A Wife for Isaac

Open Your Bible

Genesis 24:1-67, Genesis 25:1-18, Psalm 37:23-24, Lamentations 3:22-23

In 2009, I moved to Nashville to take a job at a middle school that had no central heat or air. That summer was hot, and I spent day after day in my new classroom, cleaning out closets stuffed with books, mice feces, and dust. By the end of my first week in a new city, I was exhausted, friendless, and scared that I’d made a huge mistake in taking this job.

That weekend, a friend reached out and invited me to a concert with a group of friends. “This guy Patrick is planning it,” my friend told me. “Here’s his number.” Maybe I was desperate for new friends. Maybe all that time in an airless classroom made me bold. But I called, and a man with a deep, soothing voice answered the phone. Patrick and I talked for a long time. When we met later that night, I saw in his eyes something familiar and kind. Much to everyone’s surprise, we were engaged five months later. People thought we were crazy, and for the record, let me say this: we were.

Isaac and Rebekah have an even crazier origin story. Camels, water troughs, long distances across foreign lands, prayers to God—all accumulated to create an arranged marriage between two people whose lives God would use to change the course of history. Their story is full of the kind of inexplicable coincidences that help us see God’s hand at work. I mean, what are the chances that Abraham’s servant would arrive at that well, at that hour? He asked her for water and waited to see if the young woman would offer to quench the thirst of his camels as well. He was searching for kindness, for goodness, for industrious character. And he found it in Rebekah, the very first woman he met.

What are the chances?

As a Christian, I believe that God is constantly at work, guiding His people in the way they should go. Scripture tells us that “a person’s steps are established by the LORD,” and that “all [our] days were written in [His] book” (Psalm 37:23, 139:16). “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). These are comforting truths when things seem to be going our way but not so much when our circumstances seem to go awry, veering off into an unexpected direction. But even then, God is our protector, who never sleeps or slumbers (Psalm 121:4). He is always engaged with our lives, whether we realize it or not.

And so it was with Isaac and Rebekah. Their story reminds me that God builds unlikely families, restores broken relationships, and heals us from what seems irreparable apart from Him. He promised to build a family through Abraham and his descendants, a family line that would eventually lead to the Messiah, our Savior Jesus, who was born into this world to redeem His own Bride, the Church.

After pursuing and finding a bride for Isaac, his servant “knelt low, worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD,” the God of Abraham (Genesis 24:48). Jesus Christ pursued His own Bride, even to the point of death on a cross. May our response be to turn to Him in worship, thanking Him for His faithful love and mercies that never end (Lamentations 3:22–23).

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103 thoughts on "A Wife for Isaac"

  1. Diana Yelverton says:


  2. Heather says:

    As a 40 something never married single women, I just wanted to comment to fellow single ladies, that God is faithful whether you are single or you are married. Sometimes the language around marriage can make it feel that if you are single that God isn’t actually faithful, at least to you. But that is not true.

    Like Tina said below – Life if for living, not waiting. Continue to pray, but live your life. Take the trip. Take the class. Go to the play by yourself. Pursue your dreams. Hang onto your faith and stay committed to Jesus. He’s worth it. Its also OK to allow yourself to grieve over the loss of a dream. You can’t make someone love you so the past few years I’ve been trying to be more intentional in showing and giving love to those God has put in my life.

    To be honest, at this particular point in my life, I’m feeling the lack of husband more acutely then anytime previously. I was recently laid off from my job. It would be nice to have someone who is committed to me to walk through this with me, to give me a hug and tell everything is going to be OK (not to mention having the security of a second salary to pay bills while I look for a new job). (I am aware that even if I was married I could still be going through this “alone” with limited support but still)

    Please pray for me as I go through the job search process. Pray that God will open a door to an opportunity that is exciting and fulfilling to me. I’ve always been horrible at self-promotion and talking myself up, and having confidence in my skills, but that is all kind of required in a job search. Please pray that I can have the bravery to do that, calm nerves (I can struggle with anxiety), and positive responses from people I reach out to. Also, pray that I can keep the faith, not give up hope, stamina, and that I can keep a positive outlook on things. Thanks.

