A Song for Going with Community

Open Your Bible

Psalm 133:1-3

After reading today’s psalm, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

This song celebrates how good it is when God’s people live in unity, comparing this harmony to the holiness of Aaron’s anointing as a priest. God’s blessing rests over this kind of living, giving encouragement to those on their journey longing for unity in their own lives. 

  1. What are some examples in your life and relationships of living in harmony?
  2. How can you celebrate those people in your life today?
(115) Comments

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115 thoughts on "A Song for Going with Community"

  1. Kimberly Humphrey says:

    Unity – it’s such an interesting would that humans struggle with. Christians have a strong reason to be unified- they all follow Jesus – and want people to also enjoy Jesus too. Unfortunately we all get into life with others and it doesn’t go smoothly. I am praying for unity and a closeness that is definitely not easy. Especially living in a divisive world of social media and politics

  2. Karen Wilson says:

    Praying for unity is sometimes like praying for patience! You are definitely going to go through trials because Satan doesn’t like when we are unified with God and his people!

  3. Kelsey Hasse says:

    Longing to find a church where this is practiced as we move in a month or so. Longing to be with community that stand boldly for Christ in the heavy issues going on today!

  4. Jade Gaines says:

    I live in Harmony with the relationships in my life by Being unconditionally, supportive and loving. We make sure it says stay connected. I pray over them. in return, they seek me out and show up for me. We protect each other’s integrity, build each other up, validate each other, soften our hearts, bring peace, comfort, and joyful memories. We forgive each other. community has shown me much more and brought me further than I would on my own. It’s a taste of Heaven.

  5. Michelle Johnson says:

    My friend and I live in different states but we have been there for each other for years – even through her divorce. I see a lot of unity and harmony in our friendship!

  6. Victoria E says:

    Happy Anniversary Cheryl and husband !

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Adrianne says:

    What are some examples in your life and relationships of living in harmony?
    My family provides a great example of harmony. Even with our up’s and downs we always come back to a good place of good meals, conversation, and connections. We may have our disagreements but we always come back to each other we always try to make peace.

    How can you celebrate those people in your life today? Making the effort to reach out to keep the connections we have and try to preserve the love and peace we find in family.

  9. La'Lisa Pugh says:


  10. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    One true thing.
    We are social animals.
    Meant to live in community.
    No matter how maddening or messy.
    We need one another.
    Faithful, not faultless!
    Vulnerable, not vain!
    Open, not obfuscating!
    Another true thing, IT IS HARD!
    But when we find that harmony…
    It is heavenly.

  11. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Scattered notes from reading Psalm 133 throughout the morning:

    I hear the children in season 1, episode 3 of The Chosen singing this first verse with Jesus (Psalm 133:1). I love that, in the show, He was teaching the children to sing this, planting a seed in the next generation to value unity, harmony, and community. May we be wise and diligent to teach our children the same and remind ourselves of the importance of these things in our lives.

    You value unity and harmony, LORD. I value it, too, but I do not actively seek it out. I want to, but I feel helpless to attain it.
    When I seek You, I find You.
    When I seek You, it is easier to live in unity and harmony with the community You have given me.
    Help me to put the first thing first so that everything else will fall into place.

    I am thankful for the community that I have gained over the last year thanks to obedience to God. It was hard for me to step out and take a risk of joining a group of people, especially when I struggle with trusting others and a fear of failure and other things. Joining these communities has been so worth it. I knew it would be but not to this degree. I had people to pray for me and my family through some very tough situations where if I had not listened to the Lord’s voice, I would have had no one. I am so grateful for how the LORD has blessed me in this area of my life.
    When rereading Psalm 133, I see in verse 3, it says, “For there the LORD has appointed the blessings — life forevermore.” There in unity and harmony is the blessing. The blessing in my life now is simply the fulfillment of the promise stated here. Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and lovingkindness toward those who choose obedience rather than defiance or selfishness.

    Shes, you are in my prayers. I am praying for your requests as I read through the comments. Love, grace, peace, strength, and His providence to you as you live out this day He has given.

