Abide with Me

Open Your Bible

John 15:1-8, 1 John 3:18-24, Numbers 23:19, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58  

Scripture Reading: John 15:1-8, 1 John 3:18-24, Numbers 23:19, 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

The hymn “Abide with Me” is my funeral song. It is the song that, after what I hope is a very long and sweet life, I want sung by my people when I’ve gone to glory.

It is also my living song, one that I have turned to in so many seasons. I sang it for months on end after my beloved grandmother died, as I wandered lost through the fog of grief for the first time. I sang it when my husband and I moved away from our first home, when I wrestled with deep fears and ached for community. I sang it when our best friends’ baby died. I sang it when I, eight months pregnant with a broken body and weary mind, paced for hours on end in the middle of the night, awaiting our sweet girl’s arrival.

Fear, death, paralyzing anxiety—these are the things I’ve carried my whole adult life. But this song reminds me that I don’t have to carry them. When I ask for the Lord’s presence to be near, He reminds me that He’s always with me, that He’ll never leave me.  

I am hardly the first person to associate this hymn with death, nor will I be the last. When he wrote the text, Henry Francis Lyte was dying of tuberculosis. It is rumored to have been played by the band on the Titanic after it struck the fatal iceberg. It was played at Mother Teresa’s funeral, and at Richard Nixon’s too. It was played at Ground Zero after 9/11. Joyfully, it was also played at Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding.

I love this hymn so much, I could write a dissertation on every line. I love it so much because it reminds me—it floods me—with the goodness, faithfulness, kindness, and trueness of God.

In Luke 24, Jesus appears to His disciples after the resurrection. They don’t yet recognize Him when they ask Him to stay with them, because the night is falling. Thus begins the first stanza of the hymn—Abide with me, fast falls the eventide.

When I hear this hymn, I am drawn to reflect on what it says specifically about who God is: He helps the helpless, and He changes not. He is my guide and my strength, and His grace alone foils Satan’s power. This song also declares that all earthly helpers and comforts will surely fail and fade under the harsh light of sin; change and decay are the norm here in a fallen world. But most importantly, when I listen to this hymn, I am reminded of my only hope, my only comfort in both life and death—Jesus. I need Him every hour.

This song knits together lament and hope, the way every day of this Christian life does. I ache, and I rejoice. I long, yet I live in abundance. I weep, and I laugh. I will die, but I will also live forever because of Jesus.

Abide with me, Lord—these are the words Henry Lyte penned before he died.
Abide with me, the disciples asked, before they even knew He was already there.
Abide with me, we ask, we pray, we sing.

Abide with Me
Text: Henry Francis Lyte, 1847
Tune: William H. Monk, 1861

Abide with me: fast falls the eventide;
the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away.
Change and decay in all around I see.
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
Who like Thyself my guide and strength can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me.

I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless,
ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes.
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks and earth’s vain shadows flee;
in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.


Melanie Rainer is a bookworm from birth who makes her days writing, editing and reading in Nashville, where she also joyfully serves as the editor of Kids Read Truth. She has an M.A. in Theological Studies from Covenant Seminary, spends as much time as she can in the kitchen, and can’t wait until her two daughters are old enough to read Anne of Green Gables.

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73 thoughts on "Abide with Me"

  1. Kelly Hock says:

    Today I know deep in my soul of this comfort… I always need to hear this message but if I am honest I was hoping this devotional would hit on the part of asking because we have God’s heart. That was in the scripture reading and I would love to read a devo on that! Although maybe there is a reason for this devo today??? I will abide in him!

  2. Chi Obasi says:

    This song played at the funeral of the Aunt that was like a 2nd mother to my parents, and it is one of my Dad’s and my own favorite hymns. I love how simple it is, and yet how deeply it can pierce your heart. It’s such a beautiful representation of a desperate faith, and of putting your cares in the hands of Jesus.

  3. Lynn Johnson says:

    In life, in death, O LORD, abide with me. May I always remember how near my precious Father is through the good, bad and ugly of life. ❤️

  4. Rebekah Clearwater says:

    Thank you for this. I needed this today! ❤️

  5. KatieinSc says:

    For me, my funeral song is probably a mix of “It Is Well With My Soul” and “How Great Thou Art”. Such a mix of joy and grief and serenity in them both. Abide With Me has never been one of my favorites but I’m going to give it another listen today. Sometimes hymns connect with us right away and sometimes we need some time.

  6. MNmomma (HeatherNistler) says:

    oh how I have cried out these words over the past year…..Be near to me Lord….Abide with me…

    It has been a year of leaning in – relying ONLY on Him….seeking Him – actively, continually…relinquishing my desire to control things in my life to Him. Oh how I have grown during this crazy time. In a weird way, I am so very thankful that I had this injury (crazy, right?!?!) Being completely dependent on others, having to let others help me, having to stop “doing”, learning a new way of living…..all of these things have had me crawling to the throne….keeping my eyes on Him.

    I am excited to report that the many, many prayers lifted have been answered….I am regaining mobility and have been walking without a boot for about 4 weeks (It was 14 months of boot or cast……many months with ZERO mobility). I still have significant circulation and nerve issues, but I am able to be a part of “Life” once again! I have a renewed appreciation for the simple things in life: walking the dogs, going to the lake, etc. I have cried so many tears of thanksgiving over the past month…..Praise the Lord!!!!
    I am being healed in many ways…..there was pride that I didn’t realize, an independence that I didn’t realize was separating me from the Lord…..being broken has brought me closer to Him, dependent on Him….
    Yes, I pray I can again run Marathons……BUT I know that EVEN IF I can’t, God is still good…..He is good all of the time! <3

    What's been really cool is how He has used this time to impact others….I have chronicled my journey on FB….and people have messaged me about how it has been perspective shifting for them….and asking about my faith….He has used this for His Glory! <3 Feel free to stop by and say hi…. (Heather Murphy Nistler)

    1. Tina says:

      Heather. Rejoicing with you… thankful for His healing and ‘Abiding with you..’
      Take care my friend… eoll continue to lift you up in prayer… with love and hugs.. always.. xxx

  7. Adrienna Purdy says:

    This was my song as my father was dying from ALS a few months ago. I found myself praying it for him, though he was not a believer, and for myself. I still play the Audrey Assad version regularly when I need comfort.

    1. andreina says:

      Hey Adrienna! My mom also passed away from ALS in 2012. It was really hard but God got me through that really difficult time. I pray that you may find your strength, peace and joy in God in all seasons. God bless you!

    2. Jordan Elliott says:

      So sorry for your loss, Adrienna. I just found the Audrey Assad version on YouTube; it is overwhelming and beautiful. My father is battling cancer right now, so this is one we will look to for comfort and strength as well.

  8. Lynne says:

    I am grateful to know that he is always near. This hymn is a blessing because my heart is anxious. My daughters house got shot up last night. Her back windshield is blown out and some windows in her house. She is 6 months pregnant and was having contractions from the stress. I want her home. My heart worries but I know God is in control. Please pray for my daughter’s salvation and safety. Thanks!!

    1. MNmomma(Heather Nistler) says:

      Lifting you in prayer this morning

    2. Debbie says:


    3. Tina says:

      Praying. .praying praying…. in Jesus name… Amen.. xx

    4. Dorothy says:

      Praying for both of you

    5. Michelle says:

      Praying for your daughter and you

      1. Lynne says:

        Thanks ladies for the prayers!!