Abram and Lot

Open Your Bible

Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 13:1-18, Genesis 14:1-24, 1 Timothy 6:11-19

I grew up as an only child, so I didn’t have to suffer through arguments with siblings about who got to ride in the front seat of the car or who should choose where the family should go to dinner or whose turn it was to clean the bathroom. That being said, my extended family is huge, with a multitude of aunts, uncles, and cousins. We always have so much fun together, but having a big family doesn’t come without its fair share of bickering.

When Abram left Egypt, he took his nephew Lot with him. Along with Lot came his wife, his livestock, and all of his herdsmen. We don’t have an exact number of just how many people were traveling with Abram and Lot, but we can assume that it was quite a crowd—enough that the land couldn’t support them if they continued to travel together (Genesis 13:6). Not only were they having trouble with the logistics of traveling with so many people and keeping all the people and animals fed, there were also conflicts arising among the men in charge of Abram and Lot’s livestock. In the wake of disagreement, Abram made what was probably a tough, but necessary, decision. He told Lot that in order to keep their herdsmen from fighting, they needed to separate. 

God promised this land to Abram, but Abram extended the choice to Lot. And he didn’t offer a choice between the bad portions of the land; Abram offered him land in whichever direction Lot chose. Looking at Abram, I see that maybe he didn’t have to worry that he was being too generous because he understood that all the wealth of the promise came from God. It was Abram’s promise to receive, and it was also his treasure to share generously. 

And ultimately, it wasn’t his wealth to hold onto anyway. God had richly blessed Abram, and Abram followed in step by richly blessing another. Even after Lot left, God continued to reaffirm His promise to Abram: “for I will give you and your offspring forever all the land that you see” (Genesis 13:15). So Abram built an altar to God and continued to worship him, knowing that His promises are faithful and true.

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110 thoughts on "Abram and Lot"

  1. Teleshia T says:

    Live in abundance!

  2. Grammie D says:

    I love Abram’s example of living out of abundance, versus scarcity. It’s a good reminder for me at this season of my life!

  3. Jenna Cox says:


  4. Bob Zuruncle says:

    Excuse me, but didn’t Lot rape his own daughters and then blame them and alcohol? You can’t get it up when you’re drunk.
    Even Shakespeare knew that.

  5. Sophie M says:

    Afternoon She’s! I am feeling so rich in spirit the past few days. God has blessed me. He is such a good Father.
    Thinking of you all! ❤️

  6. Wanda Woehlert says:


  7. Paula Mourin says:


  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I want to see all that I have as a gift from God as Abraham did. I don’t want to take what I have for granted or find security in it. I know that I can fall into the trap of putting my hope on material things. I live in Southern California, not too far from the terrible fires in LA. That is a very obvious reminder of why we can’t put our hope in material things. They can be here today and gone tomorrow.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Jennifer, great point and I am THANKFUL you are OK! ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I thought the same thing regarding hurricanes before I moved to SWF, then got my dream house and things, and one hit, and we lost “some” stuff, but others lost everything…it truly does remind you of how quick it can all be gone. we have to hold loosely to things. Thank you for expressing that Jennifer! And I can say that from your posts in these last few years your desire to surrender and follow the Lord IS a beautiful thing! Hope the business venture is going well.

  9. Cee Gee says:

    ELISE, I just replied to your yesterday’s comment. ❤
    Thanks again, Searching! ❤

  10. Nicole Powell says:

    Amen sometimes God has to separate us from people so we can grow

  11. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    In all the times I’ve read this scripture, it was only today that it registered, that Abram was also a warrior. He had military wisdom and used a clever tactic of attacking at night to rescue his nephew, Lot. Not only did he rescue Lot and took back all of his lost possessions, he defeated Kedorlaomer and the kings that were with him – and with only 318 men! (Genesis 14:15-17)

    After it all, he was blessed by King Melchizedek – who very possibly was a theophany – God the Son in the flesh!

    Praise to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth!!
    Happy Tuesday sweet she’s. ❤️

  12. Diana Rigdon says:

    I am so confused about Abram’s decision to lie and ask his wife to also to lie about who she was. Abram knew he would benefit from the lie, which he did. But God punished Pharaoh and his household. It would seem by what is written that Pharaoh was not aware of the lie and asked Abraham. Why did he bring this up on him? Can someone explain to me what I’m not understanding? Thank you so much! ☺️

    1. Maria B says:

      I am not sure why he did that but technically Sarah was his half sister so he wasn’t completely lying— according to my Bible commentary.

