From beginning to end, the Bible tells the story of God’s redemptive plan. Zechariah’s prophecies anticipate the grand culmination of history, describing a coming glorious king and a world where everything is set right. While Zechariah prophesies judgment for the wicked, his message is filled with hope and glorious promises for God’s people.
Zechariah’s eight visions portend restoration for the righteous and punishment for the unrepentant. At the heart of these prophecies is the promise that the Lord is the one who enables repentance. The message of Zechariah’s first three night visions amounts to one urgent directive: repent.
First, we see an angel (some scholars suggest this is a figure of Christ) standing among the myrtle trees, sending out messengers to do His will, speaking words of comfort and love for God’s people. He promises restoration and mercy, offering an invitation to come back to Him: “Return to me… and I will return to you” (Zechariah 1:3).
Some people hold up an image of the God of the Old Testament as being angry all the time, but that’s a false image—one that’s quite inconsistent with Scripture as a whole. No matter where we turn in the pages of the Bible, we will find a God who is holy and who hates evil, but simultaneously loves His creation and offers abundant mercy to all who will heed His tender offer. And that’s what we see in Zechariah.
The second vision is of the might of Judah’s oppressors, which appear as horns. But their oppression is short-lived, as craftsmen approach and quickly dismantle their power. The third vision is of a surveyor, measuring the city of Jerusalem, the city of God’s people. Here, we again see God’s abundant mercy and blessing, as God’s people, set free from their captivity, have their dwelling place with God.
If we’d lived in Zechariah’s day, we, too, would have a long list of grievances to call our courage into question. The temple, whose foundations had been laid by the returning Jewish exiles, remained incomplete—a seemingly hopeless, abandoned project. Prophets had come and gone, but their words had made little effect. The people of Judah still did not seem to have a vision for a restored kingdom, and instead intermingled with the world around them.
Have you also looked about and found discouragement in your world? Have you seen a lackluster church or half-hearted believers? Perhaps you have found these same roots of a sluggish faith in your own heart and are discouraged. Here is the good news: Christ, the Lord of Armies, comes to us, riding on a white horse. He has come to unseat the power of the oppressor and to set free the captives. He beckons to the sluggish, Come out of Babylon! (Zechariah 2:7). Christ the Lord of hosts has come to dwell with His people, bringing joy and gladness! (v.10).
Often our great discouragement comes from fixing our eyes on the woes of the world and the trepidations of our heart, rather than fixing our eyes upon Christ. The anger of the Lord of armies is a call to bring us back home. Zechariah reminds us that our vision is to be fixed upon Him alone.

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81 thoughts on "A Plea for Repentance"
Starting this today and touched that even amidst judgment, God speaks with kind and comforting words about his people (Zec. 1:13)
Repent. To change course gracefully. To turn back to Christ. God grant me the grace necessary.
“Come out of Babylon!” This is really important for Christians to do
Beautiful reminder and relevant for today just as it was for the people of Jerusalem at the time. Discouragement sneaks in and consumes when we focus on our circumstances. The joy comes from focusing on Christ and the recognition that any repentance we participate in is only by his grace and mercy to extend it to us.
I love this verse, there’s such powerful imagery around God removing all the superficial and unstable walls of security we have around ourselves and exchanging them for His sport and power.
5And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.’”
Wow. Very well written. Look to Christ always! Repent!
I love the verse in Zechariah 1:5-6.
Everything in our world is temporary but the words and statutes of the Lord are permanent reminders of our Great God. Today I want to focus upon the permanency of his word and allow it to deal with me.
I was just talking about this today in my bible study… how we as people tend to forget that we are the modern day Israelites…. we constantly forget God’s promises to us and we are constantly going back to the old ways of our sin. Reading over and over again about this is really helping me remember God’s promises to me and being in the word daily has helped me stay focused on the kingdom
I know a lot of people who struggle with the idea of “two Gods” the OT God and the NT God. Heck even I’ve struggle with that. But it is so cool to see how consistent God is in both parts of the bible. Him restoring justice is Him being a God of love.
But for GRACE…
Powerful daily devotional, SRT. Love the Jesus community here!
I went to a conference many years ago, and the running theme was “repent early and repent often.” words to live by.
What jumped out to me was verse 14 “ 14So the angel who talked with me said to me, ‘Cry out, Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion.” God is a jealous God. I haven’t always understood this phrase. Today it jumped out at me. God wanted me to see it, hear it, know it. God wants me. As His daughter, He desires me to walk with Him, to seek Him, to know Him. He wants my time. He wants my heart. When I think of how I feel when I am jealous of something or someone, I know how much it consumes my thoughts. Could God possibly love me enough to be consumed with me? Teaching me, guiding me, leading me? Being present for me even when I had no idea or even when I was choosing something less than God. Yes! The answer is yes! He knows I will make mistakes but He is eager to teach me and mold me into the being He created me to be. Just as he never abandoned the people of Judah, He will never abandon me.
