a letter from our Jessi

Hello sweet SheReadsTruth sisters!

We don’t often address y’all from a really personal place, since we like to let God’s Word do the talking, but Raechel has asked me to write this post and while I’m sad to, I’m also glad to get the chance to. SheReadsTruth has been a huge part of my life since that sweet day in the spring of 2012 when a few gals were chatting on twitter about reading the Bible together. It seemed like an incredible blessing of a project to be involved in – a complete no-brainer. I love God’s Word, I love the internet, I love women.

As SheReadsTruth grew, my appreciation and love for this community did as well. I felt really humbled and overwhelmingly gracious to be involved with something that was uniting so many women around His Word. There were stressful moments, because as I’m sure y’all can imagine, it takes a lot of emotional energy and physical time to run SheReadsTruth. The women I lead and wrote with gave endlessly and I wanted to match them hour for hour and word for word and meeting for meeting and be all in. Because who wouldn’t? They’re amazing and so is this community.

The only problem was the growing conviction in my heart. My husband is a pastor, we run a scripture print shop to help fund our church plant, and I also cofounded The Influence Network for women. When you add in four kids and occasionally sleeping, all of these things weren’t adding up – there just wasn’t time to do them all well. I so desperately wanted to make everything fit and in that process, I wasn’t doing anything well. I wasn’t giving my full support to my husband and our small church, I wasn’t stewarding my businesses to the best of my ability, and my family wasn’t getting the best of me. I felt the Lord continually ask me what I was going to do about it and I was open to ideas as long as they didn’t include giving up SheReadsTruth:).

I finally gave in two weeks ago after much prayer and wisdom-seeking. I told Raechel and the team that as sad as it makes me, I felt the Lord calling me to “give up good for better”, even if better just means being a better mom and wife in this season. I am so grateful for the chance to tell you all – I will miss you and miss writing for you and leading you, but I know you are in amazing hands.

The Lord has a beautiful plan for SheReadsTruth and I for one, will be the loudest one cheering on the sidelines. Thank you for letting me lead you all the last year and a half and know that I’ll still be right there reading His Word alongside you!

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28 thoughts on "a letter from our Jessi"

  1. Peggy says:

    Jessi, You will be missed and have been such an integral blessing with the SRT team and in this community! Your writing was heartfelt and caused me to reflect and go deeper, inspired me and encouraged me to ponder. As I read this, I definitely believe this is from the Lord, “give up good for better”, but as part of this body of believers that you are a part of and led, we will miss this part that you fit here … your gift to this group, so we're counting on you to pop in when you can. I clearly understand that you have been stretched to the limit with your full plate of responsibilities yet the choice to leave one, I'm sure is difficult.

    As I read John 16 for the first day of the new plan of God's promises, I thought of you (not in the portion we read, but from the beginning of this chapter as Jesus spoke)… and we can stand on God's promises and more PEACE for you as you focus on being who you are as mother, wife and then the other additional roles as pastor's wife, business, cofounder, etc. but you will always be a special part of SRT and a writer at heart.

    Thank you for all you are and have given as you birthed this SRT and now must let it go and have wings to soar! May God bountifully bless you and yours as you go forth. May God give you fulfillment, joy, and rest as you have made this decision, may He bring you more peace and time to focus! Thanks for inspiring us and setting a good example! We'll look forward to having you cheer us on and treasure your input whenever in the comments or however God leads for truly you are seeking Him and His truth! God bless! Thanks!


  2. EllenMR says:

    Thank you Jessi, for everything you do, everything you have done, and everything you are!
    Warm thoughts and blessings go with you now as you follow His lead down the perfect path He has chosen for you. ((hugs)) & ♡ 2 U!! :)

  3. Cynthia says:

    Will truly miss your wisdom and insight…hope you will still have time to post once and awhile or leave comments. May God richly bless you on your continued journey.

  4. Lisa says:

    I am new to this community and have been so blessed by it. I’m reading your words and seeing so much of yourself echoed in my life…pastor’s wife, mom of five, church plant, running my own business, and several other big commitments…God has been giving me the same nudges of letting go. Thank you for sharing your heart and experience. I didn’t realize how much I needed your words, His words, of reassurance that I am ‘ giving up good for better’. God’s ways are not always my ways, but they are always good, they are always right…they are always perfect! Thank you for what you have done for SheReadsTruth, and thank you for continuing to step out on faith! Many blessings and love to you!