    2. Debra says:

      I too was taken aback at this half lie.

      Below is an extract from Enduring Word:
      Please say you are my sister: This was in fact a half-truth. Sarai was Abram’s half-sister (Genesis 20:12). Yet this half-truth was a whole lie. Abram’s intent here was clearly to deceive, and he trusted in his deception to protect him instead of trusting in the LORD.

      i. If we want to do something wrong, we can find some good reasons to do it. If we can’t think of the reasons our self, the devil is happy to suggest them.

      ii. Ideally Abram would say, “God promised me children, and I don’t have them yet; therefore, I know I am indestructible until God’s promise is fulfilled, because God’s promises are always true. God will protect me and my wife Sarai.”

      3. (14-15) Sarai is taken into Pharaoh’s house.
      So it was, when Abram came into Egypt, that the Egyptians saw the woman, that she was very beautiful. The princes of Pharaoh also saw her and commended her to Pharaoh. And the woman was taken to Pharaoh’s house.

      a. The Egyptians saw the woman, that she was very beautiful: Sarai attracted attention both because she was very beautiful and because she was the companion of an obviously wealthy and influential man (Abram).

      b. The woman was taken into Pharaoh’s house: Understanding the place Abram and Sarai have in God’s redemptive plan, we realize how serious this was. God did not want Sarai’s womb to be defiled by a gentile king, because the Messiah would come from her line of descendants.

    3. Margaret W. says:

      The podcast discusses this as a test of Abram’s faith—which he clearly failed. He did much better in the test in ch. 14. But there were several tests of Abram’s faith in Genesis, the ultimate one being in ch. 22.

    4. Brenda P says:

      Gene 12:12 states that Abram really thought he would be killed for having Saria as his wife. Perhaps she also agreed to play along in fear of this.

  13. Cheryl Blow says:

    Nothing we have is truly ours. God gives to us

  14. Cee Gee says:

    This note is from Warren Wiersbe:
    “In the Bible, Egypt is a symbol of the world system and its bondage, while the land of Israel is a picture of the inheritance of blessing God has for His people (Deut. 11:10–12). When people went to Jerusalem, they went up, but when they went to Egypt, they went down. Spiritually speaking, “going down to Egypt” means doubting God’s promises and running to the world for help. (See Num. 11; 14; Is. 30:1, 2; 31:1; Jer. 42:13ff.)

    Abram moved from trusting to scheming. Abram had no altar in Egypt, and you don’t find him calling on the Lord for guidance and help. When Abram stopped trusting God’s Word, he started leaning on his own wisdom, and this leads to trouble (Prov. 3:5, 6; 1 Cor. 3:18–20). Abram and Sarai brought this “half-truth” with them from Ur (Gen. 20:13), used it in Egypt and Gerar (ch. 20), and then their son Isaac adopted it (ch. 26).”
    And John MacArthur brought up a good point:
    “Significantly, after the disastrous situation in Egypt, Abram journeyed back to where he had erected an altar and there he again worshiped (see 12:8).”
    That reminded me of 2 songs and both are often sung at our church:
    1) Come To the Altar (Elevation Worship)
    Are you hurting and broken within?
    Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?
    Jesus is calling
    Have you come to the end of yourself
    Do you thirst for a drink from the well?
    Jesus is calling
    O come to the altar
    The Father’s arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
    Come today, there’s no reason to wait
    Jesus is calling
    Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
    From the ashes, a new life is born
    Jesus is calling (oh, oh)
    O come to the altar
    The Father’s arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    O come to the altar
    The Father’s arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    What a Savior
    Oh, what a Savior
    Isn’t He wonderful?
    Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
    Bow down before Him
    For He is Lord of all
    Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
    Oh, what a Savior
    Isn’t He wonderful?
    Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
    Bow down before Him
    For He is Lord of all
    Sing Hallelujah, Christ is risen
    O come to the altar
    The Father’s arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    O come to the altar
    The Father’s arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ (oh-oh)
    Bear your cross as you wait for the crown
    Tell the world of the treasure you found
    Songwriters: Wade Joye, Christopher Brown, Mack Brock, Steven Furtick. For non-commercial use only.

