A Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Open Your Bible

Matthew 4:16

The people who live in darkness
have seen a great light,
and for those living in the land of the shadow of death,
a light has dawned.
—Matthew 4:16

Light up, O Lord, a brighter and stronger flame in the lamps of Your sanctuary.

Send the arrows of Your quiver deep into our conscience. 

Clothe Your priests with salvation, that Your saints may shout aloud for joy! Anoint them with Your Holy Spirit, that the aroma of Your grace may spread throughout all Your tabernacles, like fragrant oil poured on the head of Aaron. 

Lead us, O Lord, in the way everlasting. Make us resemble our great Master, more and more, as we show grace to others.  

Sanctify our hearts by Your grace, that we may be as trees bearing good fruit, or like fountains of pure streams. That is the path to lay up good treasure—it is the way for holiness and compassion to spring forth in freedom, to refresh and give life to everyone around us. 

May Your grace animate our souls, Lord. May nothing stand in the way of faithfulness even to death, or deprive us of the crown of life Your grace has promised. 

May we receive all those who faithfully proclaim Your word, and welcome them in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

—Prayers of the Puritans

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47 thoughts on "A Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Advent"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    We thank you lord

  2. Lindsey M says:


  3. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Liana I too am a nurse, not working directly with COVID patients but with mental health patients, I am so glad you are here with us and I am so glad the Holy Spirit is calling you to the word, and that you are showing obedience to the call! I am learning that during my darkest seasons I see the light of Christ shine the brightest. I pray you see the bright light and hope of Christ during this dark season ❤️

  4. K D says:

    Oh how wonderful Tam.

  5. Kathryn Worley says:

    I loved this quote from Sunday’s reading:

  6. Teri Collier says:

    Liana, God has given you the strength, the determination and the faithfulness to do your job. I can’t even imagine what you go through every day. It has to be hard. I am not in that field because I couldn’t do it. You are very special to have been chosen by our strong, faithful and determined God to take such loving care of the Covid patients. Lean on Him, talk to Him as he gives you what you need to make it through this pandemic. I’m pray for you and all the health care workers.

  7. Karen Roper says:

    This is so true as it happened to each of us in our salvation moment❤️❤️❤️

  8. Donna Wolcott says:

    Prayers for strength and peace Liana, my sister says the same thing. Thank you all in the health profession. Britt welcome, you will find this a place of love, comfort, a caring and uplifting sisterhood.

  9. Cassie Sund says:

    Welcome Home!

  10. Liana RoseDelacorte says:

    Sorry not doing so good at this whole commenting thing. I was saying that I have been feeling lost. Lost where to start and lost in life. I’m an ER nurse and these last 18 months have been the darkest chapter of my life. There has to be light at the end. I know there does. Thank you all for taking this journey with me. It does give me hope.

  11. Liana RoseDelacorte says:

    This is my first time commenting.
    I am new to SRT and to the Bible. I am stumbling along trying to find my way. I keep feeling called to the Word but have been lost on where to stare.
    These last 18 months as an ER nurse have been the hardest and darkest of my life. But these readings, and todays prayer, I feel them deep down. There has to be light somewhere at the end of all of this.

  12. Liana RoseDelacorte says:

    This is my first time commenting.
    I am new to SRT and to the Bible. I am stumbling along trying to find my way. I keep feeling called to the Word but have been lost on where to stare.

  13. Liana RoseDelacorte says:

    This is my first time commenting.

  14. Tam H says:

    Hit send too soon, it was a small church with lots of singing Christmas hyms, they made me feel welcome, my heart is full, reading and being part of this group.and My first study, gave me courage! Blessings to all of you and prayers for all who have special requests!

  15. Tam H says:

    I went to church for the first time in years,

  16. Anne S says:

    Ladies- I’m so thankful today especially because I was able to take my daughters back to church for the first time now that they are vaccinated. They are little enough that they didn’t really remember what it was like before, but they did remember enough to miss it. My younger daughter (6) in particular was so happy to be there. My 9- year- old is starting to be of an age where sometimes she is enthusiastic about God and worship, while other times she talks about not believing. (Sometimes I think she just wants to get a rise out of me?) Please pray for her faith and for me to have wisdom in those moments. I never know how much to say or to push. At any rate, my heart is full tonight because I was back at church with my family. I’m praying for you all as well. Merry almost Christmas!

  17. Britt Shipp says:

    Hi SRT sisters. I’m new in my faith. Just asking for prayers to carry me through faithfully and fearlessly.

  18. Catherine Woodberry says:


  19. Jenna Taylor says:

    Amen , thank you lord for shedding your light onto us all. Thank you lord for opening my eyes

  20. Jennifer Castellanos says:

    I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday! ✨✨

  21. Traci Gendron says:

    Sorry, I was trying to comment on my phone. I moved to my computer. I pray for all the healthcare workers. They are so overloaded with death. The nurse, Brynn, that took care of Tanner was a very sweet young girl and was teary eyed when we knew Tanner couldn’t go forward in life. She said it was an honor to help us through. I cannot imagine what they have to endure.

  22. Traci Gendron says:

    Churchmouse I heard the same while Tanner was in the ICU. I pray for the

  23. Victoria E says:

    Thankful for the Light in the darkness. What a great study. Cathy Krause praying for your husband. Mari V praying for you and work situation.

