A Prayer for Rescue

Open Your Bible

Psalm 142:1-7

God’s word unites people throughout space and time. Take today’s psalm, for example. Written by David as he hid in an ancient Near East cave about 3000 years ago, this psalm is just as relevant and applicable to us today.

Our family lived in the Middle East, sharing life with people from all over the world. We’ve witnessed brothers and sisters follow Jesus even as it leads them into persecution. Some have had to flee from their own families and countries to obey Jesus Christ. The loss was so profound, and the wounds were deep. Yet their resolve resembled David’s: our God is bigger than the threats that chase us.

I haven’t suffered persecution like these friends, but I’ve experienced the loneliness that accompanies doing hard things for the Lord. A friend and I recently looked at Psalm 142 to process the harm we’ve experienced at the hands of others for doing what was right in the Lord’s sight. It’s true, the Lord does deal generously. He hears our cries and rescues us.

David’s only option was to trust and wait on the Lord. Truthfully, I want more options. I want to “control” what happens. Can you relate? It feels easier to run to work, relationships, doom scrolling, entertainment, shopping, and checking accounts to gain a sense of comfort and stability in uncertain times.

David lost his home, reputation, and possessions, but his reflex was to cry out loud to the Lord. He cried out complaints and pleas for mercy. He confessed his own weakness and ran to the only refuge He had. (Hint hint: it’s not the cave he’s hiding in.)

Do we shelter in the Lord as David did? If God is our portion and greatest treasure, our prayer life will reflect this. Prosperity can sometimes numb our need for God. Pastor Charles Spurgeon said about Psalm 142, “Had David prayed as much in his palace as he did in his cave, he might never have fallen into the act which brought such misery upon his later days.” 

True faith confesses sorrows and troubles to the Father. True faith pleads with Him first for help. True faith despises self-reliance and hopes in the Lord who saves. Sisters, let’s take time today to shelter in the Lord, our portion and shield. Let us pray.

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71 thoughts on "A Prayer for Rescue"

  1. Teresa Donley says:

    Tina – “I Need Thee Every Hour” has come into my mind several times recently. It was nice to hear it speaks to you as well. Thank you for providing the lyrics.

  2. Teresa Donley says:

    Kristen, what a beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Angela K says:

    Prayers for you and you family
    Praying for the Lord’s protection and guidance, healing.
    Call out to Jesus in all things

  4. Kelly Yager says:


  5. Candy Michalski says:

    Emma Rageth I’m praying for you.
    Grab Jesus’s hand and make that first step. He will stay right by you!

  6. Emma Rageth says:

    This was just what I needed today. I am really struggling with following the Lord’s instructions to drop a client from my small business. I have been unwilling to drop them for fear of loss of control over how they will respond and loss of finances. May I have the courage to follow through this morning, regardless of how she responds.

  7. Eileen Dowd says:

    Thank you Heidi your words helped so much! Elliot! did have a better day on Tuesday so praise the Lord God is faithful amen!

  8. Lauren GW says:

    Really appreciate everyone’s comments. In a dry season, it helps me redirect my focus and see things in a different light.
    Continued prayers for my husband/our family. He had another ptsd episode last week and broke a window in our garage. It was scary, I’m thankful the kids weren’t awake to see it.
    I’m getting weary of the ups and downs. Of things looking like they’re moving forward, then we’re back where we started. Need wisdom for next steps/resources