    2) Here I Am To Worship (Hillsong)
    Chorus only:
    And here I am to worship
    Here I am to bow down
    Here I am to say that You’re my God
    You’re altogether lovely
    Altogether worthy
    Altogether wonderful to me
    That is one lesson I haven’t spent deep thinking on when it comes to Abram/Abraham. How important it is!
    Love, hugs, and prayers, sister SHES! ❤

    1. Kim says:

      This is great insight, thanks for sharing! I was trying to figure out the lesson from the short story about Abram and his wife. This makes so much sense

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ most welcome, Kim!

    2. Heather O'Malley says:

      Such good insight. Thank you for sharing!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        You are so welcome, Heather! ❤

  15. Suzi Rasmussen says:

    My word this year is faith. I am a rich woman, no matter my circumstances, as long as I have faith that all I have is from God. I know he will richly bless me when I walk with him.

  16. Adrienne says:

    Abram (and also later as Abraham, of course) received so many tests from God and was obedient. May I always be obedient like that… including how to best be generous.

  17. Karen Breaux says:


  18. Tanya Evans says:

    “Abraham said to Lot,”…Seperate from me.” Gen 13:9.
    This reminds me of Genesis 1:4 “…and God separated the light from the darkness.”
    As much as we would love to take everyone on our faith journey not everyone we want to take is ready or willing. It appears that Lot’s heart was pulled in another direction toward Las Vegas, I mean Sodom. Abraham had the wisdom to suggest they seperate because there was strife in the camp. Their herdsmen were having strife. It was after Lot separated from him, the Lord spoke from him. Abraham still loved Lot but Lot was not making good choices. Lot saw the well watered plain and the bright lights of Sodom. Abraham had to rescue him and then Lot went back.

    1. Leanna Thompson says:

      Las Vegas gets a bad rap but living in the Las Vegas valley since I was 3 I can guarantee you there are more than just one holy and worthy of saving unlike Sodom and Gomorrah.

      1. Leanna Thompson says:

        :-) my laugh emoji did not come through in my previous reply.

      2. Tanya Evans says:

        I did not mean any offense. I am sorry.

    2. Allison Bentley says:

      Thanks @Tayna for the reference- I had never put the two together!

  19. Carol J Mylin says:

    I also turned to HRT, below is the ending passage.., challenging!

    “Scripture tells us to be “rich in good works,” something I know I could be considerate of. But in the face of those real-life decisions, can we put the well-being of others before our own desires? Can we cultivate a spirit of generosity that reflects the heart of God? Can we metaphorically let that person merge in front of us when we really want to get to our destination?

    Let’s commit to thinking about the pain points in our life and where we can look out for the interests of others and trust God with the blessing.“♥️

  20. Lori Lackey says:

    God’s promises are faithful and true. He also brings about these “things” in his own time. We don’t have to worry about being too generous because God owns everything. When I think of this, I also think about the issues I am going through with my son. I believe God is asking me to hand him over, to peruse righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness, To be rich in good works and willing to share with others, and to let God handle the rest.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


  21. Maria B says:

    Generosity is a topic near and dear to my heart— One of the most challenging aspects of this season in our lives has been coming to terms with the overwhelming generosity shown to us. I’ve always thought of us as generous people, but we’re also fiercely independent. My husband and I pride ourselves on being self-sufficient—perhaps it’s the military mentality—but it was humbling and even uncomfortable at times to see people donating money and organizing a fundraiser for us after the fire.

    What’s still hard for me to comprehend is how many of these generous souls were strangers to us. Yet their hearts were moved to help, not just through monetary gifts, but by offering their time and talents. It’s truly mind-boggling.

    I’ve often felt like a stranger in this town—my husband is deeply rooted here, but I’ve always felt like I’m on the outside looking in. However, this experience has brought an unexpected silver lining: a deep sense of belonging that has emerged through the kindness and generosity of others. For that, I am profoundly grateful and blessed.

    1. Lori Lackey says:

      Maria B. Are in you the LA area? I have always been amazed at how people come together after tragedy.

