Text: Genesis 2:1-25, Ezekiel 37:1-14
Until this point in scripture, the only name used for God has been “God,” or the Hebrew “Elohim,” which means “the God of power.” But in verse 4 of chapter 2, “Lord” or “Jehovah” is added, which means “the God of perfection.”
“The Lord God [Jehovah Elohim] made the earth and the heavens.” He is God of both power and perfection, Maker of heaven and earth, the Lord of absolute completion.
And do you know what I love? When the powerful and perfect God made man, he made something absolutely perfect out of something absolutely plain. He made man and woman, and he made them complete.
He – the great Jehovah Elohim – makes much out of little. He makes extraordinary out of the very, very ordinary. We’re talking dust into mankind here. And we’re talking you and me into new creations.
Yes, Adam is a perfect example of something from nothing, but he’s not the only one! Flip your Bibles to Ezekiel 37:1-14 and read – you’ll find God breathing the same breath of life into another unlikely subject there!
The Lord God takes the most basic thing of all – the dust of the earth – and He transforms it with the breath of His mouth and the touch of His glory and He makes it after His own image. Perfect. Complete.
Sisters, do you feel dry today? Do you feel ordinary, outcast, or rejected? Do you know that the same Lord God of power and perfection who breathed life into Adam can breathe new life into you? Do you know that this same God seeks out the despised and small, and it is they that He chooses? They are the ones He will exalt.
He will make them – He will make you – perfect. Complete.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Cor 5:17
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85 thoughts on "the breath of life"
Amazing. I'm touched. God is amazing beyond words.
Wow. I was just feeling like I wasn't a special person. I felt like I was ordinary and didn't have any special qualities about myself. And then I read this and I am so glad I did! What a great reminder of how different we are in Christ! I definitely needed to hear this today. Thank you Lord for being a God of perfection and completeness!! :)
I love that I'm learning. I love that you know exactly what I need to read to learn what I didn't before.
As I read the comments by you all, tears come to my eyes because I am so grateful to have found this community of believers that I want to just shout PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I am just like those bones….dry and lifeless but I haven't always been this way. I allowed the ways of the world to impose upon my mind and I forgot where my true blessings come from. I know the Lord will breathe life into me, and I hope that I am strong enough not to allow the trials and tribulations that I endure to deter me from God's love and mercy. I need your breath of Life Father God and I love you for having mercy on my poor and weak soul!
Love this idea of God taking the simple and using if for his glory. I'm 4 months postpartum and I have to great honor of staying home with my son. I used to be in full time ministry and then worked at a ministry full time and both of those were great. I confess though that as a mommy living in her pjs and cleaning up spit up I can sometimes feel pretty dry. But thanks for this post. I'm constantly being made new with every day that passes. With every load of laundry and sink full of dishes Jesus is doing a new thing in me. He's using the little and simple to create character and true joy that doesn't come from any other source than him and him alone. Coming out of full time ministry, the tendency is to be a doer so that people will see and you'll be validated. At least that was my weakness so being a doer that only my sweet boy and dog experience is a whole new ballgame. I can't perform, I can only just be. So there Jesus is using the simple dishes, laundry and poop to refine me and I'll take it! With my whole heart I'll embrace it because he truly is making me new and breathing life into the dry places.
Love this idea of God taking the simple and using if for his glory. I'm 4 months postpartum and I have to great honor of staying home with my son. I used to be in full time ministry and then worked at a ministry full time and both of those were great. I confess though that as a mommy living in her pjs and cleaning up spit up I can sometimes feel pretty dry. But thanks for this post. I'm constantly being made new with every day that passes. With every load of laundry and sink full of dishes Jesus is doing a new thing in me. He's using the little and simple to create character and true joy that doesn't come from any other source than him and him alone. Coming out of full time ministry, the tendency is to be a doer so that people will see and you'll be validated. At least that was my weakness so being a doer that only my sweet boy and dog experience is a whole new ballgame. I can't perform, I can only just be. So there Jesus is using the simple dishes, laundry and poop to refine me and I'll take it! With my whole heart I'll embrace it because he truly is making me new and breathing life into the dry places.
He makes ALL things new!!!
I pray He renews you today & you receive great blessings. Thank you Lord for such great words today.
This, "He – the great Jehovah Elohim – makes much out of little." I so desperately needed this today. I feel little, small, inconsequential. But God, my God, is great. And He makes much out of the little. Oh what hope that gives!
