Acknowledging Christ

Open Your Bible

Luke 12:1-59, 1 Kings 10:4-10, Psalm 88:1-7

More often than not, there are times when anxiety feels like my closest friend. It greets me in the morning, my heart rate rising with the sun. It follows me to the mirror, to the breakfast table, to the car, to work. It is the shadow I can’t get rid of, an endless churning of guilt and shame and fear in my heart and mind. It’s a disease, a chemical imbalance, a generational struggle.

This particular passage in Luke features a lot of anxiety, from the revelation that nothing hidden won’t eventually be known, to the fear of death, to the “unforgivable sin,” to Jesus’s famous command not to worry because we are worth more than the wildflowers and the sparrows.

I tend to read Luke 12 as if it’s all about me: what I worry about, what I value, what I should or shouldn’t do. Don’t be like the Pharisees; fear God. Don’t be afraid; acknowledge Jesus as the Christ and don’t deny Him. Don’t blaspheme the Spirit (which is considered the “unforgivable sin,” the denial of Jesus’s work to the point that one considers it to be demonic). Don’t store up treasure for myself. Don’t worry about clothes or food—and on and on.

While I do think Jesus is teaching us a lot about ourselves, our worldly impulses, and the things we worry about, He is also revealing much about God, His character, and His work. There are three specific truths I want to rest in today: first, the sovereignty and care of the Father; second, the advocacy of the Son; and finally, the provision of the Holy Spirit.

The Father: In Luke 12:6–7, we see a clear picture of the limitless power and the all-surpassing knowledge that God possesses. Everything hidden will be revealed. This would be terrifying if it weren’t for the next part. Even though everything awful we’ve ever done will made public, our belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus makes us clean before God.

The Son: In verse 8, Jesus tells us that if we acknowledge Him, He will acknowledge us in the presence of God the Father (“before the angels of God” is a reference to God’s presence). He is our advocate in prayer before God, but He is also our advocate for salvation before God, the righteous Judge.

The Holy Spirit: Verse 12 teaches that the Holy Spirit is our provider, who will give us the words we need to acknowledge Christ when we are persecuted. Jesus promises His followers that the Spirit will give them what they need to continue in faith.

In a passage known for its treatment of anxiety, Luke assures us that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are working together in perfect unity, to care for us in perfect knowledge, perfect advocacy, and perfect provision.

I may battle my anxiety until the day I walk into glory, but the death of my anxiety is assured because of the life of Jesus. The more the book of Luke reveals to me about the beauty of the Son, the closer I feel to the heart of the Father.

Melanie Rainer is a bookworm from birth who makes her days writing, editing and reading in Nashville, where she also joyfully serves as the editor of Kids Read Truth. She has an M.A. in Theological Studies from Covenant Seminary, spends as much time as she can in the kitchen, and can’t wait until her two daughters are old enough to read Anne of Green Gables.

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48 thoughts on "Acknowledging Christ"

  1. R H says:

    Loved this passage and Thankyou for a fabulous devotion to go with it. If anyone is looking to a great song to point you to Jesus, our great healer in times of anxiety and depression- P E A C E by Hillsong’s Young & Free is beautiful song.

  2. Lyna Ninkham says:

    …”when anxiety feels like your closest friend” is definitely something I can relate to today, the past few days, weeks, and months when it comes to worrying about a future that is unknown and present things that seem to overwhelm me.

    Resting in the truth that our Father is omniscient, the Son is our advocate, and the Holy Spirit will guide and give us words to speak. All truths that are evident throughout Luke 12.

    1. Sharleen Marie says:

      I will be praying for you today for peace and Gods provision Lyna! Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world.

  3. Shelbyrae Myers says:

    Do you ever read something and think they author wrote it for you. That’s how I feel today with the passage in Luke and also the discussion. There is so much unknown in my world right now, I graduate college soon but I dont know where I’m gonna work where I’m gonna live what God is calling me to do. I’ve found myself worrying a lot more than normal and I needed this reminder that worrying isnt gonna do me any good but relying on Him and His goodness and grace and mercy is all I need. He has a plan that is so much better than my own plan.

  4. Janice says:

    Thank you, this is so perfect for me today as I struggle with anxiety & accepting it as part of my life. I know God made me the person I am for a reason

  5. Alexandra Hernandez says:

    I really needed this today! I just started graduate school and I’m anxious that my anxiety will get in the way. But I needed this reminder that God, his love, peace, and grace, are far more powerful than my anxiety❤

    1. Sharleen Marie says:

      Will be praying for you to have God’s peace as your start graduate school! Cast your cares upon Him, for he cares for you.

  6. Ashley says:

    Thank you for your vulnerability! MANY are struggling in the same area. Believing with you to see an end to the anxiety you have inherited on this side of glory!
    “For all things are possible for him (she) who believes.” Xoxo

  7. Mari V says:

    I NEEDED this reminder today that GOD the Father, GOD the Son and God the Holy Spirit are working together for my benefit. They’ve got this. Such comfort. I too will ponder on this devotion throughout my day today

  8. Stephanie Shaughnessy says:

    -don’t worry about your life.
    -what you will eat or about the body
    -life is more than food.
    -don’t strive for what you should eat.
    -don’t be anxious.
    -but seek his kingdom, and these things will be provided. Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your father delights to give you the kingdom.

    As I find myself in an ongoing 3yr struggle (battle is more appropriate) with my health I believe there’s nothing that gets more of my mental energy. It’s all consuming. Nothing is working. Nothing sticks. I never experience progress. Stuck is an understatement and being in a state of striving (or denial) is all I know. What might it look like if I stop seeking the answers I can’t seem to find and I start seeking His kingdom? What might happen??