I admire the patience of the rhododendron bush that grows by the side of our house. Month after month, it sits, doing nothing but holding the same green leaves—no grand growth, no dramatic changes. But once a year, in late spring, everything changes. Green buds in the middle of each leaf cluster unfold to reveal big, bright fuchsia flowers. The humble bush transforms into a masterpiece bursting all around with beautiful blooms.
Today we see the unfolding of God’s covenant. In the Bible, covenant refers to the agreement between God and His people concerning His plan to rescue them and restore them to unity with Him forever. We can see its beauty from bud to bloom throughout the unfolding story of Scripture.
The bud of the old covenant centered on the commandments given through Moses and the system of animal sacrifice that God established to cleanse the nation of Israel from sin. The terms were set. God outlined the perfect pattern of love and obedience to ensure flourishing life with Him. Any deviation from His plan would result in separation and death. The Israelites could not hold up their end of the bargain. Disobedience grew like weeds, and Israel’s priests could never offer enough sacrifice to cover the people’s sins.
It seems like the plan failed. Could there be anything beautiful about the old covenant? Definitely! Through this covenant, God revealed a love for His people and His desire to be close to them. He uncovered the severe consequences of not following His ways: destruction and death. He exposed every person’s addiction to sin. These truths stand firm today. Clearly, each of us needs someone who can accomplish what we can’t.
The plan wasn’t a failure. Just watch the bud unfold and bloom. “See, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah…” (Hebrews 8:8). God sent His Son to do what no one else could: fulfill the old covenant by standing in our place and holding up our end of the bargain. Jesus didn’t deviate from the plan. He lived a perfect life of love and obedience (1Peter 2:22). And He willingly became the spotless sacrifice that conquers sin.
Jesus’s fulfillment of the old covenant ushered in the new. It is for all nations, for all eternity (Revelation 7:9). What a beautiful transformation! The old covenant highlights our need; the new covenant highlights our hope. Jesus, our divine High Priest, secured the way for us to be united with Him forever. “He is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been established on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6).
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48 thoughts on "A Superior Covenant"
Great High Priest – I need you.
He will save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him! Thank you father for providing the new covenant to us in Jesus. For opening the door to give sinners new hearts and forgive all their sins against you. Let us stand on the grace you’ve given, the justice of Christ dying on our behalf, the hope of the resurrection of Christ in our life today and forever. Let us stand on the obedience, righteousness, perfection of Jesus and uphold your righteous laws as the people of God. We stand on grace, saved by grace, and we walk in your ways as a result (from the power of the Holy Spirit). You fulfilled the old covenant, so we could live in the new one. We would be hopeless without you Jesus. With you, we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God!
“See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” – Hebrews 8:5 5
A reminder to keep God’s ways in our everyday. He has never changed…nor has His deep pursuit of us.♥️
“See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” – Hebrews 8:5A reminder to keep God’s ways in our everyday. He has never changed…nor has His deep pursuit of us.♥️
Jesus is everything.
20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. – Luke 22:20
Dear Lird, please watch over Kacie. Show her the path you have made for her. Watch over and guide her as she is in need of your love and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Anen.
@Kacie I am praying for you girl. I also live in Montana :). Please know no matter how lonely you are God will get you through this. As a fellow single girl trying to figure out dating I understand your heart ache completely. You are so loved by so many even when it doesn’t feel like it.
God Bless You Kacie ♥️
God Bless You TKacir
Oh, Tina, I always scroll to the bottom and read up. Most of you are early birds and while I start my day in quiet prayer and reflection, I read/study at night. I always enjoy your posts and insight.
VictoriaE I often think of your sweet Angel when here on SRT. So happy for a wonderful God gift. Sorry he is ill but this too shall pass. Much Love Claire
VictoriaE I often think of your sweet Angel when Kherson. So happy for a wonderful God gift. Sorry he is I’ll but this too shall pass. Much Love Claire
Kacie hang in there girl! God has Big plans for you! I know it. When He closes doors, He opens new bigger better ones! He is Our Firm Foundation!
Kacie your message just really stood out to me right now. I am praying for you and though I am far (currently in DE) if you ever need anything please reach out on email- [email protected]
I love this study. I am in a season of very intense work at my job and at home but I love stopping here to read all your comments on this beautiful Scripture. Rhonda J I am praying for your dad. GramsieSue I am still praying for your husband. I ask for prayers on behalf of our miracle baby, our son Elijah who has his first sickness. He is ok but it is breaking my heart to see him sick at all and we are not sleeping. Thank you
Kacie, just wanted you to know that I just saw your post and praying for you right now that God will open another door for you. You have come to a good place for support. Be sure to check back tomorrow for there will be many prayers of support for you. May God hold you close in His arms.
