A Wife for Isaac

Open Your Bible

Genesis 24:1-67, Genesis 25:1-18, Psalm 37:23-24, Lamentations 3:22-23

In 2009, I moved to Nashville to take a job at a middle school that had no central heat or air. That summer was hot, and I spent day after day in my new classroom, cleaning out closets stuffed with books, mice feces, and dust. By the end of my first week in a new city, I was exhausted, friendless and scared that I’d made a huge mistake in taking this job.

That weekend, a friend reached out and invited me to a concert with a group of friends. “This guy Patrick is planning it,” my friend told me. “Here’s his number.” Maybe I was desperate for new friends. Maybe all that time in an airless classroom made me bold. But I called, and a man with a deep, soothing voice answered the phone. Patrick and I talked for a long time. When we met later that night, I saw in his eyes something familiar and kind. Much to everyone’s surprise, we were engaged five months later. People thought we were crazy, and for the record, let me say this: we were.

Isaac and Rebekah have an even crazier origin story. Camels, water troughs, long distances across foreign lands, prayers to God—all accumulated to create an arranged marriage between two people whose lives God would use to change the course of history. Their story is full of the kind of inexplicable coincidences that help us see God’s hand at work. I mean, what are the chances that Abraham’s servant would arrive at this well, at this hour? He asks her for water, and waits to see if this young woman will offer to quench the thirst of his camels as well. He’s searching for kindness, for goodness, for industrious character. And he finds it in Rebekah, the very first woman he meets.

What are the chances?

As a Christian, I believe that God is constantly at work, guiding His people in the way they should go. Scripture tells us that “a person’s steps are established by the LORD,” and that “all [our] days were written in [His] book” (Psalm 37:23; 139:16). “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which he prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). These are comforting truths when things seem to be going our way, but not so much when our circumstances seem to go awry, veering off into an unexpected direction. But even then, God is our protector, who never sleeps or slumbers (Psalm 121:4). He is always engaged with our lives, whether we realize it or not.

And so it was with Isaac and Rebekah. Their story reminds me that God builds unlikely families, restores broken relationships, and heals us from what seems irreparable apart from Him. He promised to build a family through Abraham and his descendants, a family line that would eventually lead to the Messiah, our Savior Jesus, who was born into this world to redeem His own Bride, the Church.

After pursuing and finding a bride for Isaac, his servant “knelt low [and] worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD,” the God of Abraham (Genesis 24:48). Jesus Christ pursued His own Bride, even to the point of death on a cross. May our response be to turn to Him in worship, thanking Him for His faithful love and mercies that never end (Lamentations 3:22–23).

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55 thoughts on "A Wife for Isaac"

  1. Sarah Davis says:

    Last night I was frustrated and crying out to the Lord because of the lack of control that I was desiring in my life. As I was journaling last night, I landed that God’s plans are much greater than mine. I trust in his will. I trust that his will be glorified.
    This morning as I read, I am encouraged by Rebekah’s boldness. She was called and she went. He knows our steps. He keeps us in His hand. Great is Your faithfulness God.

    1. Elizabeth Arizpe says:

      I can relate to your frustration Sarah! God has provided for my family over and over again and I still find myself worrying. May we remember at least for a day how loved we are and how trustworthy God is.

  2. Marlyne says:

    Great is thy faithfulness. Lord I thank you for your faithfullness that even in my darkest hour you continue to keep me when I don’t even know how to keep myself. When I feel like my world is falling apart you lift me up with your mercy and grace. You always show a sign of your grace and mercy in these times when I feel alone. I thank you for your comfort.I will not be anxious any longer knowing that you will provide. Thank you for the reading of the word. Amen.

  3. Elaine Morgan says:

    Abraham’s story reminds me that God is always with us working within even the smallest details of our lives, providing for us and protecting us for His glory and purpose. I am so grateful.

  4. Chelsea Mitchell says:

    Father God thank you for your continued walk with me and never letting me fall alone. You are always there by my side even when I think no one is there you will never leave me nor forsake me. For this I am humble and grateful.

  5. Angie says:

    Fingers dance across the keys.
    My mind swirls, mentally swaying with arms lifted high to the King of Kings.
    I am not embarrassed, because His love is pure and whole.
    He is creator, and I am the created-given a choice.
    I chose worship.
    He enters me into His presence.
    Worship filters as a fragrance
    Honoring, praising, in humble gratitude and eternal love
    Forgiven, pure, wholly righteous – covered in the blood of Jesus

    1. Susan Rowe says:

      Thank you for sharing. That is so beautiful.

    2. Avis Radford says:

      Beautiful!!! I Am saving this beautiful poem

    3. Avis Radford says:


    4. Traci Gendron says:


  6. Blessed Beth says:

    Thank you God for your continued patience, love and guidance in all situation. You only want the best for me and you are always faithful.

  7. Searching says:

    I can look back and see clearly some of the times that God’s hand has guided me through good and not-so-good times. Lord, I pray that you would help me see your hand and guidance in the present as I walk through each day.

  8. Kristen says:

    May we know these beautiful truths of Scripture and be set free from anything that is holding us back or controlling our minds and actions. I recently saw a post on an eating disorder recovery page that talked about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We should not worry about numbers on a scale. She asked us to share on how we are grateful for what our bodies can do. That reminded me of the Scripture above: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭CSB‬‬
    Our lives are so much more than things that hold us prisoner. If anyone is suffering in any way, please get help and be healed and set free! So that we May we dwell on the words Claire wrote that tell us Jesus Christ pursued His own bride, even to the point of death on the Cross! May that wreck us, may we fall in love and worship Him. May we want to live to please Him in what we say and do, because we are so grateful and amazed at His love for us. May we be so enamored with Jesus that never want to hurt Him, but live in a way that draws people toward Him in Jesus’ Name Amen.