Allegiance to the King

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Luke 9:21-27, Luke 18:18-30, Philippians 3:20-21, 1 John 2:15-17

As followers of Jesus, our allegiance is to the King, and His kingdom is our priority. Submitting to Christ as King is an act of worship.

“If anyone wants to follow after me,” said Jesus to His disciples, “let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). 

Deny yourself. Ooph. It’s one of those statements that cuts straight into me. Nothing in me likes the thought of denying myself. It creates the feeling of lack and I don’t like to feel the cavernous growl any more than the unfulfilled desires of my heart.  

Reading today’s passages, I had to ask myself the honest question: as a follower of Jesus, what does it even mean to deny myself? Or pick up my cross? (After those first two, the questions kept on coming.) How do believers practice the kind of self-denial Jesus talked about without being doormats or shadows of who God created us to be? How do we avoid self-erasing and abuse, while, at the same time, also avoid idolizing self-care or, as my friend likes to put it, “building the kingdom of me”?

Our allegiance must be to our King. If you look at verse 25, Jesus also says, “For what does it benefit someone if he gains the whole world, and yet loses or forfeits himself?” (or “soul” as some translations say). Denying ourselves isn’t about losing our God-given identity. What Jesus is saying is that instead of going after our own agendas, we should seek first the kingdom.

To do this, we must look to Jesus again. In the full passage from Luke 9, Jesus isn’t talking about self-imposed pain in an effort to be holier. We weren’t called to be hermits or doormats without boundaries. But we are told to expect trials in our day-to-day lives and to face them head-on for the sake of our greater calling.  

As believers, our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20). Even though it’s right and good to thank God for the many amazing gifts He gives us, we want to be careful about developing a love for the world and our own comfort over our love for Christ (1John 2:15). Instead, our devotion and allegiance should be to our first love. 

There will be days when we’re asked to give up a lot. A whole lot. There may be years that feel like we’re waiting for a harvest that isn’t coming. Life will require great endurance. That’s a promise. But there will also be beauty and the deep satisfaction of partnering with our King in His mission to redeem and restore our world. This is the tradeoff for denying ourselves and taking up our cross. We share in the sufferings of Christ, but we also get to share in the joy. Keep following Jesus, friends. It’s worth it. 

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59 thoughts on "Allegiance to the King"

  1. Mandi D says:

    Praying for you Mare Jones!

  2. KimN says:

    DOROTHY – I’m so glad your first day went well!! Was thinking of you yesterday even though I didn’t get on here to wish you well!

    RITA – praying for your daughter, you and family – for healing, strength, courage and peace

    NANCY S – praying for your husband and yourself – such a difficult season for you and lifting you both to the One who sees and hears our cries.

    DONNA – that verse (and Luke1:37) always stop me in my tracks when I really consider the power that is implied in those statements (especially coming from first hand witnesses of that ability!)!

    ALL SHEs – praying our Lord and Saviour would be near to each and everyone of you, exactly where you need Him to be. xo

  3. Dorothy says:

    WOW!!! What a thought-provoking, Christ-inspiring, and mind-opening devotional!!! How much of this am I doing??!! Am I focusing on God, Christ and the Holy Spirit like I should in my life??!! What CAN I DO DIFFERENTLY to focus more on the TRIUNE???!!! I know God forgives me NO MATTER what but I need to try to change my ways.

    As I was reading I also thought of the song, “First Things First” by Consumed by Fire. If you have a chance listen to it. It’s a beautiful and meaningful song.

    My first day at work went great. I think I’m going to love this job.

    Sisters, be blessed and don’t stress. Did you know stressed spelled backwards is desserts, so God doesn’t want us to be stressed or He wouldn’t have made to words in common so opposite.

  4. Rachelle French says:

    Love the reading today!

  5. Maria Baer says:

    ANN- I love the “so that..” as it relates to self-care. A good way to really stay focus about the intention behind it.

  6. Aimee D-R says:

    Father nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for being the God of the impossible. Thank You for my Savior, Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen

  7. Maritza Zayas says:

    Is there a book about the prophet Isaiah?

  8. Donna Mitchell says:

    Don’t forget what Jesus said – “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27