A Parable of Jerusalem’s Unfaithfulness

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 15:1-8, Ezekiel 16:1-63, Ecclesiastes 12:1, John 15:1-5

Here’s a reality check I need from time to time. It comes in the form of a question: When was the last time someone else’s words about me toppled my self-perception? I may have happened to overhear them, or a brave person may have had the courage to speak them to my face. 

In Ezekiel 15 and 16, the Lord God confronts severely flawed self-perceptions. First, He asks a series of questions that unravel self-deception.

The Lord—speaking through Ezekiel—lays a brilliant trap with His questions. First: “How is the wood of the vine better than . . .?” The “better than” invites a recital of all the positive qualities that come to mind.  Imagine you are in an interview for a plum position and you said, “How am I best qualified for that role? Well, let me tell you!” The question is an indicator that I am preparing to explain why I am the no-brainer candidate. 

Each subsequent question presumed the worst about Judah and peeled off additional layers of their faulty self-perception. With chagrin, they would realize that they’d been had. It’s as if the interviewer had asked, “How have you failed in your professional life up to this point? Explain yourself!” Was Israel of any use at all? Good grief, the wood of this vine isn’t even fit for burning (Ezekiel 15:4)! What a blow to self-esteem!

One word—“unfaithful”—connects to the next chapter, the length and content of which are devastating. I have trouble wrapping my mind around the X-rated life described there; Ezekiel does not mince words—sumptuous living, extreme indulgence, exploitation of sex and sexuality. 

And then I remember with deep pain that I am surrounded by and in some cases immersed in the same horrors. Arrogance and wealthy unconcern numb my own heart. It’s all there and here. This unfaithful, promiscuous wife of the Lord was skilled in each of these—and so is our desperately sad culture. 

But the devastation of God’s judgment is not the end of the story. This Lenten season reminds us that gleaming through the darkest of our valleys are the truths of God’s everlasting covenant and atonement through Jesus. Instead of being burned, charred, and useless, pruned branches will abide in the true Vine and bear fruit (John 15:1–5). Taking the place of the shameless and promiscuous wife will be the lovely bride of Christ (Revelation 21:2).

Thanks be to God!

(77) Comments

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77 thoughts on "A Parable of Jerusalem’s Unfaithfulness"

  1. June Pimpo says:

    Lord, help me to examine my life and heart and before you and remain steadfast in covenant with you.

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you I shall focus on you and shall not fear!

  3. Anna G says:


  4. Sarah Morrison says:


  5. Jenette McEntire says:

    What a fearful thing when God calls a spade a spade.

  6. Jennifer Urena says:

    Wow! So much going on here. This just makes me even more grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice and to have God’s grace before me.

  7. Beth Jerome says:

    Wow! Well said insight. Your honesty is so real. Me too. Meekness and Glory to God!

  8. Libby S says:

    Dorothy- the weekly podcast is really helpful to understand these passages!

  9. Libby S says:

    Tesh- Great thoughts and questions! Thank you for your convicting post.

  10. Tara Beatty says:

    I apologize for the double post. I never understand this app and why it does that??? Thank you She’s for your encouraging words and thoughts. I enjoy reading comments and am glad to be able to pray for all of you. Have a great Sunday in the Lord!

  11. Tara Beatty says:

    BUT GOD…I love when I see that. In every area in life that is heartbreaking, difficult and unpleasant, there is a BUT GOD. The days I have run from Him, BUT GOD, was there and never left me. Always calling me back.

    To truly reflect that everything we do that is not for HIM is adulterous. Everyday I want to think of my actions, my thoughts and my priorities that way. Through the eyes of the Lord. BUT GOD! My dad passed 18 years ago, when I was 24 and a newlywed…BUT GOD- covered my mom with so many people who loved on her and carried her. 16 years later she remarried a man who loved her so much…BUT GOD! This past November she passed unexpectedly. It hurts. It doesn’t make sense. It is sad and I feel empty a lot of days. BUT GOD…both my parents knew Jesus and taught me and my brothers about Jesus and they both died quick deaths and did not suffer. BUT GOD- He is always there. He knows what is best. He will be with me always and my brothers as well. Thank you She’s for your encouraging words and thoughts. I enjoy reading comments and am glad to be able to pray for all of you. Have a great Sunday in the Lord!