What a timely devotion. “Sluggish faith”…..grateful for a God who reminds us to come to to Him and He will draw near to us!!
Such a great book with an amazing message! Come Lord!! My sluggish faith needs you!
I’m thankful for the Truth that though God is just and holy and cannot be around sin, that if we repent He is just to forgive us.
“Sluggish faith”. That’s a great description
I’ve always grown up in the church and have known of God but never truly tried to seek him for myself. I was living a life where I thought I knew what was best and failed miserably at directing my path. I lived in exile. Over the past few weeks I’ve decided that I was don’t trying to figure out the world on my own and turn back to the creator of my life. It’s as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I’ve literally been running after him and making room for him in my life. My God is just and forgiving. Glad to be reunited with my father.
What a beautiful and encouraging post! Even as I posted about my daughter choosing to live in rebellion against the God she knows, your message of hope is a balm to my heavy heart. Keep seeking Him, among ladies who study His word together in person! The accountability will keep your commitment stirred when the emotion of delight in your fresh surrender begins to wane. We all NEED the encouragement of accountability.
Very good. Can’t wait to keep reading.
Our eyes are to be fixed in him alone!
What a reminder this is… I desperately needed this reminder. In the midst of planning my wedding, my sister moving out and a whole other mess of things… Our family is undergoing some crazy amounts of stress. I have been struggling with keeping my head above the water… Trying to keep the waters calm around me when I know a storm is brewing. A reminder to keep my eyes on him so I don’t drown through the storm and keep my eyes on His Promises to be there through the fire and waves.
Our God is GOOD! and He is alive and moving. So thankful for this community… Prayers for my family during this crazy time for peace, provision and clear heads.
Have a blessed day!
Churchmouse thank-you for always taking time to share your heart and wisdom. I understand each study with greater depth thanks to you!
Been very discouraged lately as our small church we helped plant 15 years ago continues to falter despite all our efforts. This study is so timely as I have committed to pray about this but needed scripture for encouragement. There is truly nothing new under the sun with Gods people!
Exactly what I needed! I have recommitted myself to the Lord but I’m so discouraged with myself-my prayer and study are definitely sluggish and I find myself in States of confusion. I’m praying for an open and receiving heart and a mind focusing on God’s word. Please pray for me as well.
Prays for myself not to be sluggish in a constant return to my savior. I may never have fully left Him, but returning the pieces of my heart that forget Him or try to do life on my own.
I am praying that for you as well Rebekah, and for me as well. I need to make God first and reading His Word first, not if I have time.
I am so confused reading this book. There is an angel Z sees and hears and an Angel of the Lord doing the same? I don’t know why both are there with him. Wouldn’t the Angel of the Lord be enough/since it’s a Christophany or Theophany?
This is my personal opinion… but perhaps God was revealing the angels He had appointed to fight on their behalf. As children of the most high God, we have unlimited access to all of Heaven’s resources. Perhaps the Lord wanted Zechariah to know to what degree He intended to be a wall of fire around the city.
Hello! I just started reading with SRT. To say I’ve been discouraged lately is an understatement. I’m a new mom with a toddler and one due in September. I’m ultimately discouraged by my lack of capacity to keep my kids safe in this volatile world. While I remain grateful, I have been seeking any glimmers of hope. I’m grateful to have opened my app up to Zechariah as I lean on the word to renew my faith.
My sluggish heart needed this today. I needed this good news reminder. Christ does the work! Not me!
Prayers for you Katie
Discouragement has been a running theme everywhere I turn on social media. It is so disheartening to see a world of people that do not believe and attempt to get others to see their “truth.” I pray for those that have not found Him to be the only truth and for those that begin to doubt God because of it.
Amen, I know what you mean.
God says return to Him and He will return to you. I’m so thankful for his mercy.
God is constantly calling us home. And the path home is clear and well-lit – the path laid out by Jesus’s sacrifice.
So beautifully said.
What a wonderful reminder of His ❤️ AWESOME love!
Love you all!!!
Zechariah has been on my mind recently. I decided to open my ap for the first time in a while, & this study on Zechariah+Malachi is happening. & it’s day 1. I am so thankful. God is so good.
So the people repented and said, “As the Lord of armies decided to deal with us for our ways and our deeds, so he has dealt with us.”
Simple acceptance of the fact for what it is, without resentment, fear, etc. Only possible as a response following a true repentance. So often my unbelief makes me dread the “consequences” of how God is going to “deal” in my life, because I know I fell short. But I pray He continues to give me hope and eyes to see beyond just that part, for He has a bigger, perfect plan for me -something like Zechariah 2:5, He himself being a fire around me and glory within me. I serve and love a very merciful God.