  12. Lara Castillo says:

    This morning we are getting ready for a trip with my in-laws. They have been the constant in our lives and I’m so grateful for them. It’s not always easy but we make sure to put aside differences and find a way to get along with each other. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are believers and I hope we can continue to sow seeds with my husband and mother-in-law.

  13. Mari V says:

    One last thing as I read Arlene’s comment, I too LOVE that we are from ALL-OVER-THE-WORLD, and different time-zones, different walks of life, and here WE are in community! Love it! Love you all SO much!

  14. Mari V says:

    In AGREEMENT with a lot of you SWEET She’s….its “here” that I have felt harmony. Doing life with you. We may not know each other and may never see each other in person, BUT there is harmony here. I love how we can just “show-up” and ALL are welcomed! I celebrate YOU, ALL of YOU today! Thank you for being a such amazing FRIENDS and I can’t wait to meet you someday! Thinking of Churchmouse and Angie. Miss them greatly! Hoping they are doing well.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Dear Mari V.
      This is a special space for sincere dialog & open sharing. Among sisters.
      I, too, miss the calm & nurturing voice of Churchmouse.
      Loving God, we trust your overarching care & protection, for her & for all who gather here in Your name. Always.

  15. Arlene says:

    I was also thinking about this community of SRT She’s. We are from all walks of life, all over the world and we are living in harmony, being respectful of each other even if we might not agree on everything, caring for one another by praying for each other and encouraging one another. I appreciate that this forum has not become a place for political views to be expressed or religious viewpoints to be debated. Our main focus is loving Jesus and loving each other. That is so precious.

    1. GramsieSue says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      YES!! This group is amazing! I often think how smooth it is w/o the controversy you might expect with such a non-controlled group perse. It is amazing! And our facegroup page is a smaller group within the group to share and communicate! SO good!

      1. Colleen DeVeau says:

        Which one is the facebook group? I have been trying to find it.

        1. Adrienne says:

          Search for SRT SHE’s. Rhonda has posted a question to answer and join. Your answer… SRT.

    3. Cindy Hanna says:

      Amen @Ariene. SHE’s from around the world lifting each other up in prayer, insight, encouragement and advice are a true joy

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear She sister, Arlene.
      Amen & Amen.
      And say it again, Amen & Amen.
      How precious & peaceful is this place.
      Please disallow any differences – that naturally exist – to disturb it.

    5. Donna Wolcott says:

      That’s so true Arlene, thanks for voicing it! ❤️

  16. Elizabeth Busshaus says:

    My lifegroup has been a joy and balm to my heart this season.

    1. Michelle P says:

      ❤️ love that for you :)

  17. Wendy says:

    Oh dear…my response to Mia posted in 2 places. Odd

    When I think of community I think of church family but also, of my small group who have been an integral part of my faith journey over many, many years. It’s iron sharpening iron, growing, learning, challenging, supporting, praying, showing up, making a meal, buying groceries, watching kids, laughing, crying, sharing, cheering, and praying. So much praying.
    It’s this group of She’s that spur one another on and learn together. I am so grateful for all the ways the Lord binds us together with others.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, amen to both! Such a integral part of our growth in faith, and iron sharpening iron!!

  18. Arlene says:

    I have been incredibly blessed with a group of friends, some of them I’ve been friends with for over 30 years. We are 6 ladies, the youngest is 49 and I’m the oldest at 69. The age gap has no bearing on how we care for one another. We have celebrated each other at weddings of children, at funerals of family members, at the birth of a baby. We have laughed long and hard together and cried deeply together over hard times. There have been times over those years where we have disagreed, where jealousy a and bitterness threatens to take root in our hearts, where hurts have wanted to fester but what we have is too precious to throw away so we forgive and ask for forgiveness when needed. I can’t imagine doing life without those girls. With me being the oldest there is a good chance they will be with me when I pass from this life to be with Jesus. They all love Jesus so I know they will be with me in Glory as well. We have chosen to live in harmony.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      What a blessing! We need more of this!

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Beautiful Blessings!