  12. Tara Beatty says:

    BUT GOD…I love when I see that. In every area in life that is heartbreaking, difficult and unpleasant, there is a BUT GOD. The days I have run from Him, BUT GOD, was there and never left me. Always calling me back.
    To truly reflect that everything we do that is not for HIM is adulterous. Everyday I want to think of my actions, my thoughts and my priorities that way. Through the eyes of the Lord. BUT GOD! My dad passed 18 years ago, when I was 24 and a newlywed…BUT GOD- covered my mom with so many people who loved on her and carried her. 16 years later she remarried a man who loved her so much…BUT GOD! This past November she passed unexpectedly. It hurts. It doesn’t make sense. It is sad and I feel empty a lot of days. BUT GOD…both my parents knew Jesus and taught me and my brothers about Jesus and they both died quick deaths and did not suffer. BUT GOD- He is always there. He knows what is best. He will be with me always and my brothers as well.

  13. Tara Beatty says:

    BUT GOD…I love when I see that. In every area in life that is heartbreaking, difficult and unpleasant, there is a BUT GOD. The days I have run from Him, BUT GOD, was there and never left me. Always calling me back. To truly reflect that everything we do that is not for HIM is adulterous. Everyday I want to think of my actions, my thoughts and my priorities that way. Through the eyes of the Lord. BUT GOD! My dad passed 18 years ago, when I was 24 and a newlywed…BUT GOD- covered my mom with so many people who loved on her and carried her. 16 years later she remarried a man who loved her so much…BUT GOD! This past November she passed unexpectedly. It hurts. It doesn’t make sense. It is sad and I feel empty a lot of days. BUT GOD…both my parents knew Jesus and taught me and my brothers about Jesus and they both died quick deaths and did not suffer. BUT GOD- He is always there. He knows what is best. He will be with me always and my brothers as well.

  14. Jamie T says:

    So much of Ezekiel is hard to take in. I appreciate the “going deeper” endings as they bring in the NT where the goodness of God is highlighted in Christ. Before I found Jesus I was similar to the Israelites, longing for any spiritual journey to fill that void.

  15. Jamie T says:

    So much of Ezekiel is hard to take in. I appreciate the “going deeper” endings as they bring in the NT where the goodness of God is highlighted in Christ. Before I found Jesus I was similar to the Israelites, longing for any spiritual journey,

  16. Ashlee Hickson says:

    Thanks be to god

  17. Patricia Stewart says:

    This study is such a blast of reality. The truth hurts and it bleeds. My only hope lies in Christ and His merciful sacrifice for me. God is so good. He never gives up. Even when I do He pursues

  18. Patricia Stewart says:

    This study is such a blast of reality. The truth hurts and it bleeds. My only hope lies in Christ and His merciful sacrifice for me.

  19. Claire B says:

    I have to confess that reading Ezekiel is a tough read and certainly does not bring my feeling of Lent forth. This a struggle. The commentary and the She’s comments are the highlight. I am reading another Lenten Devotional as well just so I can feel the coming of the resurrection and new birth.

  20. Claire B says:

    Victoria E, you must have your husband, friend, someone post when you deliver. The 24 is already on my calendar fro birthdays of family and friends.

  21. Daphine Jenkins says:


  22. Jennifer Anapol says:

    It’s hard to know what to think after reading something like this. In my arrogance, I feel that my sins aren’t as dire as Israel’s sins. I feel God whisper to me that all sin is a form of wondering away from God. Everyday we have to choose to follow after Jesus in the decisions we make. It is not just a one time decision to follow after God.

