank you.

    Maura – Always appreciate and praise God for you. My soul tingled with joy, literally, at your words, “Hugs dear Lights, Jesus is shining through you.” I have been singing the Addison Road version of, This Little Light of Mine. You are a blessing.

    Mercy – Thank you for your words full of encouragement, God’s love, His joy, and strength. There is ALWAYS reason for praise. GOD is good – ALL the time. When we remind each other of that, and live it out in our lives, we help others stand tall and step forward in their faith. Thank you for being that person.

    Taylor – As Joshua distributed the Lord’s planned land to the people of Israel, may He lead you to the job He has planned for you.

    These are just a few thoughts sisters. As I read through the posts each evening, I pray and praise God for you. I am only one, you are only one, yet we have the flame of the Holy One, the ONE and only God, shining upon us, in us, and out of us. We will shine individually. We will shine communally. We shine because of Him. Praise His Holy Name.

  8. Michelle says:

    “Your promise still stands
    Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness.
    I’m still in Your hands.
    This is my confidence: You’ve never failed me yet.”

    “Do It Again” by Elevation Worship

    I’ve had this song stuck in my head so much during this study. I can’t even begin to describe how much I needed this study! To be reminded over and over of His faithfulness and provision, is reopening my eyes to who God really is, instead of the lies I had started believing. Praise God!