May I have your email address?
Love how SRT has moved us from god's awesome creation, our beautiful countryside / ocean – to Gods other creation – you & me. Also beautiful & made perfect & complete in His image. My bones have definitely become dried up & in much need of His breath of life to restore me & renew my meaning & purpose. Thank you Lord that you promise this restoration EVERY DAY if I'll only openly myself up to you constantly & consistently. Bless you ladies & praying a new longing for God's breath in your life today.
Oh, how I take my God-given breath for granted. This was a great reminder for me that God not only renews my spirit, but he sustains my entire being EVERY SINGLE DAY! Thank you Lord for being the giver and sustainer of my body, soul and spirit.
Perfection and Grace! Completed grace…
I wish I would have started off my day with this. If I had my day would have been a lot better.
I continuously stand amazed at our Almighty Father. Wow.
Thankful that He breathes into ordinary things like me :-)
I actually loved this so much that I blogged ion it! If you click my name, you can read my thoughts. Love our Lord God!!!
I really needed "new life" breathed into me today. I have been slacking on the readings for the past few weeks, just got busy, but when are you every to busy for God. I was in a bad mood today, and was needing something more and this really cheered me up and awakened my soul back up to God and brought encouragement back into my day. Just proved that I really do need this every day, not just when I feel like it!
THIS is what I needed today. I have felt empty since the new year began because I felt as though I needed to make a goal or a resolution but I didn't know where to start or what to focus on, but moments before reading today's passages it came to me: This year will be the year that I focus on letting God control my life. I will learn to become better at letting Him take care of me and of the things I stress over. I know that I will not become perfect in this right away, but my goal is to become BETTER.
Thank you SRT for helping!!!
On a day I've been feeling very worn out and blah, it's very hopeful to read about God breathing fresh life into us and using even the ordinary. I let the busy-ness of the Christmas season knock me out of reading the Word and it shows in my daily attitude. Thankful for fresh starts!
What stood out to me was in Ezekiel He breathes life into a "huge army." Ezekiel 37:14 tells us that Israel was saying, "We have become old, dry bones– all hope is gone. Our nation is finished." (NLT). Israel has fallen into a place where they had given up hope, no longer were they choosing to fight for life, knowing that God would meet them somewhere. When I read those words, I was thinking about how Israel was offering up excuses, but God breathed life into them (the bones). He gave them a purpose (they were an army and an army always has a purpose or mission to fulfill). I've struggled a long time (the past few years) with feeling out of place and without any real purpose. Recently, I've decided to look close to me, specifically within my family, and see if there isn't some way that I can be a blessing to them. I want to be a light and a source of encouragement as I point them to Jesus. To speak hope into hearts that are starting to lose theirs. It's fun to see how God has used me already and it's satisfying to be able to say that God hasn't lost sight of me. He knows when I'm struggling and he has a great way of breathing hope and life into my heart and being.
"He gave them a purpose (they were an army and an army always has a purpose or mission to fulfill)." — Thank you for pointing this out! Such a great reminder of why the Lord has given us a new life! :)
So enjoying a fresh new year by joining in this study. Thank you!
Love that God breathes His very breath on us to create us and to revive us!
It's such a personal, intimate action. Beautiful.
I am feeling very ordinary, outcast, and rejected lately. (Not knowing me personally, you ladies have no idea how hard that was for me to say…) I think that's what drove me to find you guys. I'm currently unemployed, and have no idea where my next job will be as I'm basically looking all over my home state. This has made it very hard to find a physical community, so SRT has been a real blessing to me.
Thanks so much for reminding me of this passage in Ezekiel – that He can raise the dead – how much more can He raise those of us who are already living to even higher heights!
Also, I think it's worth noting a tiny phrase in Ezekiel 37:3, which has blessed me since it was pointed out to me – "Oh Lord God, you know" – a direct admission, not only that God knows, but that we don't. I'm humbling myself before Him today and admitting to Him that I don't know, but also that I know He does know. What greater comfort can there be?
Whenever you feel lonely, rejected and ordinary, remember that someone loves you more than you can imagine. Someone created you, YOU!
Trust in God and He will help to find your way in this life.
I wish you the best!