  23. Sky Hilton says:

    Wow! This study was pretty deep for me today! Reading Ezekiel today reminded me of how American culture tells people to abandoned their relationship with God in order to “live life”. So many people today throw away their relationship with God in order to live “their own lives”, and sometimes don’t accept God back into their lives until they are on their deathbed.

    I always found that kind of a life to be really sad. Life with God is beautiful, fulling, and amazing. It’s never boring. I couldn’t imagine living a whole life without Him.

    My faith means everything to me. I would never just give it up because American culture is telling me to. Not for anyone. That’s why I fight so desperately to live For God and grow out of a culture that, at times, keeps denying God. I want to have a life with God in it.

    But on the other hand, John reminds me of how God can fix anyone. There is no one to damaged that He can’t fix and bring back home. That means alot to me too

  24. Mercy says:

    The image of the abandoned infant (Israel) really touched me, especially the helpless state of a newborn tossed out onto the open field, with uncut umbilical cord, unwanted, how vivid the image was. The Lord’s heart must have broken seeing this, He took her in, calling her his. No longer an orphan, safe and sound under his care. The Lord was there, providing extravagant things, royal status, being a faithful husband, yet he was repeatedly cheated on, being king and cheated on. Shockingly He still decided to return to this wife, He is faithful to her, because His love for her endures forever. Isn’t this just the most beautiful and heartbreaking love story between God and His bride (us)? This story breaks my heart. Big reflection to do. It hurts so much reading this truth. Praying for our sisters (Taylor, Heidi’s niece, Rhonda’s trip and other requests). Have a great weekend dear sisters. So thankful for all of you on this wonderful journey together.

  25. Dorothy says:

    That was a lot to absorb!!! I’m still not sure I’ve understood it all. I think I’m going to have to have to go to one of the sites suggested to totally understand all that is going on so far in Ezekiel. I’ve tried reading different versions.
    Finley and family are doing well. She is keeping her feedings down so far —- yeah!!! Now we have to worry about keeping her flat on her back for 48 — 72 hours. Finley doesn’t like to stay in one place — even when she sleeps — for very long. Prayers are definitely needed now for Monica and Chad for patience and endurance as well as for Finley.
    Sisters, be blessed and go and spread Christ’s love.

  26. Victoria E says:

    Amen Tina what a great story! There is Hope! That reminds me of a song I think it’s called “Hope has a name”, the chorus goes “Hope has a name, His name is Jesus”. This selection also reminds me of Hosea, and also of the warning in Deuteronomy where God explicitly tells the Israelites not to forget Him after He has rescued them and they have prospered. Guess they did forget. I pray I will continue to remember. Thank you GramsieSue , Traci Gendron and all who have been praying over the past 10 months. I am so blessed to have this community praying on my behalf. Shaena, praying for your son. Heidi praying for your niece and family. Adrienne, praying for little Tucker.

  27. Tesh says:

    God found me, has spent years raising me to become a mature (ish) Christian. I have finally become old enough to love. He has lavished his gifts upon me, and I repay him by becoming arrogant, overfed and unconcerned. God doesn’t look to my past, separate from the vine of Jesus, but looks at me now as part of that vine. In what ways am I whoring?
    Thank you for these questions Heidi!
    WHERE am I pouring out my gifts and abilities God gave me to honor anyone but Him?
    WHAT good things am I holding onto because of fear of scarcity or greed?
    WHAT things or people am I turning into idols in order to find the satisfaction and life that only my God can provide me?
    WHAT amazing opportunities for HIS kingdom am I missing out on because of my earthly perspective on my life?
    What a reminder to remain meek. To not put ourselves above anything. To stop sacrificing to idols. To give the glory to God.
    It hurts to be laid bare by God in front of others. To be shamed for ungodly pursuits. Idols that you put so much of your time and energy into instead of that time and energy going to God. What a warning to turn from those idols, to humble ourselves, to give gifts in God’s name, because we are only giving what he gave us.
    But what a sweet balm of salvation His love and commitment are to us!
    Heidi, I will pray for your niece who is detoxing and trying to find a reason to keep going. I have been there. Sometimes finding a reason is like trying to find clothes that fit. You just have to keep trying them on until you find the right one. And that can take time.

