A Prayer for Guidance

Open Your Bible

Psalm 143:1-12

A few years ago my husband and I were in the middle of an agonizing time of decision-making. He was unemployed, we had a mortgage to pay, and we were in the midst of a difficult season where we felt alone as a brand new married couple in a new city, new church, and new job for me. On top of all that, there were some peripheral difficulties clouding our judgment. It was one of those times in life where I felt completely alone and as though any decision we might make would have catastrophic results. Our circumstances weren’t even at their worst yet, but even at that point, we felt paralyzed in the midst of indecision. No direction seemed right or good or sufficient or joyful or enough for anyone else, let alone us.

It was in the midst of this indecision that one of us read these words from pastor and author Scotty Smith, “Grant us peace as we make important decisions. Some of us are facing career changes, church choices, economic challenges, and health issues. Free us from the foolish notion that there is only one right choice to make. Actually, there is only one right God to trust, and that is you. Lead us, as we lean on you, Father.” This quote nudged something in us both, and it is the same nudging I feel when I read today’s psalm.

Let me experience your faithful love in the morning,
for I trust in you.
Reveal to me the way I should go
because I appeal to you.
—Psalm 143:8

So often we are duped into believing there is only one right decision in front of us. When the way seems cloudy, as it often does, we can find ourselves paralyzed with the fear that we’ll make the wrong decision. But this psalm of David shows us the way. It is a compass for directional purposes: Let me experience your faithful love. I trust in you. I appeal to you.

Where do I look when I don’t know where to look? To Him. To His love, His trustworthiness, His help. It is the only place my soul will find rest, the only trustworthy place, and the only love that will not let me go.

What decisions are you facing today? What needs to be done or said or moved or broken or taken up? What opinions or thoughts or fears or refrains are you replaying over and over again in your mind? What closed doors or open doors do you see? Now, lift up your eyes, lift up your soul, and see your Maker, your God, your friend, your Savior. If He is your truest north, and serving Him, being loved by Him, and obeying Him is your greatest good, then take a step. Then another. And another. We may never know the direction life is taking us, but we can know the God who keeps us and guides us on the way He is leading us.

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80 thoughts on "A Prayer for Guidance"

  1. Colleen DeVeau says:

    Oh @GWINETH52, @KRIS, @SHARON JERSEY GIRL, and all of my @SHES! I just want to hug all of you. I have dragged myself through Monday and found myself only getting to my reading in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. I find too much in common with our psalmist-friend (and so many of you) right now.
    “Lord, hear my prayer. In your faithfulness, listen to my plea, and in your righteousness, answer me,” (Psalms 143:1). Do you hear the weariness in our dear friend’s voice? Better yet, do you feel it?
    “My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay,” (Psalms 143:4). Abba, why is this where so many of us find ourselves today? Whether we brought ourselves or You led us here — Abba, why? We know You have a plan and all time is in Your hands, but — why?
    “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all You have done; I reflect on the work of Your hands. I spread out my hands to You; I am like parched land before You. Selah,” (Psalms 143:5-6). My mind has been reeling and seemingly wandering in a journey to the past these past seven days — it felt random and exhausting, but I see now it is not. I also love the poetic and intentional way in which hands is repeated here. Do you feel it? Do you see it? The Selah moment was palpable here. I feel so dry as if I’ve been thrown on the shore from a salty sea today — so thirsty, so worn.
    “Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Don’t hide Your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit. Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You,” (Psalms 143:7-8). My spirit significantly fails within me, Lord; at times, I don’t trust my own thoughts. Help me to cling to You, to Your lovingkindness, Your ḥeseḏ, when I’d rather let go to be tossed by the waves once more. Be my mooring.
    “Reveal to me the way I should go
    because I appeal to You… Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground,” (Psalms 143:8, 10). “Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart and lead me in Your love to those around me,” (an excerpt from the song “Build My Life”). How I long for level ground, LORD!
    You are in my prayers, dear @SHES.

  2. Jorinda Van Staden says:

    My son needs to start making decisions about school, subject choices and careers. I always say one step at a time. This Word came at the right time.

  3. Deanna Fraticelli says:

    Hey all! I just finished my reading. This goes with the sermon my pastor preached yesterday… “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done.” When you’re needing miracles from God, looking back on all the miracles throughout your life will build your faith as you wait expectantly for God to move again. ❤️❤️

  4. Letitia Scott says:


  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love this psalm! I don’t really feel like I have any big decisions I need to make right now , but I love that God is with me throughout all the tiny decisions I make throughout my days. He will never let me go and is always leading me. It’s great to look back and see the fruit of the decisions I made in my younger years. I love that he was leading me then, and he is leading me know.

  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Hello dear sisters, this is very late in the day for me – but at least I got here. This is a beautiful and hopeful Psalm (as many of them are!). I read it through a couple of times, but it wasn’t until I was reading the comments when I noticed repeatedly in them it was mentioned where David asks God to lead him on level ground. That is so good! Thank you all for bringing that to my attention. I am so thankful and blessed to know that we have a Father in heaven that cares for us and wants to lead us on the right path. It is up to us to seek Him, listen, and follow. My daily prayer -“teach me to do your will for you are my God.” Thank you God for Your faithfulness – day after day and for always being present to lead us in the way we should go!

    Reading through all the comments and praying for your requests. @Gweneth52 – welcome back!

    Tomorrow morning my husband and I leave for RI to visit family. Please pray for safe travels and for opportunities to be a witness to those in our family who are lost as we spend time with them.

    Blessings to all!

  7. GramsieSue says:

    So much in our lives to make us anxious and depressed.
    But God….
    He is always with us. He never leaves us. He sees the whole plan and it is perfect.
    I have prayed for so many of you this morning.
    Gwineth52 – I send you a big hug and pray for your losses and heartaches.

    I just started reading a book by Katie David Majors called “Safe All Along”. It really speaks to our anxieties and how we are looking at them from the wrong perspective. When we are in the midst of the deep waters, we feel as if we are drowning. We can’t see what’s coming next and it frightens us. But if we move to the hill and look down at the problems, there are several options that could bring us out of the deep waters. God’s perspective is better than ours and we can trust Him because He has always seen us through.

    Hugs and prayers for you sweet sisters. ❤️

  8. Claire B says:

    Gwineth52, welcome back, the Lord has spoken to you and you have a place here to let it go. Prayers for you situation