I just want you ladies to know that I’m clinging hard to you all right now.. I work in the film industry as a medic, and it’s very common to be laid off, but I was just laid off… I’m in Montana and my family is in Texas. I met a guy on this show and we have been dating for around two months and we intended to leave together to further strengthen our relationship but today decided to go our separate ways for now. My roommate/friend/boss and I had a big unrelated falling out right before I moved out of the house and I am just feeling lost, confused on where to go next, living off of savings, with everything I own packed in my truck.. and I am just feeling unloved, unwanted, and quite frankly very lonely. I can’t even think of who I would call if I picked up the phone right now. So I just wanted to thank you, all who are my sisters in Christ, for being a sounding board and a piece of happy and solid in my life right now.
Just wanted to let you realize I enjoyed reading your post
I love how the devotional today showed that each covenant had a purpose in God’s plan. God knows what he is doing even when it may not seem like it.
Lord help me/us as I/we continue this journey of life. I/we know that with You, Your Son and the Holy Spirit there is hope and peace and nothing to fear. My/our needs will be met if I/we trust in You. Come and lift away all the burdens that trouble me/us. Help me/us to find the beautiful rest. In Jesus name, amen.
Sisters be blessed and turn everything over to God and Jesus.
Thank you Lord !
Oh TINA how I do love your posts. Thank you for letting Jesus shine through you!
@tina love your response today. I often find myself hopeless in my waiting period. I appreciate how much joy you can bring during your times of finding hope.
Also if I could ask for prayers for my daddio, he has been pretty sick for 2 weeks now which is hard with all his health issues, COPD, Emphysema, and more. He has been feeling pretty ragged for many years now with bots of pneumonia….I know he is tired. Prayer for comfort.
The juxtaposition of the old covenant and new is so beautiful. In the old covenant, God’s law (10 commandments) was written on two tablets of stone. In the new covenant God’s law is written on our hearts. It’s amazing how throughout the Bible stone tablets and hearts are compared.
Prayers lifted for all. Thank you Jesus for the full bloom of your new and everlasting covenant! ❤️
Praise Jesus for for filling this new covenant. May press in to the Holy Spirit and may he renew my mind and heart daily so I can be a living sacrifice for this world.
Churchmouse, thank you for your TPO re
I have often assumed that Jesus’ work was finished on Resurrection Day, but today I realized He had to also return to God’s presence as not only the Sacrifice, but also as the Priest presenting the sacrifice! And he was “disqualified” from using the earthly temple due to being from the line of Judah, not Levi! He returned to God’s presence, presented the atonement for all, AND THEN WAS SEATED IN HEAVEN! AND, after he did rise from the dead, He didn’t immediately rush back to heaven. He finished preparing those left here, his disciples and the other witnesses before ascending to heaven – speaks to me of his patient intentionality, being in the details, to see that all things were done according to His calling. He’s God. He could’ve just done it however He wanted, but He stayed in the proper systems (ie, not using the earthly temple, living as a perfect human while still experiencing temptation, pain and death, etc.). It’s truly mind blowing the effort that God goes to to be with us!
“Could there be anything beautiful about the Old Covenant? Definitely! Through this covenant, God revealed a love for His people and His desire to be close to them.”
Wow! Thank you, God, for never giving up, even when we fail to hold up our end of the bargain, even when we refuse to acknowledge that we will always fail and we need Jesus’ perfect work in the New Covenant.
Good Morning She’s!
This study of Hebrews has been so good! I love how the author is seemingly talking to the Jews of that day about how the old covenant was established but could never be fulfilled, But God- sent His Son Jesus, as the new covenant to give us hope, and a relationship with Him. It is just so, so good! Reminds me of the popular song right now (I like the Jen Johnson version!) “The Goodness of God!” Give it a listen, you will love it!
We are doing pretty good here in South Fort Meyers. It is a slow, slow process. More than half in my direct area have had to throw out all their belongings and gut their houses. My heart hurts for many of them as they are stuck in the “what now” phase. To rebuild, or leave. The waiting on insurance payouts, the what-ifs, and so on. We at least are slowly seeing all the “trash” getting picked up, but that too is a slow process. We personally are still going through the cleaning of our stuff, and have ordered a new washer and dryer coming later this week which will be nice to not have to take it elsewhere. Most of the elation of surviving the crazy storm is all gone and left with the sadness throughout our area. My husband is going over to Fort Myers Beach today to help our friends that live there with their house, one that actually stayed standing. Please say some prayers for all these residents grieving. Praying for all the needs here.