Christ, the Lord of Armies, unseat the power of the oppressor and to set the captives free…
My soul hurts with the pain of an intruding diagnosis with a long road ahead and the overwhelming load of other issues this is bringing to me to do. And then there’s prodigal sons. I needed these words but my circumstances are fighting against the peace and joy that this might bring. I’m trying, Lord…
I imagine a quiet garden, where the only sound is the gentle breeze. The smell of flowers fills the air, as Zechariah in his dream catches a glimpse of an angel through the branches. He comes closer, and he hears the angel speak words of compassion, love, and mercy. Hundreds of years later, Mary Magdalene similarly stands in a garden and is the first to encounter the Risen Jesus. He loves to meet with us. He loves to call us near. He loves to hold out His hands to us. He is so good.
Love this!
Kind of crazy how God works–I’m starting to spend time in the Word again after years of pushing the Lord away. It was nice to pull up SRT and happen to start on Day 1 of a new study!! My husband and I have also started going to church again in the last month, and they are doing a series on the minor prophets…so this SRT study is quite fitting!
What a beautiful reminder of the Lord’s grace this morning. He is constant, always willing to come to us if we open our hearts to him. Again and again and again we stray, but the Lord is always pursuing our wandering hearts. So glad he is a loving father to this prodigal daughter.
Makes me so happy to hear you’re seeking His word ❤️ I pray your faith roots only get deeper
I’m in the same boat, Mary Beth! I have not been in the Word for over a year and have really struggled with going to church due to my social anxiety / feelings of guilt. I am glad to be reminded that God welcomes us back with open arms.
Amen ❤️ bless you on your “return” as Zechariah put it!
I was thinking the same thing Mary Beth. Amazing how God cares so much about us. Isaiah 30:18 is becoming a great comfort to me lately. Praying for you girl!!
Yes! I’m in a similar boat and can relate :) so amazing that He chooses to pursue us.
Welcome back and embrace God’s welcoming arms. I just downloaded this app today as well, and jumped on board
There’s nothing like coming home. In January 2002, I rededicated my life to Christ. Several years prior I had stepped away from my faith because I was angry at God, the Church and the world. But when our nation was attacked on September 11th, I was undone. For months after the attacks our churches were packed with people crying out to God, seeking His face, repenting of their sin and returning to His glory and grace. I was among them. I’m so thankful for God’s redemptive plan and His steadfast love that never ceases and His mercies that are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:22-23). It’s easy to become discouraged, fearful, angry and full of regret and shame. It’s easy to step away or turn our backs on God’s grace and plan for our lives. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus, we are blessed indeed and it never feels so good to walk with our Savior, Christ the King!
Father God, great is Your faithfulness! Holy is Your Name! Worthy are You to be praised! It feels so good to be in Your presence again. You took my angry, broken, shattered heart and healed it with Your love. It’s repentance that drew me back to You and the church. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that washed me and made me brand new. In Jesus Name! Amen.
“Our discouragement comes from fixing our eyes on the woes of the world rather than fixing our eyes on Christ.” This is just what I needed to hear this morning. So many problems have come up in life lately, but they are nothing compared to the glory of the Lord. I’m thankful that I have a savior who cares enough to prepare a place for me. Today I’m going to focus on finding Christ’s love in my life rather than what is going wrong. My problems are only temporary, but His love will endure forever. How thankful for that I am!
This was so timely for me. Our “prodigal” daughter just reached out and wants to move home. Praising God! But…after meeting with her last night to talk details, oh so many issues need to be dealt with. So thankful that God can redeem and wants to redeem his people. Praying that her heart will turn and she can fix her eyes on Him. Praying that we as her parents can do the same, trusting God to be with us as we tackle the rebuilding of her life.
Praising and praying for you and your daughter! That your house will be full of Shalom and connection and freedom and structure and love for you each.
“Often our great discouragement comes from fixing our eyes on the woes of the world and the trepidations of our heart, rather than fixing our eyes upon Christ.”
I needed this reminder today. So many heavy things are weighing on my mind lately, and they seem overwhelming. But my job isn’t to fix them, my responsibility is to bring them to the feet of Jesus and look to Him for my strength.
My friend and I are meeting to pray today. Current events, as well as needs in our own personal worlds, have brought us to our knees in desperation for a touch from God. Today’s reading and devotion are timely reminders of Gods sovereignty and our need to focus on Him, no matter what the circumstances that surround us. Looking forward to what’s ahead in this study of the minor prophets. Thankful for SRT and this community!
There is a busy day ahead of me. I’m not sure how to make it all happen but my gospel today is that I don’t need to. God will deliver me to dusk and lead me to rest as I walk in His Glory today. He will guide me as he guides His children that He loves.
