A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:4, Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, John 16:33, John 16:20, Psalm 30:1-12, 1 Peter 1:6-9

God created us as complex creatures, capable of feeling and sensing a whole garden of emotions. Made in the image of our Creator, we can both grieve the wrongs of this world, and celebrate the sweetness of this life. This 2-week reading plan will lead us through a series of passages from Scripture that examine the seasons of mourning and dancing in the life of a believer. In the written responses here on the site, our writers will enter into this tension, articulating their personal experiences with grief and joy in hopes of freeing you to explore your own. By immersing our hearts and minds in God’s Word, and honestly presenting our laments to Him, may we remember that God is present with us, He is good, and He is faithful.

On the day our daughter died, I planted flowers.

It was April in Tennessee, and the reality that my child was hanging in a precarious balance between life and death, in part because my womb was acting as her life support, was never far from my mind. That Monday morning, I kissed my husband and weekend guests out the door, then helped my toddler son get dressed and fed him yogurt and Cheerios for breakfast.

Even while death was happening, so was life.

That Monday morning, we blew bubbles. We played on the swing set. I read a book on the back porch, and we snacked on strawberries. When my toddler was fast asleep in his crib, I slipped my hands into a pair of old gardening gloves, knelt in the dirt, and got to work with my spade. Bent over my pregnant belly, hands in the soil, the evidence of life kicked and turned within me. The gravity of the moment was lost on me at the time, but I see it now.

Acting on hope.
Believing promises.
Burying seeds in the darkness.
Knowing a thing can only produce something beautiful if it dies first (John 12:24). Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for every matter under heaven.

A time to be born, and a time to die.
A time to plant, and a time to uproot.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn, and a time to dance.

For our precious daughter, that Monday afternoon in April was a time to die. For us, it was a time to mourn. But it was also a time to actively hope in promises that life comes from death. It was a time to dance because our child was in the presence of her Savior.

That day, not knowing what the night would hold, the Lord led me through the motions of actively hoping and believing that death brings life. An object lesson of the resurrection in my soil-covered hands, I could not have known these would be some of the last turns and kicks I’d ever feel. And so, I planted.

Life and death are not respecters of each other. Mourning and dancing—they don’t always take turns. Not in my story, not in yours, not in our world. While people celebrate weddings and first steps and the sweetness of life, the broken world continues to break our hearts, sometimes at the very same time. The tension is there—wondering when to celebrate and when to cry. Often the best thing we can do is acknowledge that tension and do both, seeking the Lord as we navigate the complexities of this world.

We must never stop mourning brokenness. It is right to mourn. And we must never cease to celebrate life and beauty. It is right to dance. Because of Christ, life comes from death. Because of Christ, we will dance again.

“Truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice.
You will become sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy” (John 16:20).

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1,031 thoughts on "A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance"

  1. Megan Stewart says:

    So happy I found this…I truly need this study after my 2019. My brother passed away in may and my family was, and still is heartbroken. My mother took it the worse, which didn’t do her cancer any good, it made it so much worse. After selling her home (my childhood home) and both of us moving into my grandmothers home (before I left for college) she had decided that she didn’t want to be poked and prodded with any kind of treatments any more. And in October she passed away while I was holding her hand…I miss her so very much but I know she is not suffering any more and is dancing with and in the presence of our savior. Everyday is hard missing my brother, and my mother who was my best friend, but I get through one step at a time with God.

  2. Amanda Kohlsdorf says:

    This was so needed. I purchased this study two years ago while my mom was passing and I finally had the courage to read it today. ❤️

    1. Emily Matychuk says:


  3. Amanda Bell says:

    I needed this ❤️

  4. Alana Geoffrey says:

    Thank you. I’m navigating the painful road of separation and divorce, along with single parenting. Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is celebrating a marriage, a new baby, a promotion, a new house…
    This is encouraging that God sits with us in our pain.

  5. Seaira Orr says:

    I really needed this today. I am struggling with self harm and depression.. this gave me a little bit of hope. Thank you. Also please pray for me ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Brianne Hirschfeld says:

      Praying for your Seaira. May the God of mourning and dancing bring you comfort, and peace.

    2. Emily Matychuk says:

      Praying for you. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

  6. Dana Fowler says:

    Just download this app and this was the first thing I see…. my best friend of 20 years committed suicide in September and this is exactly what I need

  7. Lynette Lovelace says:

    This is a timely study for me right now. I have, as any person who lives, does, experience mourning and dancing both. But right now I’m asking God to help me have a real heart for the lost while not focusing on that and allowing me to feel like it’s okay to be joyful as well.

  8. Kristy Ottesen says:

    Praising God that we aren’t alone in these struggles. Mourning sometimes feeling like you are on a really sad lonely island but after reading your comments I am so aware that we are in this together! Praying for you all today! Thankful for a Savior to makes things beautiful in His time!