    1. Grammie D says:


    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Prayers Heather.

    3. Georgia says:

      Praying for you Heather, He’s got your back and will provide with a wonderful job. Our Father know we need all of these things. Can I encourage you to speak kindly about/to yourself, you haven’t been horrible in any way it’s just an area of growth. Look at the wisdom and the self awareness with which you just wrote about your experience as a single woman, it’s so inspiring and encouraging for so many She’s here. Sending big hugs, He’s your Provider and the Lifter of your head ❤️

  3. Karen Breaux says:


  4. Paula Mourin says:


  5. Truth Seeker says:

    The Life Application Study Bible is the best I have ever had.
    I have NIV but it comes in many versions.
    I have a large print one I would be willing to send to you if you would like.
    So glad you have joined She Reads Truth .
    You will learn so very Open Your Bible
    It is truly life changing !

  6. Nicole Powell says:

    Thank you God for changing my life and thank you God for allowing me walk different

  7. Searching says:

    The will of God … praying for wisdom and guidance to walk in it with Him.

    This story brought to mind the “random” way in which I have met good friends, gotten jobs, and yes, met my husband. The ways and times I have gotten through tough times, or out of situations that had taken a turn for the worse. I can look back and see the complexity of how some of these things were brought about in my life, and pieces of that complexity on the other person’s journey that led us to each other, and for other things – wow, how did that happen?!
    Just thinking about these small slices of my life (so much less than even a minute smidgen of a blip in the history of man) … I am again awed by the power, wisdom, the everything of our God. Praise His Holy Name.

    Thankful for His faithfulness and never ending mercies, sisters.

    Question alert -did anyone see CALLIE ROCHE’s post last night, asking for a recommendation of a good study Bible? I don’t use one but if any of you have a favorite you’d like to share, I’m sure she would appreciate it.
    And a question re yesterday’s Scriptures – could Isaac hear the Angel of the LORD? Just thinking of what might have been going through his mind through all that transpired.
    MERCY – praying as you train the new hire, that they will catch on quickly and that you will be guided in your words as you train, speaking from the angle they need to hear to understand their job (that may sound crazy but came to mind when thinking about when I’ve not understood something until I either ask the right question or they explain it a different way, and voila! things click.)
    Also MERCY – your posts yesterday, thank you, sister.
    CEE GEE – that song, Thank You Jesus For The Blood, has been on repeat in my mind for days now
    KIRA H – thank you for this “but it is not their humanity that is encouraging, rather it is seeing how the Lord works through their humanity in compassion and with grace and mercy to bring about His Good”

    All who commented/replied yesterday- I found myself copying much, all so helpful!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks for the heads up on Callie! Great post, too! ❤

  8. Margaret W. says:

    One more request, sisters. Next week I will be meeting with several key people regarding my disabled son’s care and planning for his future. He is 30, and all of his siblings have moved out except the one who started college this year. His paid caregiver and I are not able to give him the consistent attention and care he deserves for the best quality of life possible, and I would like to make future transition plans while I am still able bodied and of sound mind, because the wait can be anywhere from days to years, depending upon availability. Sometimes my son is open to transitions; other times, not so much. (Honestly, I feel the same way.) After reading Isaac and Rebecca’s story, I want to pray that God will guide me just as clearly as he guided Abraham’s servant. Just as quickly would be a nice bonus, but listening to God is my top priority.

    1. Searching says:

      Praying, Margaret, for these key people – that they would wisely advise and guide you for the best path to make sure your son has the best care available. We have 2 friends with adult children who have disabilities and special needs that will soon need to look at a future plan as well. Praying for the Lord’s wisdom as you receive and evaluate this information.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Amen! ❤

    2. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Praying, Margaret W.