  19. Cheryl Blow says:

    I also want to add that this week my husband and I celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. There is harmony in our marriage but sometimes there is discord. Just like an orchestra, we have to work at being in tune with each other. We are polar opposites so sometimes we work a lot! We see things differently but we have learned there is a balance. We compliment each others weaknesses. I’m overly cautious, he a risk taker. It’s give and take but with the Lord we make it work. No one is perfect and we have to show grace to others to live in harmony.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:


    2. GramsieSue says:

      Happy 50th!!
      And yes, marriage takes work! Doing life together has lots of ups and downs! But love and unity and God keep us together.
      Hugs ❤️

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Happy Anniversary! What an accomplishment and celebration, and good advice!! Knowing you are part of a team with different opinions is crucial.

    4. Arlene says:

      Happy Anniversary. We will be celebrating 50 years on June 29. We have definitely had to choose love many times, times when things were not so harmonious in our m but I can honestly say that we love each other deeper than we ever have. My husband has been my greatest advocate and prayer warrior during this last battle with my mental health.

      1. Kelly (NEO) says:

        Congratulations to you too!

    5. Gwineth52 says:

      Cheers & Congrats, Cheryl!
      50 years ain’t been a breeze, but look, you’re doing it brilliantly!!

    6. Tina says:

      Cheryl BLOW, congratulations! 50 years… WOW! I’m hoping that will happen for me one day! Course I’ll be 115years old then. A girl can dream, right?
      Happy 50th wedding anniversary dear Cheryl and hubby!❤️

    7. Michelle P says:

      Happy 50th ❤️❤️❤️ God bless your marriage, Cheryl :)

    8. Adrienne says:

      Happy anniversary! ❤️

    9. Cee Gee says:

      HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY!!! ❤

    10. Searching says:

      Happy 50th!

    11. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Congratulations and Happy 50th Anniversary!!! What a milestone and a blessing!!! ❤️

  20. Wendy says:

    I can understand and appreciate this as well. There so often seems to be ones just stirring up disunity. And I think when we walk thru heartache and suffering the genuine community,or unfortunately lack thereof, can show itself all the more;we are both more aware of it or recognize that it’s lacking. Praying, Mia that the Lord will surround you and your family with sincere, genuine, faithful community to uphold, strengthen and encourage you, that you would experience the Lord carrying your heart in every way

  21. Cheryl Blow says:

    When I think of a community of people living together in unity, I think of this group of SHE’s. We are all from different backgrounds but we come together in unity. Our goal is to stay I. God’s word and grow closer to him. Praying for each other and encouraging each other. It is beautiful!

    Love you all and praying for you!

    1. Catherine McVey says:


    2. Melani Fryer says:


  22. Adrienne says:

    This would have been a good Psalm (especially verse one!) for me (and my husband!) to remember the other night. I was giving him an account of my dealings with a rental car company. I was just seeking a little sympathy, and basically he responded that it was my own fault (the troubles I was having regarding billing, etc.) Sympathy has never been his strong suit. I was angry still when we went to bed. (I know I shouldn’t have let the sun go down on my anger, but it did!) Lack of harmony punched me in the face the next morning. I just felt icky. I sooooo dislike disunity and confrontation.

    It is so hard for us to be in harmony, but let us strive for it, sweet She’s! ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Agree!It is a challenge, not to get under each others skin. We are working hard on that in our marriage. We know we love and want each other..but then these little things crop up, the Spirit of division is right there to pick up or ignore. I have to put this in my thoughts process and ignore it at all costs.

      1. Adrienne says:

        The enemy is right there all the time, it seems!

  23. Mia Faith says:

    This is a hard one. Some seem bent on causing/living in dis-harmony. I long for Shalom and sometimes I feel it and at other times it seems so far away.

    1. Wendy says:

      I can understand and appreciate this as well. There so often seems to be ones just stirring up disunity. And I think when we walk thru heartache and suffering the genuine community,or unfortunately lack thereof, can show itself all the more;we are both more aware of it or recognize that it’s lacking. Praying, Mia that the Lord will surround you and your family with sincere, genuine, faithful community to uphold, strengthen and encourage you, that you would experience the Lord carrying your heart in every way

    2. Catherine McVey says:


  24. Kris says:

    When I think of harmony I think of an orchestra. Many different instruments, playing different parts, some resting while others playing…but it all adds up to a beautiful harmonious melody. Years ago there was a popular book called “We Really Do Need Each Other” by Rueben Welch, talking about the importance of community, the benefits of community. Just this morning I was telling God I miss my small group. We don’t meet in the summer. I think I need to call for a “meeting”, a gathering. We really do need each other.

