A Ministry of Dominion

Open Your Bible

Matthew 20:20-28, Luke 6:31, Luke 22:24-27, Hebrews 6:10, Galatians 5:13, 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, 1 Peter 4:11

In light of each day’s reading, pause to reflect on the specific areas you long to see made new and how Jesus’s ministry calls us to join in that restoration. Let these shape your prayers today.

Jesus demonstrated the true posture of a reigning king in serving others and laying down His own rights and life. So we serve others, modeling His posture of dominion toward the promised end when God’s people will reign alongside Him. 

After you’ve read, spend some time in prayer about how reigning with God changes how you serve others. Comment/share with the community anything that stood out to you or encouraged you from the reading or your time in prayer.

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66 thoughts on "A Ministry of Dominion"

  1. Wanda Woehlert says:

    We should serve others with love, just as God loves us.

  2. Erin K says:

    Really enjoying reading through these posts today. I felt perplexed by the title of today’s reading, A Ministry of Dominion, because everything Jesus modeled looks like the opposite of dominion. But then, the very last Scripture passage tells us all our acts of service lead to God being glorified through Jesus, and it’s his dominion we are working toward. So perhaps the dominion part is really about bringing God’s rule into a greater reality by our acts of service.

  3. Gayle Craik says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, keep giving me a serving heart & give me the physical ability to do just that. Amen. I finished my 3 weeks of treatment at Forsythe c center in Reno yesterday! Now I will get my personalized Greek vaccine shot (SOT) in a few months! I just know this is the answer & what a holy place it is with glory given to God as it is a spiritual center as well.

    1. alexandra shoemaker says:

      What a blessing!❤️

  4. Kelli Harrell says:

    This is my favorite scripture of the study so far. I am reminded of my nieces Christian HS graduation speech. Their theme for the year had been “Fight for the Towel” after Jesus washing of the servant’s feet. This image has stuck w me. I strive to keep a servant’s heart. I pray my words and actions stay in alignment w this goal.
    I’m also reminded of a conversation on a dr waiting room this week with my aunt where we discussed how wonderful it was to deal with kind people and what a difference it makes whether you are in McDonald’s drive thru or receiving chemo. I’m encouraged and inspired by acts of kindness great and small!! This is showing Gods love for our neighbor.

  5. Krystal Lorenzo says:

    For who is greater, the one who reclined at the table or the one who serves?

    I’m a yes person. Super passionate, multi-potentialite. A few years ago I felt the need to step way back and evaluate what was truly important. For me it would be easiest to fill my calendar to bursting with service and activity but I am learning to pause and wait for guidance before saying yes to committments, even good things such as service. I hope to continue growing in my discernment and to fond a healthier balance to be able to serve and rest. Serve and rest.

  6. Adrianne says:

    What stood out to me was Luke 6:31.

    Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.
    – Luke 6:31

    Loving our neighbors through love and treating them as we want to be treated. Teaching our neighbors, children, and friends how to be understanding and considerate to the people around us. I needed to hear this and will continue to need to be reminded of this lesson. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I know we learned this as children in school, but our Lord and Jesus remind us in scripture of the truth in loving our neighbors as ourselves. To provide care and empathy to our community. To be better people in the face of bad behavior.

  7. Tricia C says:

    MOLLY R I can so tell where you are coming from. My husband is pretty much the same way. I love him dearly, and I so long for our relationship to include the Lord so much more. I also quit drinking alcohol sometime ago, and I know he has difficulty with that at times. We used to go out to a local brewery and have a beer and then come home. But I felt the Lord calling me away from that.

    What I really gained from this is that we should not be a stumbling block to other believers. And that is where my not drinking alcohol really comes from. I just don’t feel like I can be a minister for the Lord when I am sitting in a restaurant in the small town that I live in and drinking a beer. How can I talk to about the Lord if I have alcohol on my breath? That’s just how I feel about things. I know many Christians who don’t think there is anything wrong with having a drink of alcohol here and there. I think it’s where the Lord leads you.
    When I read 1 Corinthians 10:23, 24 it pointed me back to 1 Corinthians 8:10-13. Basically, Christian freedom equals Christian responsibility. I need to remember that. I think we all do. If what we do or what we say is going to cause another to stumble in their walk with the Lord or cause them to not want the Lord, then we are wrong. 
    I guess I have rambled on long enough. I work the night shift, so this is my morning and I am getting ready to go to work. It is just about 5 PM in Pennsylvania.
    Have a blessed weekend Sisters. Do your best to get into a Bible teaching church this weekend.❤️

  8. Changed Life says:

    I pray to find balance in serving. Sometimes I do so grudgingly. Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see the true need in this world and give me the courage, patience, love, and energy to step forward and serve.

    Praying for all prayer requests and concerns. Have a lovely weekend ladies.