  28. Lindsay A says:

    Thank you, Tina! This is just what my heart needed to hear today.

  29. Cindy Hanna says:

    I loved your magnolia story Tina. Not only was it a great analogy for today it perked my ears because my husband and I planted 2 Magnolia trees last autumn and I so want them to flourish.

  30. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    As I was reading Ezekiel 16:8-9 it reminded me that we, as believers – daughters of the King, belong to God (Isaiah 43:1) we are His! We have been washed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1John 1:7) and He has anointed us (2 Corinthians 1:21-22)!

    While there is much gloom and doom in the book of Ezekiel, there is also hope! Promises of redemption and restoration, new beginnings. Thankful that we have the whole word of God – that Jesus came to save and seek the lost, to restore, make whole and give us new life in Him!

    Praying today for:
    @Heidi – for your niece
    @Taylor – for your anxiety and recouping from the accident – praising God there were no injuries!
    @Shaena – for your son, and for the young man who was sentenced
    @Rhonda J. for safe traveling mercies
    @Victoria – safe arrival of new baby
    and any other requests I might have missed.

    Have a blessed weekend my SRT sisters!

  31. Changed Life says:

    I know that my sins are forgiven but I still struggle with feeling ashamed of behavior in my youth. I wallowed in pride, anger, and deceit. It wasn’t until I started my journey as a Christian that I recognized my true depravity. God is so good. He loves us in spite of our worst and continually seeks relationship with us. I am so thankful for that. May I continue to walk in relationship with God and keep my focus on loving like Jesus. Dear Lord, help me to stay the course, even when it s difficult.

  32. Cindy Hanna says:

    So much variety today. Abiding. Rescue. Tender Nurturing of God.. The rejection and self reliant pride of the rescued. No wonder God’s heart was broken. Yet he remains faithful and promises to atone for the sins committed against him. I serve a mighty savior. Praise God.! “I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the Lord, 63 that you may remember and be confounded, and never open your mouth again because of your shame, when I atone for you for all that you have done, declares the Lord God.” – Ezekiel 16:62-63

  33. Traci Gendron says:

    Rhonda J – Prayers for a safe journey and good conversation with your family.
    Taylor – prayers
    Terany Garnett – I also am ashamed that I have made jokes at my behavior. Reminiscing as if it was good.
    Heidi – praying for your niece.
    Victoria E – Prayers
    GramsieSue – continued prayers
    Dorothy – praying

    I am guilty. I’m ashamed how I was living when I was younger. So thankful that God pulled me towards Him.

  34. Sheryl Gunderson says:

    Amen, Shaena!

  35. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    SHAENA I am praying for your son and for that other boy. May they see how much God loves them and is willing to change them. Praying for you to have the strength and peace knowing that God is in control. Also praying for the other requests. God is faithful, as we are seeing in Ezekiel. Even when we are not. Blessed Friday Sisters.

  36. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    SHAENA I am

  37. Bri Tieperman says:


  38. lucy rodriguez says:

    this was such an eye-opener. we have got to recognize the gravity of our sin and then allow that recognition to push toward a more fervent prayer life of repentance and toward further submission to our one and only God.

  39. Lori Lackey says:

    What a beautiful picture of how much we are forgiven.

  40. Lori Lackey says:

    When I first woke up this morning I was thinking about my young Ukrainian friend and wondering how to help her and her family. This passage brought to mind my own sin. Sins of my past. Sins of comfort

  41. Rachel says:

    All praise to Jesus, our Savior, our only hope!! Thank you, Jesus. I was dead. Deader than dead in my sin. Consumed by pride and selfishness, anger and impulsive emotions that controlled me. And then You took this burned and charred branch and grafted me into You. You breathed Life into my dead heart and restored my soul. And now in You I am a green branch, firmly affixed to Your Vine, and you are producing fruit in me. Where there was self righteous pride, now there is humility and grace. Where there was selfishness, now there is generosity. Where there was anger and rage, there is now peace, patience and gentleness. Where there was impulsive emotions controlling me, now I have the Armor of God to combat the enemy’s attempts to influence my fickle feelings.

