Scripture is God breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go.
During this reading plan, we are memorizing our key verse, Isaiah 43:1. This week, we’ll continue with the next two lines of the verse.
Now this is what the Lord says—
the one who created you, Jacob,
and the one who formed you, Israel—
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; you are mine.”
—Isaiah 43:1
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75 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Isa 43 is a favorite and a treasure.
….I have called you by name, Wendy, and you are mine…
Last week, when we read this verse I was prompted to send it to a handful of dear friends and personalized it with their names. I thought it would be just so encouraging. The overwhelming response was “I needed that so much” or “that was exactly what I needed”. God’s character and His Word to us is such a gift. I was reminded that when it lifts me up, when it encourages me a speaks to my heart, that sharing it with others can be a tremendous gift to them as well.
Thank you Father❤️
Hi Shes.
I have not been keeping up on these readings, as I feel the pace was too much for me with this specific book Isaiah. I have been spotaneously reading other things instead, for the season of lent.
I hope to continue being a She, as SRT has def changed the game for me since starting in fall 2020. But I do feel God saying my life is about to change and change suddenly… ❤️
I love you ladies and pray I can still stay connected to you in this busy season. ❤️
Praying for you
I am looking forward to hearing what God is/will be doing in your life ! So excited for you !
You are loved by God and all the She’s
Keep us posted as to how God is working in your life!
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; Adrienne is mine.
I am so thankful. ❤️
Dear Shes
How restful it is to know, through the rough & ragged parts of life, we are rescued & redeemed. Not withstanding, He takes care of His wanton & wayward children. He’s got “our number”.
Fear not. First name basis. Full of love.
Thanks be to God!
And so it is!❤️
Amen and amen!
One of my favorites. I often get teary-eyed when I read it or hear it.❤️
WE love you Mia Faith!
In my prayers dear Mia..❤️
Precious sisters, it means so much to know that many of you are still praying for me! It means so much! I am still reeling from all the “business” that I have to take care of. I need some time to grieve.
I am lifting up all of you and your prayer requests. Love you all! ❤️
❤️ May our Heavenly Father be your comfort, strength and peace.
Aw….sweet Lynne, we love you.
Oh, sister, praying you can squeeze in that time to grieve and heal even in small amounts. Love and hugs frim afar! ❤
Lynne, holding you close in prayer..
Much, much love dear friend..❤️
God bless you Lynne ❤️
I am His and He is mine. Amen
Praying for some “brightness” today as I go to worship. My spirits need lifting – and Jeff’s too.
Have a blessed Sunday. ❤️
Hopeful both Jeffs and your spirits were lifted in the Father house!❤️
The comfort of these words! I challenge you to put your name in where it says Jacob and Israel! Make it personal! Cause it is for you!
Love this Brandi! Just did!
A new song came up on my YouTube this morning that I have never heard and prompted to share. Called “the King will come-yet. bye the King will come.
Oh it seems so easy…trust, know, believe–He sees us, he plans our days, he formed us, and then something happens that sends us into a tailspin! And we can’t control or fix it! All we can do is say “Please God help me!” Fix this situation! Fix them! Fix me! Do something! Right. Now. Save me, save them, save this mess.
Oh, the fear can paralyze if we don’t reject it. We had this conversation in our Surrendered study I lead yesterday. One person said strongly that fear is a thief, which is correct, and she never fears, it’s wrong. Hmm. Fine. But she was kinda making it sound as if we were crazy for fearing. To us, everyone has fears, it’s what we do with them. I feel like if we didn’t have them in the first place, there is no room to grow. That the more we have a relationship with God the more, yes, we can battle. But it will still come…but we exercise our remembrance of scripture and what our Father tells us!! Why is fear mentioned over and over if He didn’t think we would ever fear? He knows his children will have many fears, and it creates a beautiful relationship with him—just like your toddler running to your safe momma arms when they are scared!! Thank you Lord, for your words! For forming us, for seeing us…and for loving us. For taking our fears and giving us a peace that others will never have. Help your children know that fears come, but you made a way, just like you make a way for it all. Trust and obey!! Draw closer. Thank you Jesus! Be with all my She’s today and the week!!
Exactly Rhonda, if we didn’t have fear there would be no room to grow. Well said sweet friend.
Happy Sunday, Rhonda..❤️
Need this today Rhonda! ❤️
Amen Rhonda! I kind of feel like God knew we would have fear and that is why He had to tell us so many times not to have fear !
Today this verse makes me think of one of my favorite verses!
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalms 139:14 NIV
Sometimes I can be very self critical but. God always reminds me of this verse! Not to say that I should not improve or change but that He made me and He loves me in spite of my flaws!
Praying for all! Have a blessed day!