    1. Kris says:

      #2 We don’t all need to be playing the same instrument or the same part. Sometimes some of us aren’t even playing while others are. But we really do need community. We need each other for support, for encouragement, for sharpening. Just like this group here, we pray for one another, we give advice, we get advice. We need each other. How blessed we are when we live in community/harmony with one another

    2. Cee Gee says:

      We miss our small group in the summer, too! Such a joy to share that harmony!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Maybe you should do like I do with my group and just make it ongoing?! We love to meet and kept it going and would start a new study in the fall and winter with church. Now our church offers groups in the summer and they have gotten just as big! Community is ongoing! :)

    3. GramsieSue says:

      My small group doesn’t meet in the summer either, but we are getting together for dinner next week. Just to connect, and check that everyone is doing well. We also have a group text, and FB group to share with each other. It helps

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, that is so good to have ongoing connection, and dinner is always a great idea just to connect outside a study! Love you and always in my prayers Sue!

    4. Ginny Krawczynski says:

      Same with my flower bed. Different sizes, shapes,fragrances but harmoniously are a beauty to behold! Some you wouldn’t think would “go “ next to this one but they enhance each others beauty (purpose)! I think we are meant to do the same.

  25. Caroline Bridges says:

    Living in harmony is something unrealistic. My church community has grown into something unrecognizable.

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      That’s heartbreaking :-(

    2. GramsieSue says:

      We’ve gone through that in the past, but God led us to other churches. It’s so hard to connect again because I’m afraid to get close to someone who might turn on me…

    3. Mari V says:

      Caroline, OUR hearts ache with YOU! Please know that WE are your community and
      WE are here for YOU! So sorry this is happening. Praying for you sweet lady!

  26. Rhonda J. says:

    Unity is so, so important. I actually didn’t have much discord in my life or family growing up. My family was pretty much a happy unite except for the sibling arguments, but I had never had an argument with my parents or siblings that caused us not to talk in our adult years. I remember when I became a young trainer and began hearing all my clients talk about their family problems and being amazed they could not talk to a family member for years! That seemed unfathomable to me not to talk to a loved one for so long. Of course life taught me that I was very lucky to have that stability and that others didn’t seek it, that there were all kinds of uncontrollable issues, my point is I am lucky that I had that kinda of upbringing. It is not my nature to argue or to even bring up anything that might cause someone to get angry at me. So even with my marriage, I want peace. My parents never fought in front of us, I don’t know when they did. There were times they went back and forth, but I wouldn’t call it fighting. They easily moved on. So they gave a great example of unity in a marriage, never went against each other in important decisions, they were a united front. How important that is. And today we have so many broken families, and kids with single parents, it breaks my heart. (not pointing guilt for single moms).Even though we were divorce raising my son we always tried to be coparents together as a unit, and sat together at his sports and events, and even spent Christmas morning together for years. I think this was a great achievement because it certainly wasn’t something I WANTED to do, but I know it was great for my son. It was for the Glory of God. People were amazed, lol. Anyway..I still pray for the discord in my marriage, that God will bring peace and freedom to my husband for what is the underlining thing going on to cause him to be agitated, tired, and cranky. lol. It is not his personality, And that I will watch my tongue to not unintentionally hurt or belittle him. I could go on (you know), for my love for small group and how they bring a beautiful unity of God’s people;to be a special family outside a family or church as a whole. If you do not belong to one…find one or start one! It’s just people getting together to dig into God’s word deeper and discuss and share different subjects! Just Do it!

  27. Cee Gee says:

    Examples of living in harmony- based on the notes below, I am focusing on spiritual harmony. When we all worship the same God and follow His teachings, there is harmony. When I see creatures in nature up close and observe their activities for a while, I see harmony in action. They instinctively follow the ‘laws of nature’ that God put into place centuries ago. I, too should follow the teachings God laid out before me centuries ago.