    3. Wendy B says:


  9. Wendy Brasher says:

    Ever since my divorce and I started following the Lord again I decided that I’m not going to make any major decisions without His guidance. That is especially true for dating and finding a husband. I settled for my ex husband and it led to so many painful years. I pray that He gives me wisdom and discernment in that area. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, amen! I sure would have been spared many heartaches from trying to follow my own choices! Thanks for sharing!! Praying for guidance and direction for you!

    2. Jillian L says:

      Praying for you ♥️

  10. Christy says:

    I loved reading everyone’s testimonies this morning. Thank you for taking the time to share them. ❤️ It’s so beautiful seeing God’s hand at work in orchestrating every detail. He is so faithful and good!

  11. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God cares about what happens in my life. He has an amazing plan for my life, and I pray that I can follow after this plan. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, indeed!! His ways are not our ways. It’s hard to give up control!

  12. Rebecca W says:

    I too, made the classic mistake of taking things into my own hands. I just wanted to be married and have children! After many years, and two children, this union could not stand. It was not God ordained or centered. I felt like my prayers were falling on deaf ears and agreed to divorce. I lost my home, my security, my self worth. But God never left me, He was there the whole time.
    I was a teacher at a school for the hearing impaired and there was a dad there that had a deaf daughter. His wife had died from cancer and he was left with three children. One day he was there to pick up his daughter and we started to chat. The next day there was a note in my school mail box and he asked if I’d like to go out. OMG! He was the sweetest guy ever! And so much fun to be with! But the BEST part about him was his love of God! What a difference it makes when you both love our Jesus. It’s ALL the difference. We of course have had our ups and downs like every married couple but this March we celebrate twenty years together. Is he perfect-no. Am I perfect- definitely not! But was God’s plan perfect- a resounding ABSOLUTELY!
    It’s so hard to sum it all up in a comment, but God is so amazing. Prayers lifted for all my SRT sisters daily , I just don’t comment much. But I DO read and pray for you!

    1. Indiana Elaine says:

      Sweet story!!❤️

    2. Rhonda J. says:


    3. Wendy B says:

      What a beautiful testimony ❤️

  13. Cee Gee says:

    Just read this on HRT and was reminded of the commentary I shared last week about putting your whole weight into something (Leaning on the Everlasting Arms):
    …the Christian life is a journey of placing the weight of our trust, our faith, in the God who knows what we do not, sees what we cannot, and acts according to His good and perfect will. This journey requires us to surrender our agenda, let Him take the lead, and faithfully follow in His footsteps. With our eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of our faith, we will make it safely home. Our God not only goes before us; He is with us all along the way. Written by Will Heydel”

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen! Yes. I want to be completely Surrendered!! That is my word this year, and the study I have coming up that I chose!!

      1. Cee Gee says:


  14. Cheryl Blow says:

    I loved reading everyone’s stories! It is amazing how God works things out for our good! We can make plans but God has His own plans! He is so good and faithful!

  15. Rachel says:

    I hope and pray that the beautiful testimonies here are an encouragement to our single sisters! I was single for a looooooong time (married at 46) and my mentor would often remind me that “God knows your name, He knows your address, and it only takes one.” Isaac and Rebekah’s story and my story and these other sister’s stories confirm that God does not need our help. The story He wrote for my life was NO WHERE in my (very vivid) imagination. He is a good, good Father and so worthy of our restful trust in His plan. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen!! Love this!