Sometimes it's so easy for me to think less of myself and today's reading reminded me that I am made perfect and COMPLETE in Him. I was created by the God of this universe to do great things in His name. I am made a helper. I have a purpose and that purpose is complete when I am fully living for God and undevotedly serving this world for Jesus :)
I've really enjoyed using my physical bible rather than the digital version these past two days… There's something about searching the scriptures and turning the thin pages that is so satisfying.
Since I started reading my bible more & I discovered SRT, I feel as though I've grown closer to my God than I've ever been. I can only hope & pray that I continue to grow & become stronger against the devil. God is my strength and my anchor. I'm not afraid of anything.
What a marvelous reading and commentary for this woman's dry spirit. I know God is planning something good for me, so I am waiting on him day and night. In the meantime, I will breathe deeply his spirit into my heart and soul.
This is going to be a really long comment that is a tad irrelevant to this devo, but is something I needed Godly counsel on. I'm not currently placed in a church, so this is really the only fellowship I'm getting right now. If you feel led, pray over it, and after reading, please tell me what you're all getting from this about me, haha.
The Lord has been speaking to me a LOT about land, houses, temples, and building the Lord's temple recently. Reading through 1 Kings, hearing certain psalms, and having passages about the old covenant in Deuteronomy brought to my attention, God is definitely speaking to me. I first noticed that the tabernacle was used for 480 years before the temple was ever built- saying that the temple was not created out of absolute necessity, but out of God's direction and David's want to humble himself after seeing the inequity of His palace compared with where God was (a smaller tabernacle) [as seen in 2 Samuel 7]. Ladies, if any of you have insight on this, it would be much appreciated; what I got from it was that from a humbled, thankful heart, sometimes we aim to honor and glorify God in ways He has not explicitly commanded us in stone to do from the beginning, but blesses because of the motives of our heart. What do you think? What am I missing?
So far, after much study and gaining insight from different commentaries on Solomon's temple, I've really come to the conclusion that I must seek building God's temple before my own. More than this, it should not be done in an unstable, "God-project" type of way (doing religious things that He's not required me to do, out of wanting to honor Him), but in letting God continue to finish his work in me, quietly (it was made clear that no iron tools were to be used in the building of Solomon's temple- the bricks were cut away from the temple, at the quarry). Continued obedience is another hugely spoken message to me that goes right along with the message: That I need not fear, that I need to seek His House being built before my own, and that my continued obedience is completely necessary if I am to inherit what He wants me to inherit.
Reading this devo alongside my study focuses my attention on the absolute power and might of God- that He can and will do anything that He has set out to do. That I may build the house, but without the Lord, it will all be for nothing; that I may participate in religious traditions and follow the word of God, but without His breath and life in me, continually working in me in the quiet of my heart, it is meaningless.
Basically, He's told me to just let Him do His work, and to continue to obey what He's told me out of love; yet, there's also this lawful message of "But stay very true to these commandments!" It's almost a conflict of the law of the old covenant vs. new grace and letting Him work.
Prayers would be appreciated as I continue to dive into God's word and what He's doing in me. There's a lot of confusion and "well, it could mean a lot of things" going on in my head from studying, which I know isn't of God at all. Pray He'd bring clarity, light, and grace as He continues to show me where my heart's at and what He wants me to do from here. Again, if any of you feel the need to comment with insight or anything, it'd be much welcomed and appreciated. Blessings!
Wow, AnnaLee. My first thought on reading this (and a theme in my own spiritual life) is the fact that the veil of the Holy of Holies (the holiest place in the Israelite Temple) was torn in two from top to bottom (indicating that the action wasn't the work of human hands) at the moment that Jesus breathed His last on the cross, thus symbolizing that there is no longer any need for a separation of God's dwelling place from us, and that He now will dwell openly among us – using our bodies for His temple, so to speak.
I don't know exactly how to apply this to your situation, but it might add a layer of connection, rather than conflict, between the old and new covenants for you.
I am touched by the symbolism of "the breathe of life". I so need that renewal as I am emotionally and physically depleted after many years of struggling with health issues and now eldercare. I have faith that God will breathe new life into a surgical wound that will not heal after many months. I have faith that God will breathe new life into my ability to care for my mom. I feel the connection with all the spirit-filled women of SRT and am so thankful for the continued inspiration you are providing! Praise God as the of power and perfection to make all things happen.
Praying for complete healing for you, both physically and spiritually. God is breathing new life into you and He will continue , giving you all the strength and support needed in caring for your Mom. You are in a place of honor. God has given you the beautiful gift of caring for your mom. God is always near,and will provide everything you and your mom need to further His kingdom. You are both his children. Rest in His conforting arms.