The new covenant highlights our hope – as with so many of you, this really got my attention. In this messed up world, where would we be without it? No matter what, we always have Jesus and our hope in Him – the Lord is always working on our behalf in ways we cannot see. Remembering that in the darkest of times requires me to dig deep and hold tight to my faith.
GRAMSIESUE – praying for relief of Steve’s pain, and for you ❤️
AMANDA – continuing to pray for your housing
DOROTHY – what a mess! Praying for your housing and lease situation, for Carol’s mental & physical health and for you as you navigate the challenges.
ROXANNE RICHARDSON – praying for relief from your anxiety. I too lost a long time best friend a few years ago. The missing her is hard, and I try to focus on remembering the good times.
JENNIFER – praying for your daughter, and you
TRACI GENDRON – praying for your health and answers why this happens
KATHY – praying for you and for your students
Went back and read through yesterday’s comments and there was lots of talk of anxiety and fear. Praying for and with you sisters as I struggle with anxiety and fear too. You are not alone and I’m thankful for this community where we can all share our burdens and pray for one another.
Your joy is contagious @tina! We do have so much to be thankful for and hope in. Let’s renew our minds in thankfulness during this tough journey. ❤️
Transcendent worship. Living sacrifice. Transformed by the renewing of my mind. As I reflect on Romans 12: 1 & 2, these words ring in my heart: Mercy, Jesus, love. I am motivated and obligated to present myself as holy and acceptable to God, because He made me so when I put my faith in Him. Jesus rained down a veil of blood for me to pass through and be reconciled with God. He is perfect, and His perfect love casts out fear, making a way for me to rest on His goodness. I know Him in my heart, and my mind is renewed when I let God be God. When I let go of what the world tries to convince me I should have. When I let go of the things I convince myself I should have. Nothing compares to the goodness and peace of Jesus. When I turn all things over to His will, anxiety fades, stress melts, peace returns. I am strengthened to sacrifice myself in humility when faced with opposition. I can be strong and silent. In fact, I am learning that silence and kindness in my expression kills the assaults of the enemy better than fighting back with human reason. I want to respond the way Jesus would. Sometimes He was bold, but mostly He was mild. The war was being won by His faithfulness to God’s will and purpose. Father God, help me remember Your covenant promise to be my God. In this I can breathe in deep, close my eyes, and find solace in Your care and love for me. Help me express this peace to the world around me in my words and expression. Give me endurance and ability to be transformed by Your power, and not conformed by the dark powers of this world. Your perfect will is good, let my life prove this to the world by the way I present myself each day. Every new moment is a gift with the opportunity to choose well for You. May I choose my words and actions wisely to bring life and beauty and truth to the world around me. I know You will fight for me, so I can be still. In Christ alone. Amen.
So thankful for the new covenant that Jesus secured for us to spend eternity with Him <3
God is good ❤️
The Old Covenant & the New Covenant
The Old Covenant was given to the people of Israel as the were traveling through the wilderness to the Promised Land after they were redeemed from slavery to the Egyptians. The Old Covenant was written on tablets of stone that were later placed in the Ark of the Covenant which was put in the Holy of Holies. The people of Israel were to keep this covenant by obeying every single thing written in it. They were not able to keep it, even the Ten Commandments, just as we are not able to keep it. We are all sinners. The Law was outside of the people. They had to constantly read, memorize, and meditate on God’s Word and His covenant to remember it and hopefully keep it. They were to follow God alone, but they often followed other gods instead. They had teachers to teach people about God and His ways. Because of the people’s continued disobedience, God judged His people for their wrongdoing. However, at the same time, He loved them and did not utterly destroy them. He brought them back to Judah and made a way for the Messiah and the New Covenant to come through the people of Israel.
The New Covenant was proclaimed by Jesus during the Passover Feast He celebrated with His disciples the night He was betrayed before He died on the cross, making atonement for our sin. He keeps the covenant for us. By giving us His Holy Spirit, He puts His law in our minds and writes it on our hearts. He is our God and we are His people. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35-39). God forgives His people for their wrongdoing. We only need to confess our sin (1 John 1:9). We no longer offer a sacrifice to make atonement for every sin we commit. Christ made that atonement once on the cross for every sin of His people. Not only does God forgive our sin, but He forgets our sin because it has been Jesus has already paid for our sins by His death. We still have need for people to teach others about God because so many still do not know who He is. One day, though, Jesus will return. At that time, every person will know who God is. Every knee will bow before Him. Every tongue will confess that Jesus is indeed the Lord that He claims to be (Philippians 2:10-11).