  16. Cee Gee says:

    Sisters, I have enjoyed reading each of your stories! Thanks for taking the time to share with us!
    “Jesus Christ pursued His own Bride, even to the point of death on a cross. May our response be to turn to Him in worship, thanking Him for His faithful love and mercies that never end (Lamentations 3:22–23).” – Claire
    Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤

  17. Gwineth52 says:

    Oh my, Dear Shes!
    Simply, sweetly swoon-worthy…and shall I say, a tad sexy.
    Genesis 24:63-65
    “He {Isaac} went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching. Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. She got down from her camel and asked the servant, ‘Who is the man in the field coming to meet us?’. ‘He is my master,’ the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered herself.”
    Cue the orchestra.
    Pan the camera.
    Fan yourself.
    They saw one another, and it was all over!!
    I picture this scene on the big screen
    or the pages of a romantic novel!
    Of course we learn Isaac takes Rebekah into his mother, Sarah’s tent and marries her. Prearranged & produced by a God who knows his creatures.
    As another sister She commented earlier, “Sometimes we forget God is the author of romantic love”.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, that’s good, thanks for breaking it down for us like that! It’s funny how we read through it quickly, but yes, that belongs on a big screen!!

  18. Crystal Pitzer says:


  19. Lori Lackey says:

    I divorced in 97. Was engaged by 99. Something in my spirit told me I needed to end the relationship. I thought he was the love of my life. It took until 2001 to obey God. I spent time getting close to God, running from God, trying to take things in my own hands, running back to God.
    In 2005. I met the first person I felt I could live again (after the broken engagement ) The last weekend of Feb 2006, at a womens retreat, a friend asked what we were going to do with what we learned that weekend. I told her I was going to break up with my boyfriend (great guy, loved the lord, but was bitter over his divorce).

    Sept 2006 started dating the kindest man- it was just as friends. I had zero expectations it was going to go anywhere – he was one of the first that perused me. As we got to know each other I realized that he was burying his wife of 26 years, the same weekend I was at the womens retreat. I quickly fell for him. One evening we were hanging out – and I quietly asked God how long would it be before I could tell him I love him? Within a minute, my now husband told me that he loved me. God has blessed our beautiful messy blended family in ways I never imagined.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Amazing! Love this Lori! I had no expectations with my husband the first few weeks, and then we kissed! Pow! I then knew he would be my hubby.

  20. GramsieSue says:

    Ladies, This is just sooooo perfectly wonderful!! It has brought back so many memories.

    When I met Steve I had just gone through an incredibly difficult divorce and was raising two children alone. I had turned my back on God because of the judgment I received from the church I was attending. I felt so hurt, so damaged…and I turned to partying.
    I was having fun and I met Steve, such a fun guy! We partied together and I told him I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship…just more fun!
    But God….
    God changed my heart…he healed my pain…and Steve and I got married. LOL
    Within two years we had two more children.
    And then God began pulling me back. I knew I wanted to raise my children in church, but Steve wasn’t a Christian. How would he react to my desire to go to church every week?!?
    OH My Stars!!!
    Steve said, “okay, what time does it start?”
    Do you know what joy I felt????
    And it took a couple of years, but Steve asked Jesus into his heart and life, and we never looked back!!

    But when I look back now…
    God orchestrated the whole relationship! He caused the two of us to meet. He worked out every detail!
    So yes, my response is to turn to God in worship, thanking Him for His faithful love and mercies that never end!!
    What an awesome God we serve! ❤️

    1. Indiana Elaine says:

      Your story gave me goosebumps!! Thanks for sharing

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen..love this Sue!!

    3. Wendy B says:


  21. Maria B says:

    Today’s story holds a special place in my heart because it reminds me of the journey my husband and I have shared. We were friends for many years, brought together by deployments and reassignments, but it was just friendship. Over time, we lost touch, and for years, we didn’t speak.

    Then, on one of the most emotionally difficult nights of my life, out of nowhere, I got a call. I remember thinking, Who do I know in Minnesota? It was him. I hadn’t heard from him in seven years. We talked for five hours that night, and it was the start of a beautiful long-distance relationship.