I love the reminder that God is the God of perfection and power! When I'm feeling like I'm not good enough, it's great to remember that the same God who created the universe, in all His power, also created me. While I may not be perfect in the eyes of many, I am now perfect in the eyes of my Father because of his love for me!
These passages remind my of Gungor's song, "Beautiful Things" – where the chorus says "You make beautiful things out of dust". But, the song just before that on their album is called "Dry Bones" – it flows right into Beautiful Things just as these verses flow together.
"my soul cries out
my soul cries out for you
these bones cry out
these dry bones cry for you
to live and move
only You
can raise the dead
lift my head up
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Constantly creates us into something new
Jesus You’re the one who finds us
Surely our Messiah will make all things new"
Beautiful Things: http://youtu.be/1spkhp41ig4
Dry Bones: http://youtu.be/zqVcbBWOlbk
Loving using my "real" Bible for this and seeing my old notes, highlights, and underlines. Sometime along the line I had written "spiritual bankruptcy" beside the title of the chapter in Ezekiel, The Valley of the Dry Bones. And in verse 11 I had underlined, "Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off." I know there have been many times in my life when I have tried to do things my way and failed miserably, ending up spiritually, mentally, and emotionally bankrupt. And each time, when I finally get humbled enough and ask, He breathes new life into me. Praise Him for always waiting and being faithful!
My bones and spirit have been dry through most of 2013. Thanks for the reminder of life giving breath from our awesome Lord! Another good reason for a fresh start in 2014.
"And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live." Ek. 37: 14
What a promise! How great is our God!
I absolutely love learning the meaning behind the different names of God. We serve an awesome God! Thank you for leading us to know him more fully.
Ezekiel was told to propehsy to the bones AND to the breath. After speaking to the bones, they rattled, came together, and were covered with skin – but had no breath. Only AFTER speaking to the breath, the forms came to life and stood up – A VAST ARMY!
Some days I feel like that – not today – but somedays. Like I am a lifeless body – held together – but no life inside.
Today I pray, that any of of us who are in need of LIFE – that the Perfect Power breathe His life into our bodies, that we may live – FULLY LIVE – the inspired full life that Jesus came for us to have. What an army we could be if we were all infused with the breath of the perfect and powerful God.
Hallelujah! Amen!
The Truth always gives us so much life into our spirit, soul and body. I love that.
Today's devotional gave me many encouragement for my friends around me that I had to share as I was reading it and also for myself. I am indeed a new creation, a daughter of God whom He calls me His own! These verses gave me this coming out of my mouth. "Dang, God isn't fooling around, He is never into that kind of stuff but He has a PURPOSE for all of his new creation to live this life for His glory." He formed and made us to be who we are because He has in his mind the purpose for your very life. Love Him!!
May my Fathers breath fill my lungs today, with new life……..a new spirit that seeks His wisdom, His grace and His mercy……..help me to hear You, Father, in the whispers of inhales and exhales…….in this quiet time, spent with You…….Amen.
Thank you for sharing this Stawise. I am going to spend a few moments enjoying these words and lifting them up!
This Prayer is beautful and touched my heart…"help me to hear You, Father, in the whispers of the inhales and the exhales…"
A men…. these words are beautiful…..I will borrow them today as I go through my day…..Thank you Stawise. Bless you. X
Thank you for this prayer, Stawise. It is beautiful, truly beautiful!
Good Morning sisters! A great way to start day 2! I honestly never read Ezekiel before and that passage kind of spook me lol. Its just amazing how our God can BREATHE life into the dead. And some of us are walking around with a dead spirit. All we nned to do is turn to Him, His Son to make us alive again…whoooo! What an awesome word!
I haven't read Ezekiel before either Alicia so it is so nice to be able to explore these new passages with this group of sisters. I love that we can come to God with our weary and tired selves and surrender our lives and troubles to Him and He is ready and eager to restore us!
I thank you for taking me back to a very familiar scripture, Ezekial 37:1-14. This is the text that was given the day I gave my life to the Lord many years ago. It constantly reminds me that God can breathe new life into us when we've been down, discouraged or lost our way. Just as we reviewed on yesterday, he makes all things new. Praise God for brand new mercies daily!