Thank You, Lord, for the provision of the New Covenant. I cannot wait until Your covenant comes to its fulfillment. Help me to be faithful to do everything You call me to do to help bring Your kingdom to its fulfillment here on earth. Help me teach others about You. May Your name be glorified here on earth as it is in Heaven. May Your kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. May Your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us what we need today to do the work You have prepared for us to do. Forgive us when we sin. Help us to forgive others just as readily as You forgive us. Keep us from temptations and deliver us from evil. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever and evermore. Amen!
Oh Father God thank you for making a way. Jesus, how I need You. Amen
I’m not only grateful for a High Priest whose sacrifice was once for all, but one who understands. He knows and understands. We are not alone in our journeys and we have a hope to cling to on the journey. Praise God.
Lifting up the many prayers.
I am shook with today’s reading. The amount of love and determination to save is is beyond comprehension. By following Christ we know that becoming one with god is inevitable. It is the only possible solution.
We couldn’t do it. We failed, but He never does. There’s is always a way with God
I thought the same thing!!! Such powerful words!
I was being tormented in my mind, and I read this devotional, the comments, and a commentary on Hebrews 4 where the author explained the difference between feeling for someone and actually experiencing something. If you experience something, you understand so much more. This brought me comfort, tears, and a burst of freedom! Just amazing! Jesus, our High Priest that can sympathize with us, is our Hope as well! Thank You, Lord! How astonishing are Your works and Your Word! Prayers for you all.
Disobedience grew like weeds, and Israel’s priests could never offer enough sacrifice to cover the people’s sins. . . .The old covenant highlights our need; the new covenant highlights our hope. Jesus, our divine High Priest, secured the way for us to be united with Him forever.
Thank You Jesus for being our Great High Priest and the perfect sacrifice
AMANDA NOBLE – I remember when you first posted about your friend’s death and your housing situation. Thank you for sharing more of the story. Lifting your needs before the Lord, asking Him to give you a clear path to the solution.
GRAMMISUE – praying the Lord would bring relief to your husband
DOROTHY – praying for the Lord to provide better housing for you and your sister. Also praying for Andrew and Danaile’s pregnancy
The old covenant highlights our need; the new covenant highlights our hope.
Jesus, our divine High Priest, secured the way for us to be united with Him forever. “He is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been established on better promises.
These words right here, PATTI SAULS, are the most beautiful words I have heard/read in a while!
I live constantly in hope.
Hope that Mr right will one day sooooooooooooooon come along. (Preferably this side of heaven)
Hope that my family are all in good health and that one day sooooooooooooon by my meagre example they will find their way to the living God.
Hope that every day, I see the blessings, however small or large..
Hope that when I see, I am thankful and remember to say THANK YOU GOD..
Hope that in my waking, and having been given another day, I will be, to the best of my ability, Jesus, to another. That in some way, I can show them the hope I have in the One who made a promise long ago to His people, but through, Jesus, has made a covenant promise to the generations before me, to me, and to those to come.. a promise for ALL time.
My heart, I feel I could dance knowing, receiving and being reminded of this truth today.
Thank you Dearest Heavenly Father, for Jesus.
Thank you Lord God ❤
AMANDA NOBLE, know that you and yours are in my prayers and hopes…
Good Morning LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, rest assured,that prayers are rising up as I write for Jack and yourself, and that you are one of my hopes..
I love you my sister.. Blessings, as always wrapped in love, hugs and prayers. ❤
And to all, my sweet sisters here, Happy Tuesday, so lovingly and hopefilled for a wonderful day, wrapped in His covenant love, grace, peace and Hope..❤
People advanced in age, children playing in the streets, it seemed impossible. Isn’t it the same for forgiveness of our wrongdoings, our sins never remembered? God’s laws written on our hearts, being transformed, the renewal of our minds. Everyone knowing God. It can seem such a far way off. But the Lord of Armies says this: “Though it may seem impossible to the remnant of this people in those days, should it also seem impossible to me?”—this is the declaration of the Lord of Armies. He is our faithful and righteous God. We will be His people and He our God.