    All praise and glory and honor to You Jesus! I praise you for your faithfulness, your goodness, your lovingkindness! You did not leave us to die. Instead you gave us Life. I am overcome.

  42. GramsieSue . says:

    Oh Tina, what a beautiful post. “There is always, always Hope, because THERE IS ALWAYS JESUS.” So thankful for Jesus, who atoned for my sins, who loved me in my sin and depravity, who still loves me. I look forward to the day that all we she’s meet in Heaven. ❤️ You have all blessed my life in so many ways. I keep a list a pray for each of you. Victoria, I wish you could post a picture of your sweet boy when he arrives. He has been constantly prayed for. Hugs to all this Friday. ❤️

  43. Laura Himler says:

    Heidi, let your niece know there is a army of women praying for her! ❤️

  44. Allison Bentley says:

    When I think of the question about burnt wood I immediately think about the ashes. As a gardener I place those ashes from my fireplace in the soil surrounding my garden. Lord help me to see the good in all things – even the ashes !!!

  45. Laura Himler says:

    Powerful words, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing.

  46. Terany Garnett says:

    Today as the Lord prophesied against the woman, I saw myself in her especially as I realized the mistakes I have made and how much shame I felt because of what I done but by grace only God allowed atonement for what I have done. Sometimes I get sucked in and I forget that I should be humiliated by what I did not making jokes or reminiscing on the “old days.” Our God is so faithfulness to the what the son has done that I have an opportunity to have his spirit in my me. The highlight verse about an undivided heart and placing a new spirit in me feels like a blessing with a burden of fighting what I think of myself. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s not to joke or reminisce anymore. I want to keep my temple holy for the Lord through my obedience and desire to know God more than anything. I just pray I can become better at this- so far it’s been one year and a few months and it has been a bit easier but I feel attacked and unarmed against temptation

  47. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Tossed aside, unwanted, hated. Found. Chosen by our loyal Yahweh. Rejection. Walking away and choosing whoredom. How sick was my heart? And yet, God promised to establish His covenant with us, me, as His redeemed. The graphic language in Ezekiel 16 is veiled by english translations, digging further into the original language I was even more shocked. As hard as it is to read, the contrast of being unwanted to be chosen and adorned as a queen, to betrayal and turning away from the hand of the King in the most extreme ways is no less true. This is a picture of me. How sick my heart was before turning my life over to the one true God. Trusting my beauty and serving the lusts of my flesh with the world was what I knew. I am guilty. I am ashamed of the way I disgraced my body. I can’t blame it on the acceptance of society. Not being taught. At some point, I knew what I was doing was wrong. Even if everyone else was doing it too. My heart felt so sick as I disgraced God. My pride and depraved state of emptiness would not be filled by anything or anyone I turned to. My heart was under the control of evil forces. I believe there is an unseen realm, and I believe idol worship is more than just a symbol. This spiritual war is real, and thanks be to Christ who came to my rescue. My Prince did not show up with a handsome face, or shining armor. My Christ came in a dirty stable, born in a manger of smelly animals, poor and humble. He rode in on a young donkey. He came to me in my lowest to bring me back into my inheritance. This highly sexualized culture being presented as freedom today is no worse than what Ezekiel is describing. The idol of sexual preference, pornography, sexual violence, explicit media in our faces every day. And yet, the atonement of Jesus was still given to us. God established His covenant and we are His bride, washed and clean when we accept His offer of salvation. We must be strong and courageous to face the graphic reality of pride and lust, knowing we are loved by God. He is the Lord, who loves beyond the betrayal with an everlasting grace that is astonishing. The sheer magnitude of His love can only be fully understood by the contrast of Ezekiel 16 and other passages in the Bible. Father God, make our hearts strong with flesh that can only be sustained by You.