    Fast forward to our engagement. We didn’t set a date because I was still in the military, working toward my dream of becoming a general, while he had already retired. I had just been promoted and offered an incredible opportunity that would bring me closer to my goal. But deep down, I wanted to marry him. I prayed and prayed, torn between the life I had worked so hard for and the life I longed to build with him.

    One Friday afternoon, while sitting alone in my office, I prayed again, asking God for guidance. In that moment, I felt what I can only describe as a warm blanket being placed over my shoulders. It was as if God was gently telling me, You already know the answer. Marry him.

    That moment has stayed with me ever since. And in the challenges of our marriage, I always come back to that memory. I know without a doubt that God brought us together, blessed our union, and wants us to be married. It’s a constant reminder that love, guided by faith, is worth every sacrifice.

    1. Lori Lackey says:

      I love these stories!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen! Praise God for his moving in your life and your trust!!

  22. Wendy B says:

    There are countless examples and reminders in scripture that God is the author of our days; that He indeed orders and plans each and every moment. There is no luck, karma, kismet or chance – it’s always God’s perfect timing and His Sovereignity in all things. Walking in fellowship and obedience to the Lord puts us in position to know and be guided in His will for us and our lives and we have the assurance each day that His mercy meets us.

  23. Mari V says:

    Wow talk about trust! God is SO good! And will always be good. Daddy knows best! I’m sure most of us have read this more than once in our life time. I love how Rebekah was fearless and trusted to go on this journey with a bunch of strangers and her dad letting her go. I’m just taken by all this, as in our present time I don’t think none of us would feel comfortable allowing our daughter just to go. BUT God….our God had a plan as He always does and knows what’s best for us. I trust HIM even it seems bleak. Good morning sweet She’s and happy Wednesday. Thank goodness its a short week at school as I’m not feeling well. Please pray as I want to make it to at least tomorrow as Friday is a short day and if I can miss any days, Friday would be best, BUT I have a long meeting, I’m rambling….went to bed before 8:00 PM because I felt miserable. I can’t miss work, but then…the word TRUST comes to mind! WE shall see.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Praying God strengthens you to get through

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praying you can make it through today and tomorrow! Hugs! ❤

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      oh, I’ sorry you are not feeling well, prayers!

    4. searching says:

      Praying for full, quick recovery from miserable ❤

    5. Christy says:

      Praying for healing and renewed strength, Mari V ❤️

  24. Rhonda J. says:

    Love stories are so good. I love hearing my husband gush and eager to tell our beautiful story- he is a romantic. I had been dumped after my second marriage, and all the despair that comes with that, being a single mom made dating pretty tricky. I tried my best too to find a man on my own, but realized doing it my own way had never served me well, so I was determined to give it to God, and in HIS timing. It was a long 5 years, my son was growing and I wanted a husband so bad. I said often, I just want a man that loves me, and it is in my journal from that time.
    When a client was determined to set us up- we both were hesitant and said we didn’t do setups. But she perused, we did, and we fell in love quickly. I KNEW God had put us together, as he did too. I said I would only be with a Godly man, wanting to live with HIM in the center. It has been 16 or 17 years together now, and he acts like we are newlyweds still! He is a great man. I am blessed. God knows exactly how to grow us as well. We had some hurdles in the last 2 years to work through- BUT GOD, it is bringing us closer to HIM individually, thus stronger to each other! God is bigger than our problems, and works it out when looking to him.
    His mercies our new every morning! I have a Tshirt that says that, that I might have to put on today!! I pray for our singles here as they are still waiting on their love story. The wait is hard. But we urge you again, don’t try to finagle it yourself, it never turns out well. God knows, and it will happen if and when just how he orders! Stay stepping on his path! One step at a time. Love you all bunches, and you come through my prayers often-
    Our days could get stale and boring…BUT GOD gives us a new pep in the step by His word each morning!! When I get tired from chronic pain…I so need it every day! Thank you Lord!!
    Have a great day!

    1. Mari V says:

      Aw….what a sweet love story Rhonda!

