All People Are Sinful by Nature

Open Your Bible

Genesis 4:1-16, Genesis 6:5-6, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Romans 6:20-23

“I am a good person.”

Have you ever heard or made this statement?

Our culture tells us we are “good” if we do the right thing. In our daily routines we do the “good” thing. Serve our family. Serve our neighbor. Serve the community. Serve the church. And though our intentions appear good on the surface, a not “good” response can surface if our service is not received in a way that we expect it should.

This familiar Bible story recounts how “good” our intentions can appear to be. The firstborn does the proper thing that is expected of him. He presents an offering of his labor to God. What is not described is why Cain’s offering was not regarded as acceptable.

What is described is his response: “Cain was furious, and he looked despondent…” (Genesis 4:5). 

A first response—anger. This anger described in the original Hebrew word is fiery anger, an outburst.

This anger was written all over his face: his face fell. We have seen this response in our toddler. Our teenager. Our self. A pouting lip. A downcast face.

This outward response reflects the inward nature of our heart beneath the veneer of “goodness.”

The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it?
—Jeremiah 17:9

Who understands the true nature of our hearts? God does.

That is why He responded to Cain’s outburst and fallen face with calm words of guidance (Genesis 4:6–7). Here, in a gentle, truthful, matter-of-fact tone of voice, is the first presentation of the good news—the gospel.

We can picture God getting down on one knee as we would with our toddler, looking at him eye to eye, and saying, “I see the true nature of your heart. Don’t let the slippery nature of sin take hold of you. Sin desires to keep you captive. But my desire for you is greater. And I will make a way available for you to rule over the powerful nature of sin, not have it rule over you” (v.7).

The literal meaning of the Hebrew word translated “desire” here is “stretching out.” Sin longs to stretch out its arm and capture us. There are moments we feel the tension of sin within us, pulling us limb to limb. But God’s reach for us is greater.

He gave us the gift of Jesus, His arms stretched out limb to limb on a wooden cross.

And because of this act of love on the cross, the power of sin can no longer have a hold on us. 

God looks beyond the fallen face. He understands our deceitful hearts. His desire for us is so great He gave us a gift we did not deserve (Romans 6:23). That is the good news that surpasses our hearts’ good intentions!

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64 thoughts on "All People Are Sinful by Nature"

  1. Rebecca Porter says:

    This comment Julian Wadsworth, you are Absolutely Correct!
    Going Deeper ! This is All truth!!
    Rebecca Porter.. I am sharing this ..with y’all approval! The truth is just not amplified as it should be!
    I am the Leader of the Womens’ Ministry at my Church.
    Would love to share on my / our Soul Quest Women to Women page. ( Jackson , Tn. )

  2. Haley Sanders says:

    Such a good reminder that we are fully known & loved.

  3. Elizabeth Gibson says:

    Great devotional today ❤️

    9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds. Jeremiah 17:9-10

    What are “fruit of his deeds?” If we turn to Galatians 5:22-23, we see these fruits.
    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control, against such things there is no law.

  4. Elizabeth Gibson says:

    @SKY HILTON Father, in the Name of Jesus, I bind this gastric problem with Sky’s sister, Gia. Satan, you are not Gia’s god. You cannot have her. So, in the Name of Jesus, GO from her body, never to return again. Amen!

  5. Rebecca Claycomb says:


  6. Christel Fleming says:

    So thankful for His truth! His hand that sees all and guides us into purity and freedom if we will follow, listen, and surrender. Loving it lives in remembrance of what she has done is the only humble way!

  7. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    @kimcasper amen! Together we stand. I am grateful for this community ✝️❤️

  8. Mercy says:

    @JILLIAN GARNER-WADSWORTH: about your Yoga question, if I may share with you something the Lord has opened my eyes to see. My mom is a yoga fanatic, for health benefits, good sweat, cute outfits, zen/calmness for the mind and many other reasons, including to socialize. And I have several times warned her of the spiritual side of yoga, and failed. May God have mercy. The devil Satan disguised himself as an angel of light, he did not dress himself in black with horns and a pitchfork coming at us, but a lovely shimmering radiant “angel” (demon). Satan is cunning with multi layers of disguise, and so are His schemes. Yoga derives from Hinduism that does not worship our One True Living God (Jesus). Bible teaches us, in all you do, do it for the glory of God, give thanks to God in everything, (1 Corinthians 10:31) (Ephesians 5:20), Yoga doesn’t, it gives no glory no mention to Jesus whatsoever. Besides, yoga has its meditative and spiritual core, and the word “yoga” itself comes from the word “yug” (hindu language) with means to “unite”, so surely when doing this practice/exercise/ stretches, you unite yourself to some unknown “sources”. Yoga deep down instructs on “circle of life”, energy, and universe worship. Namaste at the end means I bow to the devine in you. RED FLAGS!! The only devine we should carry in us is the Holy Spirit indwelling in our temple/body. You see how this drifts further and further away from Bible teachings. Deuteronomy 17:2-3 says serving/worshiping other gods, either sun or moon, universe (creation) is doing evil in God’s sight, transgressing His commandments. We should worship only the Creator /God (the first commandment) and no other gods simultaneously. And learn not the ways of the heathen/pagans (Jeremiah 10:2), you shall not at all do as we are doing here today-every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes (Deuteronomy 12:8), and you can’t serve God and other gods (either or scenario here). I present before you this day life and death, choose life (God) (Joshua 24:14-21). For the Lord Your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24). He will not share His glory with worthless idols. Just a few verses to show you God’s heart and mind concerning pagan practices. If there are 100 religions out there, please know only 1 belongs to the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , the remaining 99 belongs to Satan. And that one true religion- which I’d rather call relationship -will always always always point you to glorify the name of Jesus, and always always always make mention of His name, the Name where all power is from. Let us not be outwitted by Satan and His schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). May God bless you and grant you wisdom, discernment and courage to find the narrow road that leads to life. Broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. Blessings to you.