Chris Tomlins song Awake My soul just completely resonates as I search what scripture has to say about living in His presence as being formed by His own breath. That the Lord cares so deeply for us as individuals that He gave us eachother to know we are not alone but yet doesnt wish to leave us there, He is longing to breathe life into us each knew morning. Thank you sisters for being receptive. For that encouragement of togetherness.
Thanks so much for reminding me about this song! I was at the conference where he first introduced this song. Standing in the very top of the Georgia Dome and singing it at the top of my lungs with 60,000 college students was one of the most fantastic experiences I've ever had.
Thank you for sharing this song! This is the first time that I've heard of it! :) Really resonates today's reading!
This was refreshing for sure….sometimes I think the sin we commit most is allowing satan to steal our joy….in circumstances we are trying our best to trust Him and we get so focused we are not joyful about what God is doing through the situation…making any sense? I've needed that breath of life lately. To refocus and refresh in his love and comfort. Thank you so much for the devo and all the comments! What a blessing even when we don't know each other yet were sisters in Christ!
So true Valarie! I often feel an instant distance between myself and God's peace, love, and joy when I give in to a sin problem or fall short in areas where I should practice more self-control. I know that God doesn't ever let go of our hands and that he is a God of grace and mercy, but sometimes my own shame leads me to look down and feel unworthy rather than keep moving and fix my eyes on him. I have to remind myself that He loves me unconditionally and that Jesus paid for those sins so that I would not have to be separate from God. I have been needing that breath of life too, and what a blessing that we can all study His word together!
My feelings of being an outcast is a good thing. I'm in a region of dead souls. If I'm doing any visiting, or making friends it's with someone that doesn't yet have a relationsgip with Christ. So as Christ once brought my dead bones to life, I can pray that my "outcast" nature would be seen by some as salt and light for our Lord.
Pleased to have pointed out to me, that this is the first time we read Lord!
That's a hard situation..God has a purpose for you being there. you will be a great light and witness….may I ask where you are? Just region maybe not specific. I'm in the Bible Belt and forget sometimes what a bubble my small town truly is. most of my kids teachers are Christians or are at least have morals and values. We were telling the kids last night how the real world is not like our little town. I.e. Our judge hands out paddles to parents with teens in trouble and tells them to use it. Whether you believe in paddling or not I'm sure you get the point…lol I will pray for you today!
Hi Valarie, I'm in America's least bible minded region: New England, Vermont to be exact. We're 3rd from the least last knew. Thanks for reply and prayers.
Fertile fields for sowing God's seed sister!
Yes this is true Terri–the soil if very hostile here–so hard you break a lot of hoes, working the soil. It will completely be a God thing. He gave New England revival during the first half of the 18th Century–He can do it again :)
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6
Jehovah Elohim, you breathed life into me, time and again you have raised me up when I have fallen and taken something so very insignificant and messy and have blessed me with so much. Even with changes that life on earth brings because of time, and the sorrows that come with it, you have been there with that life giving breath, turning loss and pain into something perfect. I thank you and praise you for continuing on with me. I praise you and thank you for the truths in your Word, for the hope that comes from the promises that the dry bones will not be dry forever. I ask you help me forgive people who I relied on, who let me down and left a mess for me to handle. I pray for redemption in those relationships and I ask that you soften my heart and remove my anger. Breathe your life giving breath into dry situations, perfecting the brokenness. Help me to remember that you only are perfect and you only am I able to fully rely on, that you only are all that I need. To God be the glory, great things you have done!
Here I am, Lord….your servant humbly waits for what you have me do and where you direct me next. In Jesus name, Amen
"Here I am, Lord….your servant humbly waits for what you have me do and where you direct me next…." — Beautiful prayer! Amen!
He takes the most ordinary thing and breathes on it – and it reflects His image. The ordinary becomes extraordinary. The common, God-breathed, is transformed into His pinnacle of creation. Dry, useless, unimportant me becomes a saint with His breath of Life. Wow. Thank You. Praise Him!
I need him to breathe on me today. Long day of travel yesterday and insomnia last night. Sick tummy this morning and 10 hours of meetings. Breathe on me breath of God.
I'm praying for you today, leenda324, that you feel refreshed and exhilarated by the life-breath of God today. Sometimes His most beautiful work is performed and he places us in just the right places when we would have rather snuggled up in bed instead.
