Day 10

A Superior Covenant

from the Hebrews reading plan

Hebrews 8:1-13, Zechariah 8:4-8, Luke 22:14-20, Romans 12:1-2

BY Patti Sauls

I admire the patience of the rhododendron bush that grows by the side of our house. Month after month, it sits, doing nothing but holding the same green leaves—no grand growth, no dramatic changes. But once a year, in late spring, everything changes. Green buds in the middle of each leaf cluster unfold to reveal big, bright fuchsia flowers. The humble bush transforms into a masterpiece bursting all around with beautiful blooms. 

Today we see the unfolding of God’s covenant. In the Bible, covenant refers to the agreement between God and His people concerning His plan to rescue them and restore them to unity with Him forever. We can see its beauty from bud to bloom throughout the unfolding story of Scripture.

The bud of the old covenant centered on the commandments given through Moses and the system of animal sacrifice that God established to cleanse the nation of Israel from sin. The terms were set. God outlined the perfect pattern of love and obedience to ensure flourishing life with Him. Any deviation from His plan would result in separation and death. The Israelites could not hold up their end of the bargain. Disobedience grew like weeds, and Israel’s priests could never offer enough sacrifice to cover the people’s sins. 

It seems like the plan failed. Could there be anything beautiful about the old covenant? Definitely! Through this covenant, God revealed a love for His people and His desire to be close to them. He uncovered the severe consequences of not following His ways: destruction and death. He exposed every person’s addiction to sin. These truths stand firm today. Clearly, each of us needs someone who can accomplish what we can’t. 

The plan wasn’t a failure. Just watch the bud unfold and bloom. “See, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah…” (Hebrews 8:8). God sent His Son to do what no one else could: fulfill the old covenant by standing in our place and holding up our end of the bargain. Jesus didn’t deviate from the plan. He lived a perfect life of love and obedience (1Peter 2:22). And He willingly became the spotless sacrifice that conquers sin. 

Jesus’s fulfillment of the old covenant ushered in the new. It is for all nations, for all eternity (Revelation 7:9). What a beautiful transformation! The old covenant highlights our need; the new covenant highlights our hope. Jesus, our divine High Priest, secured the way for us to be united with Him forever. “He is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been established on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6).

Post Comments (48)

48 thoughts on "A Superior Covenant"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    @Kacie I am praying for you girl. I also live in Montana :). Please know no matter how lonely you are God will get you through this. As a fellow single girl trying to figure out dating I understand your heart ache completely. You are so loved by so many even when it doesn’t feel like it.

  2. Claire B says:

    God Bless You Kacie ♥️

  3. Claire B says:

    God Bless You TKacir

  4. Claire B says:

    Oh, Tina, I always scroll to the bottom and read up. Most of you are early birds and while I start my day in quiet prayer and reflection, I read/study at night. I always enjoy your posts and insight.

  5. Claire B says:

    VictoriaE I often think of your sweet Angel when here on SRT. So happy for a wonderful God gift. Sorry he is ill but this too shall pass. Much Love Claire

  6. Claire B says:

    VictoriaE I often think of your sweet Angel when Kherson. So happy for a wonderful God gift. Sorry he is I’ll but this too shall pass. Much Love Claire

  7. Janie Diffly says:

    Kacie hang in there girl! God has Big plans for you! I know it. When He closes doors, He opens new bigger better ones! He is Our Firm Foundation!

  8. Victoria E says:

    Kacie your message just really stood out to me right now. I am praying for you and though I am far (currently in DE) if you ever need anything please reach out on email- [email protected]

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