A Ministry of Life

Open Your Bible

John 13:12-17, John 13:34-35, Philippians 1:27, 1 John 4:7-12, 2 Corinthians 2:16, 1 Peter 3:8-12, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

In light of the day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus invited His disciples to love one another with Christ-like love, encouraging them to demonstrate abundant life in their actions. We demonstrate our love for one another by reflecting Christ’s self-giving love to those around us, toward the promised end when death is no more and we experience eternal, abundant life in God’s presence.

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer asking God to show you how to demonstrate His love to others today. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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65 thoughts on "A Ministry of Life"

  1. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Pray with me for my 16 yr old daughter who professes to know Christ but is caught up in tough feelings about her dad and I’s divorce almost 5 years ago. Her dad cheated and left me but I get the heat from her and all the fun teen girl angst. I’ve been dating an amazing man for 3.5 years who she HATES and her behavior is delaying our marriage. All of that is hard, but I’m trying to show her deep, unconditional love through it all. Pray for her heart to soften and for her to know the joy that so loving Christ and loving others!

  2. Tina says:

    Loving one another is a beautiful thing… When all is rosy and gay! Loving someone that has caused you pain or distress, that is another thing and story!

    But we are called to

    Love one another..

    Live in harmony with one another..Romans 12:16

    Accept one another..Romans 15:7

    Greet one another..Romans 16:16

    Agree with one another.. 1 Corinthians 1:10

    Serve one another in love.. Galatians 5:13

    Be kind and compassionate with one another.. Ephesians 4:32

    The list goes on.. but here’s the thing, love and respect are needed in these and plenty more ‘one another’ sentences..

    Valentine’s day fast approaches, and hearts are fluttering with hope and anticipation, prayers and expectations, it’s hard to see where or what kind of love we anticipate, or expect. A Godly love, anointed and appointed by God, that, with His teaching, leaning on, and Word, will grow, or the earthly love that once it has served its time, or does not seem to be working, or it no longer ‘does it for me’ is discarded and move over, NEXT!

    I love that the greatly used at weddings 1 Corinthians 13 passage is one of our readings today, it is one of my many favourites.. Love is patient, okay sisters let’s say it together because I reckon most of us know it.








    Loving without agenda, without wanting something in return, without expectation of ‘like for like’, not easy in this world, we are all looking for something,

    BUT GOD..

    Says it IS possible… If we hold His hand. If we look to Him. If we follow our call to love selflessly..if we walk with the heart He has given us in Him, we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us..

    Love as I have loved YOU, without agenda, malice, judgement, recording wrongs, jealousy or pride!


    This day waiting to be sent. So a tad late to the table.. But I’m here!!!❤

    1. Stephanie Wilsey says:

      Yes! Thank you for this, Tina!

    2. alexandra shoemaker says:

      Thank you for that ❤️ I needed to hear those words!

  3. Emma Rageth says:

    This season of my marriage has been a hard one as we walk through infertility and all that that brings. These passages really highlighted how short tempered and irritable I have been with my husband, not at all demonstrating the kind of love Christ calls us to. Please pray that I would move more towards exhibiting the love of Jesus every day, regardless of circumstances. (And if you don’t mind, I would also love prayers for our fertility journey and that I would be able to continue to walk out this path)

  4. Roxane Richardson says:

    Today scriptures was hard for me. I have a hard time showing love to my younger brother. He has been into drugs and been in prison. Got out of prison and still is living that life. I was there for him drove countless hours taking my mom to visit him in prison. Recently I have allowed him to live in my house again. Him being here has caused conflict between me and my 75 year old mother. I am praying for God to change my heart ♥. But it’s so hard with all that has happened and what is still going on. He is going to be 49 years next week. I pray that he finds God and turn the life that he is living.

    1. Emma Rageth says:

      Thank you for sharing, @Roxane! Praying for your brother to find God and follow His plan for his life! And praying for peace, patience, and joy in you, as well as relational reconciliation!

  5. Wanda Woehlert says:

    God is love and we are to love one another.

  6. Cee Gee says:

    KRIS – I lived that, too! ❤

    MERCY – Thank you! ❤

    DONNA WOLCOTT – When I was dating my now husband, I kept my Bible at work and read 1 Cor. 13 every day at lunch (1 hour lunch break). We have been married almost 49 years, sadly we didn’t adhere to the verses all the time! ❤

  7. Cee Gee says:

    Thanks, GWINETH52; I have a routine that usually works. I have a cup of caffeine free hot chocolate (Ovaltine) and read an easy to read Christian novel on my Kindle with all other lights turned off. I may have to switch to your idea for drink. Can’t do music since my hubs and I don’t agree on what to listen to.

    CATHERINE MCVEY – You and your husband are in my prayers!

  8. Alayna P. says:

    I believe that Jesus invites us, His disciples, to love one another with the same selfless love He demonstrated. He encourages us to embody abundant life through our actions, reflecting Christ’s love to those around us. As we demonstrate love for one another, we anticipate the promised end where death will cease, and we will experience eternal, abundant life in God’s presence. It’s a journey of faith, hope, and love, rooted in the promise of God’s ultimate fulfillment.