    Quoting Wiersbe again:
    When you read the Scriptures, you cannot help but discover that brothers and other family members did not always “dwell together in unity.” Cain killed Abel (Gen. 4), Lot quarreled with his uncle Abraham (Gen. 13), Joseph’s brothers hated him and sold him for a slave (Gen. 37), and his brothers did not even get along among themselves (Gen. 45:24)! Christians today have been born spiritually into the same family, worship the same God, declare the same gospel message, preach from the same Scriptures, and are headed for the same heavenly city, but, alas, there is often more division among us than unity! Yet all of us know that spiritual oneness in Christ (Gal. 3:26–29; Eph. 4:1–6) is both “good and pleasant.” There is an artificial “unity” that is based on “least common denominator” theology and is more organizational uniformity than the kind of spiritual unity for which Jesus prayed (John 17:11, 21–23). This we must avoid. Those who have truly been “born of God” (1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18) belong to the same family and need to love one another.

    The Jews were basically an agricultural people, and they depended on the early and latter rains and the dew to water their crops (Deut. 11:10–17). In Scripture, dew symbolizes the life-giving Word of God (Deut. 32:2), the blessing of God that brings fruitfulness (Gen. 27:28, 39; Deut. 33:13, 28),
    Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.

    This is one of my favorite verses:
    Deut. 32:2
    Let my teaching fall on you like rain;
    let my speech settle like dew.
    Let my words fall like rain on tender grass,like gentle showers on young plants.
    And finally –
    Colossians 3:1-15, but especially –
    14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
    I need to head out soon so I wrote my comment first and will see now how far I get through your comments at this sitting. Lord willing, I can finish later. ❤

    1. Changed Life says:

      I get so much out of reading the commentaries you include, dear sister She. Many blessings and much love to you for taking the time to do this. You are a gift to all of us. ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        You blessed my heart, CHANGED LIFE! ❤!Blessings and love to you too for being a blessing to us!

    2. Mercy says:

      Wonderful insights ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Love to you, Mercy! ❤

  28. Maryssa Fritz says:

    Some examples of living in harmony in my life and relationships would be being united in marriage with my spouse but also when our friends gather together to celebrate one another or when we go to our Bible study group. The way I can celebrate those friends in my life today is sending them an encouraging word, getting them a gift if they need it, or helping them with whatever they need.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ love your celebration suggestions!

  29. Searching says:

    Harmony, unity, getting along together. Keeping the main things as our focus …
    Mark 12:
    29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
    30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
    31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” NKJV

    Praying for our marriages, sisters, as the evil one strives to use lack of harmony to drive a wedge.

    Praying for –
    MARI V
    TAMI C

    MARYSSA MAYNARD – praising your rededication, 5 years now!
    LAURA DIANNE – thank you for your testimony

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thanks, sister and amen! ❤❤

    2. Mercy says:


  30. Maria Baer says:

    For me, harmony means peace and calmness, without feeling stagnant. This psalm is ultimately about God’s Kingdom when Jesus returns, but it also applies beautifully to our community as Christians today. I see harmony not as agreeing on everything, but as finding peaceful solutions and common ground while staying true to our Christian beliefs. Today, the Church is struggling with a lack of harmony as it tries to fit into societal pressures that often go against the basic teachings of the Bible. However, by focusing on mutual respect, open dialogue, and a commitment to our faith’s core principles, I think we can work towards restoring harmony within the Church.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      True words! ❤

  31. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I am struggling to think of a place where there is unity, but maybe my summer group, although this week was a bit of struggle. I pray that our last week (this Tues) can be in unity!
    I pray unity be with our worship team at church that I lead for the time being, and pray God’s best over them!
    I can pray over them, love on them!