      1. Maria B says:

        I am not. I am in Minnesota.

        1. Cee Gee says:

          We have family in Minnesota. Love it there, but I am glad to be in the South right now! Lol

        2. Traci Gendron says:

          We have friends that are in Fergus Fall Minnesota. So pretty there.

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Thanks be to God, Maria B, for a beautiful reckoning.
      With certainty, He is awesome.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praise God, for His love in action!

    4. Margaret W. says:

      They say it is more blessed to give than to receive; but sometimes, it is far harder and more humbling to admit that you need help and to receive it. I have no doubt that you will have the opportunity to pay it forward someday. Right now, letting others bless you is also a gift to them. Grace!

  22. Mari V says:

    LOVED what our sweet Tina had to say this morning: “He has promised, and I believe, and I will forever trust in Him!”

  23. Mari V says:

    God is Faithful! I know this to be true. I know this to be true from my own personal experience! I trust HIM! What stood out this morning when Ellen (writer of this mornings devo) “Abram gave generously understanding that all the wealth of the promise came from God.” It was his promise to receive, and to share “generously” WOW! I have been a recipient of “others” generosity. AND even most recent, so I say THANK YOU again to all of you! When I left my abusive home over 7 years ago, I knew, first, I was never going back! I wasn’t going to caught up in the web of back-and-forth, SECOND and most important I knew that knew My JESUS, My Jehovah Jireh would provide and HE has and will continue! I remind myself that there are still VERY good people here on earth! YOU She’s are a huge part of this! Also thank you for all your sweet responses yesterday regarding my daughter! AND I’m still in awe of God’s LOVE for her through this beautiful girl from Trader Joe’s!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Hugs, Mari! ❤

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    1Timothy 6:18 Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share, 19 storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of what is truly life.
    To take hold of what is truly life. I love this line. Life is so much more than we make of it. We are here to share. Share God’s word, our blessings, our hearts.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ that phrase would have meshed well with our pastor’s sermon last Sunday. Thanks for highlighting it!

      1. Traci Gendron says:


  25. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning Dear She’s!

    Do you know our greatest asset is not riches or fame, things and stuff, flocks and tents, but our faith?! We are rich indeed, when we walk with the Maker of Heaven and Earth, King of kings, Lord of lords! Not only did he give us reconciliation and restoration through Jesus, but in that the Holy Spirit living in us, that makes us the richest She’s indeed!
    Abram had a lot, (haha, pun intended!) and with a lot comes more decisions and weight. But generosity sows seeds and gives beyond the physical gift…it gives faith. Our precious posession is given in the form of gifts because it shows that we are willing to not grip our stuff and money tightly, but loosely to shower upon others! It’s compassion and having a heart of gratitude for what God gives us and lavish upon others!
    I believe our time is the biggest thing to lavish these days. It is often easier to give a monetary gift, write a check so to speak. But giving our faith in the truest form is the physical way to give yourself, and therefore giving Jesus to those in need. This is something I need to work on–giving my wealth when it is inconvenient. I am generous..but on my terms. My word is Inspire this year, and I want to inspire because I love the Lord, and so I show that in all ways- money, time, and generosity. He is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. We have so much, and many have so little- but they have a happy that we don’t. Little is a lot.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Inspire is the perfect word for you! You already inspire us everyday! ❤ I have been led to the word passion. I have felt recently that I lack passion in the beginning of this new decade of life. I look forward to seeing how God is going to work that out in my life! ❤

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Passion! Yes! Passion is where it’s at to bring about all the fruits to inspire!

  26. Christy says:

    Hi Shes, I have a prayer request. I have been walking out a long journey of transition over the past year in my life and career and I received the opportunity to interview for a really incredible position on Wednesday that I feel like God has been preparing me for. Yesterday’s devotional couldn’t be more timely, as this new beginning is both exciting but also incredibly daunting. I know God has carried me this far and His plan is so much greater than I understand so if I get this job it will not be in my own strength. That being said, would you please pray that God would give me the words in my interview to articulate my experience and passion and let his light shine through me.
    Thank you for all of the wonderful insights you all share daily. I learn so much from you all and am so grateful for this community! ❤️

    1. Traci Gendron says:


      1. Christy says:

        Thank you, Traci!