    2. Wendy B says:

      Sweet story❤️

  25. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Hallelujah, we thank You, Lord God, our faithful Savior and the Holy Spirit! You are so good to us!

  26. Tanya says:

    Nothing just happens. Sometimes we forget God is the author of romantic love.
    Reminds of the Book of Ruth.After Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem, she decided to get a job.Ruth 2:3 ” …So Ruth left and entered the field to gather grain behind the harvesters.She happened to be in the portion of the field belonging to Boaz,who was from Elimelech’s family.
    I also noticed the servant’s faith. He obviously had been influenced by his master’s faith. How we live our matters and can influence people around us.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I love Ruth!

  27. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, precious She’s! For the second day in a row I am here much earlier than I want to be. Jack has started waking me up in the wee hours and once my brain is awake, that’s it. Yesterday was one year since he was out on hospice. When asked, the oncologist projected 4-6 months. I need your prayers more than ever. This man who is absolutely the true love of my life, who has always brought me such joy and who loved me unconditionally,!is wearing me out. The mass on his neck is so large and protruding that the skin tears and bleeds profusely. His toddler-like dementia brain will not allow him to leave the bandages alone and sometimes he pulls them off within five minutes. I am cleaning up what looks like “murder scenes” multiple times a day. Add to that all his other childlike behaviors and it’s a recipe for exhaustion. I miss him so much! I have always said that he is the closest thing to a perfect man as can be. So thoughtful and caring! Sorry to carry on like this but I know you all care and don’t mind listening. I pray that each of you single ladies or single again ladies could find a love like my Jack. I pray each day for all of your prodigals, your illnesses, your pains, your heartaches. Love you all!!! ❤️

    1. Carol J Mylin says:

      Oh, Dearest Lynne…You are SEEN and HEARD! Thank you for the privilege of walking with you on this difficult journey… I so appreciate your faithfulness and commitment to “the man who was”… and your “hands and feet of Jesus” as you care for him now…
      The fact that you are able to not be totally consumed, but continually reach out to the rest of us in prayer, warms my heart in a special way! Lifting you to Jesus now, along with our other caregivers… and my dear friend Priscilla, as her story is so similar.
      Lamentations 3:22–23 (CSB)

      22 Because of the Lord’s faithful love
      we do not perish,
      for his mercies never end.
      23 They are new every morning;
      great is your faithfulness!

    2. Tina says:

      Lynne, thinking of you and prayerful that you know God’s amazing loving arms are wrapped around yourself and Jack.. He has you both, rest in Him
      Continued prayers my dearest Lynne covered in so much peace filled hugs and love..❤️❤️

    3. Karen Y says:

      “Father, you see the difficult situation your precious ones, Lynne and Jack face each day. Be their help in the troubled moments, give Lynne wisdom to find solutions to seemingly impossible circumstances, give Lynne pockets of restoring rest to enable her to care for Jack the way you care for us. Be ever present beside them as they go step by step through the days. Make a way through this suffering in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    4. Wendy B says:

      Lynne…what a beautiful story and example of true love you share. I’m sorry your burden is so heavy. Praying for strength and encouragement each moment in the very practical ways of caregiving, but also for your weary heart. May Jesus meet you there ❤️✝️

    5. Rhonda J. says:

      Dear Lynne, my friend, my heart goes out to you with care, concern, love, and other adjectives I could keep going because it doesn’t make sense to me, the overwhelming time you are going through–the why mainly. Why..is it drawn out, is it good, is it too much, too hard, beautiful, I don’t know!! YOU don’t know, our she’s don’t know…ONLY GOD. He holds in his hand is what we know. He sees you. He hears you. He holds you. It works for the good of YOU because you love him. So—I just wanted you to know that I can’t say something beautiful to you, I don’t know how, except that I know God can. Maybe only on the other side. The hard, unexplained trials that people suffer are heartbreaking —-BUT that’s when our strength can only come from God, the only way we can hold on to that little thread.
      I just pray for you and Jack, and thank you for sharing with us. We love you so much. (heart)

    6. Darby Byrd says:

      Oh Lynne my heart goes out to you. I know your body and mind is so exhausted. I’m praying for God to overwhelm you with his love and comfort and give you rest.

