1 Year of Truth Together!

**Edited to add: we are opening up the vlog-only link-up to blog posts as well! We don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t participate or speak up about what God is doing in their life! Join us!!**


This Saturday, June 1st, SheReadsTruth is turning 1 year old! Can you believe it! God has been so faithful, so near, and so alive in our community over the past twelve months, all we want to do it point to Him and say, “WOW!”

For fun and for His glory, we invite you to participate in a vlog (yes, video! we want to see your faces!!) link-up this Saturday. We know that God has been mightily at work this year, and we want to hear from you –

How have you seen His faithfulness this year?

How has the Holy Spirit wrecked and rebuilt you?

What truths have you read in His Word that have drawn you closer and deeper in relationship with Him?

This is about Him, sisters. Take the time, set up a video camera or an iPhone or that little camera on your laptop. Wear your jammies or an evening gown, shower or throw on a ball cap, talk for thirty seconds or thirty minutes – it’s up to you! Just say hello, introduce yourself, and testify to His goodness is a day filled with praise. On Saturday you’ll have the opportunity to link to this video (whether it’s posted on your blog, uploaded to YouTube, shared on Facebook or on Twitter), and we will all be able to visit one another and hear (and watch) testimony after testimony of his great love.

(6) Comments

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6 thoughts on "1 Year of Truth Together!"

  1. Sarah Keller says:

    How have you seen His faithfulness this year?
    ~ He granted my Dad salvation and is redeeming him from alcoholism- this is an answer to years and years of prayer, I'm BLOWN AWAY by His faithfulness!

    How has the Holy Spirit wrecked and rebuilt you?
    ~ The loss of our second child due to miscarriage was devastating, but He taught me how to delight myself in Him in the midst of extreme grief, and how to look at things through His eternal perspective. And Jesus showed me that His comfort goes just as deep as sorrow, even in the hardest moments! He also blessed us with another pregnancy, and our second little boy is due in two weeks! {The whole story is here: http://sarahmkeller.blogspot.com/2013/01/edens-st

    What truths have you read in His Word that have drawn you closer and deeper in relationship with Him?
    ~There are MANY! But here are a couple of significant ones: "for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." {2 Corinthians 12:10} In regards to my miscarriage, Jesus taught me that being "strong" truly comes from the understanding that we need Him with every ounce of our being. And that's most easily grasped when we're weak- in times of great sadness and need. In regards to other life challenges, like a major Army move that's come with lots of challenges {and blessings!}, Jesus has reminded me to stay encouraged by the fact that He has overcome it all: "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." {John 16:33b}

    Thanks to She Reads Truth for the daily encouragement! This has been a wonderful bible study resource and community and I look forward to sticking around!

    1. mazmagi54 (Peggy) says:

      Awesome Sarah!!! Praise God for your Dad's salvation and answer to years of prayer!!! So sorry about your devastating loss …heading over tomorrow to your blog to read! Beautiful TRUTHS shared and love all you shared from your heart!!!

  2. Ellen MR says:

    Well said Peggy dear, your love is evident and uplifting, almost contagious to others who soo want to feel that love and fire for the Lord!! ;)
    I’m going to try to set up a way to participate tomorrow, but am not sure I have the ability to do so. .. whether tech savvy enough or that I even have the capability equipment-wise, I’ll have to beg help from my daughter, lol…but please know I’m with y’all in spirit and couldn’t be more THANKFUL and pleased to have become a part of the wonderful women who are SRT. A commUNITY (I had to say that at least once myself, lol) whom I’ve felt honored to know, grow with, and learn what God’s love is really all about. To come and share whatever may have been on my mind without fear of rejection or ridicule, to ask for help or prayer and received it every. single. time. Amazing!! To be lifted up in prayer and FEEL IT- is/was astounding to me! Thank you.
    I’d ALWAYS believed in God, my whole life. But I finally got serious at age 47 and “stumbled” across SRT. HA! No stumbling – God LED me here where as a newborn I could be taught His ways, learn what He wants from me and learn all the beauty and truth His word brings. To learn how to really LIVE, not just exist.
    HE CHOSE SRT TO TEACH ME THESE THINGS!! Why? Because He knows His word is being taught truthfully here. His spirit is here. His church is here, the body of Christ and that we are truly becoming His kingdom builders!! That this is truly a community of the faithful without walls or division amongst us. We are who the church or the body could and should be, and it’s SheReadsTruth who brought this to be.
    Thank You Ladies. Thank you for an idea that became all of this thru your hard work and dedication! Thank you for the positive impact you’ve had on untold numbers of women, who were looking for or needing direction, in their walk with our Lord and found what they needed HERE. A beautiful community of fellowship, worship, and friendships- all because of your idea of “This time, we’re doing it together.”
    Congratulations and love to all! :)