  32. Lanie Hefferly says:

    Living in harmony is not an issue for me right now, finding a group to live in harmony with is the issue. I am thankful for this online community when I continuously have difficulty finding one in person. I go back over yesterday’s comments and pray over everyone who asked for prayers. I wanted to touch on two comments: 100% the Lord draws you in an prepares you for a time of hardship, prior to my first big tragedy I went to see a counselor for minor struggles I was having. It was the perfect timing for when tragedy struck 3 months later. This counselor was just my college guidance counselor, and the Lord used him to prepare me and walk through that with me. It feels a little deja vu here today writing this because a year and a half ago I left the online community to do a read the Bible through the year plan, with the intention of “making” myself join an in person community. It became a season of full isolation with me and the Lord, which actually prepared me for life’s next tragedy and taught me truly he is my source. I need him first. Now full circle I’m back craving community again right back to she reads truth. I attend a small church with just a few young moms and there is no group for my season in life. My neighbor has invited me to theirs but they are all retirees and we are just in very different seasons of life. Will y’all pray for me that I can either start or find an in person group to walk with me through this start of motherhood? Thanks she’s!

    1. Amy G says:

      Lanie, I encourage you to look into the MOPS ministry. It is a Christian based group for Mothers Of Preschoolers (children birth through 5 years old.). You could start a group at your church but would have the resources and help of this international program. I started one at my church when my first son was born and I was feeling so alone and it has been a blessing for not only me but now has been a part of our church community for over 20 years. It is a wonderful program and way to meet new moms in your community.

    2. Annelyn P says:

      Praying for you, Lanie Hefferly, that God will provide someone you can fellowship with in person. May you be encouraged today.

    3. Laura Dianne says:

      Hi Lanie, I too longed for an in person community for years. God finally brought a wonderful group of women into my life through my current church. What is unique about our group is that we are all ages, from twenty-somethings to an eighty year old! Two of our young ones had babies recently, and I know that they LOVE being part of this group of older women. We have helped them with childcare, visited and brought meals, hung out with them and listened to their hardships as new moms. You may want to consider being part of a multi-aged group. For me, it has been the perfect fit.

    4. Jane K says:

      Praying Lanie, that the Lord would bring people into your life that you can fellowship with.

  33. Theresa says:

    Psalm 133:1 is a verse regularly spoken in my house. My two boys are prone to arguments and altercations, especially when they get bored. So this is a verse I’ve made us all memorize to remind us of how God blesses us living together with others in harmony.

    Something I really love about this passage is the use of harmony to describe the way we should seek to live with one another. Harmony requires at least two different notes to be played. God isn’t asking us to agree or all be the same. He created individuals who each contribute their own unique note to the chord.

    1. Cee Gee says:


    2. Meme Faye says:

      Theresa- I love this description of harmony “Harmony requires at least two different notes to be played. God isn’t asking us to agree or all be the same”. The world is having trouble with this idea more now, than in the past. Or so it seems to me.

    3. Adrienne says:

      That woulda been a good verse for our family to memorize when my boys were little… good one, Momma! ❤️

    4. GramsieSue says:

      I had my grands memorize that when I had them for a week!! So good!

  34. Lindsey Bradley says:

    The town I love in has an organization called One Christian Network. The purpose of the organization is to unify the body of Christ in our city because there is far too much disunity among church and believers. It’s been beautiful to witness the growth and healing that’s occurred from one woman’s hard work, vision, and obedience to God!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      That is AWEsome!!! ❤

    2. Meme Faye says:


  35. Aimee D-R says:


  36. Kelly (NEO) says:

    My marriage and church life seems to be the best example of harmony in my life right now…not a fullout symphony in either case, but a simple chord.
    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – speaking of music, continuing to pray for the situation at your church.
    MERCY – hoping you gained some insight in your appointment. Is your husband still struggling with his emotions/mental health? Praying the Lord will break through and defend you both from any spiritual attacks
    TAMI C – how’s BJ?
    HEIDI – thanks so much for the updates earlier this week. Happy to see you contributions to the community.
    GAYLE GARTIN – praying for God’s comfort and wisdom for your granddaughter

    1. Cee Gee says:

      A simple chord sustained is a beautiful thing! ❤ Adding my amen to these prayers!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you Kelly. Please continue to pray – especially for my husband (who is the pastor), wisdom for him as he has to speak to our worship leader.

      1. Mercy says:

        Praying for the difficult conversation to go well, and well received by God’s grace.