    2. Cheryl Blow says:

      P raying

      1. Christy says:

        Thank you, Cheryl!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, Cheryl, how exciting! I, too, will pray as you requested. I look forward to your update! ❤ What time is this interview?

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Obviously, I meant Christy! Sheesh! I DID PRAY and am still PRAYING for CHRISTY!!! ❤

        1. Christy says:

          Thank you, CEE GEE! That means so much to me! It’s at 1pm. ❤️

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      Be uplifted, dear Christy!
      Thanks be to God.

      1. Christy says:

        Thank you, GWINETH52! I so appreciate your encouragement!

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      Praying Christy, for God to lead you right where you need to be!

      1. Christy says:

        Thank you so much Rhonda! ❤️

    6. R says:


      1. Christy says:

        Thank you it means so much!

  27. Crystal Pitzer says:


  28. Danielle B says:

    Ellen thank you for the perspective of Abram being generous with his gift from God. May I be open to be generous with the gifts He gives me.

    Kelly Neo thanks for mentioning that a generous gift can also be our salvation!

  29. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Lord lead me to be obedient to You like Abram and to not withhold my treasures from others because You will continue to bless me when I trust you and when I am obedient to Your command.

  30. Jillian L says:

    Father , thank you for blessing me generously and continue to remind me you are faithful in all things.

  31. Aimee D-R says:

    Father reward my faith, forgive my doubt. Your plans for me are good and for Your glory. Give me strength to follow and know You will provide . In Jesus name, Amen

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Aimee D-R
      Joining you in a statement of faith.

  32. searching says:

    I had forgotten about Abram’s lie about Sarai. Maybe a “harmless” lie from his perspective and shows some weakness in his faith at that point, but goodness, what a mess that could have been!

    The verses in 1 Timothy are sticking with me this morning – Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness …be generous and willing to share.

    MELANIE – praying for all affected by the fires, and for the Lord’s guidance and provision as you seek to help colleagues and students who lost homes and are displaced
    CEE GEE – great post yesterday, as the saying goes, Age is just a number! {heart}
    BARB – praying for the best words and actions (or lack of either at times) as you move through this cautious “eggshell” stage of reconciliation
    LEANNA THOMPSON – praying for healing for your mom in ICU, wisdom and guidance for her med team and you
    Current or Previous SAHM’s – did you see ELISE LEONARD’s post yesterday? She’s wondering about whether she’s “doing enough” and your experiences with children and your devo time. I don’t have personal experience in this area but know from observation that SAHM mom’s are wearing more hats than I can count and are always “at work”, and that children learn from observing and interacting . . . actions speak louder than words. Just my thoughts.
    RHONDA J – book … maybe by you??? I read your posts – speaking truth and encouragement!
    MARIA B – praying as you step out boldly where called {heart}
    MARI V &
    LYNNE FROM AL – sisters, thank you for sharing the blessing of someone stepping out in faith for you – right out in the open :) love you!
    R – praying as you deal with the circumstances of the pulmonary embolism
    JILLIAN L – love our sisters’ encouragement to you yesterday. Praying for wisdom, guidance and peace in your waiting.
    VICKI M – goodness, so much loss and change in your early years, a lot of trauma at any age but especially for you as a child. Praying for you about this newest change. God is still with you, sister, praying for his comfort and guidance as you bless your family and your precious granddaughter.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      GM Searching! A friend of mine at church is an author, and she has a new book coming out in April that I got to be a part of! It is stories of overcoming challenges, and she has a chapter of MY story of being born with scoliosis and chronic back pain! It was impactful to go through my life and see God’s hand and give Him Glory and tell!

    2. Emily B. says:

      Thank you for mentioning Elise’s comment! I went back and replied this morning. :)

    3. Heather Meadors says:

      Those things stood out to me today as well.

    4. Cee Gee says:

      ❤❤❤ what a blessing you are to take the time to mention our sisters!
      I did not see Elise’s comment but what you said is spot on. I interviewed for a part-time job after my youngest was in K-5. When admitting my work experience had been on hold for years, I was told, “Anyone who can manage a household/fami!y successfully is qualified for this job.”
      Hearing that from a male AND prospective boss did wonders for my confidence! Yes, I got the job and worked there for 7 years (until we moved away!). (Smile) As usual, SEARCHING, your wisdom shines through!❤

  33. Kimberly Reed says:

    God calls us to be generous and wise. Everything comes from the Father who are we to hold back blessing others?