God is just. The sin of Judah was great. The punishment commensurate: seventy years of exile. Plenty long enough for Judah to feel abandoned (though they had been the ones to abandon God) and forgotten. Taking matters into their own hands they intermarried with pagans, believing their situation was hopeless. They were just making the best of it. But God is also loving and compassionate. His promise of exile had an end date. After the 70 years had ended, God made a way for His people to return to Jerusalem and to begin again. A do-over of sorts. He graciously gave them Zechariah to encourage them that God had not forgotten or abandoned but had always planned to restore. Judah was on the cusp of their physical return. It was not a pretty sight. It was a daunting task for a diminished and defeated people. The temple destroyed. The walls of Jerusalem fallen. It would take great effort and great resolve to rebuild. But God was not content with the physical rebuilding. He wanted the hearts of His people rebuilt also. 70 years of living in a foreign and hostile culture had left its mark. It was time for Judah to return to its roots, roots grounded in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Repentance of the heart was needed. God required repentance and offered great reward: the Lord Himself would be the primary Rebuilder and Restorer. He chose His people, despite their past failures, and He chose His city, Jerusalem. Glory would return.
What a gracious and forgiving God we have. Our God does not give up on us. He woos us back. We need only choose to turn and follow. He will make a way and He will stand beside us as we grab hammer and saw. After all, He knows a bit about carpentry.
This is beautiful, and really puts things into perspective for me. Thanks Churchmouse!
Churchmouse, thank you for your thoughts each day. Your Godly wisdom is evident, and helpful.
I always take notes on your lovely posts, Churchmouse. ❤️ just as I was ready to close the app and thought I grasped most of the message, I read your notes and it’s always so refreshing. You’re a blessing to us!
Such a well written follow up to this lesson. Hit me in my soul. Thanks for sharing.
Love this and so well written. Thank you for posting this.
Love this! Thanks for sharing
Do not be discouraged! Keep your eyes fixed on God! So many of God’s creatures have eyes on both sides of their head seeing both left and right simultaneously or have eyes that are “unfixed” that each follow their own path. How miraculous and compassionate that he chose man to have eyes that can only see one thing at a time. What we see is a direct result, then, of our own choice. I can choose to see the temptations of this world around me and find myself ensnared in sin or I can observe the pain, troubles, grief, and doubt God’s love for me, or I can focus on my own numerous failures and reason that God is good and cares for me, but He is tired of my inconsistent walk and He has moved on to others who are truly holy. Or, I can fix my eyes on Jesus because then my gaze is lifted to the truth of His love, His hope, His peace, His mercy, His peace, and His faithfulness! I don’t have to be discouraged—I can choose where to fix, (hold, keep steady, fasten, lock) my eyes and it is on the One who loves me perfectly and who meets me where I am to leads me on His path fo His glory! Oh what a Savior! Isn’t He wonderful? Sing Hallelujah!
Thank you for your encouraging words.
I needed to read this, thank you Shawn! There is so much uncertainty ahead today, thank you for the reminder to keep my eyes fixed on the only One who matters.
Thankful for an encouraging word the reminds me to fix my hope on God instead of getting wrapped up around the world around me.
Often our sadness and feelings of struggle comes from paying more attention to the world instead of Jesus. He gives us so many gifts that we should celebrate.
Zechariah 2:5 “The declaration of the LORD: “I myself will be a wall of fire around it, and I will be the glory within it.”
Wall us in with the fire of your Holy Spirit Lord God.
May your glory bring Light to this dark world shining forth from our souls as we live, love, and serve You.
10 Daughter Zion, shout for joy and be glad, for I am coming to dwell among you”-this is the LORD’s declaration.
Nothing but You LORD. We are your creation. We are your children. Your breath gives us life and we live for You.
Jehovah Tsebaioth – Lord of Armies/Hosts…may I live in the knowledge that, the battle is the LORDs!
3Therefore say to them, Thus declares the Lord of hosts: Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts.
THIS. This is what I needed to read this morning. It’s been a rough few weeks, and so I felt like God finally shook his hands off of me and that’s not the case. I returned to Him last night and just to see that little move made Him return back to me makes my heart full! Lord, I repent of all things and also getting in my own way!
Yes! So grateful! Such a blessing to be able to come back to Him who gives all comfort
I forget sometimes about those angels.. I have a long commute to work with heavy traffic and today’s reading was such a good reminder that those angels ‘patrol the earth’ – Surround my car and protect me everyday!!
Great application :) I love that…all the workers making sure the streets are safe. Thank you Lord!
Our pastor just touched on Zechariah at church yesterday. I’m looking forward to this study on the last two of the minor prophets.