    7. Mari V says:

      Aw….sweet Lynne you are right, we don’t mind listening. Keep telling us. We are here for YOU! Praying for you sweet lady!

    8. Carol H says:

      Praying for you and Jack, Lynne, that God will give you both peace amidst this battle. So thankful for this place that we can lift you up

    9. GramsieSue says:

      Oh Sweet Lynne, this brought tears to my eyes. You are walking such a difficult road, but here you are each day giving the rest of us encouragement.
      I pray for you all the time, and I’m saying special prayers today for your strength and stamina through this. Hugs across the miles, sweet sister. ❤️

      1. GramsieSue says:

        When I got in the car to go to work the song, Weary Traveler” was the first one that was playing and it made me think of you. I of course prayed right then and there! ❤️

    10. Kerry Rowley says:

      Lynne. Praying for you right now. What a beautiful example of marriage. May God give you strength to minister to your husband.

    11. Rachel says:

      Oh, Lynne. I’m so sorry. That sounds crushing and exhausting and I pray that God continues to give you the extra measures of grace needed for each day. You are loved ❤️

    12. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Heartbreaking. We are here praying for you.
      Lord, send some help for Lynne and Jack

    13. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for you, Lynne. And Jack! May the Lord grant you rest and peace! Surrounding you with His love and send you help!

    14. Leanna Thompson says:

      Dearest Lynne, praying for you and Jack. This may not work for you but while my mom was in ICU the nurses kept mittens on her hands to prevent her from taking out her catheter, BP cuff, IV, etc. They are large and fluffy.

    15. Shar says:

      Much love to you and Jack. May the Lord give you strength and send means of support as you love your precious husband “through sickness and in health.”

    16. searching says:

      Joining in prayer with all my sisters here, Lynne. You are an amazing example of real love in your care for your dear husband. Thank you for all you share and giving us the opportunity and honor to pray for you and Jack.❤

    17. Christy says:

      Praying for you right now, Lynne. May the Lord renew your strength and comfort you and Jack. ❤️

    18. R says:

      Oh Lynne! We are here for you,lifting you and Jack in prayer! You are a great example of what it means to “walk out” those wedding vows andhow to practice 1st Corinthians 13 love!
      This is your safe space,vent all you need to and we all promise to pray!❤️

    19. Danielle B says:

      Lynne sharing in the love and caring of the other sweet Shes here.

    20. Margaret W. says:

      Lynne, thank you for sharing your story with us. This is true love, but not the kind anyone looks forward to. I can only imagine what it is like to love the Jack in front of you while longing for the Jack who was able to be a partner to you. What a beautiful and precious love you two must have shared all these years, and you are walking out the most challenging part imaginable. I was married for many years, but I have never known such a deep, true love, nor have I seen many examples of it in my family. Oh, to know such love this side of heaven! (I am a caregiver to my disabled adult son, but I know it’s not the same. David was my firstborn, a tiny human of less than 3 pounds, but he has never been my partner, so I’m sure my grief is very different than yours.) You are in my prayers tonight; may God bless you and Jack on this final stage of your journey together. ❤️

    21. Elaina McDonald says:

      Lynne, this is a touching reminder for the rest of us to love our husbands (and families) well, with kindness, patience, gentleness, etc. while we have them- we never know what the future will bring. Praying for you and your sweet husband. ❤️

  28. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen. Lord please order my steps. In Jesus name, Amen

  29. Marilyn Jones says:

    After I broke up with my husband, I was pretty bad. I bounced around from man to man. Then I realized that they only wanted one thing from me. I prayed to God that I was done with this. If there is a man for me put him in front of me, and God did that at Christmas time 1999. I was divorced in 2000, and a few months later I was married. We have been together now almost 26 years. We have gone through good and bad times, but he loves me and I love him. That and God is all you need.