  24. Lexi B says:

    I love prayer Sundays on SRT…I hope this stays. <3
    Ladies, thank you for those of you who prayed. I was worried about finacials while I took time off to care for my uncle's estate. With my dad's passing, I get more time off to continue taking care of things and it is paid. I also had friends who were prompted by the Lord to give to me which has covered even more of my expenses. God provides, even in the hardest of times. He knows our needs and cares for us. So thankful.

  25. Mari V says:

    Good morning dear SRT sisters. I would appreciate prayers as a matter of the weather today. I’m sad that I won’t be going to church this morning as I love the season so much. And because of my symptoms which I know it’s just a cold, I don’t think I’ll be allowed to go to work tomorrow. Which messes up with my pay. I know most schools are closed now but I work in kids care. And I was going to work just Monday and Tuesday.

  26. Sarah Burckhard says:

    Sarah, this is a beautiful prayer. May I please repeat it? So beautiful ❤️

  27. Jennifer Spiers says:

    The LIGHT has come. Those who sit in darkness now and then are worse off than the ones described in Isaiah as walking in darkness. There is energy in movement. But sitting like a couch potato makes it harder to get up and move. May we be light bearers for Jesus, going into the dark living rooms and lovingly bring people to their feet and inspire them to seek the LIGHT which already surrounds them. He has come! All they need to do is open their eyes to see. May it be so Lord, may it be so!

  28. Maria Baer says:

    May this week’s study continue to remind us that while the world is enveloped in darkness, that Isaiah’s message remains— we will see a great light that will deliver us from the darkness.

  29. Julianne Pictou says:

    I love that God has come for us. That he will go to the darkness, and be a light, that we may see him clearly and follow.

  30. SEARCHING says:


    CATHY KRAUSE – praising that your husband is stable and praying Skip has a healthy 2022
    BOBBI HAGUE – praying for your family. You can call on the Lord anytime, anywhere, He meets you where you are.
    ELIZABETH DUNKERSON – welcome! Thankful this season is brighter for you and your father
    KAT GETZ – I see your Saturday posts at 8:23 and 8:25 pm. If you have other posts that aren’t showing up, do they contain a phone number or maybe a type of link that’s not permitted?

    Does anyone know where there’s a list of commenting guidelines?

  31. Margaret says:

    Sunday prayers are lovely. Let’s keep those up all year.

  32. Nikki Carlyle says:

    Amen and Amen. Thank you Father God for your many blessings. May all see you are the light of the world and will always shine through the darkness.

  33. SarahJoy says:

    I love the Sunday prayers during this study.
    SRT – could that continue into future studies? ❤️

  34. SarahJoy says:

    Gracious God,
    May your light shine into the darkest corners as so many people enter this week broken hearted, lonely, depressed. Bring your light through us to those who need a touch of your love and grace. Give us wisdom to share what is needed: a touch, a word or simply our presence.

    I pray your grace over those over those venturing into spaces that are uncomfortable or painful. May your truth be first in their hearts. Fill them with Your love. As Peter’s shadow healed in his wake may our presence in our families bring your healing power through your Holy Spirit in us.

    To You be the glory this week and always.

  35. Angela Greenwood says:

    Amen, a beautiful prayer.

  36. Angela Greenwood says:


  37. Aimee D-R says:

    Father God, bring Your Holy Spirit into every area of my life and those who believe. Let us shine Your light brighter than ever. In Jesus loving name, Amen

  38. Churchmouse says:

    Truly our health care workers are “living in the land of the shadow of death.” I’ve had several doctor appointments lately and each doctor has expressed their weariness of this pandemic. Many are weighed down by so many heartbreaking scenes of dying patients and devastated family members. May we pray for those who are in the trenches, overworked, overwhelmed, understaffed and just so so exhausted. Perhaps the gift of a note of appreciation and a cookie tray could be a bit of light for them. We all need these dedicated health care providers. They need our prayers for strength and endurance.

  39. Tricia Cavanaugh says:


  40. Robin Tella says:

    Amen. Father, make me more like Jesus. You are my only hope.

  41. Kelly says:

    “Light up, O Lord, a brighter and stronger flame in the lamps of Your sanctuary.”

    This brought to mind that in order for a flame to be brighter, the spent (dead) part of the wick (my flesh) needs to be trimmed. Similar to the refining of precious metal and the removing of the dross.

    Bobbi Hague – may the peace of the Lord flood your heart and the hearts of those in your family.

    Cathy Krause – rejoicing with you and your husband as he comes out of this cancer battle. Agreeing with you for the blessing of a healthy 2022!

  42. Alice Swearingen says:

    “May Your grace animate my soul” ❤️

  43. Adrienne McPherson says:


  44. Adrienne McPherson says:

    Amen! I draw comfort so much from this!

  45. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Lord Thank you for your love, grace, peace and forgiveness. You are the light piercing the darkness.

  46. ERB says:

    SUCH a beautiful prayer!!! May it be so Lord!!!

    VICTORIA E , CEEGEE , SEARCHING , KELLY and all of you ladies that prayed and are continuing to pray THANK YOU!!!! Your prayers mean more than you know!!!!

    A very blessed Sunday to each and every one of you!!! Xoxo