He knows my name!❤️
and “I Know A Name!” I call Him Jesus! Healer. Savior! I’m so glad I know his name and he knows mine!
YES, He does! AND I recall the worship song with that very title by Maranatha Praise Band. The church I belong to used to sing this this years ago when I first started attending. I have fond memories.
I like how the first half of this verse illustrates that God is always gracious to remind us Who HE is. Who He is determines who we are, and He never keeps Himself and that foundational truth from us.
Thank You for creating me and calling me by name. In the moments I feel afraid or lost, remind me that I belong to You. You’ve redeemed me, and I trust in Your love and care. Help me rest in Your promise and walk confidently in Your peace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Yes, Amen!
Amen & Amen, Kimberly!
Amen, Kimberly.❤️
Thankful to be safe through the storms that moved through over night, but more thankful that I AM HIS!
Prayers for all who lost loved ones or homes in this storm system. ❤
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA, praying you and your home are fine! Your state had some scary stuff going through!
Love, hugs, and prayers to all! Have a blessed day of worship!
Thankful you are safe, we are as well.
❤ Thanks so much for letting me know, SEARCHING! You were in my prayers, too! ❤
Thank you, sweet friend! I was totally prepared to take cover but never had to. It was very bad for many people in AL and other states in the SE. praying for all who suffered loss! ❤️
Thanks for letting me know, LYNNE! Like you I was prepped to move, but prayers were answered and it wasn’t as bad here as expected either. ❤
Praise God for your safety.. Cee-Gee, Searching, Lynne…❤️
He created me and each one in my family
1am Yours Lord. Hallelujah and Amen
Psalm 139:13-18:
13 For it was you who created my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise you
because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.
Your works are wondrous,
and I know this very well.
15 My bones were not hidden from you
when I was made in secret,
when I was formed in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless;
all my days were written in your book and planned
before a single one of them began.
17 God, how precious your thoughts are to me;
how vast their sum is!
18 If I counted them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand;
when I wake up, I am still with you.
Thanks be to God for creating and forming THEN, REcreating and TRANSforming me!
GRAMSIESUE – continued prayers for wisdom and provision for you and Steve.
LYNN FROM AL – praying for you and your family.
R – praying your husband is back home and continues to improve.
“Thanks be to God for creating and forming THEN, REcreating and TRANSforming me!” ❤❤❤
Amen to those prayers, too!
Yes, amen! What a thought…your eyes saw me when I was formless—all my days were written in your book and PLANNED!!! Now if that doesn’t give us ponder and know the God holds all things in his hands! What a beautiful peace it brings!
Love this, Kelly! Thank you ❤️
Born again through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
Thank you so much, sweet sister! ❤️
So good Kelly, thank you.❤️
There are certain things, words and actions of precious loved ones have given me, or spoken over me or have done for me that are stored in my memory, my heart, on my dresser..
Here’s the thing.. it’s not every day you stop to appreciate what or who is around you in a deep heart shifting way..
But these words, have stopped me in my tracks these past 2 weeks..
Now, THIS is what the LORD says ..
This is what the LORD says..
I don’t know about you, but these words to me are like the starter gun of a race, you move,and fast, or you stop in your tracks.. this is a stop in your tracks for me..
..The One who created you (ME),
..The One who formed you (ME).
..The One who has brought me thus far..
..The One who is gracious, daily..
..The One who is merciful, even when..
..The One who STILL gives us rain for our crops and sun for our backs..
..The One who loves me/us beyond our understanding..
..The One who gave His Son, to carry OUR sins to the cross..
..The One Who, by the death and resurrection of His Son on the Cross, gives ou new Hope in Him..
Yep, when That ONE says., I Will down tools, lift my head, raise my hands in praise, for when He speaks I know I have nothing to fear, for He has redeemed me, and He has called me His own.. and by my name.. Christiana..
(As an aside meaning, Follower of Christ..)
Happy Sunday, my people! Happiest of days to worship and give thanks and praise to the One Who…
Much love..
Thanks, DearTina…Beautifully expressed! On this dark, cool. Sunday morning… what a Blessing to know that “He has called ME by name… AND I AM HIS… and so are YOU! ♥️
Thank you, Tina!
((HUGS)) ❤️
You couldn’t have said it more clear! These words have stopped me in my tracks since the first time I heard them and they radiate through my very soul! Thank you We are his! He has called us by name! Amen!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts so beautifully, Tina and a heartfelt Amen! ❤️❤️
What beautiful and encouraging words to read before going to my Fathers House to worship! What a mighty and loving God we serve! ❤
Beautiful, Tina ❤️! Amen!
Amen. Thank you for this❤️
Happy Sunday sweet Tina!
I am His