I'm praying right now too Leenda! Lord Jesus touch Leenda's body as only You can. Take away the sickness, the weariness and the jitters. Replace it with the peace that comes with knowing You are there with her today. In ALL things. In Jesus Name. Amen!
sending prayers up in your name, Leenda that He will breathe on you and give you the healing on your tummy and strength and refreshment to glorify Him. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, "My strength is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, that Christ's power may rest on me.
As I was reading, these were the 2 thoughts that struck me…
1. God made man a helper. It was a woman.
2. God says 2 times in Ezekiel 37:12-14 that when he gives you life, you will be His people. And when He gives you life, he will place you in your own land (influence?)
Day 2 and I already feel as if God is showing me the reason my word for this year is REVELATION…He is revealing Himself…
I haven't commented in a while, but I've still been reading every day! I have to give Him praise today for new life!! So thankful for His grace and this verse that always reminds me that I am His New Creation!!
The God of Power and Perfection I love that! He is indeed the Beginning and the End. He is the Perfecter of my faith.
As I wait upon Him to deliver me from where I am right now. I will trust that He is able and willing to breathe again to all those dry bones if needed so I could live a life filled with Him again.
Amen! My thoughts precisely!
Today's reading is such a refreshing truth! I was reminded of how dead and dry I was in the sin of immorality, pride, and idolatry 4years ago… And how Jehovah Elohim breathed His life to me and I started to truly live an extraordinary life!
I love Matthew Henry's commentary:
"As clothes came in with sin, so did houses. The heaven was the roof of Adam’s house, and never was any roof so curiously ceiled and painted. The earth was his floor, and never was any floor so richly inlaid. The shadow of the trees was his retirement; under them were his dining-rooms, his lodging-rooms, and never were any rooms so finely hung as these…"
Like what He did to Adam, He did not only made me a living person, He provided me with everything that I need, including a husband to take care of me! And I know that this year, the Lord can breathe new life in some areas my life that seemed to be dry may it be in the area of finances, conception, or even the spiritual walk of the loved ones that I've been praying for! Glory to our God of Power and Perfection!
Amen and amen sister!
Beautiful tie-in with creation and the Ezekiel dry bones, one of my favorite illustrations. Thank you for your hard work, obedience and love that you put in that so many women can visit with Him daily!
Yay! Hi candace jo:) I’m cheering you on as well! Keep doing the excellent work of the Lord on your blog! It helps:) love you too friend :)
Thank you for the reminder that I am nothing without His Spirit! I am so striving to be a perfect woman, wife and mother and I am constantly failing. Maybe it's time to stop trying and start trusting in His power and perfection….
Love it! Tonight I was talking on the phone to an 83 year old saint of God who came to know the Lord on New Years Eve, 1957. She was reminiscing and said she remembers coming up out of the water after being baptized and "feeling as clean as I have ever felt in my life!" She said even now after 57 years of walking with God, she still is in awe that even though it was a "wonder" then, it is still just as glorious today, that feeling never goes away! In fact, she said, walking with Him only grows sweeter…
He breathed LIFE into my friend all those years ago! And next week, January 12, it will be 40 years that He breathed life into me and The Sweetheart! We were both saved in the same church as teenagers in a five week revival when I was 12 and he was 15. (We were meant for each other!)
So thankful that despite the IMPERFECT in me, He is making me COMPLETE!
Wow! :) Happy Anniversary to you and your husband sis Nanette! :) Such a sweet testimony of a lovely couple walking with the Lord… I'm praying that my husband and I will also continue to walk with the Lord together! Your life is such an inspiration! <3
Amen. Blessings to both of you beautiful sisters.
I can be down to nothing and He can turn it into everything I’ve ever needed. What a blessing!!! His love is amazing. His power is beyond understanding.
Happy new year srt sisters. Its been a long while since I commented..but I thank God I’m alive today because He breathe upon me. I was thinking yesterday that God is the only life giver. He is the one who breathe into adam, who touched sarahs,hannah,rachel,elizabeths dead wombs and brought life. God can bring to life any dead situation. I thank Him so much because when I feel like I’m no good,God is there cheering me on reminding me that I am made perfect in His image and likeness. Be enouraged sisters and know that we serve a God who breathes on our dry bones and Gives life.:-) be blessed this day!
Hi Monique, God is cheering you on and I am too friend! ♥
"He is the one who breathe into adam, who touched sarahs,hannah,rachel,elizabeths dead wombs and brought life." Amen to this! :D
Hey, sister!! Been missing you! I hope all is well!!