    1. Searching says:


  30. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Funnest line I’ve seen in the Bible for a while “Abraham was now old, getting on in years,”
    Have we not heard since we “met” him in the pages of the Bible that he was old? LOL
    The passage from Psalm 37 is such a comfort!
    CHRISTY – thanks for the update about your interview process.
    MERCY – will be praying your trainee catches on very quickly. My three trainees are mostly independent now with just the occasional question when a new scenario pops up.

    1. Searching says:

      I thought the same thing, KELLY – now old? He’s been old :)

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks for the chuckle, Kelly! In the South we might say, “Now Abraham ain’t gettin’ no younger so…” Lol

      1. searching says:

        so true! :)

    3. Christy says:


  31. Teresa Eddy says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for guiding me through my life. I pray for children that you would bless and guide them through theirs.

  32. Tina says:

    I am going to make a phone call to a stranger, talk for hours and all being well marry him months later!!!
    I LOOVE you story, Claire GIBSON!
    I guess the only problem with my opening comment is that I am pushing the buttons. I am stepping on God’s toes. I am rushing through the process, head strong and determined that my way is the way forward!
    BUT GOD..
    That scenario was Claires, unique to her and her God.
    My wanting to have that, would be me taking matters into my own hands and not letting God..
    So, my favourite English actor, now in his later 70s, who am I kidding, 80, this year, is coming to my local theatre to do a play.
    If you know me, you know I have admired this man for best part of my life.. I have followed him through all he has done, on screen or stage. My brother text me the other day to tell me he was on the television after a work colleague had phone to tell me same..
    Anyway, I digress.. I have told friends, colleagues and family thst I will not be available on Valentines day as I will be sitting in the auditorium on my own ( because I have bought all the tickets for that day– very BIG DREAM) mesmerised by the long standing love of my life! That days show, in my dreams, will be just for me!!!
    Oh to dream!
    I have been praying and waiting, on and off, for Mr right, for nearly 20years now, I have not given up, but I think life is for living, not waiting! Certainly when you get to my age!!!
    BUT GOD..
    He has got me thus far, without a life partner, and to be honest, yes, I mention it from time to time, but really and truly my day is filled with wonderment and amazing, covered in God’s presence it is not my every day thought.. Maybe, as I’ve got older I see things differently, or maybe I’ve had my quota, and therefore I look through a window of ‘count your blessings ‘
    Father God has got me thus far, safe, secure, protected, provided for, loved beyond beyond, and I still stand.
    The awakening that today’s devotional brings truly is momentary, because God holds my future and whatever thst looks like, it is and will always be better than my hot headed-Ness could ever dream or accomplish!
    BUT GOD..
    (Funny thing, YouVersions verse today is Proverbs 19:21.
    You can make many plans, but the Lords purpose will prevail.. Mike drop, right there)
    Happy Wednesday, my dears, covered in much, much warming love as the temperature drops here!❤️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      O, dear Tina, God bless you
      Thanks for sharing your heart.
      So glad you know you are loved.

    2. Searching says:

      Dear Tina, praying with you for God’s best, and yes – that you would spend your time living and not just waiting. You are a blessing, sister! Love you ❤️

    3. Carol J Mylin says:


    4. GramsieSue says:

      Love this!
      Living and not just waiting!
      Hugs across the pond. ❤️

    5. Cee Gee says:

      Tina, that very verse popped in my mind as I read! “Living, not waiting” jumped off the page at me. I feel my husband has adopted the attitude of just waiting (he is 76). I am 70 and just want to live, live, live life!
      Bless you for blessing us.
      Re: favorite actor comment – “One day your prince will come…” is playing my head now! ❤