Scripture is God breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
For this reading plan, we have been memorizing our key verse for this plan. This week, we are committing the entire verse to memory.
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
—2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV
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54 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
What a wonderful study on the Promises of God!!
This study on the Promises of God has been such an encouraging few weeks. It is always good to spend time resting on the Truth of who God is and my heart really needed these many reminders. Thank you all for sharing your reflections and insights and the many ways you too, directed my heart to rest on and hold fast to the promises of God.❤️
Hi ladies, I haven’t had time to catch up with the readings or comments. Though I want to come on and extend my gratitude to your prayers over my work performance review. It was not what I had hoped. But God…in His mercies He clothed me in peace and words of promises. I felt so devastated at the cold heartedness of my team lead. I felt physically sick and had to take a break for my mental health. By grace have recovered slowly and still need to go on. Next week I will have a big training for a team overseas. I had to record training videos for them but the quality did not turn out well, sound so nasally. I did three times and they were bad. I have to go get a microphone at Walmart or best buy..for better quality and I don’t have much time left. Due mid next week. I would appreciate your prayers that I can accomplish this in time with good quality for recording, editing the training tutorials. God bless you all. I look forward to having more time in the future so I can fellowship with you. You mean so much to me and are such precious gifts from God. I thank God for you so often when I open my Bible. Be blessed dear sisters.
Mercy, you are missed and I am praying for favor in finding just the right mic and can get the videos done and edited with time to spare!
Happy Sunday sweeties! Read through the comments first. Praying for our dear Lynne from Alabama and Tina mentioned the song Yes and Amen by Chris Tomlin. Listening to it right now as my cinnamon bread is baking. My son’s car is at the shop and had to drop him off early to set up at his church, SO this morning I will be joining my kiddos at their church. “Faithful YOU Are, all your promises are YES and Amen” I mentioned thought my kiddos no longer go to the church they were raised in, but I’m SO thankful they continue to grow their faith and found a place they call home. Love you all to the moon and back!
Love yoy, Mari! ❤
Dear Shes
The old hymn, “Standing on the Promises of Christ. My King” came to mind this Sunday morning. The second verse goes…
“Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.”
And the stanza…
“Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.”
Singing this hymn aloud, from the heart, not just today but every day, no matter the conditions or circumstances; depression or despair.
Trusting in His Holy hands & living Word.
Staying upright, though this SRT study ends, the assurance of His pursuit of us; the pleasure He finds in us & His presence around us, never does.
Now, my SRT sisters, let us promise to be back here tomorrow to begin our Lenten journey! Got that?!
Amen! ❤
Amen! ❤✝️
We’re singing Phil Wickham’s “Great Things” today. …” For Your promise is Yes and Amen. You will do great things. God, You do great things.”
How wonderful that we actually have a book with promises just for us to get through this life?! It is a gift indeed. Yet, crazy that even so many Christians don’t read God’s word to us. His promises are sure and wonderful, for us His children.
To think that we could do it alone, without our Creator, to guide us thorough life, is absurd really. Yet, we continue to try. Our wants and wills, will always get us in a mess. He then still, waits, with open arms, calling his child home ready to celebrate.
Yes! Thankful for the many promises of God! AMEN!
AMEN…to the glory of God!
Have a wonderful day of worship, sisters! Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤
Amen, Happy Sunday
Now I am listening to “Yes and Amen”!
As we wrap up this study, I’m so thankful God has made promises to us. He certianly did not need to extend His hand toward us, yet does so in love.
If you want to be encouraged to see how God is moving around this world catch some of the recorded events from the Gather25. The church is not dead. Gen X is especially leading the way to turning hearts toward Jesus.
Thank you, Kelly – I will check it out. ❤️
I’ve been watching parts of it. Very inspiring!! I think it is wonderful what Jennie Allen is doing on our college campuses. Praise to God!!❤️
Praying and loving.
Lynne, prayers for feeling better and may your church family wrap you in love. May you experience a peace that is a balm for your heart and soul. Prayers for safe travels for family and for the celebration of Jack’s life. Hugs.❤️
Precious sisters, I cannot thank you enough for the outpouring of love that I have felt from you through this journey! You guys are so incredibly special to me and I love and pray for you every day. Please pray that all family will arrive safely. I need a special prayer too. I hurt my back lifting Jack the night before he passed and I’m really hurting. I’m a tough old bird but I’m struggling!
I’m up early to go to church for the first time since last Easter! Praise God!
Praying for you Lynne! May His healing hand touch your back and your whole body, mind and spirit. Praying for an extra special worship service today and in the days ahead as you plan and celebrate Jack. You have done well, Lynne! Love you sister! ❤️❤️
LYNNE, may God’s presence envelop you as you gather with others to worship. May His healing hand touch your back and your soul. Praying for save travels for the family.
Praying now, Dearest Lynne… asking for total healing and restoration, not only for your back, but also of your broken heart, and fragile emotions! May God continue to be glorified in your ♥️ and through your life! Praising God with you…and for you!! ♥️♥️♥️ Also, continuing prayers for you and your family as you Grieve/Rejoice/Remember…!
Lynne,dear sister, I pray your back pain will diminish quickly and not be a distraction to your worship. You certainly are a trouper ( my heart won’t let me call you a tough old bird!), but our bodies do let us know when we have done too much. Praying for good rest for you, that you feel God’s Presence in a mighty way, and safe travels for all gathering to honor Jack. Love you and send hugs from SC! ❤❤❤
Lynne…continuing to pray for you and your family, and sorry your back is hurting. May God’s comfort and strength surround and and lift you up, His hand of healing touch you, and you really feel His tender presence and encouragement as you gather with church family this Lord’s day.❤️
Dear Lynne I pray you feel God’s presence this morning as you are back to worship!! Praying for comfort and peace as you prepare Jack’s service. And for your family traveling.
Prayed for your back Lynne, and hoping you have a beautiful time at church this morning letting the Lord embrace you completely!
Lynne lifting you in prayer now. May you feel relief in your back. May you sense God’s presence in a might way today.
Lynne, dear sister, joining with all our SRT sisters in praying for healing of your back, in praying for safe travels by family to and from your area. Thankful you are feeling well enough for church today, and praying that your worship time will be comforting and rejuvenating. Love you!! ❤️❤️
Praying that the worship service this morning may be a healing balm to your soul. ❤️
Praying for healing for your back and encouragement as you go to church. May God’s comfort surround you as you process through the grief.
Lynne, continued prayers for you. Back pain is such a struggle. Grief adds to it. Praise that you can go to church this morning!
Oh….sweet Lynne praying for you back right now. So glad you get to go to church this morning. Love you sweet lady!
Glad you got to spend time in church. ❤️ praying over you sister. ❤️❤️❤️
Lynne, I am so sorry to learn the news. Keeping you and all your family members in prayers. Much love and hugs to you❤️
Dear Lynne
My condolences, SRT sister.
Take care yourself, “tough old bird”.
Through the busy-ness of today & days ahead.
Pray you find rest under His wings.
A Love supreme.
Lynne so sad to see this ♥️
To the Glory of God!
Chris Tomlins Yes and Amen came to mind..
Happy Sunday my loves! ❤️
Me too! I am singing it in my head as I read the verse!
Not sure I know that one. Gonna look it uo now! ❤
I know it, but haven’t heard it often. Thanks,sis! ❤
GOOD morning sweet Tina!!! Going to play that song right now! Happy Sunday sweet lady!! Love you!
To the Glory of God!
This song from Chris Tomlin came to mind.. Yes and Amen..
Happy Sunday my loves! ❤️