    1. mazmagi54 (Peggy) says:

      Tear in my eyes as I read this my precious sister in Christ, Ellen… (after I compose myself, I may write more, but know that I am praying for YOU!)

      Love and many blessings to YOU and hope you are better now,
      … and I hope your pleads to your daughter brings a fruit of seeing you as you share (if possible) a vlog … This is so beautiful!!!

      1. Ellen MR says:

        Thanx Peggy! I feel so much for all of you, and I'm truly blessed to have been befriended by such intelligent, inspiring women!
        Unfortunately my daughter was out the door before 7am to get some overtime, so I won't be able to "vlog" today, but I noticed you can post beyond today- so who knows Maybe tomorrow or ? I've been having a hard enough time getting Intensedebate set up….LOL! I'm not kidding when I say I'm totally computer illiterate!! One of these days I won't loose emails and remember passwords, etc… Take care Sister! Thanx for your prayers and concern when I was sick too, love to you! :)

  3. mazmagi54 (Peggy) says:

    SRT Team and CommUNITY, Congratulations! I am so thankful to God for YOU!

    What a great idea! What a wonderful to get together and celebrate! It's really kind of y'all to give us these reflective questions to see how and where the Lord has taken us and grown us, and our progress (though mine is personally still a bit imperfect and in much need of tweaking)… we are able because of Jesus Christ in us, His Holy Spirit through us and places like SRT and many really fantastic blogs (and Intense Debate that I just found and am figuring out) of this beautiful group of sisters in Christ, united to study the Word and grow closer to Our Lord and one another, encouraging and praying as one! I love to be able to come here (throughout my day) and read what each one shares, I am so blessed! And it's because of YOU SRT! and these inspiring studies in the best book ever written: the Bible; God's love letter to us personally; His message to us; His Word! Thank You so much!

    Thanks SRT!

    I hope to pause and reflect on these personally ('cuz I don't have the video capacity to do one, however, I may come back and share in the comments if/when led):

    How have you seen His faithfulness this year? IN EVER SO MANY WAYS

    How has the Holy Spirit wrecked and rebuilt you? STILL IN THE PROCESS of rebuilding and refining, I have been broken so often throughout my life … it's NOW time to rebuild, restore, really repent, renew my commitment and covenant and recover from the losses

    What truths have you read in His Word that have drawn you closer and deeper in relationship with Him?
    Life verses and memorizing His Word as I read, study, meditate, journal (blog), discuss …His Word and share Jesus!

    (2 Timothy 3:14-17) specifically v. 15 became REAL right here and with You Version and a 40 Day Challenge with Margaret Feinberg to read the entire Bible or listen to an audio during Lent. I love the Amplified Version!

    "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth."

    "It is good for me to draw near to God" (Psalm 73:28)

    Jesus said, "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up [resurrect him] at the last day" (John 6:44).

    "But take diligent heed . . . to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments, and to cleave unto Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul” (Joshua 22:5).

    from "Drawing Closer to God" http://www.moretolifetoday.com/bible%20study/Bibl

    Draw near to Him and He will draw near top You! (James 4:8) my paraphase I think…

    Great Christian music and hymns really keep Him close as I listen and focus on Him. Soak every Sunday and every day in the morning and evening (like showering here, bathing back home in USA) (oh, how I wish a warm, bubbly tub). Each Friday is my day away with God, a date … every week to not ask anything of Him just love and be loved!

    Love and peace in Jesus Christ and PRESS ON … Keep Jesus ALIVE and continue forward in His Word here at SHE READS TRUTH. We need all the Truth we can get to arm ourselves against the lies of the enemy and this world.