  48. Churchmouse says:

    Full satisfaction is only achieved by an intimate, faithful, and obedient relationship with Jesus. Only a relationship with Him can satiate human longing. Fall into the arms of Jesus. Drink long at the well of living water. Hunger and thirst no more.

  49. Jennifer Martin says:

    Lord, please help me glorify You in what I say and do today and every day. Amen

  50. Morgan Latham says:

    The world is full of unfaithful people, but we serve a faithful God. I’m reminded of the hymn ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness.’ I’m so grateful God saves us.

  51. Laurie Billington says:

    So so good. Thank you.

  52. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Thank you, Heidi, for your reflection. It really helped me understand today’s reading!

  53. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning! I’m making a long 9 hour drive today by myself to my sister’s house, for a stop, then to ride with them to visit my dad’s another 6 or so hours on Sunday! If you all could so kindly pray for a safe drive, I have a worried husband that wanted me to fly, but I am stubborn! And also- for some valuable time with those nieces and sister to shine some truth!

    Thank you! Will still be in our study every morning!

  54. Heather Tomberlin says:

    While studying I read “ God is long suffering in the face of sin and yet when He acts He does so with the intent to restore His people not to destroy them.” Thank you God for being a Restorer! Thank you for saving a sinner like me. Thank you for loving me INSPITE of myself. Thank you for the new covenant that gives us access to your glory!

  55. Benita Whittle says:

    “…when I atone for you for all that you have done, declares the Lord God.” (Ezekiel 16:63). This ending to the chapter blows me away, after all the abominations described, ultimately GOd himself is the one that atones for all our sin – this is Jesus!!!! The gospel is right there, even at the end of chapter 16. Praise be to God! And what love our Father has for us wretched sinners!!!!!

  56. Veronica Elizabeth says:

    “Arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned”(v.49). I felt called out today. My heart aches with conviction reading these chapters and seeing God’s jealous anger for his Bride. Praise the Lord for this cutting and pruning—though painful, it is necessary. Praying that each of us will humbly remain in Him so that God may cultivate His heart in us.

  57. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Wow, lots of tears and wanting to turn away from todays reading. But that’s the thing I needed to learn I guess…I need to take a good long look at my sin in order to understand I cannot do this on my own, I NEED a savior and I have that in Jesus if only I turn from my sin back to Him. As I accompanied my son to his court hearing yesterday we got to witness a case in which the young man was a repeat offender and was sentenced to jail time….he was terrified and pleading for another chance but the judge simply said “I’m sorry there is no other way this is the consequence of your choices.” It was heartbreakingly sobering and I was praying for this lesson to sink in for my son and for the young man to learn from this experience. The young man said “but I’ll never recover” and the judge simply said “you are young, you can come back from this.” The punishment is meant to be used not in a punitive way but with the goal of correction. It is “tough love” because without the consequences there is no motivation to turn from our sinful ways. Ezekiel is helping me to embrace the judgement of God as loving. I don’t have to turn my face from it, I can face my sin, repent and turn back to the one who attoned for my sins and will welcome me back time and time again. But if I don’t look and keep stubbornly justifying myself and continuing on my destructive path I will be lost. Thank you for your insight yesterday ADRIENNE AND VICTORIA E…I started to add answered prayers to my gratitude list and then highlighting them on my prayer list as a way to visualize how God hears and answers my prayers. DOROTHY Celebrating Finley’s successful surgery!! Gotta get going to work but will be praying over specific requests throughout my day ❤️ have a great Friday SHES!