  34. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Generosity was ultimately shown by God, Who freely gave us His Son and all things to richly enjoy. If we know He gave us all we need for life and godliness, and we know He is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider and we know He is our Shepherd and we lack nothing…how can we not trust Him for all things? How can we not give so generously of our time and talent and treasure!? He is faithful to every promise!

  35. Brooke Junior says:

    What a reminder to be generous. “It wasn’t his wealth to hold onto anyway”

  36. Kayla Hamby says:

    God is ever faithful!!

  37. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “[The land] was Abram’s promise to receive, and it was also his treasure to share generously.”
    And oh the promise I have received from the Lord’s hand! Promise of life eternal with Him! May I be generous in sharing it with others.

    1. Tara B says:

      That is so true, Kelly! His blessing of salvation is ours to share. Not hold on to. Yes! Yes! May I be bold and share the ultimate gift with others.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Great point, Kelly! We are not meant to be stingy with the gospel! ❤

  38. Lucille Prosser says:

    God is always faithful and keeps His promises.

  39. Tina says:

    My earthly father was an example to my brother and I. He would give his last penny to help a fellow man on the street if he had to.
    Most days in my younger days( yep, all those years ago, a surprise, I can still remember:)), daddy would hold meetings in the mornings before he set out to work. Men came to ask for his help, looking for jobs, help to pay hospital bills, money for food.. daddy had deep pockets that were continuously filled by the Lord, I now believe.. God gave to him and he shared with those who came to him..
    Daddy truly was a man after God’s heart!
    I loved that about my daddy, I wanted to be like him when i grew up! I didn’t know it then, but I guess seeds were being sown..
    I am my daddies daughter!
    Giving or sharing isn’t about being afraid you’ll run out and be without.. No siree, its knowing that you will always be taken care of by the One who provides.
    My home, a gift from the ex who betrayed me, has been a safe haven for some I have known who have needed a safe space, somewhere to re-group, re-store, repair.. a place to call home for a while.., just to be..
    I have never believed I received this house as a gift in my own strength..
    BUT GOD..
    And I am thankful every single day, EVERY single day, to be able to share this gift, be it to hold small group or friends, lost, found or anywhere in-between.. This God given space is not just for me.. I believe I have been blessed, I can bless others too..
    The Lord has promised good to me,
    His Word my hope secures;
    He will my Shield and Portion be,
    As long as life endures..
    He has promised, and I believe, and Iwill forever trust in Him..
    Happy Tuesday, my dears, covered in much love and gratitude and thanksgiving for you all! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Sally B. says:

      Amen Tina!
      One of our pastors used to always say, “You are blessed to be a blessing.”
      May it be so, whether we have material blessings to share or not, we can still share the love of Jesus!

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      So-o-o good Tina!
      Love that stanza from Amazing Grace, too!
      God be with you today❣️

    3. searching says:

      What a bright light you are for our Lord and Savior, dear Tina! Love you! {heart}

    4. Tara B says:

      Tina, to see you use the term “daddy” over and over blesses me heart and makes me smile. I called my father “daddy” as well. And even though he has been gone over 20 years now, I still refer to h as that. And my daddy blessed others as well. I respected that so much in him. I wanted to thank you for bringing that to my mind today. Have a wonderful Tuesday, She’s! May we bless others with our own blessings.

    5. Mari V says:

      Love you, sweet lady! Well said.

    6. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ “Daddy” here, too!

    7. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Happy Tuesday Tina! ❤️❤️

    8. Jennifer AndersMiller says:


  40. Georgia says:

    Amen, what a wonderful perspective. An encouragement to stay generous knowing He’s faithful to His promises

  41. Julia C says:

    May we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) ❤️

    1. Tina says:

      Amen Julia.. Amen.

    2. Searching says:


    3. Kelly (NEO) says:


    4. MARTHA HIX says:


    5. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Julia C
      Though we falter…do not abandon faith.

    6. Debra says:
