A Prayer for Hope

Open Your Bible

Psalm 146:1-10

There are days when prayer feels heavy and nearly impossible to enjoy. In fact, there are days when it feels like everything within me rebels against the opportunity. Prayer is where we communicate with our Maker, friend, and Savior. It’s where gratitude, frustration, excitement, and disappointment all mingle in a mixed bag of emotions. 

Thankfully, those emotions don’t have to overpower our ability to communicate with the Father. Through the book of Psalms, we find that praise is a form of prayer. And the good news is we don’t have to feel good to meditate on God’s goodness. 

God knew there would be days we would struggle to pray, as did the psalmist in Psalm 146. That is why praise is such a powerful tool to use in prayer. It helps us take our eyes off our situations and redirect them to the Lord’s sovereignty. 

I distinctly remember the day I learned the power of praise. I prepared to leave the gym feeling disappointed that my time spent exercising had done nothing to boost my mood. While packing my bag, my eyes gravitated to a woman with the most glorious curls. To my chagrin, she looked. Embarrassed that I had been caught staring, I raised my voice over the roar of the machines to compliment her hair. 

My day improved almost immediately. But  more importantly, my attention shifted away from everything wrong to the few beautiful things remaining.

If a simple compliment can produce such profound results, how much more can it do for us when we offer those compliments to our Creator? Prayer can often feel unbearable when we’re overburdened with negative emotions. However, it is possible to push through when we redirect our attention to the reality that God is faithful. Praise renews our perspective.

In Psalm 146, the psalmist captures the importance of praise by encouraging everyone to praise the Lord while commanding his soul to do the same. The more we read, the more we realize our ability to communicate about how good God is is not contingent upon our circumstances. The psalmist shares that people will disappoint us in their humanity (Psalm 146:3–4). Yet he contrasts people’s limitations with the limitless One by reminding us that our hope lies in the eternal God, who is as consistent on the good days as the bad. 

Praise reinforces our revelation of God as we remember that His reign will last forever.

It also reminds us that praise is not always a result of our present circumstances. Praise is produced in the presence of the Almighty. And the good news is it is available to anyone who will elevate His name above their emotions. Psalm 146 teaches us that the more we praise, the more we recognize God’s power amid our pain. And sometimes, it is all the prayer we need.

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42 thoughts on "A Prayer for Hope"

  1. Jessica Goen says:


  2. Carolyn Langley says:


  3. Char Hight says:

    He is the same today, tomorrow, and yesterday. He is merciful and gracious. Loving, Kind, and gentle. I put my hope and trust in you Lord. On the good days and the bad and all those in between.

  4. Katarina Richardson says:

    -Praise the Lord
    -Put not your trust in man
    -The Lord is credible and worthy!
    -The Lord helps us in all these ways!
    -The Lord is above all!

    My quick summary of the stanzas. I hope to remember to start with praise of Jesus My King, remember that the gospel of man fails, but the gospel of Christ is powerful, loving, and sure. Mostly praising Jesus isn’t just hiring Jesus to save me. It’s about knowing the one who is Lord over all. Who is worthy of all praise. This psalm redirects us to not just look up from ourselves but to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and see his invitation to be with us. We will be blessed in learning that with more than fleeting relief of our woes.

  5. Claire B says:


  6. Jessica says:

    There is a spiritual maturity that grows in understanding that God is still God and will continue to be God in spite of our circumstances.

    As someone who is still searching for a church home for the first time in her adult life and recently moved away from her home state … what I’m encouraged by is that, “people will disappoint us in their humanity”. This really encouraged me, haha. Understanding this and having the hope that God is not limited to what I see or understand now.

    God could use anyone to advance His will and fulfill his promises despite their humanity.

    Despite even mine.

    I’m encouraged today to keep having hope in God, a hope that can never be put to shame that I will find a church home.

    God bless.

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I went to a woman’s night at my church last night. It was so amazing. It really helped me to get my passion and attention back onto the Lord. I felt closer to him than I have in a while. I wish I could remain on that mountaintop, but I know that life isn’t always loved on that mountaintop. It is lived in the valley too. I pray that I would apply the lessons that I tee learned last night in my everyday life.

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:

    @MICHELLE PATIRE thank you for your words of encouragement. ❤️ I pray we can all find our true security in Jesus.