    3. Mercy says:

      My husband is out of it and very joyful now, praise God. Thanks Kelly. But I fell into this a few months ago. I feel very lonely in this depression because he is not emotionally available to me (weird!), he does not like to listen to my struggles and tends to walk away. So I pray my appointment next week, the psychologist and I will have a good chemistry/ connection so i can share… even with a stranger who is willing to help. BUT GOD. that’s my only hope.

      1. Victoria E says:

        Mercy I am praying for your appointment and for you and your husband.

    4. Gayle Gartin says:

      Thank you

  37. Melissa Richards says:


  38. Tina says:

    Harmony..the Cambridge dictionary describes it as this :situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when different things seem right or suitable together.

    It took 6 weeks to bury our mother!
    We are 7 children, all with our ideas of how we wanted mums last leg of her journey to go! We got there in the end and laid her to rest. Phew!
    Dad, told us how his was going to go, what he wanted and even then, we could not agree!

    A couple of months ago, we siblings met to talk headstone! The gathering was a collaboration in itself, but we did!
    I was not overly excited about this meeting, it could go horribly wrong!

    Day 1, we laid our thoughts down, looked through brochures, marking ones we liked and numbering them, discussed style of writing, colour and size of stone, cost..
    Day 2, we gathered, again and I would imagine all a tad apprehensive.
    You won’t believe this, but we all chose the same picture of Mum, and the same picture of dad though one was in black and white, not colour.( tick)
    Brochure was opened, we had all chosen the same number! we ALL agreed on the same stone, and colour( tick)
    I had, on the evening before been doodling on what perhaps we could write (once we had agreed)on the headstone. One sister had said she did not want a picture of Mum and dad together as they were divorced. My words reflected that.. I shared them as a baseline and got the thumbs up from everyone, and not to change anything.(tick).
    We were able to spend the rest of our time, laughing , joyfully hanging out remembering our parents..
    The meaning of harmony being lived out!

    BUT GOD..

    The MSG says this ..

    How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It’s like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron’s beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It’s like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.

    I could not help but remember as I read the words “costly anointing oil,” the lady with the alabaster box that used her expensivel oil Jesus’s feet.

    Harmony is not as easy as saying the word. It is costly. We need Patience.. to listen. Grace.. to not be judgemental, cynical or negstive. Peace.. of heart, to actually be present Kindness.. to serve as Jesus did, to make room for others thoughts or how they are. Gentleness.. of spirit, #bekind, a touch of the joy of the Lord, and pray each day..

    Harmony is God ordained, and a true blessing!


    Holding you all close as I pray the Irish prayer over you..

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always on your back.
    May the sun shine warm on your fsce;
    the rains gently on your fields, and until we meet again( tomorrow),
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand..

    Much love my dears. ❤️

    I am late today because I lost all I wrote earlier and had to rewrite again. Thank you Lord that I start work later today..❤️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Great example of how unity brings joy

    2. Searching says:

      So good, TINA. I have seen many families break apart after a loved one passes away.
      And that open door ❤️ Same to you, sister!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, sister, for re-writing all of that! It was so worth it!!! Blessing back to you! ❤

    4. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you Tina for your testimony and thoughts! …always encouraging! ❤️

    5. Catherine McVey says:

      ❤️ Hugs and many blessings to you today Tina!

    6. GramsieSue says:

      Love this! Thank you Tina ❤️

    7. Mari V says:

      LOVE YOU Sweet Tina, from across the pond in Sunny California!

    8. Mercy says:

      Thank you for this sweet revelation Tina.

    9. Michelle P says:

      Aw wow. This is close to home. I am one of 7 kids… As my parents get older (they’re in their 60s), I wonder how we will be when that time comes, eventually. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️

  39. Tricia C says:

    Living in harmony. Hmmm. It doesn’t mean that we agree on everything. It means that we can get past our disagreements for God’s purpose and His Glory.
    Lot easier said than done. I think about our church. We might not all agree on how this or that should be done, but our unified goal is to glorify God.
    Have a blessed Thursday, Sisters.

    1. Searching says:

      Amen ❤️