  58. Kyle Lara says:

    Gods story never ends in ashes. ❤️

  59. Taylor says:

    Ladies asking for prayer. Yesterday I rear-ended someone and my car has significant damage and the other car has moderate damage. Praising God no one was injured but that was my first real accident and I was so shaken up yesterday and stressing about the cost. I someone managed to still work yesterday and only have to see 3 clients today but an accident, let alone one that is your fault, is just adding stress to my life. Please pray for peace and the Lord’s mercy with the costs, and that He will protect me while I drive because now I also have been feeling anxious anytime I get behind the wheel. I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! So thankful for this community <3

  60. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord deliver me and family from our sins of the father. In Jesus name, Amen

  61. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Wow, lots of tears and wanting to turn away from todays reading. But that’s the thing I needed to learn I guess…I need to take a good long look at my sin in order to understand I cannot do this on my own, I NEED a savior and I have that in Jesus if only I turn from my sin back to Him. As I accompanied my son to his court hearing yesterday we got to witness a case in which the young man was a repeat offender and was sentenced to jail time….he was terrified and pleading for another chance but the judge simply said “I’m sorry there is no other way this is the consequence of your choices.” It was heartbreakingly sobering and I was praying for this lesson to sink in for my son and for the young man to learn from this experience. The young man said “but I’ll never recover” and the judge simply said “you are young, you can come back from

  62. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    Wow, lots of tears and wanting to turn away from todays reading. But that’s the thing I needed to learn I guess…I need to take a good long look at my sin in order to understand I cannot do this on my own, I NEED a savior and I have that in Jesus if only I turn from

  63. Stormi Messmer says:


  64. Heidi says:

    Thank you all for your continued prayers over my nieces and their family… my niece in rehab will be in detox for the next week or so. She is at a low, no hope, no sense of worth- she’s mentally and emotionally “done” and it scares me to my core.
    I will be sitting outside the facility (bc they won’t let anyone in) today for a couple of hours so she knows someone is close to her. I will spend the time texting with her and praying. I welcome any other prayers that anyone wants to offer up. I was so fearful for her last night during the night, idk why- but every time I woke up I would pray.
    Praying for other requests on here as well- and I’m so grateful for the kindness and support of this community… ❤️

  65. Heidi says:

    So much here… wow.. TOO much, I almost feel like todays readings would have been better off in two days worth of discussion/commentary…

    First, just reading through the tenderness of God towards His ppl- He blessed with protection, met needs- goodness, not just MET them, but LAVISHLY exceeded them… He provided and loved and adorned them. And they used the gifts and goodness He provided to honor and engage with every other person and thing. They elevated themselves to be honored, then when that got old, they diminished and exploited themselves in search for satisfaction they’d never find. So, then, begs the questions in MY heart-
    -WHERE am I pouring out gifts and abilities God gave me to honor anyone but Him
    -WHAT good thing(s) am I holding onto because of fear of scarcity or greed
    -WHAT things or ppl am I constantly turning to in order to find the satisfaction and life that only my God can provide me
    -HOW am I using God as my personal genie, loving what He will give me instead of loving HIM
    -WHAT amazing opportunities for His Kingdom am I missing out on because of my earthly perspective on my life

    And the questions continue… especially the one- HOW can a God that perfect and powerful seek ME out daily. Call to me, forgive me, love me, provide lavishly… Because of what He allowed His child to suffer for me- (which is another huge HOW?!!) – He has satisfied His wrath and now says “Just COME to me- I have zero condemnation over you, zero shame over you, zero wrath- I have ALL forgiveness, compassion, and joy in guiding, helping, re-engaging, reconciling…”
    God- I want to see the places I go to that are not supporting the life you have planned for me and replace them with your goodness and presence…

  66. Ally M says:

    I feel like all I can say is… thank You God, for sending Jesus to atone for our sins. Thank You Jesus, for saving us. For saving me. Please help me remain in You, the True Vine, and produce fruit for Your kingdom. Amen.

  67. Elaine Morgan says:

    I loved your tree story Tina. Magnolias are one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing. I cringed at almost every word of todays lesson. I cried and my heart was broken for the sadness and hurt and arrogance caused by God’s people. He is so so good to us. Why do we have to break His heart like that? Why do I continue in my sin when I know how much it hurts Him? I am so grateful for Jesus and all He has done for me. I pity those who don’t know Him.

  68. Karen Bruno says:

    “…you can do nothing without me.”
    God, I don’t want to be a useless vine. I don’t want to seek pleasure from others or things over you, or ignore how you’ve created me with intention and have great plans for me. These behaviors grieve your heart and I miss the blessings you have for me. Spirit, secure me to the Vine and train me to cling so that I really live and glorify my Creator, bearing much fruit.

  69. SEARCHING HERE says:

    I had to stop and wipe my tears to finish today’s verses. Heart wrenching and heart breaking. Lord, please guide me – my words, my actions and my choices – so that I honor you. ADRIENNE- praying for little Tucker and his family. HAILEY LOTT – praying for you. Courageous decision to step forward in faith. SISSY- praying for you, husband and marriage. CAROLINE BRIDGES – so glad you are studying with us. Also praying you will be able to find a church that excites and encourages you, and provides a place to connect with and be supported by other believers.

  70. SEARCHING HERE says:

    I had to stop and wipe my tears to finish today’s verses. Heart wrenching and heart breaking. Lord, please guide me – my words, my actions and my choices – so that I honor you.

  71. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Oh that I was that baby tossed into a field, languishing in my own afterbirth and blood. BUT GOD in His mercy covered me with the blood of His Son and by placing my trust and faith in Jesus, I have become His child and will be adorned as His bride in eternity.

    God’s covenant was broken and trampled under foot by His people. God’s words for Ezekiel is much like Hosea’s marriage.

    We are unable to be faithful in our own strength. God says “I [will] make atonement for all you have done” Our hope is only in Him.

    DOROTHY – rejoicing with you that Finley’s surgery went well.

  72. Angie says:

    Jennifer loves Jesus – beautiful prayer yesterday. What a praise.

  73. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Amen. Thank you Lord for the pruning you do to get us to bloom

  74. Maria Baer says:

    This was hard to read— as all of Ezequiel has been so far. Parts made me cringe, especially the constant use of the word whoring. But then, as the devotional mentioned, we and the world need this reminder. At every turn, society encourages all the things that God condemns. And what makes this chapter even harder to read isn’t just how convicted I felt, but how heartbroken God sounds. Just crushed.

  75. Tina says:

    So excited to tell the story, I neglected to mention, the pruning and the loving care the magnolia received to get to where it is today… beautiful..❤

  76. Natasha Woodcraft says:

    This chapter hit me too. What a poet our Lord is, and so heartbroken. Praying over my sin today and so grateful for Jesus.

  77. Tina says:

    Instead of being burned, charred, and useless, pruned branches will abide in the true Vine and bear fruit (John 15:1–5).

    Thank you ELAINE PHILLIPS. Thank you..
    Because.. this reminded me of my beautiful magnolia tree that was having difficulty and so I called in an expert.. the news on careful inspection was condemnation as there was not much to or could be done..
    The words “..its dying..” ring in my ears as I recall that moment..

    BUT GOD..

    I Took him back to the tree and said “.. is there no hope, or anything you can do, we have so enjoyed this tree since we planted it when we moved here..”
    As the words left my mouth, the gardener was looking over the tree one more time.. with excitement in his voice and I kid you not, he said ” there is hope..” And pointing to a small bud.. he said “Look..” “This is your hope..”
    I tell you this because the magnolia tree has flourished and stands beautifully where we planted it.

    BUT GOD…


    When we are condemned, by others or by ourselves, there is always hope, with a capital H, if God is for you who can be against you..
    We travel this life, making mistakes, doing stuff that is not the purpose for our lives in God’s economy, we sin, sin, sin.. and sin some more..
    I WILL say it again…

    BUT GOD..
    He loves us beyond beyond, way beyond our imagination, to the point He sent His Son for our redemption, as an atonement for our sins..
    There is always, always, always Hope, because…


    Sending Happy Friday love across the pond..❤